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Moving off the Farm : Land Institutions to Facilitate Structural Transformation and Agricultural Productivity Growth in China
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Agriculture has made major contributions to China's economic growth and poverty reduction, but the literature has rarely focused on the institutional factors that might underpin such structural transformation and productivity. This paper aims to fill that gap. Drawing on an 8-year panel of 1,200 households in six key provinces, it explores the impact of government land reallocations and formal land-use certificates on agricultural productivity growth, as well as the likelihood of households to exit from agriculture or send family members to the non-farm sector. It finds that land tenure insecurity, measured by the history of past land reallocations, discourages households from quitting agriculture. The recognition of land rights through formal certificates encourages the temporary migration of rural labor. Both factors have a large impact on productivity (at about 30 percent each), mainly by encouraging market-based land transfers. A sustained increase in non-agricultural opportunities will likely reinforce the importance of secure land tenure, which is a precondition for successful structural transformation and continued economic attractiveness of rural areas.

Do Land Market Restrictions Hinder Structural Change in a Rural Economy? : Evidence from Sri Lanka.
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper analyzes the effects of land market restrictions on structural change from agriculture to non-farm in a rural economy. This paper develops a theoretical model that focuses on higher migration costs due to restrictions on alienability, and identifies the possibility of a reverse structural change where the share of nonagricultural employment declines. The reverse structural change can occur under plausible conditions: if demand for the non-agricultural good is income-inelastic (assuming the non-farm good is non-tradable), or non-agriculture is less labor intensive relative to agriculture (assuming the non-farm good is tradable). For identification, this paper exploits a natural experiment in Sri Lanka where historical malaria played a unique role in land policy. The empirical evidence indicates significant adverse effects of land restrictions on manufacturing and services employment, rural wages, and per capita household consumption. The evidence on the disaggregated occupational choices suggests that land restrictions increase wage employment in agriculture, but reduce it in manufacturing and services, with no perceptible effects on self-employment in non-agriculture. The results are consistent with the migration costs model, but contradict two widely discussed alternative mechanisms: collateral effect and property rights insecurity. This paper also provides direct evidence in favor of the migration costs mechanism.

Technologisches Regieren : Der Aufstieg des Netzwerk-Denkens in der Krise der Moderne. Foucault, Luhmann und die Kybernetik
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839455979 3837655970 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Das Netzwerk ist ein Grundbegriff des 21. Jahrhunderts geworden - und mit ihm die Diagnose, dass wir in einem neuen Zeitalter leben, in dem es auf Konnektivität, Flexibilität und Selbstorganisation ankommt. In einer groß angelegten Geschichte des Regierungsdenkens zeichnet Vincent August erstmals diese fundamentale Transformation nach. Er zeigt, dass unsere Welt keineswegs nur durch den Neoliberalismus geprägt wird - und dass die Netzwerk-Gesellschaft nicht einfach ein Resultat des Internets oder von Computern ist. Vielmehr griffen Berater:innen und Intellektuelle wie Foucault, Crozier oder Luhmann auf die Kybernetik zurück, um die Ideenwelt der Souveränität abzulösen und unser Regierungsdenken grundlegend zu verändern. Eine Analyse spätmoderner Gesellschaften kommt ohne eine Analyse dieses Netzwerk-Paradigmas nicht aus.

Structural Transformation and Tax Efficiency
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1484399811 1498301134 Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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Structural transformation has resulted in an increasing share of services in aggregate value-added in advanced and developing countries across the world. We analyze the impact of this shift into services on countries’ efficiency in collecting the value-added tax (VAT). The analysis is based on two alternative measures of VAT efficiency: (1) the VAT C-efficiency, using a broad panel of 134 countries over the period 1970-2014; and (2) the VAT gap using a more granular, proprietary dataset that draws on the results of IMF’s Revenue Administraion-Gap Analysis Program covering 24 countries over the period 2004-2016. We find that a higher share of services in aggregate value-added reduces the VAT efficiency, and that this adverse effect is mainly a result of a rise of non-tradable services, which in turn contributes to a narrowing of the VAT base.

