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This edition presents English translations of the accounts of three important twelfth-century travellers to the Holy Land, the Anglo-Saxon Saewulf and the Germans John of Würzburg and Theoderic, based on the edition of the Latin texts. Saewulf travelled to the Holy Land soon after its capture by the First Crusade in 1099. His travelogue, framed by accounts of his outward sea journeys from southern Italy to Jaffa and back to Constantinople, describes the buildings and holy sites of Jerusalem and its surrounding countryside as they appeared in the early years of the Frankish kingdom, before the major building works that characterized the short century of Christian rule over the city were fully under way. In contrast, the two German descriptions give more detailed accounts of the transformation that the city and surrounding landscape had undergone and of the new churches and monasteries and their artistic programmes that had been created by the 1160s and 1170s. The translated texts are preceded by an introduction placing the texts in their historical context and are accompanied by brief explanatory notes with bibliographical indications for further information
940.181 --- 940.181 Kruistochten --- Kruistochten --- Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Saewulf, --- John, --- Theodericus, --- Palestine --- Jerusalem --- Description and travel --- History
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Theoderich der Große (um 453-526) gehört zu den faszinierendsten Herrschergestalten der Völkerwanderungszeit. Wie kein anderer Germanenkönig beeindruckte und polarisierte der Ostgote seine Mit- und Nachwelt. Die Urteile schwanken zwischen Verklärung als idealer Herrscher und Verdammung als Tyrann und häretischer Verfolger. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht erstmals systematisch und übergreifend das vielgestaltige Bild Theoderichs in der byzantinischen und westlichen Überlieferung von den zeitgenössischen Anfängen bis ins 9. Jahrhundert. Behandelt werden nicht nur literarische Zeugnisse, sondern aussagekräftige Quellen wie Inschriften, Münzen oder der Umgang mit Bildwerken und Bauten des Ostgotenkönigs finden ebenfalls Berücksichtigung. Andreas Goltz ordnet die zeitlich und regional höchst unterschiedlichen Darstellungen und Bewertungen Theoderichs in ihren gattungsspezifischen, überlieferungsgeschichtlichen und zeithistorischen Kontext ein, analysiert die Motive und Hintergründe für die verschiedenartigen Sichtweisen auf den Ostgotenkönig und trägt auf diese Weise maßgeblich zum Verständnis Theoderichs, seiner Zeit und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte bei.
Goths --- Ethnology --- Germanic peoples --- History. --- Theodoric, --- Tetricus, --- Theoderich, --- Theodoric the Great, --- Theodericus, --- Teoderico, --- Theoderic, --- Teodorico, --- Teoderyk, --- Dietrich, --- Germanic Peoples. --- Goths. --- Theodoric the Great.
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John, --- Saewulf, --- Theodericus, --- Jean, --- Théodoric, --- Journeys --- Voyages --- Palestine --- Description and travel --- Early works to 1800 --- Descriptions et voyages --- Ouvrages avant 1800
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Goths --- Theodoric, --- Italy --- Italie --- History --- Histoire --- Ostrogoths --- Ethnology --- Germanic peoples --- Austro-Gothi --- Austro-Goths --- Austrogothi --- Austrogoths --- East Goths --- Eastern Goths --- Ostgoths --- Ostro-Gothi --- Ostro-Goths --- Ostrogothi --- Kings and rulers --- Tetricus, --- Theoderich, --- Theodoric the Great, --- Theodericus, --- Teoderico, --- Theoderic, --- Teodorico, --- Teoderyk, --- Dietrich,
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Christian church history --- Walburga [s.] --- Diederik I van Metz --- Tiel --- Bishops --- Christian saints --- Church history --- Evêques --- Saints chrétiens --- Eglise --- History --- Sources --- Biography --- Histoire --- Biographies --- Dietrich --- Walburga, --- Holy Roman Empire --- Evêques --- Saints chrétiens --- Theodericus ep. Mettensis --- Dietrich - I, - Bishop of Metz, - d. 984 --- Walburga, - Saint, - ca. 710-779 --- Holy Roman Empire - History - Henry II, 1002-1024 --- Tiel [Gelderland]
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This book discusses Theoderic the Great?s years of political activity, which coincided with the advent of a new era and were marked by features of two distinct civilizations. From the political and cultural viewpoint, he stood at the boundary between the Roman tradition and his Germanic origin. From the religious perspective, when he came to power in Italy at the Emperor?s behest, he found himself amid the conflict embroiling Rome and Constantinople at that time. It was the so-called Acacian schism centred around the issue of the recognition of the Council of Chalcedon (451) with its teaching on the two natures in Christ as well as the acknowledgement of Constantinople as the principal see of the Church in the East. Another ecclesiastical ? and strictly Roman ? problem noted in the Liber Pontificalis is the Laurentian schism, named after Lawrence, who was elected Pope on the same day as Symmachus.
