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Les hydrocarbures d’huile minérale sont une source de contamination largement répandue. Les composés sont généralement divisés en 2 classes : les huiles minérales composées d’hydrocarbures saturées (MOSH) et celles composées d’hydrocarbures aromatiques (MOAH). Récemment, en 2023, l’agence européenne pour la sécurité alimentaire (EFSA) a mis à jour son opinion, initialement publiée en 2012, concluant que les MOSH ont une toxicité aigüe minimale (avec une limite où aucun effet contraire n’est observé à 236 mg/kg) avec aucune génotoxicité associée à ces composés. Pour les MOAH, au contraire, plus de données sont nécessaires pour réaliser une évaluation fiable du risque. Il a été conclu que les composés aromatiques avec 3 cycles aromatiques ou plus sont responsables de la génotoxicité associée aux MOAH. Cependant, l’impact des alkylations sur la toxicité est encore inconnu. Des promoteurs de tumeurs non-génotoxiques sont liés aux MOAH mais l’origine de ces promoteurs est inconnue. La concentration des différentes classes de MOAH dans les aliments n’est pas bien définie et il est donc difficile de définir des limites dans les aliments. Comme il n’y a pas de données concluantes sur les MOAH avec 1 ou 2cycles aromatiques, aucune évaluation de risques n’est disponible pour ces composés qui pourraient pourtant être dangereux pour la santé humaine. De plus, l’EFSA recommande l’amélioration des techniques analytiques utilisées pour mieux caractériser l’ensemble de la contamination et la quantité présente pour chaque sous-fractions des MOSH et des MOAH.En effet, la détermination des huiles minérales est très ardue d’un point de vue analytique. La méthode d’analyse de routine implique l’utilisation d’une technique avancée d’hyphénation : chromatographie liquide couplée à une chromatographie gazeuse avec un détecteur à ionisation de flamme (LC-GC-FID) mais cette technique ne permet pas de caractériser les différentes sous-classes (notamment le nombre de cycles dans la fraction aromatique). En outre, L’enrichissement et l’élimination des interférences nécessaire pour certaines matrices sont aussi responsables pour créer des problèmes ; Parfois en impactant les composés analysés ou en diminuant la fiabilité des résultats obtenus en dessous des exigences désirées.Pour élucider et résoudre les limitations mentionnées ci-dessus, cette thèse étudie l’utilisation d’une nouvelle plateforme LC-GC×GC-TOFMS/FID spécialement désignée pour l’analyse des huiles minérales. Le but est d’utiliser les dimensions de séparations supplémentaires (GC×GC et TOFMS), comparé à la technique standard de LC-GC-FID, afin d’obtenir le plus d’informations possibles pour chaque analyse.Néanmoins, la première étape pour atteindre cet objectif est de prouver et d’assurer que les données obtenues sont fiables et répétables. Cette thèse se concentre principalement sur le développement du plug-in du logiciel ChromaTOF pour quantifier les chromatogrammes de manière fiable en 2D. La comparaison avec les données obtenues par d’autres laboratoires dans le cadre d’essais interlaboratoires a permis de valider les résultats. En plus d’être fiable, les nouvelles fonctionnalités du logiciel permettent, par automatisation, de diminuer l’interprétation du chromatogram lié à la subjectivité de l’opérateur. La nouvelle plateforme offre aussi la possibilité de collecter les informations requises par l’EFSA concernant l’occurrence des différentes classes dans la fraction MOAH. Finalement, ce document va fournir le commencement de futures améliorations sur la préparation d’échantillon, longue et fastidieuse pour l’analyse de ces composés dans les matrices difficiles. De plus, des échantillons venant du marché ont été analysés et ont permis d’obtenir des données sur l’occurrence dans les échantillons alimentaires (humaine et animale).
