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La publicité n’a jamais été considérée comme une activité moralement neutre, comme le commerce par exemple, dont elle est pourtant une simple facette. Il n’est peut-être pas si simple de comprendre pourquoi ni de rendre compte objectivement de la place et du fonctionnement de la publicité en tant que secteur d’activité. En adoptant le «point de vue du publicitaire», Luc Chomarat rappelle que la pub n’est qu’un élément du marketing mix et que son but n’est pas directement de faire vendre mais de construire des marques. Du brief client à la diffusion de la campagne, il nous donne surtout à comprendre le fonctionnement concret d’une agence publicitaire : comment les publicitaires répondent aujourd’hui aux besoins de communication des annonceurs. Non sans humour, il interroge aussi, de l’usage d’Internet aux développements des «ghosts», les mutations actuelles du métier et nous invite, grâce à de nombreux exemples, à décortiquer les logiques de création en matière de publicité. Car enfin, c’est quoi une bonne pub ?
Advertising --- Publicité --- BPB1304 --- Reclame --- Publicité --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace
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TRANSACTIES IN FINANCIËLE INSTRUMENTEN - Prospectusverplichting - prospectus prospectusplicht harmonisatie prospectusvrijstelling (vrijstelling) prospectusrichtlijn 2003 71 EG omzettingswetten in Belgie - Nederland - Frankrijk - UK - Duitsland & Beknopt lexicon & DEEL 1 Kritische analyse van de doelstelling van de geharmoniseerde prospectusplicht - inleiding - methodologische noden - de doelstellingen van de prospectusplicht - de doelstellingen van de harmonisatie & DEEL 2 Kritische analyse van de methode van de geharmoniseerde prospectusplicht - inleiding - methodologische noden - de harmonisatie van de prospectusrichtlijn - de geharmoniseerde prospectusplicht - de geharmoniseerde prospectusvrijstellingen & Conclusies van het onderzoek & Beknopte bibliografie & Trefwoordenregister
Comparative law --- Financial law --- rechtsvergelijking --- geldhandel --- beleggen --- financieel recht --- Europe --- PROSPECTUSPLICHT -- 351.82 --- EG-RICHTLIJNEN -- 351.82 --- OMZETTINGSWETTEN -- 351.82 --- BELGIE -- 351.82 --- NEDERLAND -- 351.82 --- FRANKRIJK -- 351.82 --- VERENIGD KONINKRIJK -- 351.82 --- DUITSLAND -- 351.82 --- ONDERNEMINGEN -- 347.72 --- EG-RICHTLIJNEN -- 347.72 --- OMZETTINGSWETTEN -- 347.72 --- BELGIE -- 347.72 --- NEDERLAND -- 347.72 --- FRANKRIJK -- 347.72 --- VERENIGD KONINKRIJK -- 347.72 --- DUITSLAND -- 347.72 --- ONDERNEMINGEN -- 351.82 --- PROSPECTUSPLICHT -- 347.72 --- Stocks --- Law and legislation --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- France --- United States --- Great Britain --- Germany --- Prospectus writing --- Ebooks --- Entreprise --- Publicité --- Concurrence --- BPB1010 --- 347.731 --- Academic collection --- information --- investissements --- crise financiere --- europees gemeenschapsrecht --- 347.731 Beursverrichtingen. Beurs. Handelsbeurs. Effectenbeurs. Handelskamer --- Beursverrichtingen. Beurs. Handelsbeurs. Effectenbeurs. Handelskamer --- concurență --- ανταγωνισμός --- konkurencja --- Wettbewerb --- soutěž --- konkurencia --- конкуренция --- concurrentie --- tržišno natjecanje --- concorrência --- kilpailu --- kompetizzjoni --- iomaíocht --- competencia --- konkurrencë --- konkurenca --- konkurrence --- konkurents --- конкуренција --- konkurencija --- competition --- concorrenza --- konkurrens --- konkurence --- verseny --- principio della concorrenza --- condição de concorrência --- mededinging --- konkurrencevilkår --- concorrenza praticabile --- concorrenza effettiva --- posizione concorrenziale --- ефективна конкуренција --- condizioni di concorrenza --- начела на конкуренција --- услови на конкуренција --- конкурентска позиција --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- druh podniku --- virksomhed --- vrsta podjetja --- impresa --- företag --- врста предузећа --- вид на претпријатие --- vrsta poduzeća --- tip ta’ impriża --- ettevõtte tüüp --- επιχείρηση --- uzņēmējdarbības veids --- przedsiębiorstwo --- yritys --- type of business --- tip de afacere --- empresa --- предприятие --- Unternehmen --- onderneming --- typ podniku --- vállalkozás --- lloj i biznesit --- įmonės rūšis --- impresa collettiva --- φίρμα --- maatschappij --- impresa societaria --- Firma --- вид на фирма --- firme --- foretagende --- azienda --- дејност на претпријатие --- firm --- регистрирана дејност на трговско друштво --- ditta --- cég --- Unternehmung --- firmë --- firma --- kompanija --- äriühing --- tvrtka --- poduzeće --- informatie --- investeringen --- financiele crisis --- droit communautaire europeen --- E-books --- cineál gnó --- tipo di azienda --- Publicité
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1. Terminologie en methode : De zorgconsument en commerciële communicatie - 2. Factoren die een invloed hebben op de communicatie : Product, prijs en plaats - 3. Het regelgevingskader van commerciële communicatie - 4. Evaluatie en beantwoording onderzoeksvragen - Lijst geraadpleegde en geciteerde literatuur