Ostrogoths --- History. --- Histoire --- Theodoric, --- Italy --- Italie --- Church history --- History --- Histoire religieuse --- 27 <45> "04/09" --- Austro-Gothi --- Austro-Goths --- Austrogothi --- Austrogoths --- East Goths --- Eastern Goths --- Ostgoths --- Ostro-Gothi --- Ostro-Goths --- Ostrogothi --- Goths --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Italië--?"04/09" --- Tetricus, --- Theoderich, --- Theodoric the Great, --- Theodericus, --- Teoderico, --- Theoderic, --- Teodorico, --- Teoderyk, --- Dietrich,
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Goths --- Kings and rulers --- Biography. --- History. --- Rois et souverains --- Biographie --- Histoire --- Theodoric, --- Italy --- Italie --- History --- Ostrogoths --- Austro-Gothi --- Austro-Goths --- Austrogothi --- Austrogoths --- East Goths --- Eastern Goths --- Ostgoths --- Ostro-Gothi --- Ostro-Goths --- Ostrogothi --- Ethnology --- Germanic peoples --- Tetricus, --- Theoderich, --- Theodoric the Great, --- Theodericus, --- Teoderico, --- Theoderic, --- Teodorico, --- Teoderyk, --- Dietrich, --- Goths - Kings and rulers - Biography. --- Goths - Italy - History.
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La Terrasanta crociata nel resoconto di tre dei più interessanti pellegrini dell’epoca.Le tre descrizioni della Terrasanta crociata riunite in questo volume furono prodotte tra l’inizio del XII secolo – qualche anno dopo la presa europea della Palestina – e il 1170 circa – poco prima della riconquista musulmana di Gerusalemme. La prima, quella dell’inglese Saewulf, è un vero e proprio resoconto di pellegrinaggio dalla forte impronta personale, che con un linguaggio letterariamente spoglio ricorda le vicissitudini sperimentate dall’autore nel suo viaggio per mare e per terra, dalla Puglia a Gerusalemme e fin quasi a Constantinopoli. Quelle di Giovanni di Würzburg e di Teodorico sono invece due guide della città santa e di buona parte della Palestina, parzialmente sovrapponibili in quanto in gran parte derivate dal celebre trattatello di topografia sacra composto qualche decennio prima dal chierico nazareno Rorgo Fretello. Entrambi gli autori, e soprattutto il più raffinato Teodorico, si impegnano tuttavia in un processo di rielaborazione e amplificazione del loro modello, che viene ad arricchirsi di informazioni originali accumulate nel corso di una reale esperienza di pellegrinaggio, testimone dei rinnovati fasti architettonici e urbanistici del regno latino di Gerusalemme.La versione latina originale dei testi qui tradotti è pubblicata nella collana Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaeualis con il titolo Peregrinationes tres. Saewulf, John of Würzburg, Theodericus (CC CM, 139), a cura di R.B.C. Huygens (1994). I rimandi alle pagine corrispondenti dell’edizione sono forniti a margine di questa traduzione.