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Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) is a retrovirus that naturally infects the B lymphocytes of different species of the Bovidae family. The virus integrates into the host genome as a provirus, resulting in a lifelong infection. BLV induces a fatal disease called Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL). Shortly after infection, viral sense transcription (from the 5’LTR to the 3’LTR) is strongly repressed by epigenetic mechanisms. However, the provirus still constitutively transcribes non-immunogenic microRNAs and RNAs via antisense transcription (from the 3’LTR to the 5’LTR). The biological function of antisense transcription is currently unknown. In this context, the objective of this thesis is to evaluate the relationship between antisense transcription, viral persistence, and oncogenesis. A reverse genetics approach was implemented, exploiting a mechanistic difference during the initiation of sense and antisense transcription. A mutation of only two base pairs in the provirus (A1) impaired antisense transcription in cell culture and sheep. RNA sequencing, confocal microscopy, and immunochemistry data revealed that expression of the HMCN-1 gene encoding the Hemicentin-1 protein was upregulated in B lymphocytes infected by the provirus carrying the A1 mutation. RNA interference showed that HMCN-1 was involved in cell adherence, migration, and death. In contrast to the wild-type, the A1 provirus did not induce leukemia/lymphoma. In conclusion, this thesis highlights the role of antisense transcription in viral persistence and oncogenesis induced by BLV. These observations may be helpful to understand better the pathogenesis of the Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type 1 (HTLV-1).
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Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des méthodologies pour identifier les priorités de conservation de la biodiversité dans des paysages fragmentés en tenant compte de la dynamique des méta-populations et de la connectivité des habitats des espèces. La recherche a englobé plusieurs aspects clés de la conservation de la biodiversité dans les paysages dégradés, tels que la cartographie des biotopes et des corridors d'espèces les reliant. Pour commencer, l'étude s'est concentrée sur la délimitation des éléments du paysage en utilisant le concept d'écotopes, qui sont les plus petites unités homogènes d’un système cartographique. Une nouvelle approche utilisant des données spectrales et la topographie a amélioré l'homogénéité écologique de la délimitation des écotopes. Ces écotopes se sont révélés adaptés pour modéliser la distribution des biotopes, ce qui est crucial pour comprendre les priorités de conservation du paysage et guider les inventaires sur le terrain. Ensuite, une approche de modélisation des biotopes a été développé pour prédire avec précision la présence de plusieurs biotopes dans une région en intégrant l’aspect dynamique des communautés végétales. Le concept de Végétation Naturelle Potentielle (VNP) a été utilisé pour regrouper les biotopes par contexte écologique. Cette approche a permis d'obtenir un ensemble de données de présence/absence robustes pour la calibration des modèles et a présenté des améliorations significatives de la sensibilité du modèle par rapport aux méthodes traditionnelles. L'importance de la modélisation des VNP pour saisir l’enveloppe écologique historique des biotopes a été soulignée. Par la suite, nous avons exploré la cartographie des corridors d'espèces, en utilisant l'exemple du chat sauvage. Différentes approches ont été comparées, notamment les connaissances d'experts et les méthodes de modélisation basées sur les observations d'espèces. Une approche basée sur les données de présence seule s'est avérée plus performante en termes d'efficacité, tandis que toutes les approches ont identifié les mêmes corridors critiques pour maintenir la connectivité du réseau. L'analyse des graphes a révélé différents points centraux cruciaux pour la connectivité du paysage, suggérant l'approche basée sur les données lorsque des données précises sont disponibles et l'approche basée sur les connaissances lorsque la compréhension de l'habitat des espèces est bien établie. La recherche s'est ensuite étendue à la modélisation de réseaux d'habitats de plusieurs espèces afin de garantir la connectivité du paysage pour des espèces ayant des besoins de connectivité différents. Une approche basée sur les connaissances a été utilisée en tenant compte des espèces focales sensibles à la fragmentation et de leurs traits de vie associés. L'analyse statistique par cluster a regroupé les espèces en fonction de leur sensibilité à la fragmentation, facilitant le choix des espèces pour effectuer des analyses basées sur les graphes afin de prioriser les enjeux de connectivité. En conclusion, cette thèse a développé des méthodologies permettant d'identifier les priorités de conservation de la biodiversité dans les paysages fragmentés. Les résultats contribuent à la compréhension et à la promotion de la connectivité des paysages et soulignent l'importance de prendre en compte ces considérations écologiques dans la planification et la gestion des paysages.
