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Thoth (Egyptian deity) --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- Papyrus démotiques --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- Egyptian language --- Egyptien (Langue) --- Papyri, Demotic --- Papyrus démotiques --- Thoth
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In The Tradition of Hermes Trismegistus, Christian H. Bull argues that the treatises attributed to Hermes Trismegistus reflect the spiritual exercises and ritual practices of loosely organized brotherhoods in Egypt. These small groups were directed by Egyptian priests educated in the traditional lore of the temples, but also conversant with Greek philosophy. Such priests, who were increasingly dispossessed with the gradual demise of the Egyptian temples, could find eager adherents among a Greek-speaking audience seeking for the wisdom of the Egyptian Hermes, who was widely considered to be an important source for the philosophies of Pythagoras and Plato. The volume contains a comprehensive analysis of the myths of Hermes Trismegistus, a reevaluation of the Way of Hermes, and a contextualization of this ritual tradition.
Hermes, --- Hermetism --- Brotherhoods --- Brotherhood --- Church societies --- Men --- Secret societies --- Societies --- Ermete, --- Hermes Mercurius, --- Hermès, --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius, --- Thoth, --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- هرمس، --- Hermes --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermes Trismegistos --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth
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Décorer un temple était, dans l'Égypte Ancienne, un acte pensé, dont l'un des objectifs était de mettre un discours en images. Vocabulaire iconographique, principes de disposition et figures de style étaient les instruments, tels que nous les révèle la méthode par dissociation, des imagiers égyptiens. Construits et décorés par Ramsès II avec une vingtaine d'années d'écart, les temples de Derr et de Seboua offrent la possibilité d'une étude diachronique des moyens d'expression de ces imagiers. Bien conservée, la décoration des chapelles secondaires de ces temples est en outre le terrain idéal d'une telle mise en perspective. Or, si celle-ci permet de préciser les termes de l'évolution de ces moyens d'expression, elle nous fait également discerner deux versions d'une spéculation sur la nature du roi divin en relation avec l'Inondation. Osiris, Ramsès, Thot et le Nil: ainsi pourrait-on résumer le programme iconographique de ces chapelles.
Osiris (Divinite egyptienne) --- Osiris (Egyptian deity) --- Osiris (Egyptische godheid) --- Thot (Divinité egyptienne) --- Thoth (Egyptian deity) --- Thoth (Egyptische godheid) --- Academic collection --- Tempels. --- Kapellen (bouwkunst) --- Egyptische godsdienst. --- Chapelles --- Bas-relief --- Chapels --- Bas-reliefs --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- Osiris --- Ramses --- Ramsès --- Thot --- Rock Temple of el-Derr (Egypt) --- Temple of Sebwa (Egypt) --- Temple de Derr (Egypte). --- Temple de Ouadi es-Seboua (Egypte). --- Egypte. --- Egypt --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- Gods, Egyptian --- Church architecture --- Church buildings --- Decoration and ornament --- Relief (Sculpture) --- Sculpture --- Rameses --- Osymandyas, --- Ramesses --- Ramessu --- Ramses, --- Ramesse --- Ramses II, King of Egypt --- Thoth --- Osymandyas --- Chapels - Egypt --- Bas-relief - Egypt --- Thoth - (Egyptian deity) --- Osiris - (Egyptian deity) --- Ramses - II, - King of Egypt --- Religious architecture
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Hathor (Egyptian deity) --- Thoth (Egyptian deity) --- Hathor (Divinité égyptienne) --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- 299.31 --- Gods, Egyptian --- Athor (Egyptian deity) --- Athyr (Egyptian deity) --- Hathor the Great (Egyptian deity) --- Lady of the West (Egyptian deity) --- Goddesses, Egyptian --- Godsdiensten van de Oude Egyptenaren --- 299.31 Godsdiensten van de Oude Egyptenaren --- Hathor (Egyptian deity). --- Thoth (Egyptian deity). --- Hathor (Divinité égyptienne) --- Thot (Divinité égyptienne) --- Hathor --- Thoth --- Jehuti --- Jehuty --- Tahuti --- Tehuti --- Zehuti --- Techu --- Tetu --- Lady of the West --- Lady of Turquoise --- Great One of Many Names --- Lady of Stars --- Mistress of Turquoise --- Great Menit --- Athyr --- Athor --- Hathor, --- Thoth - (Egyptian deity)