248.153.8 <33> --- 248.153.8 <33> Bedevaarten. Pelgrimstochten--(algemeen)--Oud-Palestina. Judea --- Bedevaarten. Pelgrimstochten--(algemeen)--Oud-Palestina. Judea --- Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Crusades in literature. --- Crusades. --- John, --- Saewulf, --- Theodericus, --- Travel --- Jerusalem --- Mediterranean Sea --- Palestine --- History --- Description and travel. --- Description and travel --- Pèlerinages chrétiens --- Croisades --- Dans la littérature. --- Jérusalem (Royaume latin) --- Descriptions et voyages
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Dietrich de Freiberg a peu à peu trouvé sa place dans l'historiographie philosophique du Moyen Âge. Dans l'histoire de sa découverte et de sa promotion sur les devants de la scène scientifique, un rôle essentiel revient à Kurt Flasch, à qui rend hommage ce volume recueillant les contributions prononcées à l'occasion de son soixante-quinzième anniversaire. Elles tentent un bilan des recherches récentes sur le dominicain allemand et attestent l'appartenance de Dietrich à l'histoire de l'aristotélisme médiéval, nullement invalidée par le statut de maître en théologie à Paris (en 1296/7), ni par le fait que le dominicain n'ait pas laissé de commentaire des œuvres du Stagirite.
Dietrich von Freiburg --- Dietrich, --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Philosophie medievale --- Historiography --- Historiographie --- 378.4 <4> --- 378.4 <4> Universiteiten--Europa --- Universiteiten--Europa --- Philosophie médiévale --- Dietrich von Freiberg, --- Freiberg, Dietrich von, --- Teodorico, --- Teodorico di Vriberg, --- Theodoric, --- Theodericus Teutonicus, --- Theodoricus, --- Theodoricus Saxo, --- Theodoricus Teutonicus, --- Thierry, --- Von Freiberg, Dietrich, --- Dietrich von Freiberg --- Flasch, Kurt --- Peripatetics --- History --- Dietrich, - von Freiberg, - ca. 1250-ca. 1310. --- Dietrich von Freiberg (1240?-131.) --- Mélanges et hommages
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This book explores the evolution of Roman law and society in Italy from 493, with the proclamation of the Ostrogoth Theoderic the Great as king, until about 554, when the eastern Emperor Justinian was able to re-establish imperial authority in the region. Drawing upon evidence from a variety of legal and historical sources, it investigates how Theoderic and his successors attempted to govern the peninsula in the wake of foreign invasions, the collapse of civic administration, the break-up of the Mediterranean economy, and the emergence of new forms of religious and secular authority. It challenges long-held assumptions as to just how peaceful, prosperous and Roman-like Theoderic's Italy really was. Its primary focus is the Edictum Theoderici, a significant but largely overlooked document that offers valuable historical insights into the complex and sometimes contested social, political and religious changes that marked Italy's passage from Antiquity into the Middle Ages.
Roman law. --- Law, Gothic --- Ostrogoths --- Droit romain --- Droit gothique --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Theodoric, --- Edictum Theoderici Regis. --- Law, Gothic. --- History --- Théodoric --- Edictum Theoderici. --- Austro-Gothi --- Austro-Goths --- Austrogothi --- Austrogoths --- East Goths --- Eastern Goths --- Ostgoths --- Ostro-Gothi --- Ostro-Goths --- Ostrogothi --- Goths --- Gothic law --- Civil law --- Civil law (Roman law) --- Law --- Law, Roman --- Tetricus, --- Theoderich, --- Theodoric the Great, --- Theodericus, --- Teoderico, --- Theoderic, --- Teodorico, --- Teoderyk, --- Dietrich, --- Edict of Theodoric --- Edictum Theoderici --- Arts and Humanities --- Théodoric
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