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Der Tagungsband umfasst die im Rahmen der "Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference 2015" präsentierten Paper und Konzepte rund um das Thema Kulinarik- und Weintourismus. Die Konferenz wurde vom Institut für Tourismus-Management der FHWien der WKW in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft (DGT) und der IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Studiengang International Wine Business veranstaltet. Kulinarik und Wein werden immer häufiger zu einem wesentlichen Teil von Reiseentscheidungen und gewinnen als eigenständiges touristisches Marktsegment zunehmend an Bedeutung. Durch die Kombination von Wissenschaft und Tourismuspraxis und Beiträgen in deutscher und englischer Sprache wird eine besonders breite Zielgruppe angesprochen. Der Inhalt Kulinarik-/Weintourismus & Produkte Kulinarische Touristen/Weintouristen Kulinarik-/Weintourismus & Regionen Kulinarik- & Weintourismus im 21. Jahrhundert Die Herausgeber Mag. (FH) Daniela Wagner ist Bereichsleiterin für das touristische Berufsfeld am Institut für Tourismus-Management der FHWien der WKW. FH-Prof. Mag. Michael Mair leitet das Institut für Tourismus-Management an der FHWien der WKW. Dr. Albert Franz Stöckl ist Studiengangsleiter für International Wine Business an der IMC Fachhochschule Krems. Prof. Dr. Axel Dreyer ist Professor für Tourismusmanagement/Marketing an der Hochschule Harz, Honorarprofessor für Sportmanagement an der Universität Göttingen und Sprecher der Kommission Weintourismus/Kulinarik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft (DGT).
Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management.
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This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns. Contributors in Volume I explore the tourism industry’s enhanced resilience. The book suggests solutions across nine thematic areas aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In summary, it explores the evolving landscape of tourist behavior and its implications for tourism resilience in a rapidly changing world. Shem Wambugu Maingi, is a Lecturer and researcher in Tourism Management at the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Kenyatta University in Kenya. He serves as Associate Editor at the International Journal of Tourism Cities. Dr Shem Maingi has widely published in Scopus indexed journals and books. Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar, an Associate Professor and Vice President of the International Tourism Studies Association at the Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur, India is a versatile researcher in tourism. She serves as Associate Editor at the Emerald International Journal of Tourism Cities, and her editorial roles extend to several scientific journals. Vanessa boasts publications in Scopus Indexed journals, books, research articles and book chapters. Recognized for her research contributions and empowerment efforts, she recently received the Global Women Leadership Award from the Ministry of MSME (Government of India), WASME, and SME Street Foundation. Maximiliano E Korstanje, a Senior Researcher in the Department of Economics at the University of Palermo, Argentina, holds key editorial roles including Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Editor in Chief Emeritus of the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. He’s affiliated with various academic institutions globally and has a prolific record of over 1200 published papers and 35 books. He co-edits nearly 10 specialized journals and contributes to approximately 30 journals covering topics like human rights, mobility, tourism, and terrorism. .
Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management.
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This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed significant shifts in travel patterns. The sector now grapples with newfound complexities driven by emerging tourism experiences, niche markets, and technology-driven services. Interestingly, these complexities have paved the way for more sustainable consumption patterns. Contributors in Volume II, explore sustainable development with topics such as environmental and economic sustainability, as well as governance and ethics covered. Taken together, these collections propose solutions in nine thematic areas that are relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Shem Wambugu Maingi, is a Lecturer and researcher in Tourism Management at the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Kenyatta University in Kenya. He serves as Associate Editor at the International Journal of Tourism Cities. Dr Shem Maingi has widely published in Scopus indexed journals and books. Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar, an Associate Professor and Vice President of the International Tourism Studies Association at the Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur, India is a versatile researcher in tourism. She serves as Associate Editor at the Emerald International Journal of Tourism Cities, and her editorial roles extend to several scientific journals. Vanessa boasts publications in Scopus Indexed journals, books, research articles and book chapters. Recognized for her research contributions and empowerment efforts, she recently received the Global Women Leadership Award from the Ministry of MSME (Government of India), WASME, and SME Street Foundation. Maximiliano E Korstanje, a Senior Researcher in the Department of Economics at the University of Palermo, Argentina, holds key editorial roles including Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Editor in Chief Emeritus of the International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. He’s affiliated with various academic institutions globally and has a prolific record of over 1200 published papers and 35 books. He co-edits nearly 10 specialized journals and contributes to approximately 30 journals covering topics like human rights, mobility, tourism, and terrorism. .
Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management.