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Theosophy. --- Gnosticism. --- Science, Ancient. --- Théosophie --- Gnosticisme --- Sciences anciennes --- Hermes, --- Appreciation --- Theosophy --- Gnosticism --- Science, Ancient --- Hermès Trismégiste. --- Hermes Trismegistos --- mottagande --- Théosophie --- Ancient science --- Science, Primitive --- Science --- Cosmology --- Religions --- Anthroposophy --- History --- Ermete, --- Hermes Mercurius, --- Hermès, --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius, --- Thoth, --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- هرمس، --- Cults --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth --- Hermes, - Trismegistus --- Hermes, - Trismegistus - Appreciation - Arab countries --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Littérature arabe --- auteur prétendu --- Avant-622 --- 622-750 --- Appréciation --- Légendes --- Littérature arabe --- auteur prétendu --- Appréciation --- Légendes
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273.1*35 --- 273.1*35 Gnosis: Koptische bronnen: Nag Hammadi Codex Jung Evangelium veritatis --- Gnosis: Koptische bronnen: Nag Hammadi Codex Jung Evangelium veritatis --- Chenoboskion manuscripts --- Hermes --- Gnosis: Koptische bronnen: Nag Hammadi; Codex Jung; Evangelium veritatis --- Hermes Trismegistus --- Ermete, --- Hermes Mercurius, --- Hermès, --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius, --- Thoth, --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- هرمس، --- 273.1*35 Gnosis: Koptische bronnen: Nag Hammadi; Codex Jung; Evangelium veritatis --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Nag Hammadi codices. --- Gnosticism --- Nag Hammadi codices --- Gnosticisme --- Hermes, --- Gnosticism. --- Cults --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermes Trismegistos --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth --- Hermes, - Trismegistus --- Gnosticisme. --- Hermès, Triomégiste. --- Textes de Nag Hammadi. --- Hermès, Triomégiste.
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Il dialogo ermetico Asclepius, composto da un anonimo madrelingua greco in uno dei primi secoli dell’era cristiana, è un’opera latina che condivide la stessa tradizione testuale degli opuscoli filosofici di Apuleio (De deo Socratis, De Platone et eius dogmate, De mundo). Essa costituisce, insieme alla silloge del Corpus Hermeticum greco, la più ampia esposizione della teosofia ermetica in nostro possesso.Nel corso dell’opera, Ermete Trismegisto rivela ad Asclepio alcuni capisaldi della dottrina ermetica come il dualismo ontologico e cosmologico che separa dio e le realtà eterne (come gli astri, i dèmoni e l’intelletto umano) dalla materia e dalle realtà transeunti (come il corpo), e lo statuto mediano dell’essere umano, sospeso tra i due poli, con il duplice compito di custodire il mondo e impegnarsi nel percorso che conduce alla contemplazione intuitiva della divinità.Questa nuova edizione critica dell’opera si basa sulla ricognizione di tutti i testimoni manoscritti oggi noti anteriori al XV sec. Di ciascuno si discute dettagliatamente la collocazione stemmatica e si offre un’ampia messe di dati di collazione, utili a costituire il testo critico qui pubblicato. A new critical edition of the foundational text of the Latin Hermetic tradition
Medieval Latin literature --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- Hermetism. --- Hermes, --- Asklepios --- Asclepius. --- Hermetism --- 871 APULEIUS MADAURENSIS, LUCIUS --- 091 APULEIUS --- 091 APULEIUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--APULEIUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--APULEIUS --- 871 APULEIUS MADAURENSIS, LUCIUS Latijnse literatuur--APULEIUS MADAURENSIS, LUCIUS --- Latijnse literatuur--APULEIUS MADAURENSIS, LUCIUS --- Hermeticism --- Occultism --- Asclepius --- Asclepio --- Ασκληπιος --- Asclepiu --- Asklepi --- Асклепій --- Asklepiĭ --- Асклепий --- Asklepije --- Asclepi --- Æskulap --- Asklepio --- Asclépios --- Esculapio --- אסקלפיוס --- Asḳlepiyos --- Asḳlepyos --- Aesculapius --- Asklēpijs --- Asklepijas --- Asklepijus --- Eskulapas --- Aszklépiosz --- Асклепиј --- Asklepij --- Ескулап --- Eskulap --- アスクレーピオス --- Asukurēpiosu --- Asklepiy --- Asklepiu --- Асклепије --- 阿斯克勒庇俄斯 --- Asikeleibiesi --- Eshmun --- Ermete, --- Hermes Mercurius, --- Hermès, --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius, --- Thoth, --- هرمس، --- Logos teleios --- Ps. Apulei Ascelpius --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermes Trismegistos --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth
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This is the first of a two-volume collection of studies in inconsistencies in Greek and Roman religion. Their common aim is to argue for the historical relevance of various types of ambiguity and dissonance. The first volume focuses on the central paradoxes in ancient henotheism. The term 'henotheism' -- a modern formation after the stereotyped acclamation: #EIS O QEOS# ('one is the god'), common to early Christianity and contemporaneous paganism -- denotes the specific devotion to one particular god without denying the existence of, or even cultic attention to, other gods. After its prime in the twenties and thirties of this century the term fell into disuse. Nonetheless, the notion of henotheism represents one of the most remarkable and significant shifts in Graeco-Roman religion and hence deserves fresh reconsideration.