Medical law --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Advertising. Public relations --- Belgium --- Public health laws --- European law --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Medical instruments and apparatus industry --- BPB1712 --- Médicament --- Publicité --- Droit médical --- Geneesmiddel --- Reclame --- Medisch recht --- Médicaments --- Médecine --- Matériel médical --- Appareil et matériel --- Droit --- Appareil et matériel. --- E-books --- diritto sanitario --- право в областта на здравеопазването --- medicinsko pravo --- medisch recht --- medicinos teisė --- Derecho médico --- orvosi jog --- ιατρικό δίκαιο --- drept medical --- Medizinrecht --- lékařské právo --- medical law --- prawo ochrony zdrowia --- liġi medika --- medicīniskās tiesības --- medicinsk rätt --- medicinsk jura --- meditsiiniõigus --- lääketieteellinen lainsäädäntö --- direito médico --- e drejtë mjekësore --- медицинско право --- lekárske právo --- législation médicale --- lékařské zákony --- законодавство од областа на медицината --- Arztrecht --- Derecho sanitario --- lékařská legislativa --- Ärzterecht --- lékařskoprávní legislativa --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- ravim --- lék --- lääke --- lijek --- mediċinament --- φάρμακα --- medicamento --- läkemedel --- лек --- medicament --- лекарство --- lek --- liek --- medicinale --- geneesmiddel --- medicamente --- Medikament --- gyógyszer --- medikament --- zdravilo --- vaistinis preparatas --- medikaments --- kapky --- orvosság --- medicamento per la medicina animale --- medicamento per la medicina umana --- zásyp --- medication --- mast --- tabletka --- vaistas --- Arznei --- tinktura --- mjekim --- lääkintä --- léčivý přípravek --- медикамент --- prášky --- prášek --- liečivý prípravok --- lääkitys --- îngrijire medicală --- dražé --- Arzneispezialität --- tableta --- čípek --- Arzneimittel --- лекарствен продукт --- medicin --- medikamentas --- zāles --- prodotti mediċinali --- produkt leczniczy --- lægemiddel --- remédio --- médicament --- lääkevalmiste --- prodotto medicinale --- medicijn --- Geneeskundige verstrekkingen (in de enge zin) : Farmaceutische producten --- Prestations de santé (au sens strict) : Produits pharmaceutiques --- prodott mediċinali --- φάρμακο --- medicinski proizvod --- medicinal product --- gyógyászati készítmény --- Advertising --- Consumer protection --- Comparative law --- Consommateurs --- Droit comparé --- Drugs --- Law and legislation --- Medical instruments and apparatus --- Appareils et instruments --- Protection --- dlí leighis --- íoc leighis --- Belgique --- Médicaments --- Médicament --- Médecine --- Matériel médical --- Publicité --- Appareil et matériel. --- Droit médical --- Läkemedelsprodukter
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L’ouvrage se veut un guide pratique destiné à guider les professionnels du secteur dans les méandres de cette réglementation particulièrement complexe.
Tort and negligence --- Economic law --- European Union --- Belgium --- E-books --- BPB1612 --- Publicité --- Consommateur --- Produit alimentaire --- Étiquetage --- STRADALEX --- rotulagem --- ženklinimas --- označevanje --- etichetare --- etiquetado --- címkézés --- etichettatura --- marķēšana --- označivanje naljepnicom --- etykietowanie --- označovanie etiketami --- Etikettierung --- етикетиране --- etiketteren --- обележување со етикета --- означавање производа --- sildistamine --- tikkettar --- etikettering --- επισήμανση --- merkinnät --- značení zboží nálepkami --- labelling --- lipéadú --- etiketim --- ženklinimas etiketėmis --- označení zboží etiketou --- etikečių tvirtinimas --- etikettimine --- stavljanje etikete --- mærkning --- етикетирање --- маркирање --- etiketování --- prodott alimentari --- produto alimentar --- прехрамбени производ --- levnedsmiddel --- foodstuff --- livsmedel --- prehrambeni proizvod --- alimente --- Nahrungsmittel --- táirge bia --- potraviny --- pārtikas produkts --- хранителен продукт --- toiduained --- élelmiszer --- voedingsproduct --- προϊόν διατροφής --- prodotto alimentare --- прехранбен производ --- maisto produktai --- artykuły spożywcze --- živilo --- elintarvike --- producto alimenticio --- artikull ushqimor --- alapvető élelmiszer --- produit agroalimentaire --- produkt från livmedelsindustrin --- producto agroalimenticio --- produto agroalimentar --- namirnice --- Nahrungsprodukt --- alimento --- τρόφιμα --- cibo --- denrée alimentaire --- toiduainetööstuse toode --- εδώδιμα προϊόντα --- žemės ūkio maisto produktas --- födoämne --- prodotto agroalimentare --- matvara --- agri-foodstuffs product --- voedingsmiddel --- produkt agroushqimor --- agrárélelmiszer --- храна од растително потекло --- derrata alimentare --- aliment --- Lebensmittel --- γεωργικά προϊόντα διατροφής --- agrarisch voedingsproduct --- voedingsprodukt --- prodott tal-ikel --- produkt poľnohospodárskej výroby --- levensmiddel --- næringsmiddel --- fødemiddel --- Grundnahrungsmittel --- maataloudessa tuotettu elintarvike --- produs alimentar --- consumatori --- consument --- потребител --- Verbraucher --- consumatore --- потрошач --- kuluttaja --- tarbija --- καταναλωτής --- fogyasztó --- forbruger --- spotrebiteľ --- konsument --- tomhaltóir --- потрошувач --- potrošnik --- konsumator --- spotřebitel --- consumidor --- potrošač --- consumer --- konsumatur --- vartotojas --- patērētājs --- консумент --- Konsument --- verbruiker --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- Aliments --- Commerce --- Consommateurs --- Publicité (droit) --- Droit européen. --- Droit --- Réglementation --- Protection --- earra bia --- Advertising laws --- Food --- Publicité --- Labeling --- Law and legislation --- Etiquetage --- EPUB-ALPHA-P EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- European Union countries --- Étiquetage --- Belgique
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1. L'oeuvre publicitaire; 2. Le droit d'auteur; 3. Le droit des marques; 4. La loi sur les pratiques du commerce; 5. Les règles particulières à certains secteurs, produits ou services; 6. Publicité et moralité; 7. Publicité et voies d'avenir.