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Meat quality is an essential prerequisite for consumer acceptability and industrial profitability, which includes meat tenderness, color, water holding capacity (WHC) and flavor. Meat quality deterioration mainly consists of discoloration, high drip loss and texture deterioration of meat in postmortem or retail displays. However, the loss or waste of meat caused by deterioration of meat quality traits accounts for approximately 20% per year, according to FAO's report, which leads to a huge waste for meat resources, environmental pollution, and economic loss. Fresh meat quality is greatly determined through biochemical changes occurring in the muscle during its conversion to meat. These changes are key to imparting a unique set of characteristics on fresh meat, including its appearance, ability to retain moisture, and texture. Biomarkers are molecular compositions of biological processes that reveal the differential expression associated with the phenotype of a specific trait. Therefore, it is very important to discover the key biomarkers that could characterize and supervise the budding deterioration of meat quality, aiming to evaluate and regulate meat quality in postmortem conditioning. The objective of present study was to investigate and confirm the biomarkers of lamb meat quality and elaborate the molecular mechanism of their characterizing the postmortem meat quality. Firstly, proteomics was used to identify the dysregulated proteins related to three differential lamb meat quality traits groups (n=6) based on tenderness parameters (shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI)), color parameters (a* value, R630/580) and water holding capacity parameters (drip loss and cooking loss). A total of 2176 proteins were quantified in these samples using of TMT-proteomics. Among them, 317, 233 and 69 showed the differential abundance in three different meat quality groups, respectively. Subsequently, 8 dysregulated proteins (phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1), pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2), phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM1), β-enolase (ENO3), myosin-binding protein C (MYBPC1), myosin regulatory light chain 2 (MYLPF), Troponin C 1 (TNNC1) and Troponin I 1 (TNNI1)) were confirmed that they were associated with lamb meat quality traits by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) targeted proteomics and western blotting combined with Pearson correlation analysis. These proteins may be used as potential biomarkers to assess and characterize the postmortem lamb meat quality. Secondly, aiming at the 8 potential biomarkers, the different meat quality traits groups of Small Tailed Han sheep and different muscle types (Longissimus thoracis (LT) and Quadriceps femoris (QF) muscles) were selected from 100 lamb carcasses to verify them by analyzing their relative abundance and enzymatic activity. The results found that the relative abundance of PKM2, PGK1, PGM1, and ENO3 with the significant difference in different breeds and muscle types groups, while the relative abundance of MYBPC1, MYLPF, and TNNI1 was significantly different between LT and QF muscle groups. Moreover, the activity of PKM2 and PGK1 showed a significant difference in different breeds and muscle types groups. Overall, the relative abundance of PKM2 and PGK1 as well as PKM2 and PGK1 activity had a remarkably difference in various meat quality groups of different breeds and muscle types. Therefore, it was suggested that PKM2 and PGK1 can be used as biomarkers of lamb meat quality. Subsequently, in order to further confirm the ability of PKM2 and PGK1 as robust biomarkers and their relationship with postmortem muscle metabolism and physiochemical changes. The activity of PGK1 and PKM2 was regulated by their inhibitors and activators to construct the postmortem glycolysis vitro model and then incubated at 4°C for 24 h. The results revealed that compared to PGK1 and PKM2 inhibitors groups, the addition of PGK1 and PKM2 activators could accelerate glycogen consumption, ATP and lactate production, while declining pH value. Moreover, the addition of PGK1 and PKM2 activators could increase Desmin degradation, μ-calpain activity, and caspase-3 abundance. Interestingly, Troponin-T degradation was significantly increased both in PKM2 inhibitor and activator groups. It was suggested that PGK1 and PKM2 could be used as robust biomarkers to regulate meat quality by affecting the glycolysis, myofibrillar proteins, μ-calpain and apoptosis pathways in postmortem muscle. Finally, to clarify the precise molecular mechanism of PGK1 and PKM2 affecting and regulating the development of meat quality, the high-activity and low-activity groups (n=10) were selected from 60 lamb muscles at 24 h postmortem based on the activity levels of PGK1 and PKM2. The metabolomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic analysis combined with deeply integrated multi-omics analysis were used to reveal the mechanisms by which PGK1 and PKM2 characterize meat quality. The results indicated that glycolysis was a critical biological pathway that could affect the activity of PGK1 and PKM2 at the metabolome, proteome, and transcriptome levels. In glycolysis, the differential metabolites (ATP, ADP, glucose-6-phosphate, NADP, fructose-6-phosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate, NAD+, lactate and pyruvate), different abundance proteins (LDHB and ALDOB), and different expressed genes (HK and FBP1) closely related to PGK1 and PKM2 activity were identified. It was concluded that PGK1 and PKM2 may affect the formation of lamb meat quality by regulating these critical substrates. Additionally, PGK1 and PKM2 could also affect the TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and muscle contraction to regulate the postmortem meat quality. In summary, the present study has identified PGK1 and PKM2 as robust biomarkers associated with lamb meat quality. They could regulate meat quality by influencing glycolysis, myofibrillar proteins, μ-calpain, and apoptosis pathways in postmortem muscle. Additionally, the differential metabolites (ATP, ADP, glucose-6-phosphate, NADP, fructose-6-phosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate, NAD+, lactate, and pyruvate), different abundant proteins (LDHB and ALDOB), and differently expressed genes (HK and FBP1) in the glycolytic pathway, which may be regulated by the activity of PGK1 and PKM2 and then affect postmortem lamb meat quality. This study offers valuable insight into unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying postmortem meat quality development and provides a reference for developing non-destructive detection technology for meat quality.
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Most living beings move throughout their lives to meet all their needs and maximize their survival and the survival of their species. These movements take place on highly contrasting spatio-temporal scales, from the foraging of butterflies to the spectacular migration of Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea). One of the major challenges of this the- sis is to better understand the relationships between physiology and movement, which are often governed by the environment in which individuals evolve. We have attempted to assess the main components of movement dynamics in the brown bear (Ursus arctos) population of Finland and Russian Karelia. These individuals are subject to external environmental factors, a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, as well as their physiological state, or internal state. We used the movement ecology paradigm of Nathan et al. (2008) to analyze the components that influence movement patterns within the home range, or during dispersal for subadults, for example. The factors behind movement can be multiple, such as the concentration of food for feeding related movements, the search for a partner for reproductive movements, or escape from a predator (in this case, human). This thesis uses telemetry data to analyze the movements of brown bears in their home ranges. The brown bear is an interesting case study for two reasons. Firstly, although it has all the physical characteristics of a large carnivore (sharp canines, claws and a carnivorous digestive tract), it is an opportunistic omnivore. Their travel patterns and the study of their movements therefore merit attention. Secondly, brown bears can be extremely flexible in their primary diurnal activity patterns. They can be diurnal as well as crepuscular or nocturnal, depending on the conditions of their environment. In other words, habitat resources, human pressure and population density. In this thesis, we focused on three themes that may impact on movement patterns. Firstly, we studied the behavior of this facultative carnivore through the prism of moonlight (variation in light intensity), (chapter 2). Indeed, when the moon is full, many strict carnivores such as cheetahs and ocelots see their hunting success increase. Their activity rates therefore increase with light intensity. Brown bears have a fruitrich diet and, consequently, the prey-predator relationships that drive carnivore dependence on moonlight appear to be weaker than in obligate carnivores. Secondly, we studied feeding-related movements, and in particular movements in the vicinity of artificial feeding sites (chapter 3). This practice is frequently used for species conservation, to regulate human-wildlife conflicts or for tourism (ecotourism or hunting). Finally, we investigated age-related differences in movement behavior and, more specifically, potential inter- and intra-individual variations between adult and subadult bears (chapter 4). The contribution of age to movement patterns seems irrelevant, as most observed movement patterns are mainly explained by season and body weight. We hypothesize that two mechanisms may lead subadults and adults to move in similar ways. Firstly, both need to hibernate and therefore need to store energy during hyperphagia. Secondly, although triggered by different factors, they both make erratic/long movements after hibernation, for dispersal (subadults) or mating (adults), which could help shape similar movement patterns. Different motivations could therefore be expressed by the same behavioral patterns, and equifinality (i.e. similarity of behavior) could be reinforced. More generally, this study demonstrates the relevance of an ecophysiological approach to the study of movement. Chapter 5 closes the thesis with a general discussion of the factors influencing brown bear movements.