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Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Tagungsbandes liefern aus Sicht des Marketing, der Kommunikationstheorie sowie des Tourismus Erklärungsansätze für die synergetische Verbindung von Events und touristischen Destinationen. Der Band fasst die auf der siebten Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zur Eventforschung, die am 30. Oktober 2015 an der TU Chemnitz stattfand, vorgestellten und diskutierten aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema Events und Tourismus zusammen. Das Schwerpunktthema wird ergänzt um wissenschaftliche und praxisorientierte Beiträge u. a. zur Förderung des nachhaltigen Tourismus mit Events, der Inszenierung von Events, der ökonomischen Wirkung von Events sowie zum Event-Controlling. Der Inhalt • Synergien von Events und Tourismus • Bedeutung von Events für Destinationen • Destinationen und Location als Rahmen des Events • Ökonomische Wirkungen von Events für touristische Räume • Nachhaltiger Tourismus mit Events Die Zielgruppen • Marketingwissenschaftler, Dozenten und Studenten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit den Schwerpunkten Marketing, Vertrieb, Kommunikation, Tourismus und Stadtmarketing • Fach- und Führungskräfte aus den Bereichen Eventmanagement, Marketing und Tourismus Die Herausgeberin Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zanger ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Marketing und Handelsbetriebslehre der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und ist Herausgeberin der Schriftenreihe Markenkommunikation und Beziehungsmarketing.
Marketing. --- Management. --- Tourism. --- Tourism Management.
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“This book consolidates under one cover various research insights and case studies from different parts of the world (including Greece) contributed by well-known academics, all experts in their field. The book is a must read by students and industry professionals alike wishing to obtain a holistic understanding and up-to-date practical knowledge about wine and its role in developing tourism experiences and destinations.” —Maria Triantafyllou, Director, New Wines of Greece “This book provides a welcome addition to the literature on wine tourism. With an extensive array of themes and cases studies the international perspective provides useful insights into tourism destinations seen through the lens of wine.” —C. Michael Hall, Professor, University of Canterbury, New Zealand “Make time to read this book. if you are a student, researcher, or practitioner in the field of wine destination marketing, there are valuable lessons to be learned from experts and case studies about the best practices in the growing and economically vital field of wine tourism.” —Armand Gilinsky, Jr, FJ Korbel Bros Professor of Wine Business, Sonoma State University, USA The book provides a holistic approach to wine destination management and marketing by bringing together wine tourism research with research in wine and destination management. Chapters are contributed by numerous international authors offering an international and multidisciplinary perspective. The book combines fresh research approaches with international industry examples and case studies in the following key topics: understanding demand of wine destinations; New approaches and practices of wine destination marketing; innovation and design of wine destination experiences and wine routes; planning and development of wine destinations. The book analyses wine destination management and marketing issues from the perspectives of the various stakeholders of wine destinations (e.g. tourists, cellar doors, wine tourism firms, destination managers, wine associations and networks). The book is equally valuable to researchers and industry professionals alike.
Tourism. --- Management. --- Marketing. --- Tourism Management.
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Fortschreitende Internationalisierungsprozesse haben weltweit auch im Tourismus zu erheblichen Transformationen auf der Anbieterseite geführt. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung ist zwar bemüht, mit den Veränderungen Schritt zu halten, dennoch besteht nach wie vor ein beträchtliches Forschungsdefizit in Hinblick auf Risiken und Chancen, die touristischen Unternehmen durch Internationalisierungsprozesse entstehen. Das gilt in besonderer Weise für den Nahen Osten, der immer noch zu den Zielgebieten gehört und dessen touristische Unternehmen massiv von Veränderungen im internationalen Kooperationsgeschehen betroffen sind. Markus Pillmayer stellt Internationalisierung anhand eines multioptionalen Ansatzes über verschiedene Zugänge, die als theoretischer Referenzrahmen für das Vorhaben fungieren, als Prozessphänomen dar. Der Inhalt Transformationsprozess im Tourismussektor Empirisches Arbeiten in der Arabischen Welt Chancen und Risiken der Internationalisierung Modellierung der Internationalisierungsprozesse im jordanischen Tourismussektor Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aus dem Bereich der Wirtschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften KMUs im Tourismussektor Der Autor Markus Pillmayer hat im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt promoviert. Er gilt als ausgewiesener Internationalisierungsexperte, insbesondere für den arabischen Raum.
Tourism. --- Management. --- Entrepreneurship. --- Tourism Management.
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Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt die Notwendigkeit und liefert die Grundlagen für ein professionelles Management des regionalen Marketings. Der Autor verdeutlicht, dass sich diese freiwillige kommunalpolitische Aufgabe an Sachfragen und weniger an politischen Faktoren orientieren sollte. Folgende Fragestellungen werden untersucht: Wie definiert man eine Region? Orientiert man sich besser an administrativen Vorgaben oder an funktionalen Aspekten? Wann sind realistische Erfolge zu erwarten? Wie kann man diese messen? Welche Investitionen benötigt man für eine nachhaltig erfolgreiche Markenstrategie? Aus der Vielzahl empirischer Erfahrungen werden Erfolgsfaktoren abgeleitet und generalisiert. Da Regionalmarketing im ländlichen Raum zu einer Überlebensfrage geworden ist, richtet sich das Buch sowohl an Dozierende und Studierende der Wirtschaftsgeografie, des Public Managements und der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Marketing als auch an Wirtschaftsförderer und Kommunalpolitiker. Der Inhalt • Wirtschaftsstandorte zwischen Globalisierung und Regionalisierung • Regionalmarketing als Bestandteil der Regional Governance • Strategische Planung • Operative Planung – Marketing-Mix • Talente im Fokus des Regionalmarketings • Die regionale Wirtschaft im Fokus: Standortmarketing • Das „Unmessbare“ trotzdem messen: Controlling für Regionalinitiativen Der Autor Prof. Dr. Michael Alexander Seidel widmet sich dem Regionalmarketing intensiv im Rahmen seiner Forschung und Lehre an der Hochschule für Angewandten Wissenschaften Hof. Zudem war er langjähriger Geschäftsführer und Vorstand eines der Pionierprojekte des Regionalmarketings in Deutschland und kennt das Thema daher aus eigener praktischer Erfahrung.