#GROL:SEMI-292 --- 292.211 --- Religion Classical Greek and Roman Gods, goddesses, divinities and deities --- Greece --- Rome --- Religion. --- 292 --- Religion Classical Greek and Roman --- Religion --- Grèce --- Isis --- Dionysus --- Hermes, --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermes Trismegistos --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- هرمس، --- Bacchus --- Bakchos --- Dionís --- Dionisas --- Dioniso --- Dionīss --- Dionisu --- Dioniz --- Dionizi --- Dionizo --- Dionizos --- Dionüszosz --- Dionysos --- Dionýzos --- Diyonizosse --- Διόνυσος --- Дионис --- ديونيسوس --- 디오니소스 --- דיוניסוס --- ディオニューソス --- 狄俄倪索斯 --- Βάκχος --- Діоніс --- Aset --- Eset --- Iset --- İsida --- Isidi --- Izida --- Iziso --- Iside --- Izidė --- Ízisz --- Izyda --- 伊西斯 --- Yi xi si --- イシス --- Ishisu --- איזיס --- 이시스 --- Isiseu --- Исида --- Изида --- Ісіда --- إيزيس --- Īzīs --- Ἴσις --- Greece - Religion --- Rome - Religion
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Occultism --- Hermetism --- Alchemy --- Magic --- Science, Ancient --- Occultisme --- Hermétisme --- Alchimie --- Magie --- Sciences anciennes --- Manuscripts --- Exhibitions --- Manuscrits --- Exposition --- Expositions --- Expositons --- Hermes, --- Exhibitions. --- Hermétisme --- History of chemistry --- Hermes Trismegistus --- 094:133 --- 094:141 --- 133.5:54 --- -Hermetism --- -Occultism --- -135.45 --- 509.02 --- Art, Black (Magic) --- Arts, Black (Magic) --- Black art (Magic) --- Black arts (Magic) --- Occult, The --- Occult sciences --- New Age movement --- Hermeticism --- Metals, Transmutation of --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Soorten van wijsgerige stelsels. Filosofische overtuigingen --- Alchemie --- Philosophy & psychology Hermetism --- Sciences History (500 - 1500) --- Ermete, --- Hermes Mercurius, --- Hermès, --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Mercurius, --- Thoth, --- Trismegistus, Hermes --- هرمس، --- Biblioteca nazionale marciana --- Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --- Biblioteka filosofika germetika (Amsterdam) --- Biblioteka filosofika germetika (Amsterdam, Netherlands) --- Biblioteca marciana --- Biblioteca di S. Marco --- Marcusbiblioteck --- Venice. --- Bibliotheca Divi Marci Venetiarum --- Biblioteca di San Marco --- Biblioteca marciana di Venezia --- Markianē Vivliothēkē --- Maruchāna Kokuritsu Toshokan --- Corpus Hermeticum. --- Poimandres --- Pymander --- Poemander --- Corpus hermétique --- 133.5:54 Alchemie --- 094:141 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Soorten van wijsgerige stelsels. Filosofische overtuigingen --- 094:133 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Occulte wetenschappen. Geheime leer. Occultisme --- Library of St. Mark's (Venice, Italy) --- National Library of St Mark's --- Marciana Library --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermetica --- 273.1 --- 273.1 Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Religions --- Supernatural --- Parapsychology --- Philosophers' egg --- Philosophers' stone --- Stone, Philosophers' --- Transmutation of metals --- Chemistry --- Italy. --- Esoteric sciences --- anno 1500-1799 --- anno 1400-1499 --- Europe --- Biblioteca nazionale marciana. --- Ficino, Marsilio --- Ermete Trimegisto --- Ermete Trismegisto --- Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus --- Hermès Trismégiste --- Hermes Trismegistos --- Mercurius Trismegistus --- Thoth --- -Manuscripts
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