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This thesis focuses on investigating the potential of Mouse Adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) as a model for developing oral replication-competent adenovirus-vectored vaccines. The ability of MAV-1 to induce subclinical infection when entering through the gastrointestinal route, while respiratory entry causes a severe respiratory disease (Goffin et al., 2019), is an interesting property that has been extensively used by oral vaccines for Human Adenovirus-4 (HAdV-4) and -7. Replication competent AdVs have emerged as attractive candidates for vaccine platforms, particularly for oral administration. However, the mechanisms underlying AdV oral immunizations are still poorly understood, and the potential of these viruses as oral vaccine vectors has been insufficiently investigated so far. One important reason for the lack of knowledge regarding replication-competent AdV vaccines is that human AdV do not replicate efficiently in laboratory animals. Our study uses MAV-1 in mice, its natural host, to develop a small animal model for oral replication-competent AdV-based vaccines under conditions that support fully replicative infection. MAV-1 interaction with mice serves as a natural virus-host model that facilitates the development of oral replication-competent vaccine vectors in a small animal model that can be easily used for various experiments. The first part involves the development of MAV-1 strains expressing different antigens of Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) and testing them as oral vaccines in mice. CDV is a fatal and highly contagious pathogen affecting multiple carnivores. While injectable vaccines are very effective in protecting domestic animals, their use in the wild is not feasible. Therefore, alternative vaccines are needed. Based on these observations, the use of oral administration of replication-competent AdV-vectored vaccines has emerged as a promising tool, especially for wildlife vaccination. First, different vaccine vectors expressing the entire or partial H or F proteins of CDV were constructed. These different strains were then used as oral vaccines in BALB/c mice, and the immune response to CDV was evaluated. Only the strain expressing the fulllength H protein of CDV generated a detectable and neutralizing immune response against CDV. Secondly, using this strain, we were able to demonstrate that although this type of vaccine is sensitive to pre-existing immunity to the vector, a second oral administration of the same vaccine is able to boost the immune response against CDV. Overall, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using replicating AdVs as oral vaccine vectors to immunize against CDV. The second part aims to address the development of effective and flexible vaccine platforms in the context of influenza vaccines that need to be updated every year. Here, we orally vaccinated mice with a MAV-1 vector expressing influenza hemagglutinin (HA) to assess the protection conferred against an intranasal challenge with influenza. We showed that a single oral immunization with this vaccine generates influenza-specific and neutralizing antibodies, and completely protects mice against clinical signs and viral replication, similar to traditional inactivated vaccines. Finally, the third part focussed on using luciferase (Luc)/green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing MAV-1 to study AdV infection and tropism in vivo, using different infection routes in mice. Different strains of mice were used as they exhibit varying susceptibility to MAV-1. In the end, our results allowed showing that brain infection is not dependent on monocyte infiltration but could involve brain pericytes and crossing the blood brain barrier via transcytosis. Altogether, this work allowed to better characterize the usage of replicationcompetent AdV oral vaccines in eliciting adaptive immunity against infectious diseases. This work could contribute to the development of effective vaccines to protect humans and animals from future epidemic.
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