Industrial and intellectual property --- Economic law --- Belgium --- Advertising laws --- Copyright --- Trademarks --- Industrial property --- Publicité --- Droit d'auteur --- Marques de commerce --- Propriété industrielle --- Advertisements --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- BPB1002 --- Droit commercial --- Législation --- Belgique --- 351.82*7 <493> --- 347.78 <493> --- 347.7 <493> --- 347.77 <493> --- 659 <493> --- Reclame --- Handelsrecht --- Wetgeving --- België --- Consumentenrecht--België --- Auteursrecht--België --- Handelsrecht--België --- Industrieel eigendomsrecht. Commercieel eigendomsrecht. Geestelijk eigendomsrecht--België --- Publicity. Information work. Public relations--België --- 659 <493> Publicity. Information work. Public relations--België --- 347.77 <493> Industrieel eigendomsrecht. Commercieel eigendomsrecht. Geestelijk eigendomsrecht--België --- 347.7 <493> Handelsrecht--België --- 347.78 <493> Auteursrecht--België --- 351.82*7 <493> Consumentenrecht--België --- Publicité --- Propriété industrielle --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislation --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- prawo handlowe --- kauppaoikeus --- commercial law --- drept comercial --- diritto commerciale --- obchodní právo --- kereskedelmi jog --- obchodné právo --- dritt kummerċjali --- трговско право --- handelsrecht --- direito comercial --- äriõigus --- komercinė teisė --- търговско право --- e drejta tregtare --- komerctiesības --- Derecho mercantil --- трговинско право --- trgovačko pravo --- handelsret --- handelsrätt --- εμπορικό δίκαιο --- trgovinsko pravo --- комерцијално право --- kauppalainsäädäntö --- legjislacion tregtar --- стопанско право --- kereskedelmi törvénykönyv --- Handelsgesetzgebung --- handelswetgeving --- Derecho comercial --- legislación comercial --- legislazione commerciale --- legislação comercial --- législation commerciale --- trgovinsko zakonodavstvo --- Handelsgesetzbuch --- affärsrätt --- prekybos teisė --- kaubandusõigus --- obchodná legislatíva --- legislație comercială --- äriseadusandlus --- komercdarbības likumdošana --- εμπορική νομοθεσία --- commercial legislation --- prekybos įstatymai --- obchodní legislativa --- handelslovgivning --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- reachtaíocht --- dlí tráchtála --- Législation --- Droit public économique --- Economie --- Commerce --- Propriété intellectuelle --- Dessins et modèles --- Brevets d'invention --- France --- Réglementation --- Pratiques
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Industrial and intellectual property --- Advertising laws --- Copyright --- Trademarks --- Industrial property --- Publicité --- Droit d'auteur --- Marques de commerce --- Propriété industrielle --- Advertisements --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Droit commercial --- STRADALEX --- BPB1309 --- Législation --- Belgique --- Handelsrecht --- Reclame --- Wetgeving --- België --- Publicité --- Propriété industrielle --- EPUB-ALPHA-D EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislation --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- prawo handlowe --- kauppaoikeus --- commercial law --- drept comercial --- diritto commerciale --- obchodní právo --- kereskedelmi jog --- obchodné právo --- dritt kummerċjali --- трговско право --- handelsrecht --- direito comercial --- äriõigus --- komercinė teisė --- търговско право --- e drejta tregtare --- komerctiesības --- Derecho mercantil --- трговинско право --- trgovačko pravo --- handelsret --- handelsrätt --- εμπορικό δίκαιο --- trgovinsko pravo --- комерцијално право --- kauppalainsäädäntö --- legjislacion tregtar --- стопанско право --- kereskedelmi törvénykönyv --- Handelsgesetzgebung --- handelswetgeving --- Derecho comercial --- legislación comercial --- legislazione commerciale --- legislação comercial --- législation commerciale --- trgovinsko zakonodavstvo --- Handelsgesetzbuch --- affärsrätt --- prekybos teisė --- kaubandusõigus --- obchodná legislatíva --- legislație comercială --- äriseadusandlus --- komercdarbības likumdošana --- εμπορική νομοθεσία --- commercial legislation --- prekybos įstatymai --- obchodní legislativa --- handelslovgivning --- E-books --- reachtaíocht --- dlí tráchtála --- Législation
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"Designed to support the paradigm shift in media and communication, this book presents the basic tenants of strategic communication and its foundational disciplines of advertising, public relations, and marketing communications. Drawing on the latest research in the field, the text introduces students to the theories of strategic communication while at the same time outlining how to apply them to everyday practice. To facilitate learning and tie concepts to practice, each chapter includes introductory focus questions, a contemporary global case study, a career profile of a current practitioner, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and features that highlight how research methods can be applied to strategic communication practice. Principles of Strategic Communication is ideal as a core text for undergraduate students in strategic communication courses within media, communication, marketing, and advertising programs. The accompanying online resources feature chapter summaries, useful links to examples of strategic communication in action, suggested further reading, and practice test questions. Instructors will find an instructor's resource manual that includes sample syllabi, class activities, lecture topics, and a test bank"-- Designed to support the paradigm shift in media and communication, this book presents the basic tenets of strategic communication and its foundational disciplines of advertising, public relations, and marketing communications.Drawing on the latest research in the field, the text introduces students to the theories of strategic communication while at the same time outlining how to apply them to everyday practice. To facilitate learning and tie concepts to practice, each chapter includes introductory focus questions, a contemporary global case study, a career profile of a current practitioner, end-of-chapter discussion questions, and features that highlight how research methods can be applied to strategic communication practice.Principles of Strategic Communication is ideal as a core text for undergraduate students in strategic communication courses within media, communication, marketing, and advertising programs.
