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This is the seminal textbook on the law of international armed conflict, written by a leading commentator on the subject. The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, taking into account new developments in combat, numerous recent judicial cases (especially decisions rendered by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), as well as topical studies and instruments. The text clarifies complex issues, offering solutions to practical combat dilemmas that have emerged in present-day battlefield situations. Several current (and controversial) subjects are examined in depth, including direct participation in hostilities, human shields, and air and missile warfare. Useful definitions and explanations have been added, making intricate problems easier to comprehend. The book is designed not only for students of international law, but also as a tool for the instruction of military officers.
War (International law). --- Aggression (International law) --- Combatants and noncombatants (International law) --- War --- War crimes --- Guerre (Droit international) --- Agression (Droit international) --- Combattants et non-combattants (Droit international) --- Guerre --- Crimes de guerre --- Protection of civilians. --- Protection des civils --- War (International law)
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War (International law) --- Aggression (International law) --- Guerre (Droit international) --- Agression (Droit international) --- Aggression (International law). --- War (International law). --- Hostilities --- International law --- Neutrality --- CONFLITS ARMES --- DROIT PENAL INTERNATIONAL --- GUERRE --- CRIMES DE GUERRE --- DROIT DE LA GUERRE --- PROTECTION DES CIVILS
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The customary law of belligerent occupation goes back to the Hague and Geneva Conventions. Recent instances of such occupation include Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, the Congo and Eritrea. But the paradigmatic illustration is the Israeli occupation, lasting for over 40 years. There is now case law of the International Court of Justice and other judicial bodies, both international and domestic. There are Security Council resolutions and a vast literature. Still, numerous controversial points remain. How is belligerent occupation defined? How is it started and when is it terminated? What is the interaction with human rights law? Who is protected under belligerent occupation, and what is the scope of the protection? Conversely, what measures can an occupying power lawfully resort to when encountering forcible resistance from inhabitants of the occupied territory? This book examines the legislative, judicial and executive rights of the occupying power and its obligations to the civilian population.
Military occupation. --- War (International law) --- Hostilities --- International law --- Neutrality --- Belligerent occupation --- De facto doctrine (International law) --- Occupation, Military --- Occupied territory --- Armed Forces in foreign countries --- Conquest, Right of --- Military government --- Law --- General and Others
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A companion volume to the author's seminal textbook War, Aggression and Self-Defence, Third Edition, Cambridge (2001), this book focuses on issues arising in the course of hostilities between States, with an emphasis on the most recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The main themes considered by Yoram Dinstein are lawful and unlawful combatants, war crimes, including command responsibility and defences, prohibited weapons, the distinction between combatants and civilians, legitimate military objectives, and the protection of the environment and cultural property. Numerous specific topics that have attracted much interest in recent hostilities are addressed, such as human shields, feigned surrenders, collateral damage and proportionality, belligerent reprisals and weapons of mass destruction.
War (International law) --- Aggression (International law) --- International law --- Hostilities --- Neutrality --- Law --- General and Others
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This is the seminal textbook on the law of international armed conflict, written by a leading commentator on the subject. The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, taking into account new developments in combat, numerous recent judicial cases (especially decisions rendered by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), as well as topical studies and instruments. The text clarifies complex issues, offering solutions to practical combat dilemmas that have emerged in present-day battlefield situations. Several current (and controversial) subjects are examined in depth, including direct participation in hostilities, human shields, and air and missile warfare. Useful definitions and explanations have been added, making intricate problems easier to comprehend. The book is designed not only for students of international law, but also as a tool for the instruction of military officers.
War (International law) --- Aggression (International law) --- Treaties, International --- International Law --- Law, Politics & Government --- International law --- Hostilities --- Neutrality
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This dispassionate analysis of the legal implications of non-international armed conflicts explores the rules regulating the conduct of internal hostilities, as well as the consequences of intervention by foreign States, the role of the Security Council, the effects of recognition, State responsibility for wrongdoing by both Governments and insurgents, the interface with the law of human rights and the notion of war crimes. The author addresses both conceptual and specific issues, such as the complexities of 'failing' States or the recruitment and use of child soldiers. He makes use of the extensive case law of international courts and tribunals, in order to identify and set out customary international law. Much attention is also given to the contents of available treaty texts (primarily, the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol II and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court): what they contain and what they omit.