Marketing. --- Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management.
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As climate change continues to threaten the viability of wine regions, sustainable practices have become essential for the survival of the sector. In this context, wine tourism must minimize cultural and environmental damage while improving the economic and social well-being of the region. In line with SDG 8, in particular target 8.9, this book argues that wine tourism can be considered as a catalyst for the environmental sustainability of wineries. Chapters highlight the economic, socioeconomic, environmental, socio-cultural impact of wine tourism around the world, before concluding with a look to the future trends and challenges. It features best practices from around the world that wineries and wine tourism companies can incorporate into their core business functions to make their operations more sustainable and also showcases how wineries have designed their tourism offerings to meet sustainable tourism development objectives. Javier Martínez-Falcó, PhD, is anAssistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Alicante, specializing in Strategic Management, with a focus on Green Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management of wineries. Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, PhD, is a Professor at the University of Alicante. He is an accomplished author and researcher, affiliated with the Tourism Research Institute and has lead the 'Next Tourism Generation Alliance' and 'Tourist Observatory of the Valencian Community' projects. He is currently director of the Management Department and main researcher of the DECI-GLOBAL research group. Eduardo Sánchez García, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Management at the University of Alicante. He specializes in the study of industrial agglomeration, knowledge management and innovation, focusing on the energy sector and the wine industry. Luis A. Millán-Tudela is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Alicante specializing in business longevity and the factors influencing company survival, working within the DECI-GLOBAL research group. He also teaches strategic management in the Business Administration program at his University.
Wine industry. --- Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management.
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This book benefits those interested in space tourism for doing business, conducting research, and teaching space services. The value chain analysis approach is applied to construct the knowledge system of the space industry from suppliers, consumers, agents, and related stakeholders. Space tourism has made a breakthrough in travel boundaries beyond Kármán line and impacted human living in many aspects, especially a vision of Mars immigration. The tourism industry has extended its reach to outer space. Space education has been popular in many countries because of human capital to serve in the new field. Researchers have developed unique methodologies to study space economic behaviors. The advancements in space technology and commercialization have formed a new market to drive a new era of space economics. Individuals can now venture beyond the Kármán line and fulfill their desire for space exploration through space tourism. This form of tourism offers a unique opportunity for individuals to explore the origins and limitations of human beings. This book provides an overview of the current state of global space tourism development, including its characteristics, direct and indirect stakeholders, and existing challenges. The successful implementation of space tourism cases by private enterprises in Europe and the USA offers valuable insights into China's space tourism endeavors. Given China's leading position in global space technology, space tourism represents a promising commercial development field that can benefit the country and its citizens.
Tourism. --- Management. --- Tourism Management. --- Tourism Economics.
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Wine tourism has become increasingly popular and important in recent years, with a vast scientific research highlighting the expansion of the industry and the various benefits associated with it. As the global wine market grows, new competitive strategies, business tools and patterns of wine tourists’ demands are essential elements for the effective management of wine tourism products. This book aims to deepen the management of the wine tourism industry through the study of competitive strategies developed by wineries. It also explores perceptions, preferences, and expectations of wine tourists, as well as the analysis of new tools to improve the wine tourism product. In doing so, contributors make the case for effective strategic management that can help wineries determine their target markets, identify their competitive advantages, develop pricing strategies and create effective marketing campaigns. The book is therefore useful for both wine professionals and academics who wish to delve deeper into the study of the strategic management of wine tourism. Javier Martínez-Falcó, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Alicante, specializing in Strategic Management, with a focus on Green Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management of wineries. Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, PhD, is a Professor at the University of Alicante. He is an accomplished author and researcher, affiliated with the Tourism Research Institute and has lead the ‘Next Tourism Generation Alliance’ and ‘Tourist Observatory of the Valencian Community’ projects. He is currently director of the Management Department and main researcher of the DECI-GLOBAL research group. Eduardo Sánchez-García, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Management at the University of Alicante. He specializes in the study of industrial agglomeration, knowledge management and innovation, focusing on the energy sector and the wine industry. Luis A. Millán-Tudela is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Alicante specializing in business longevity and the factors influencing company survival, working within the DECI-GLOBAL research group. He also teaches strategic management in the Business Administration program at his University. .
Wine tourism --- Management. --- Tourism. --- Tourism Management.
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