E-books --- Marketing. --- Consumer goods --- Domestic marketing --- Retail marketing --- Retail trade --- Industrial management --- Aftermarkets --- Selling --- Marketing --- Business communication. --- Advertising. --- Public relations. --- Communication --- communication skills --- marketing --- advertising --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- publicité --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- commercialisering --- commercialisation --- trženje --- rinkodara --- markkinointi --- tirgdarbība --- avsättning --- εμπορία --- маркетинг --- comercialización --- commercializzazione --- forgalmazás --- kummerċjalizzazzjoni --- afsætning --- comercialização --- margaíocht --- turundus --- marketinška politika --- introducción en el mercado --- det at bringe på markedet --- marketinška kampanja --- turunduskampaania --- marketingová politika --- colocação no mercado --- op de markt brengen --- odbytová politika --- marketingová struktura --- strukturë marketingu --- política de comercialização --- δομή εμπορίας --- marketing structure --- turundusstruktuur --- forgalomba hozatal --- tirgdarbības struktūra --- утрживање --- campagne de commercialisation --- rinkodaros struktūra --- marketingstructuur --- mise sur le marché --- campanha de comercialização --- marketingpolitika --- campanie de marketing --- marketingtevékenység --- marketingová kampaň --- lancio sul mercato --- markedsføringsstruktur --- tirgdarbības politika --- politikë marketingu --- marketing policy --- marketingcampagne --- marketingová štruktúra --- organizacija marketinga --- politica di commercializzazione --- markkinointiperiaatteet --- turunduspoliitika --- értékesítési politika --- exploitation commerciale --- Inverkehrbringen --- estructura de ventas --- tirgvedība --- Vermarktung --- politică de marketing --- περίοδος εμπορίας --- πολιτική εμπορίας --- marketinška strategija --- struttura di commercializzazione --- campagna di commercializzazione --- politique de commercialisation --- εμπορική διάθεση --- campaña de comercialización --- estrutura de comercialização --- structure de commercialisation --- política de ventas --- marketingbeleid --- exploração comercial --- marketing campaign --- fushatë marketingu --- стратегија за рекламирање --- διάθεση στην αγορά --- политика за рекламирање --- det at bringe i handelen --- rinkodaros kampanija --- Absatz --- structură de marketing --- explotación comercial --- markkinoinnin rakenne --- markkinointikampanja --- rinkodaros politika --- markedsføringspolitik --- εμπορική εκμετάλλευση --- Absatzstruktur --- sfruttamento commerciale --- tirgdarbības kampaņa --- Absatzpolitik --- комуникационни умения --- pratique de communication --- комуникациски вештини --- komunikacijske vještine --- ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni --- viestintäkäytäntö --- scileanna cumarsáide --- τεχνική της επικοινωνίας --- Redegewandtheit --- pratica di comunicazione --- kommunikációs készségek --- kommunikation i praksis --- suhtlemisoskus --- schopnost komunikace --- abilități de comunicare --- umiejętność komunikacji --- prática da comunicação --- communicatie in de praktijk --- sposobnost komuniciranja --- bendravimo įgūdžiai --- praktisk kommunikation --- komunikačné schopnosti --- técnicas de comunicación --- aftësi komunikimi --- вештина комуникације --- sazināšanās prasme --- komunicēšanās prasmes --- bendravimo būdai --- комуникациска практика --- tehnici de comunicare --- komunikační metody --- kommunikationsförmåga --- komunikační schopnost --- praktika komunikimi --- communication practices --- комуникациски техники --- komunikační dovednosti --- комуникациска способност --- dorozumívací dovednosti --- Business --- Industries --- PR (Public relations) --- Advertising --- Industrial publicity --- Mass media and business --- Propaganda --- Publicity --- Ads --- Advertisements --- Advertising, Consumer --- Advertising, Retail --- Advertising, Store --- Commercial speech --- Consumer advertising --- Retail advertising --- Speech, Commercial --- Store advertising --- Communication in marketing --- Advertisers --- Branding (Marketing) --- Public relations --- Sales promotion --- Administrative communication --- Communication, Administrative --- Communication, Business --- Communication, Industrial --- Industrial communication --- Commerce --- Business & Economics --- Business & economics
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In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used.No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors.. This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications. What You Will Learn: What the blockchain is Why it is needed and what problem it solves Why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential Major components and their purpose How components work and interact Limitations, why they exist, and what has been done to overcome them Major application scenarios.
Computer science. --- Banks and banking. --- Capital market. --- Special purpose computers. --- Data structures (Computer science). --- Data encryption (Computer science). --- Database management. --- Computer Science. --- Database Management. --- Data Encryption. --- Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems. --- Data Storage Representation. --- Banking. --- Capital Markets. --- Electronic funds transfers --- Blockchains (Databases) --- Block chains (Databases) --- Blockchain. --- Informatics --- Science --- Special purpose computers --- Computers --- Capital markets --- Market, Capital --- Finance --- Financial institutions --- Loans --- Money market --- Securities --- Crowding out (Economics) --- Efficient market theory --- Agricultural banks --- Banking --- Banking industry --- Commercial banks --- Depository institutions --- Money --- Data base management --- Data services (Database management) --- Database management services --- DBMS (Computer science) --- Generalized data management systems --- Services, Database management --- Systems, Database management --- Systems, Generalized database management --- Electronic data processing --- Data encoding (Computer science) --- Encryption of data (Computer science) --- Computer security --- Cryptography --- Information structures (Computer science) --- Structures, Data (Computer science) --- Structures, Information (Computer science) --- File organization (Computer science) --- Abstract data types (Computer science) --- Database security --- Distributed databases --- Software engineering. --- Cryptology. --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- blockchain. --- securities. --- advertising. --- registration