The Volatility of the Relative Price of Commodities In Terms of Manufactures Across Exchange Regimes : A Theoretical Model
ISBN: 1462394264 1452767351 1283560518 1451903081 9786613872968 Year: 1998 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This paper investigates the relationship between the nominal exchange rate regime and the volatility of relative commodity prices. The analysis shows that the relationship depends upon both the market structure and the economic agent’s perception about future exchange rate movements. When the markets for manufactured goods are less competitive than the markets for primary commodities, the volatility of relative commodity prices rises when exchange rate uncertainty increases. If demand for manufactured goods is intertemporally dependent, even a small increase in exchange rate uncertainty can result in potentially large costs in terms of increased relative commodity price instability.

Overcoming the challenge of structural change in research organisations : a reflexive approach to gender equality
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1802621199 1802621229 1802621210 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited,

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The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The under-representation of women in research and innovation has been documented as a global phenomenon and is particularly heightened on decision-making boards and in leadership positions. Presenting a reflexive approach to gender equality for research organisations developed within the TARGET project, funded by the European Commission, the authors describe the experiences of the project's implementation in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organisations, research funding organisations and a network of universities. The TARGET approach goes beyond the formal adoption of a gender equality policy by emphasising an iterative and reflexive process towards equality at the institutional level as well as the establishment of a community of practice for gender equality within the institution. The approach is based on the assumption that actual change is the result of increased institutional willingness and capacity to identify, reflect on and address gender bias in a sustained way. Starting point and anchor of the process is a tailored gender equality plan for each institution. A specific characteristic of TARGET is the fact that implementing institutions are located in countries which have been characterised as relatively 'inactive' in developing gender equality policies in science and research. Therefore, internal and external communication about the relevance of gender equality in science and research forms an important element of a reflexive gender equality policy in contexts which are characterised by resistances, anti-genderism and traditional gender roles. This book will therefore be essential reading for higher education leaders and managers, and staff at all levels committed to achieving gender equity in higher education. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Growth Identification and Facilitation : The Role of the State in the Dynamics of Structural Change
Authors: ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Active economic policies by developing countries' governments to promote growth and industrialization have generally been viewed with suspicion by economists, and for good reasons: past experiences show that such policies have too often failed to achieve their stated objectives. But the historical record also indicates that in all successful economies, the state has always played an important role in facilitating structural change and helping the private sector sustain it across time. This paper proposes a new approach to help policymakers in developing countries identify those industries that may hold latent comparative advantage. It also recommends ways of removing binding constraints to facilitate private firms' entry into those industries. The paper introduces an important distinction between two types of government interventions. First are policies that facilitate structural change by overcoming information and coordination and externality issues, which are intrinsic to industrial upgrading and diversification. Such interventions aim to provide information, compensate for externalities, and coordinate improvements in the "hard" and "soft" infrastructure that are needed for the private sector to grow in sync with the dynamic change in the economy's comparative advantage. Second are those policies aimed at protecting some selected firms and industries that defy the comparative advantage determined by the existing endowment structure-either in new sectors that are too advanced or in old sectors that have lost comparative advantage.

Elämää sinnittelevässä pikkukaupungissa : varkautelaisten arki ja hyvinvointi
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere Tampere University Press

