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Architecture --- History --- Histoire --- Aspect social --- Afrika --- 72.037 --- 72.039(6) --- 727.1 --- 725.5 --- 725.84 --- 72:574 --- Architectuur ; Afrika ; 21ste eeuw ; 2000-2013 --- Architectuuronderwijs ; Afrika --- Sociaal geëngageerde architectuur ; Afrika --- Schoolgebouwen --- Hospitalen --- Vernaculaire ; traditionele ; synthese met hedendaagse architectuur --- 72.039 <6> --- #SBIB:39A4 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- #SBIB:316.334.5U10 --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 ; Afrika --- Gebouwen voor opleiding en wetenschap ; scholen --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Openbare gebouwen ; gebouwen voor specifieke sporten --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960--Afrika --- Toegepaste antropologie --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Sociologie van stad en platteland: wonen en huisvesting --- Exhibitions
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Das Krankenhaus unterlag als Bautyp in den letzten Jahren großen Veränderungen: Der Wandel im Gesundheitswesen, die evidenzbasierte Medizin sowie Fragen der Gesundheitsökonomie (wie die Bündelung bestimmter Verfahren in Fachkliniken) stellen neue Anforderungen an die Planung. Private Gesundheitseinrichtungen treiben den Paradigmenwechsel vom funktionalen Technikbauwerk zum design-affinen Gesundheitsbau mit Hotelcharakter voran. Dieses Buch stellt in einem breiten systematischen Teil die Voraussetzungen für Entwurf und Planung von Krankenhäusern dar. Der Beispielteil dokumentiert in sechs Kategorien - Allgemeinkrankenhäuser, Kinderkliniken, Universitätskliniken, Fachkrankenhäuser, Ambulanzen und Polikliniken sowie Reha- und Nachsorgeeinrichtungen - ca. 40 internationale Projekte. Hospitals as a building type have undergone a substantial evolution in the past years. Changes in healthcare, the impact of evidence-based medicine and aspects of healthcare economics (such as the clustering of diagnostic procedures in specialized clinics) pose new and different challenges for the designer. Private healthcare facilities herald the paradigm change from the large functional building complex to a design-conscious health institution with luxury hotel features. Health centers more devoted to prevention rather than cure have been another important trend. This publication explains the principles and requirements for the planning of hospitals and other health facilities. An international case study section documents 40 best-practice projects in six categories: general hospitals, children's hospitals, specialized clinics, outpatient clinics and health centers as well as rehabilitation clinics.
725.5 --- 725.51 --- Hospital Design and Construction --- Facility Design and Construction --- Gebouwen voor gezondheidszorg --- Hospitalen (architectuur) --- Klinieken (architectuur) --- Ziekenhuizen (architectuur) --- trends --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Hospitals --- Health facilities --- Hospital architecture --- Hôpitaux --- Équipements sanitaires --- Architecture --- Design and construction --- Conception et construction --- hospitals [buildings for health facility] --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- architecture [discipline] --- Public buildings --- interior design --- Hospital buildings --- Design and construction. --- Hospital architecture. --- Furniture, equipment, etc. --- Architecture. --- Conception et construction. --- Hôpitaux (Édifices) --- Meubles, équipement, etc. --- Hospital supplies --- Furniture --- Equipment and supplies --- Materials management --- Construction --- Hôpitaux --- Équipements sanitaires
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Une réflexion sur les exigences en matière d'architecture et d'équipement requises pour l'élaboration de bâtiments destinés aux personnes âgées ; nombreux exemples récents (appartements, résidences, centres communautaires, centres multigénérationnels etc...) en Europe
woningbouw --- flexibiliteit --- Relation between energy and economics --- Architecture --- Building design --- Dwellings --- Universal design --- Barrier-free design --- Logement pour personne âgée --- Personne âgée --- Détail de construction --- Habitat collectif --- Habitat individuel groupé --- Habitat semi-collectif --- Handicapé --- Logement pour personne seule --- Allemagne --- Amsterdam --- Autriche --- Berne --- Fribourg --- Japon --- Munich --- Rotterdam --- Stuttgart --- Suisse --- Vienne --- Wiesbaden --- Zürich --- Habitations --- Personnes âgées --- Relations entre générations --- Accessibilité aux handicapés --- Logement --- 728.7 --- 725.56 --- 72.036 --- 72.037 --- 728.2 --- Flexibele woningen --- Flexibiliteit (woningbouw) --- Multifunctionele woningen --- Bejaardenwoningen --- Seniorenwoningen --- 20ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Twintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- Bejaardenhomes. Rusthuizen --- Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- 728.2 Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- 725.56 Bejaardenhomes. Rusthuizen --- 725.5 --- Architectuur ; voor ouderen ; voor bejaarden --- Lifespan design --- Design --- Lifetime homes --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Relations entre générations. --- Logement. --- Ensemble de maisons individuelles --- Relations intergénérationnelles. --- Relations intergénérationnelles. --- Accessibilité aux handicapés --- Dwellings - Barrier-free design - Europe --- Universal design - Europe --- Personnes âgées
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Barrier-free design. --- Design --- People with disabilities. --- Accessibilité aux handicapés --- Handicapés --- Human factors. --- Facteurs humains --- Architecture --- Aspect social --- Études de cas --- 365 --- 728 --- 725.1 --- 725.5 --- 364.4-056.24 --- Woonwensen. Ecologie van het wonen. Woonruimtevoorziening --(maatschappelijke zorg) --- Particuliere bouwkunst. Woningbouw --- Publieke bouwkunst. Openbare gebouwen. Administratiegebouwen. Overheidsbouw --- Gebouwen voor gezondheidszorg. Gebouwen voor sociale zorg --- Hulpverlening aan gebrekkigen, invaliden, gehandicapten, minder-validen --- 364.4-056.24 Hulpverlening aan gebrekkigen, invaliden, gehandicapten, minder-validen --- 725.5 Gebouwen voor gezondheidszorg. Gebouwen voor sociale zorg --- 725.1 Publieke bouwkunst. Openbare gebouwen. Administratiegebouwen. Overheidsbouw --- 728 Particuliere bouwkunst. Woningbouw --- 365 Woonwensen. Ecologie van het wonen. Woonruimtevoorziening --(maatschappelijke zorg) --- Accessibilité aux handicapés --- Handicapés --- Architectuur ; interieurarchitectuur ; voor gehandicapten en bejaarden --- Toegankelijkheid van gebouwen ; ontwerpen ; basishandboeken --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Architectuur ; hindernisvrije ; onbelemmerde doorgangen --- Aspect social. --- Études de cas.