of a company. --- computer applications. --- data transmission --- transmisia datelor --- prijenos podataka --- dataöverföring --- datatransmissie --- adatátvitel --- предаване на данни --- datatrażmissjoni --- transmetimi i të dhënave --- transmissão de dados --- prenos údajov --- datatransmission --- datasiirto --- transmisja danych --- trasmissione dei dati --- Datenübertragung --- přenos dat --- пренос података --- duomenų perdavimas --- пренос на податоци --- andmeedastus --- transmission de données --- prenos podatkov --- datu pārraide --- διαβίβαση δεδομένων --- transmisión de datos --- transpac --- protok podataka --- adatáramlás --- ροή δεδομένων --- flux de données --- interactive transmission --- tok dat --- interaktivní přenos --- dataflöde --- trasmissione interattiva --- data flow --- tietovuo --- fluxo de dados --- interaktiv transmission --- flusso di dati --- fluks i të dhënve --- transmisie interactivă --- transmission interactive --- flujo de datos --- vuorovaikutteinen tiedonsiirto --- interactieve transmissie --- Übertragung im Dialogverfahren --- datu plūsma --- transmetim interaktiv --- datastrøm --- transmissão interativa --- αμφίδρομη διαβίβαση --- Datenfluss --- tok údajov --- andmevoog --- trażmissjoni ta' data --- adatforgalom --- transmisión interactiva --- gegevensstroom --- interaktívny prenos --- sąveikusis perdavimas --- gegevenstransmissie --- interaktiivne ülekanne --- duomenų srautas --- dialoginis perdavimas --- interaktivni prijenos --- interaktiv överföring --- interaktīvā pārraide --- компютърни приложения --- rakendusinformaatika --- εφαρμοσμένη πληροφορική --- informática aplicada --- toegepaste informatica --- aplikovaná informatika --- angewandte Informatik --- računalniške aplikacije --- tietotekniikkasovellukset --- počítačové aplikácie --- informatica applicata --- kompiuterių taikymas --- aplicații pe calculator --- informatique appliquée --- računalni namjenski program --- aplikacione kompjuteri --- рачунарске апликације --- applikazzjonijiet informatiċi --- informatyka stosowana --- datora lietojumprogrammas --- anvendt datamatik --- tillämpad informatik --- alkalmazott számítástechnika --- компјутерска наменска програма --- užitá informatika --- компјутерска апликација --- arvutirakendused --- applied computer science --- soveltava tietotekniikka --- shkenca e aplikuar e kompjuterave --- računalna aplikacija --- taikomoji kompiuterija --- alkalmazott informatika --- aplikacijski program --- lietišķā datorzinātne --- aplikovaná počítačová veda --- aplikovaná počítačová věda --- informatică aplicată --- plokiahel --- blockchain --- blokklánc --- blokų grandinė --- chaîne de blocs --- cadena de bloques --- блокова верига --- lanac blokova --- cadeia de blocos --- blockkedja --- blokovna veriga --- blocshlabhra --- łańcuch bloków --- lanț de blocuri --- blokķēde --- блокчејн --- Blockchain --- lohkoketju --- blokketen --- veriga podatkovnih blokov --- catena di blocchi --- блок-верига --- regjistrimi i shoqërisë tregtare --- registracija društva --- εγγραφή εταιρείας στα μητρώα --- регистриране на дружество --- företagsregistrering --- înregistrarea companiei --- uzņēmuma reģistrācija --- упис друштва у регистар --- zápis do obchodného registra --- registro de sociedad mercantil --- registo de sociedade --- registrazione di società --- társaság bejegyzése --- äriühingu registreerimine --- Eintragung ins Handelsregister --- vpis družbe v sodni register --- rejestracja spółki --- yhtiön rekisteröinti --- selskabsregistrering --- bendrovės įregistravimas --- immatriculation de société --- registratie van maatschappij --- obchodní rejstřík --- регистрирање трговско друштво --- reġistrazzjoni ta’ kumpanija --- upis u sudski registar --- ettevõtlusregister --- uzņēmumu reģistrs --- cégbírósági bejegyzés --- gazdasági szervezetek regisztere --- regjistër i aktivitetit tregtar --- registrering av företag --- cégjegyzék --- registar poslovnih subjekata --- εμπορικό μητρώο --- company register --- zápis do obchodního rejstříku --- sudski registar --- įmonių registras --- regjistër i shoqërive tregtare --- registar pravnih osoba --- bejegyzés --- registrace společnosti --- registo comercial --- Registro Mercantil --- handelsregister --- kaupparekisteri --- registro delle imprese --- äriregister --- aktiebolagsregister --- registrering av bolag --- kereskedelmi nyilvántartás --- Централен регистар --- едношалтерски систем --- business register --- kereskedelmi nyilvántartásba történő felvétel --- Handelsregister --- registrul comerțului --- registracija ustanova --- inscripción de sociedades mercantiles --- registar poduzeća --- registre du commerce --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- publicité --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- cenné papiere --- papiery wartościowe --- valori mobiliare --- værdipapir --- värdepapper --- effecten --- cenné papíry --- vertybiniai popieriai --- Wertpapier --- urrús inaistrithe --- vrednostni papirji --- κινητές αξίες --- väärtpaberid --- értékpapír --- titolu trasferibbli --- ценни книжа --- хартије од вредности --- valores mobiliários --- хартии од вредност --- valeur mobilière --- valore mobiliare --- valor mobiliario --- letra me vlerë --- arvopaperi --- vērtspapīri --- vrijednosni papiri --- título negociável --- zbywalne papiery wartościowe --- prenosivi vrijednosni papir --- transferable security --- prevoditeľný cenný papier --- valor transferible --- pārvedams vērtspapīrs --- omsætteligt værdipapir --- verhandelbaar effect --- übertragbares Wertpapier --- átruházható értékpapír --- прехвърлима ценна книга --- título-valor --- título transmissível --- vabalt võõrandatav väärtpaber --- Effekten --- prenosljiv vrednostni papir --- valeur mobilière négociable --- siirtokelpoinen arvopaperi --- perleidžiamieji vertybiniai popieriai
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Online-Werbeblocker haben über Jahre hinweg die deutschen Gerichte und die juristische Literatur beschäftigt. Die Diskussion erreichte ihren Höhepunkt durch das "Werbeblocker II"-Urteil des BGH im Jahr 2018. Während dieses Urteil einen Großteil der lauterkeitsrechtlichen Rechtsfragen klärte, bleiben vor allem die urheber- und kartellrechtlichen ungeklärt. Deren Bewertung bedarf eines umfassenden technischen und wirtschaftlichen Verständnisses, wofür dieses Werk grundlegende Erklärungen enthält. Es dient auf dieser Grundlage der Ordnung der Vielzahl der Einzelprobleme und Rechtsansichten in ein logisches System und deren Bewertung im größeren rechtlichen Kontext.