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The ten articles in this edited volume examine the city of Varkaus as a small city struggling with structural change using historical documents as well as survey and interview data. The city of Varkaus, which has a long industrial history, has lost a large part of its industrial jobs in the first decades of this millennium and its population has fallen sharply in recent years. However, a survey of the adult population shows that the inhabitants of Varkaus are typically satisfied with their work, with their social relationships and their lives in general. Varkaus is seen as a safe and good living environment. A central element of well-being is couple relationship, as well as other social relationships. The lack of well-being often stems from unemployment, low income and feelings of not belonging to the place of residence. Young adults value their place of residence as well as their family relationships, but there are tensions in their life regarding work and income. The tranquility and proximity to nature of Varkaus are appreciated, but there are also many who long for more urban heartbeat in their hometown. Tässä kymmenestä artikkelista koostuvassa kokoomateoksessa tarkastellaan Varkautta rakennemuutoksen kanssa kamppailevana pienenä kaupunkina historiallisia dokumentteja sekä vuosina 2016–2017 kerättyjä kysely- ja haastatteluaineistoa hyödyntäen. Pitkän teollisuushistorian omaava Varkauden kaupunki on tämän vuosituhannen ensimmäisinä vuosikymmeninä menettänyt suuren osan teollisista työpaikoistaan ja sen väestö on supistunut voimakkaasti. Kuitenkin koko aikuisväestöä edustava kysely kertoo, että varkautelaiset ovat tyypillisesti tyytyväisiä työhönsä, sosiaalisiin suhteisiinsa ja elämäänsä muutenkin. Varkaus nähdään turvallisena ja hyvän elämän puitteet tarjoavana asuinpaikkana. Hyvinvoinnin tärkeitä osatekijöitä ovat parisuhde ja muut sosiaaliset suhteet. Hyvinvoinnin puutteet liittyvät työttömyyteen, pienituloisuuteen sekä ulkopuolisuuden tunteisiin suhteessa asuinpaikkaan. Nuoret aikuiset arvostavat omaa asuinpaikkakuntaansa sekä perhe- ja sukulaisuussuhteitaan, mutta arkielämään liittyy jännitteitä työn ja toimeentulon osalta. Varkauden rauhallisuutta ja luonnonläheisyyttä arvostetaan, mutta monet toivoivat siltä myös enemmän kaupunkimaista sykettä.

New Structural Economics : A Framework for Rethinking Development
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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As strategies for achieving sustainable growth in developing countries are re-examined in light of the financial crisis, it is critical to take into account structural change and its corollary, industrial upgrading. Economic literature has devoted a great deal of attention to the analysis of technological innovation, but not enough to these equally important issues. The new structural economics outlined in this paper suggests a framework to complement previous approaches in the search for sustainable growth strategies. It takes the following into consideration: First, an economy's structure of factor endowments evolves from one stage of development to another. Therefore, the optimal industrial structure of a given economy will be different at different stages of development. Each industrial structure requires corresponding infrastructure (both "hard" and "soft") to facilitate its operations and transactions. Second, each stage of economic development is a point along the continuum from a low-income agrarian economy to a high-income industrialized economy, not a dichotomy of two economic development stages ("poor" versus "rich" or "developing" versus "industrialized"). Industrial upgrading and infrastructure improvement targets in developing countries should not necessarily draw from those that exist in high-income countries. Third, at each given stage of development, the market is the basic mechanism for effective resource allocation. However, economic development as a dynamic process requires industrial upgrading and corresponding improvements in "hard" and "soft" infrastructure at each stage. Such upgrading entails large externalities to firms' transaction costs and returns to capital investment. Thus, in addition to an effective market mechanism, the government should play an active role in facilitating industrial upgrading and infrastructure improvements.

Export Discoveries, Diversification and Barriers To Entry
Authors: ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The literature on the relationship between economic diversification and development has grown rapidly in recent years, partly due to the surprising finding that diversification rises with gross domestic product per capita up to a certain point. Export diversification along the extensive margin is inextricable from the introduction of new export products. The authors test the hypothesis that the threat of imitation inhibits the introduction of new exports - export discoveries - under the assumption that the intensive and extensive margins of exports are correlated within broad country-industry groups. Econometric evidence from panel-data techniques that are appropriate for count data (the number of discoveries) suggests that discoveries within countries and industries rise with the growth of exports along the intensive margin (relative to the growth of non-export gross domestic product) but the magnitude of this partial correlation increases with domestic barriers to entry and with customs delays in exporting. However, the magnification effect of barriers to entry appears to be less significant as a determinant of total within-country export discoveries. This is consistent with inter-industry and within-country spillovers related to export discoveries, implying that barriers to entry enhance the effect of export growth on discoveries within country-industries but total discoveries might be unaffected by barriers to entry.

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