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Hög andel unga bland svenska gränspendlare Drygt hälften av de svenska gränspendlarna till Danmark och Norge 2008 var under 35 år och mer än en fjärdedel var under 25 år. Antalet 25-åringar har ökat kraftigt sedan 2005. Det kan bero på att personaluthyrningsföretagen har varit mycket aktiva i Norge. Nästan en tredjedel av 16-24-åringarna anställdes där. Hälften av gränspendlarna var ensamstående. Många ensamstående var unga och hade ännu inte bildat familj. Man är kanske inte lika benägen att gränspendla med längre bortavaro från hemmet när man har hemmavarande barn. År 2008 var det minst en invånare i var och en av Sveriges 290 kommuner som arbetade i Norge. För närmare 50 kommuner var det 200 invånare eller fler, som arbetade i de två grannländerna. Bara en av tio svenska gränspendlare kommer från långtidsarbetslöshet i Sverige till jobb i Danmark eller Norge. Drygt 50 procent av ungdomarna upp till 24 år hade förvärvsarbete som huvudsaklig inkomstkälla i Sverige året innan man började arbeta i Danmark eller Norge. Omkring 20 procent studerade och nästan lika många bodde i ett annat land. Endast 1,4 procent hade någon typ av arbetslöshetsstöd som huvudersättning.
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Commuters --- Commuting --- Navetteurs --- Migrations alternantes
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Occupational mobility --- Commuters --- Couples --- Families --- Mobilité professionnelle --- Navetteurs --- Familles
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Self-employed --- Commuters --- Labor mobility --- Travailleurs indépendants --- Navetteurs --- Main-d'oeuvre --- Mobilité
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Encouraging wage earners to use public transport has a vital role to play in meeting environmental objectives, particularly the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Changing people's behaviour calls for action in the workplace and one option open to employers is to recruit mobility managers whose task is to help reduce employees' dependence on private car use. Governments can support such initiatives by running information campaigns, by publishing practical guides to incentive schemes and by harmonising regulatory and fiscal frameworks. Round Table 121 was devoted to this innovative topic and opened with a discussion of the provision of free parking facilities to company employees in the United States, a practice that has many knock-on effects and ramifications. One solution is for companies to replace free parking with cash-out schemes under which financial benefits are given to employees who choose not to make use of their free parking space. The Round Table then proceeded to consider several examples of employee mobility schemes in Europe, and ended by drawing conclusions of interest to local, regional and national authorities. This Round Table makes a key contribution to continuing efforts to chart a course of action directed towards achieving the goal of sustainable transport.
Automobiles -- Environmental aspects. --- Commuters. --- Commuting -- Management. --- Commuters --- Commuting --- Automobiles --- Business & Economics --- Transportation Economics --- Management --- Environmental aspects --- Autos (Automobiles) --- Cars (Automobiles) --- Gasoline automobiles --- Motorcars (Automobiles) --- Motor vehicles --- Transportation, Automotive --- Transportation --- Telecommuting --- Travelers --- Management. --- Environmental aspects.
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Commuters --- Victims of crimes --- Victims of crimes surveys --- Crimes against --- 343.98 <492> --- Criminalistiek. Technologie en taktiek van de misdaad. Studie van het slachtoffer. Victimologie. Crimineel onderzoek--Nederland --- 343.98 <492> Criminalistiek. Technologie en taktiek van de misdaad. Studie van het slachtoffer. Victimologie. Crimineel onderzoek--Nederland
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Le livre reprend de manière exhaustive et pratique les différentes alternatives de mobilité des travailleurs salariés. Chaque solution est traitée tant du point de vue du droit du travail, que du droit social ou de la fiscalité. Il est illustré par de nombreux exemples chiffrés (Source: Kluwer).
sécurité sociale --- indemnité et frais --- véhicule utilitaire --- impôt sur les salaires --- België --- Commuters --- Navetteurs --- Employer-sponsored transportation --- Transport de personnel --- Automobiles, Company --- Voitures d'entreprises --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Law and legislation --- Income tax deductions for travel and entertainment expenses --- Impôt sur le revenu --- Déduction --- Frais de déplacement et de représentation
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An examination of the neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement that accompany more compact development around transit. Cities and regions throughout the world are encouraging smarter growth patterns and expanding their transit systems to accommodate this growth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and satisfy new demands for mobility and accessibility. Yet despite a burgeoning literature and various policy interventions in recent decades, we still understand little about what happens to neighborhoods and residents with the development of transit systems and the trend toward more compact cities. Research has failed to determine why some neighborhoods change both physically and socially while others do not, and how race and class shape change in the twenty-first-century context of growing inequality. Drawing on novel methodological approaches, this book sheds new light on the question of who benefits and who loses from more compact development around new transit stations. Building on data at multiple levels, it connects quantitative analysis on regional patterns with qualitative research through interviews, field observations, and photographic documentation in twelve different California neighborhoods. From the local to the regional to the global, Chapple and Loukaitou-Sideris examine the phenomena of neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement not only through an empirical lens but also from theoretical and historical perspectives. Growing out of an in-depth research process that involved close collaboration with dozens of community groups, the book aims to respond to the needs of both advocates and policymakers for ideas that work in the trenches.
Sustainable urban development. --- Local transit. --- Communities. --- City planning --- Urban policy --- Environmental aspects. --- Cities and state --- Urban problems --- City and town life --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Sociology, Urban --- Urban renewal --- Community --- Social groups --- City transit --- Mass transit --- Municipal transit --- Public transit --- Rapid transit --- Transit systems --- Urban transit --- Transportation --- Ridesharing --- Environmentally sustainable urban development --- Sustainable development --- Transit-oriented development --- Gentrification --- Displacement --- Housing policy: Greenhouse gas reduction --- Neighborhood change --- Smart growth --- California --- housing --- affordable housing --- transportation --- transit --- public transportation --- commuting --- commuters
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