Internet --- Droit de la concurrence --- competition law --- Droit d'auteur --- copyright --- Publicité --- advertising --- Droit de la protection des données --- data protection --- Thèses --- thesis --- Germany --- Allemagne RF --- Германија --- Германия --- Duitsland --- Tyskland --- Deutschland --- Γερμανία --- Nemčija --- Njemačka --- Germania --- Allemagne --- An Ghearmáin --- Nemecko --- Niemcy --- Saksa --- Vokietija --- Németország --- il-Ġermanja --- Vācija --- Saksamaa --- Alemanha --- Alemania --- Německo --- Gjermania --- Немачка --- spolkové Německo --- Сојузна Република Германија --- Federal Republic of Germany --- West-Duitsland --- Vācijas Federatīvā Republika --- Alemanha do Oeste --- Bondsrepubliek Duitsland --- RFA --- Germania ovest --- NSR --- Germania federale --- RFT --- Alemanha Ocidental --- Västtyskland --- ir-Repubblika Federali tal-Ġermanja --- Repubblica federale di Germania --- RFN --- BR Deutschland --- Vakarų Vokietija --- Germania occidentale --- Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság --- Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland --- SRN --- Saksamaa Liitvabariik --- západní Německo --- Repubblica federale tedesca --- Alemania Federal --- Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας --- Alemania Occidental --- Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland --- Alemanha RF --- ФРГ --- Republika Federalna Niemiec --- Савезна Република Немачка --- Gjermania Perëndimore --- Saksan liittotasavalta --- German Federal Republic --- Savezna Republika Njemačka --- Vokietijos Federacinė Respublika --- СРН --- PCG --- ΟΔΓ --- SLV --- Alemanha Federal --- Западна Немачка --- Länsi-Saksa --- Spolková republika Nemecko --- FRG --- Duitse Bondsrepubliek --- NSZK --- Westdeutschland --- República Federal de Alemania --- Nemecká spolková republika --- Allemagne de l'Ouest --- Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine --- Lääne-Saksamaa --- die Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Δυτική Γερμανία --- Alemania RF --- Allemagne fédérale --- Γερμανία ΟΔ --- Německá spolková republika --- VFR --- RFGJ --- República Federal da Alemanha --- západné Nemecko --- West Germany --- Vesttyskland --- Republica Federală Germania --- Федерална република Германия --- Zvezna republika Nemčija --- Západní Berlín --- BRD --- République fédérale d'Allemagne --- Ομοσπονδιακή Γερμανία --- Spolková republika Německo --- Republika Federale e Gjermanisë --- teżi --- avhandling --- διατριβή --- Hochschulschrift --- väitöskirja --- kandidátská práce --- tese --- disertacija --- proefschrift --- afhandling --- дисертация --- dysertacja --- tesi --- teză --- tesis --- szakdolgozat --- temë shkencore --- diplomska naloga --- diplomski (magistarski, doktorski) rad --- väitekiri --- kandidátska práca --- теза --- дисертација --- thèse --- tēze --- értekezés --- dissertation --- дипломска работа --- disertační práce --- disertace --- докторска дисертација --- магистерска теза --- diplomamunka --- Habilitationsschrift --- teza --- diplomová práce --- magisterij --- doktorská práce --- disszertáció --- rigorózní práce --- Dissertation --- doktorsavhandling --- doktori értekezés --- disputats --- habilitační práce --- doktorat --- Doktorarbeit --- zaštita podataka --- tietosuoja --- ochrana údajov --- databeskyttelse --- protecția datelor --- adatvédelem --- përpunim i të dhënave --- Datenschutz --- varstvo podatkov --- protección de datos --- protection des données --- cosaint sonraí --- proteção dos dados --- uppgiftsskydd --- duomenų apsauga --- andmekaitse --- ochrona danych --- datu aizsardzība --- προστασία δεδομένων --- ochrana údajů --- gegevensbescherming --- защита на информация --- protezzjoni tad-data --- заштита на податоци --- заштита података --- protezione dei dati --- Datensicherung --- varnost podatkov --- andmeturve --- ασφάλεια των δεδομένων --- zajištění dat --- dataskydd --- ochrana dat --- databeveiliging --- segurança de dados --- slándáil sonraí --- bezpečnost dat --- безбедност на податоци --- Datensicherheit --- data security --- datu drošība --- gegevensbeveiliging --- aineistoturvallisuus --- sigurnost podataka --- protecção dos dados --- sigurtà tad-data --- сигурност података --- datos protegidos --- sicurezza dei dati --- tietoturva --- zabezpečení údajů --- сигурност на данните --- sécurité des données --- bezpečnosť osobných údajov --- заштита на лични податоци --- bezpieczeństwo danych --- beveiliging van gegevens --- adatbiztonság --- zaštita informacija --- ochrana informací --- duomenų saugumas --- zabezpečení dat --- protezione dei dati personali --- securitate a datelor --- сигурност на податоци --- andmete turvalisus --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- publicité --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- reclame --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- drittijiet tal-awtur --- autorské práva --- droit d'auteur --- e drejtë autori --- szerzői jog --- prawo autorskie --- auteursrecht --- autoriaus teisė --- cóipcheart --- δικαίωμα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- autoriõigus --- autorsko pravo --- drept de autor --- авторско право --- autorské právo --- Urheberrecht --- tekijänoikeus --- diritto d'autore --- upphovsrätt --- direito de autor --- derechos de autor --- forfatterret --- ауторско право --- autortiesības --- avtorska pravica --- јавно прикажување --- aanspraak --- diritto di copia --- droits voisins --- репродукција --- blakustiesības --- јавно изведување --- Copyright --- disciplina sul diritto d'autore --- радиодифузно емитување --- συγγραφικό δικαίωμα --- изнајмување --- јавно пренесување --- direito moral --- derecho de autor --- autorský zákon --- tilgrænsende rettigheder --- gretutinė teisė --- droit moral --- дистрибуција --- diritto di riproduzione --- tutela delle opere d'ingegno --- upphovsrätten närstående rättigheter --- Urheberrechtsschutz --- diritto dell'ideatore --- accessory right --- drepturi colaterale --- evasione dei diritti d'autore --- diritto morale --- πνευματικά δικαιώματα --- derecho moral del autor --- јавно изложување --- prístupové práva --- diritto d'inventore --- преработување --- ophavsret --- e drejtë dytësore --- издавање --- diritto patrimoniale d'autore --- право на умножување --- konkurrensrätt --- id-dritt tal-kompetizzjoni --- δίκαιο του ανταγωνισμού --- konkurencijos įstatymas --- kilpailuoikeus --- direito da concorrência --- konkurences likums --- dreptul concurenței --- droit de la concurrence --- prawo konkurencji --- право