War (International law) --- Intervention (International law) --- War victims --- War crimes. --- War. --- Armed conflict (War) --- Conflict, Armed (War) --- Fighting --- Hostilities --- Wars --- International relations --- Military art and science --- Crime --- Humanitarian conventions --- War relief --- Military intervention --- Diplomacy --- International law --- Neutrality --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation
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Belligerent occupations existed in both World Wars and have occurred more recently in all parts of the world (including Iraq, Afghanistan, the former Yugoslavia, Congo, Northern Cyprus, Nagorno-Karabakh, Georgia, Eritrea and Ethiopia). Owing to its special length - exceeding half a century and still in progress - and the unprecedented flow of judicial decisions, a special focus is called for as regards to the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel. International law addresses the subject of belligerent occupation in some detail. This second, revised edition updates the text (originally published in 2009) in terms of both State practice and doctrinal discourse. The emphasis is put on decisions of the Security Council; legislation adopted by the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq; and predominantly case law: international (Judgments of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the European Court of Human Rights; Advisory Opinions and Arbitral Awards) as well as domestic courts.
Military occupation. --- War (International law) --- Hostilities --- International law --- Neutrality --- Belligerent occupation --- De facto doctrine (International law) --- Occupation, Military --- Occupied territory --- Armed Forces in foreign countries --- Conquest, Right of --- Military government
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"Due to their preponderance and intensity, non-international armed conflicts are currently very much in the public mind: often, more so than international armed conflicts. The present volume serves as a comprehensive introduction to the international legal regime of non-international armed conflicts, proceeding strictly in light of what the contemporary law is (as distinct from what the present author or anybody else would like it to be). Non-international armed conflicts raise a raft of issues that need to be addressed, including in particular their preconditions, thresholds, diverse forms and configurations; the discordant perspectives of the international and domestic legal systems; as well as the application of treaty and customary law to non-State actors. In addition, it is necessary to examine the consequences of intervention by foreign States; the role of the Security Council; the effects of recognition; State responsibility for wrongdoing to the installations, diplomats or nationals of foreign States, etc. The interface between the law of international and non-international armed conflicts is a matter of crucial concern. There are also numerous specific problems, ranging from the complexities of "failing States" to the recruitment and use of child-soldiers"--
War (International law) --- Intervention (International law) --- War victims --- War crimes. --- War. --- Armed conflict (War) --- Conflict, Armed (War) --- Fighting --- Hostilities --- Wars --- International relations --- Military art and science --- Crime --- Humanitarian conventions --- War relief --- Military intervention --- Diplomacy --- International law --- Neutrality --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation --- Civil war --- War crimes --- Guerre civile --- Guerre (Droit international) --- Intervention (Droit international) --- Crimes de guerre --- Victimes de guerre --- Droit --- Guerre (droit international) --- Intervention (droit international) --- Guerre --- Statut juridique. --- War --- Conflits armés non internationaux --- Droit. --- Conflits armés non internationaux
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Yoram Dinstein's influential textbook is an indispensable guide to the legal issues of war and peace, armed attack, self-defence and enforcement measures taken under the aegis of the Security Council. This fifth edition incorporates recent treaties such as the Kampala amendments of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, new case law from the International Court of Justice and other tribunals, and contemporary doctrinal debates. Several new supplementary sections are also included, which take into account recent conflicts around the world, and consideration is given to new resolutions of the Security Council. With many segments having been rewritten to reflect recent State practice, this book remains a wide-ranging and highly readable introduction to the legal issues surrounding war and self-defence.
Aggression (International law) --- War (International law) --- Self-defense (International law) --- International law --- Hostilities --- Neutrality
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