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The Nordic Working Group on Globalisation and Cross-border Cooperation has published a paper which gives an overview of the current eleven Nordic Cross-border Cooperation Committees and their work. Part one of the paper gives an overview of the geographic context, organisational structures and project activities of the eleven Nordic Cross-border Cooperation Committees, as well as a comparison of the similarities and differences between the cross-border committees. Part two elucidates some key elements concerning the work of the cross-border committees: border obstacles, the integration of public authorities, as well as the importance of the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Interreg programmes. The appendix of the paper contains fact sheets from each of the eleven cross-border cooperation committees which present their organisation and work in more detail. The paper is published in Swedish, English, and Finnish.
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Elinkeino-, energia- ja aluepolitiikan ministerineuvoston (ÄK-R) alainen globalisaation ja rajat ylittävän yhteistyön työryhmän julkaisema raportti on katsaus Pohjolan yhteentoista rajakomiteaan ja niiden työskentelyyn. Raportin osa yksi käsittelee Pohjolan yhdentoista rajakomitean maantieteellistä kontekstia, organisaatiorakennetta ja projektitoimintaa. Lisäksi se vertailee eri rajakomiteoiden yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja. Osa kaksi käsittelee rajakomiteoiden keskeisiä toimialueita: rajaesteitä, rajakomiteoiden merkitystä viranomaisintegraation kannalta sekä Pohjoismaiden Ministerineuvoston ja Interreg-ohjelmien merkitystä rajakomiteoiden rajaalueeseen liittyvän työn kannalta. Raportin liitteenä on yhteenveto kustakin raja-alueyhteistyökomiteasta organisaatio- ja työkuvauksen kera. Tämä raportti on julkaistu suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi.
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Border security --- Border control --- Border management --- Boundaries --- Cross-border security --- National security --- Security measures
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In 1972, the Second Statute of Autonomy came into force as the central constitutional foundation of South Tyrol's autonomy and thus of the protection of the German and Ladin minorities in South Tyrol. With reference to selected areas, such as competences, financial autonomy, language use, education and relations with other autonomies, this book shows how the Statute has proved itself in practice. Legal solutions for the rapidly changing requirements in law and society, for example through digitalisation, are also examined, as are South Tyrol's relations with the region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, municipalities and Europe. With contributions by Andrea Ambrosi | Siegfried Brugger | Paolo Coppola | Matteo Cosulich | Elena D'Orlando | Sigrun Falkensteiner | Martha Gärber | Esther Happacher | Thomas Mathà | Walter Obwexer | Gianfranco Postal | Martha Stocker | Helmut Tichy | Roberto Toniatti | Alice Valdesalici | Karl Zeller.
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