на конкуренција --- конкурентно право --- versenyjog --- pravo tržišnoga natjecanja --- konkurrenceret --- Wettbewerbsrecht --- ligji i konkurrencës --- soutěžní právo --- norme giuridiche sulla concorrenza --- concurrentierecht --- право конкуренције --- Derecho de la competencia --- súťažné právo --- konkurenčno pravo --- konkurentsiõigus --- regole di concorrenza --- konkurrenceregulering --- pravo konkurencije --- legislație privind concurența --- közösségi versenyjog --- правила за конкуренција на Заедницата --- soutěžní legislativa --- konkurencijos nuostatai --- konkurences tiesības --- regulamentação da concorrência --- κανόνες ανταγωνισμού --- прописи против нелојалната конкуренција --- soutěžní předpisy --- Wettbewerbsregel --- kilpailusäännökset --- közösségi versenyjog rendelkezései --- konkurencijos reglamentai --- konkurrenceregler --- Wettbewerbsordnung --- заедничко право за конкуренција --- Wettbewerbsgesetzgebung --- Wettbewerbsvorschrift --- reglamentación de la competencia --- konkurentsisätted --- konkurenční právo --- заштита на конкуренција --- versenyszabályok --- konkurrensbestämmelser --- konkurences noteikumi --- norme sulla concorrenza --- súťažné predpisy --- concurrentieregeling --- propisi o tržišnom natjecanju --- konkurrencebestemmelser --- procedura in materia di concorrenza --- zákon o ochraně hospodářské soutěže --- réglementation de la concurrence --- versenyjogi szabályok --- competition regulations --- правила на Заедницата за конкуренција --- közösségi versenyjog szabályai --- concurrentievoorschriften --- regolamentazione della concorrenza --- rregulla të konkurrencës --- Wettbewerbsrecht der Gemeinschaft --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- tráchtas --- dlí na hiomaíochta --- Idirlíon
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Het boek behandelt elke juridisch relevante fase in de cyclus van elektronische handel. Eerst wordt er ingegaan op de juridische aandachtspunten bij het opzetten van een online handel, zoals de registratie van een domeinnaam, het deponeren van een merk en het sluiten van contracten met dienstverleners voor bijvoorbeeld hosting en ontwikkeling van de website. Ook wordt er meer in detail ingegaan op een specifiek ICT-contract, namelijk het cloudcomputingcontract.Vervolgens behandelen de auteurs de juridische vragen rond het uitbaten van een elektronische handelszaak, van het online bestelproces tot het elektronisch betalen en de facturatie. Vanzelfsprekend wordt de nodige aandacht besteed aan online reclame en de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Er wordt tevens ingegaan op de fiscale aandachtspunten rond elektronische handel. Zowel directe als indirecte belastingvragen komen aan bod. In een laatste deel wordt er ten slotte stilgestaan bij de problematiek van mogelijke geschillen en aansprakelijkheidsclaims, waarbij aandacht wordt besteed aan toepasselijk recht en de trend van online geschillenbeslechting. Ten slotte werpen de auteurs alvast een blik in de toekomst met de nakende regulering van artificiële intelligentie.
Commercial law --- Computer. Automation --- cloud computing --- handelsrecht --- internet --- intellectueel eigendomsrecht --- e-commerce --- Belgium --- BPB2106 --- 150 Economisch recht en handelsrecht --- internetadres --- provider --- facturering --- reclame --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- belasting --- aansprakelijkheidsvordering --- kártérítés iránti kereset --- civil liability proceedings --- постапка за утврдување граѓанска одговорност --- skadeståndstalan --- byla dėl civilinės atsakomybės --- vahingonkorvausmenettely --- kahju hüvitamise nõude menetlus --- tiesvedība civiltiesiskās atbildības lietā --- αγωγή αποζημίωσης --- imeachtaí dliteanais shibhialta --- tožba na ugotovitev civilne odgovornosti --- powództwo w sprawie odpowiedzialności --- претенция за обезвреда --- ação de responsabilidade civil --- acción por responsabilidad --- çështje për përgjegjësinë civile --- тужба за утврђивање грађанскоправне одговорности --- Haftungsklage --- proċedimenti dwar responsabilità ċivili --- erstatningssager --- procedură de stabilire a răspunderii civile --- tužba za utvrđivanje građanskopravne odgovornosti --- azione per accertamento della responsabilità --- action en responsabilité --- konanie o občianskoprávnu zodpovednosť --- žaloba na občanskoprávní odpovědnost --- барање за надомест на штета --- kahju hüvitamise hagi --- vahingonkorvausta koskeva kanne --- prasība par kaitējuma atlīdzināšanu --- azione per risarcimento --- tužba za naknadu štete --- Schadensersatzklage --- kártérítési kereset --- pretendim për dëmshpërblim --- prasība atlīdzināt zaudējumus --- тужба за надомест на штета --- реална штета --- polgári jogi felelősség megállapítása iránti kereset --- prasība par zaudējumu atlīdzināšanu --- action en dommages et intérêts --- загубена добивка --- plângere pentru daune --- постапка за надомест на штета --- nárok na náhradu škody --- acção de responsabilidade civil --- acțiune civilă pentru recuperarea unui prejudiciu --- acción por daños y perjuicios --- skadeståndsanspråk --- vordering tot schadevergoeding --- odštetni zahtjev --- kahju hüvitamise nõue --- žaloba o odškodnenie --- αγωγή αναγνώρισης ευθύνης --- квалификувана штета --- action for damages --- барање оштета --- vahingonkorvausvaatimus --- claim for damages --- ieškinys dėl nuostolių atlyginimo --- skatt --- tatim --- данок --- cáin --- porez --- nodoklis --- данък --- imposta (tassa) --- mokestis --- tax --- daň --- imposto --- impozit --- φόρος --- порез --- impuesto --- taxxa --- skat --- podatek --- vero --- Steuer --- adó --- maks --- impôt --- davek --- apmokestinimo norma --- Abgabe --- даночна стапка --- skattesats --- aliquota d'imposizione --- јавна давачка --- miera zdanenia --- maksumäär --- taxa fiscal --- tipo de gravamen --- verokanta --- az adózás mértéke --- porezna stopa --- gravamen fiscal --- finansiel ordning --- taxe fiscale --- maksustamismäär --- Steuersatz --- daňová sazba --- оданочување --- taxa de imposição --- fiskal avgift --- beskatningsprocent --- tasa --- taux d'imposition --- adómérték --- cotă de impozitare --- sadzba dane --- tasso d'imposizione --- φορολογικά τέλη --- Steuerschuld --- míra zdanění --- φορολογικός συντελεστής --- canone fiscale --- belastingtarief --- contribución --- rate of taxation --- fiscale retributie --- shkallë e tatimit --- illeték --- imposta --- belastingschijf --- tarifa impositiva --- veroprosentti --- tipo impositivo --- nodokļa likme --- imposizione