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Witch' is a powerful word with humble origins. Once used to describe an ancient British tribe known for its unique class of female physicians and priestesses, it grew into something grotesque, diabolical and dangerous. A History of Women in Medicine: From Physicians to Witches? reveals the untold story of forgotten female physicians, their lives, practices and subsequent demonisation as witches. Originally held in high esteem in their communities, these women used herbs and ancient psychological processes to relieve the suffering of their patients. Often travelling long distances, moving from village to village, their medical and spiritual knowledge blended the boundaries between physician and priest. These ancient healers were the antithesis of the witch figure of today; instead they were knowledgeable therapists commanding respect, gratitude and high social status. In this pioneering work, Sinéad Spearing draws on current archeological evidence, literature, folklore, case studies and original religious documentation to bring to life these forgotten healers. By doing so she exposes the elaborate conspiracy conceived by the Church to corrupt them in the eyes of the world. Turning these women from benevolent therapists into the embodiment of evil required a fabricated theology to ensure those who collected medicinal herbs or practiced healing, would be viewed by society as dealing with the devil. From this diabolical association, female healers could then be labeled witches and be justly tortured and tried in the ensuing hysteria known today as the European witch craze.
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"This four-volume collection explores medical women as a global phenomenon during the long nineteenth century through primary sources. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this title will be of great interest to students of Women's History and the History of Medicine"--
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Karriere als Ärztin in Deutschland - keine Selbstverständlichkeit! "Karriereplanung für Ärztinnen" bietet allen Berusanfängerinnen in der Medizin wie auch gestandenen Ärztinnen eine Menge praxisnaher Informationen, Erfolgsregeln und Zutaten zu einer Karriere als Ärztin: - Bestandaufnahme und kritische Beleuchtung: Frauen in der Medizin gestern und heute! - Darstellung der Karriereplanung anhand von typischen Lebensläufen: wie Ärztinnen erfolgreich Schwierigkeiten meistern! - Praktische Anleitung zur beruflichen Erfolgsplanung: Karriere frühzeitig richtig planen! Das Karrierehandbuch für Ärztinnen: ideal für den Berufsstart und Wiedereinstieg! "Fazit: 19,95 € sind hier gut angelegt. Unbedingt empfehlenswert für alle Kolleginnen, die fundierte Informationen für die nächsten Karriereschritte suchen".
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Women --- Women in medicine --- Women physicians --- Feminism --- History.
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Sex discrimination in employment. --- Sexual harassment. --- Women in medicine.
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Women in science --- Women in engineering --- Women in medicine
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Avec la notion de care, les études féministes ont fait des qualités d’attention à autrui et des activités liées au souci des autres un territoire de recherche et un enjeu de société. L’enjeu de ce numéro est donc de mettre à l’épreuve cette notion dans le champ de l’histoire et d’apprécier les domaines de l’activité humaine et les dynamiques sociales et sexuées du passé qu’elle invite à questionner. Les se penchent sur les femmes pourvoyeuses de soin en Grèce ancienne, les nourrices employées par un hôpital de Marseille au Moyen Age, les sœurs de la Charité du XIXe siècle français, les de la Croix Rouge en temps de guerre, les assistantes sociales de l’entre-deux-guerres, les nourrices ou médecins en contexte colonial, ou encore les sages-femmes d’aujourd’hui. Suivies d’un état de l’art critique et réflexif, ces différentes contributions évoquent tantôt l’invisibilité, tantôt la valorisation du travail de care, qui se déploie dans le contexte familial ou encore dans les institutions religieuses ou publiques de soin. Elles permettent ainsi de penser dans le temps long l’histoire de ce travail subalterne de soin et de service, largement féminin.
Care of the sick --- Women --- Women in medicine --- History. --- Employment --- History
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Women's medicine highlights British female doctors' key contribution to the production and circulation of scientific knowledge around contraception, family planning and sexual disorders between 1920-70. It argues that women doctors were pivotal in developing a holistic approach to family planning and transmitting it across borders, playing a more prominent role in shaping scientific and medical knowledge than previously acknowledged. Illuminating women doctors' agency in the male-dominated field of medicine, this book reveals their practical engagement with birth control and later family planning clinics in Britain, their participation in the development of the international movement and their influence on French doctors. Drawing on a wide range of archived and published medical materials, Rusterholz sheds light on the strategies British female doctors used and the alliances they made to put forward their medical agenda and position themselves as experts and leaders.
Women in medicine. --- Family planning. --- Contraception --- Women's health services. --- History.
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"This book explores how lean operates and is adopted in real, corporeal, collective and affective environments of health and social care services. During Lean implementation processes, knowledges, affects, skills and materialities come together in manifold, complex ways. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, interviews and observation, and with empirical and theoretical rigour, the book provides an answer to the question of what happens to care work when processes become 'Leaned'. As in many other fields, the predominantly female health and social care sectors suffer from devaluation in terms of wages and working conditions. The book explores how Lean operates, is adopted and is ultimately lived in this gendered context of work and labour. Moreover, the book situates Lean and related management doctrines in the current mutation of capitalism - that is, biocapitalism - in which bios, life itself, becomes the core of value production. The book adds to the corpus of work, organization and management studies on Lean that have rarely focused on gender, affect or sociomateriality. It provides scholars in Social Science, Management and Gender Studies with a fresh outlook and a cross-disciplinary take on Lean management"-- Provided by publisher.
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Née en 1050, Trotula de Salerne fit "trente-six métiers" d'homme. Féministe sans entraves, elle fut la première femme médecin du Moyen Âge. Surveillée par l'Eglise mais jamais inquiétée, elle developpa une gynécologie quasi inexistante, pratique accouchements sans douleurs, avortements et césariennes avant d'enseigner la médecine. Personne ne pensait qu'une femme pût s'intéresser à la balnéothérapie, à l'astronomie, aux vertus cachées des plantes et à la chirurgie. Plus tard, la mère de Léonard de Vinci fut traitée de "fille de Trotula" parce qu'elle était fille-mère. Avec sa médecine empathique, Trotula semblait encore trop moderne pour être honnête...
Women in medicine --- Medicine, Medieval --- History, Medieval --- Femmes en médecine --- Médecine médiévale --- History. --- Histoire --- Trotula --- Trotula Di Ruggiero
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