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This book examines the relationship between space, defined physically, legally and legislatively, and how these factors directly impact the spaces of abortion. It analyses how various political entities shape the physical landscapes of inclusion and exclusion to reproductive healthcare access, and questions what architecture's responsibilities are in respect to this spatial conflict.Employing writing, drawing and mapping methodologies, this interdisciplinary project explores restrictions and legislatures which directly influence abortion policy in the US, Mexico and Canada. It questions how th
Architecture and women --- Architecture --- Abortion services --- Health services accessibility --- Access to health care --- Accessibility of health services --- Availability of health services --- Medical care --- Abortion clinics --- Abortion facilities --- Birth control clinics --- Women's health services --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Women and architecture --- Women --- Psychological aspects --- Access --- Design and construction --- Architecture et femmes --- Cliniques d'avortement --- Services de santé --- Aspect psychologique --- Accessibilité --- 396 --- 725.511 --- 725.5 --- 911.3:32 --- 911.3:32 Geopolitiek. Politieke geografie --- Geopolitiek. Politieke geografie --- 725.5 Gebouwen voor gezondheidszorg. Gebouwen voor sociale zorg --- Gebouwen voor gezondheidszorg. Gebouwen voor sociale zorg --- 725.511 Ziekenhuizen. Klinieken. Hospitalen --- Ziekenhuizen. Klinieken. Hospitalen --- Feminisme. Vrouwenbeweging. Vrouw en maatschappij --- Architecture, Primitive --- Abortion --- Feminism and architecture --- Hospital architecture --- Feminisme --- Abortusklinieken ; abortuscentra --- Inclusief ontwerpen --- Toegankelijkheid van gebouwen --- Architectuur ; psychologische perceptie van gebouwen --- Hospital buildings --- Architecture and feminism --- Clinics --- Environmental psychology --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Human factors --- Reproductive health services
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X-Ray Architecture explores the enormous impact of medical discourse and imaging technologies on the formation, representation and reception of twentieth-century architecture. It challenges the normal understanding of modern architecture by proposing that it was shaped by the dominant medical obsession of its time : tuberculosis and its primary diagnostic tool, the X-ray. Modern architecture and the X-ray were born around the same time and evolved in parallel. While the X-ray exposed the inside of the body to the public eye, the modern building unveiled its interior, dramatically inverting the relationship between private and public. Architects presented their buildings as a kind of medical instrument for protecting and enhancing the body and psyche. Beatriz Colomina traces the psychopathologies of twentieth-century architecture - from the trauma of tuberculosis to more recent disorders such as burn-out syndrome and ADHD - and the huge transformations of privacy and publicity instigated by diagnostic tools from X-Rays to MRIs and beyond. She suggests that if we want to talk about the state of architecture today, we should look to the dominant obsessions with illness and the latest techniques of imaging the body - and ask what effects they have on the way we conceive architecture.
Santé --- Qualité de la vie --- Histoire de l'architecture --- Mouvement moderne --- Modèle en architecture --- Maîtrise des ambiances --- Médecine --- Wagner, Otto --- Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig, --- Architecture and society --- Architecture --- X-rays --- Architecture, Modern --- Architecture and technology --- 725.5 --- 725.75 --- 72.049 --- 725.51 --- Architectuur ; voor gezondheidszorg --- Technology and architecture --- Technology --- Rays, Roentgen --- Roentgen rays --- Roentgenograms --- Electromagnetic waves --- Ionizing radiation --- Radiation --- Cathode rays --- Radiography --- Vacuum-tubes --- Environmental psychology --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Architecture and sociology --- Society and architecture --- Sociology and architecture --- Health aspects --- Psychological aspects --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, verzorgingstehuizen --- Openbare gebouwen ; gebouwen voor gezondheid, vakantie --- Architectuur ; verschillende onderwerpen --- Openbare gebouwen ; ziekenhuizen, klinieken --- History --- Human factors --- Design and construction --- Social aspects --- Architecture et société --- Health aspects. --- Histoire --- Aspect sanitaire --- Aspect psychologique --- Health and architecture. --- History. --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- health --- x-rays [radiation] --- architecture [object genre] --- Modern [style or period] --- Wagner, Otto, --- Architecture et sciences --- Philosophie --- 72.036 --- Gebouven voor gezondheidszorg --- Gebouwen voor sociale zorg --- Gezondheidscentra (architectuur) --- 20ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Twintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- Architecture, Primitive --- Wagner, Otto, 1841-1918 --- Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 --- x-ray [radiation]
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