fiscale --- járulék --- shkallë tatimore --- tax rate --- taxă fiscală --- mokesčio norma --- tributo --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- protection of privacy --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- cosaint príobháideachais --- protection de la vie privée --- protecția vieții private --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- reklám --- reklamar --- reklame --- διαφήμιση --- publicité --- mainonta --- publicidade --- рекламирање --- reklama --- pubblicità --- огласување --- reklamavimas --- publicitet --- reklaam --- oglaševanje --- propagace --- reklam --- advertising --- publicitate --- oglašavanje --- fógraíocht --- publicidad --- reklāma --- реклама --- Werbung --- campanie publicitară --- reklamos kampanija --- пропагандна порака --- réclame --- reklāmas kampaņa --- reklamní kampaň --- mainoskampanja --- publiciteit --- διαφημιστική πληροφόρηση --- publicidad comercial --- publicidade comercial --- advertising campaign --- Werbeinformation --- hospodářská reklama --- reklamná kampaň --- lancio pubblicitario --- informação publicitária --- kommerciel reklame --- kommersiell reklam --- annoncekampagne --- reklamna kampanja --- annuncio pubblicitario --- Werbekampagne --- campanha publicitária --- campagna pubblicitaria --- reclameactie --- διαφημιστική προώθηση --- reklamiranje --- Werbefeldzug --- Reklame --- reklama (produkt) --- informazione pubblicitaria --- reklamní akce --- Werbeanzeige --- publicité commerciale --- commerciële reclame --- reklamekampagne --- reklamní inzerce --- advertisement --- manifesti --- propaganda publicitaria --- information publicitaire --- reklaamimine --- fushatë reklamash --- información publicitaria --- kereskedelmi hirdetés --- inzerce --- Werbeaktion --- ЕПП --- reklameinformation --- oglas --- advertentie --- reklamkampanj --- reclamecampagne --- pubblicità commerciale --- оглас --- reklaamikampaania --- campagne publicitaire --- mainos --- reclamă --- annonsering --- Wirtschaftswerbung --- campaña publicitaria --- reklamë --- εμπορική προβολή --- reklamní informace --- invoicing --- fatturazione --- fakturácia --- fakturiranje --- laskutus --- facturation --- τιμολόγηση --- facturare --- фактурисање --- фактуриране --- faktura --- arveldus --- Fakturierung --- sąskaitos faktūros pateikimas --- fakturace --- sonrascadh --- izstavljanje računov --- fakturering --- faturim --- фактурирање --- faktūrrēķina izrakstīšana --- facturación --- faturação --- számlázás --- fatturar --- faktuurarve --- räkning --- факторинг --- faktorings --- fatura --- affacturage --- Rechnung --- fattura --- factura --- faturë --- Factoring --- Ausfertigung einer Rechnung --- faktoring --- претфактура --- faktuur --- facture --- fakturování --- factură --- κατάρτιση τιμολογίου --- faktúra --- провизорна фактура --- factoring --- lasku --- sąskaitos faktūros išdavimas --- испостављање рачуна --- gestión de cobros --- invoice --- профактура --- descuento de facturas --- faktooring --- faktūrrēķins --- arve --- arvemüük --- Rechnungsausstellung --- számla kiállítása --- sąskaita faktūra --- facturação --- factuur --- давалац приступа на интернет --- dostawca usług internetowych --- soláthraí rochtana Idirlín --- furnizor de servicii Internet --- fornecedor de acesso --- internetudbyder --- ofrues i shërbimit të internetit --- fornitore di accesso a Internet --- poskytovatel internetových služeb --- Internetleverantör --- davatelj pristupa internetu --- Internet access provider --- ponudnik dostopa do interneta --- Интернет доставчик --- Interneti-ühenduse pakkuja --- internetszolgáltató --- Internet-palveluiden tarjoaja --- poskytovateľ prístupu na internet --- interneto prieigos teikėjas --- давател на пристап до интернет --- proveedor de acceso --- interneta piekļuves sniedzējs --- fornitur tal-aċċess għall-internet --- παροχέας πρόσβασης --- fournisseur d'accès --- Internet-Provider --- ISP --- teikėjas --- ofrues interneti --- ofrues shërbimi interneti --- interneto paslaugų teikėjas --- Internet-Zugangsanbieter --- paslaugų teikėjas --- service provider --- poskytovatel přístupu na internet --- interneto teikėjas --- ofrues --- piekļuves sniedzējs --- Interneti-teenuse pakkuja --- internet service provider --- interneta pakalpojumu sniedzējs --- furnizor de Internet --- access provider --- ofrues aksesi --- Internet-Dienstanbieter --- Provider --- pakalpojumu sniedzējs --- провајдер приступа ан интернет --- internet provider --- ofrues shërbimi --- aanbieder --- szolgáltató --- prieigos teikėjas --- Интернет адрес --- endereço internet --- adresse internet --- internetcím --- internetska adresa --- indirizz tal-websajt --- Internetadress --- internetová adresa --- adresë interneti --- dirección de Internet --- interneta adrese --- indirizzo Internet --- internetadresse --- seoladh Idirlín --- διεύθυνση στο Διαδίκτυο --- Internet-osoite --- interneto adresas --- интернетска адреса --- Internetadresse --- adres internetowy --- adrese internet --- Interneti-aadress --- internetni naslov --- Internet address --- domeeninimi --- adres sieciowy --- interneta vietnes nosaukums --- URL-aadress --- domänadress --- nome del sito Internet --- sitio de Internet --- emërtim i domainit të internetit --- internetno domensko ime --- ονομασία δικτυακής θέσης --- webbadress --- adresse URL --- adresse Web --- web address --- web-adresse --- internet-domænenavn --- онлајн адреса --- Internet domain name --- endereço URL --- URL --- adres van de website --- domeinnaam voor internet --- indirizzo web --- URL-osoite --- www-osoite --- domænenavn --- tinklavietės adresas --- διεύθυνση URL --- webová adresa --- tīkla adrese --- indirizz tas-sajt --- nazwa domeny internetowej --- endereço web --- УРЛ --- URL-adresse --- internetové spojenie --- веб-адреса --- webadresse --- interneta vietne --- internetové spojení --- интернетски домен --- nombre de dominio de Internet --- διεύθυνση στο web --- nom de domaine internet --- página de Internet --- webcím --- indirizzo URL --- Globālā tīmekļa vietne --- nacionalna domena --- онлајн страница --- web adresa --- interneto domeno adresas --- Internet-aluetunnus --- URL-adress --- internetska domena --- spletni naslov --- netadresse --- nome de domínio internet --- veebiaadress --- BPB2106. --- E-books --- Commerce électronique --- Contrats électroniques --- Droit public économique --- Droit commercial --- Consommateurs --- Protection --- Belgique --- Electronic commerce --- Electronic data interchange
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