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Le reliquie e le loro custodie sono costantemente oggetto di studio poiché si prestano a molteplici letture di tipo religioso, liturgico, canonistico e al contempo artistico, storico, politico e antropologico. Oggi esse sono chiamate in causa nel più ampio dibattito sul museo della società contemporanea e nello specifico su quello ecclesiastico, che intende rivendicare una propria autonomia. È utile riflettere sulla esposizione dei sacri resti e dei loro preziosi contenitori in musei e in luoghi diversi dalle chiese; in tale prospettiva gli studiosi intervenuti nel volume hanno affrontano problematiche teoriche, si sono soffermati su contesti funzionali, su varie tipologie di reliquiari e sul loro significato, ne hanno illustrato le vicende conservative ed espositive in istituti italiani e stranieri, al fine di indagare queste opere d'arte nel contesto.
Reliquaries --- Catholic Church --- Museums
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Reliquaries, Byzantine. --- Reliquaries, Medieval. --- Holy Cross. --- Reliquaires byzantins --- Reliquaires médiévaux --- Sainte Croix --- Reliquaries, Byzantine --- Reliquaries, Medieval --- Holy Cross --- Reliquaires médiévaux --- Medieval reliquaries --- Byzantine reliquaries --- Relics and reliquaries, Byzantine --- Cross --- Feast of the Cross --- Reliques --- Croix
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From skeletons to strips of cloth to little pieces of dust, reliquaries can be found in many forms, and while sometimes they may seem grotesque on their surface, they are nonetheless invested with great spiritual and memorial value. In this book, Cynthia Hahn offers the first full survey in English of the societal value of reliquaries, showing how they commemorate religious and historical events and, more important, inspire awe, faith, and, for many, the miraculous. Hahn looks deeply into the Christian tradition, examining relics and reliquaries throughout history and around the world, going from the earliest years of the cult of saints through to the post-Reformation response. She looks at relic footprints, incorrupt bodies, the Crown of Thorns, the Shroud of Turin, and many other renowned relics, and she shows how the architectural creation of sacred space and the evocation of the biblical tradition of the temple is central to the reliquary's numinous power. She also discusses relics from other traditions especially from Buddhism and Islam and she even looks at how reliquaries figure in contemporary art.
Reliquaries --- Relics --- Reliquaires --- Reliques --- History. --- History --- Histoire --- Reliquaries - History --- Relics - History --- Art and Design. --- Christian art and symbolism. --- Reliquaires. --- Reliquaries. --- reliquaries. --- Aspect social. --- Social aspects.
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This certified methodology shows the steps to be taken by contractors and builders of small water reservoirs with a special focus on preserving and archiving cultural value of historic landscape and its evolution. The methodology describes how to find and use defunct relics of historical waterdams in modern constructions (water retention dams), from identification in the landscape, through incorporation into the project documentation of the dam construction, to basic protection during the building process itself. State legislature on historic landscape is also mentioned. Re-utilisation of historic waterdams allows for their conservation for future generations and points at features of the historic dams at risk of destruction, and which need archaeological attention during the construction works (especially the historical drainage outlet). This methodology is praxis driven, as it is actively using knowledge gained through close co-operation with contractors and builders, and reflects their needs during construction.
Relics. --- Relics and reliquaries --- Bones --- Religious articles
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Christian art and symbolism --- Reliquaries --- Silverwork, Medieval
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Relics --- Reliquaries --- Saints --- Reliques --- Reliquaires --- Cult --- Culte
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Définir correctement les reliques des saints, leurs restes sur terre, donner un aperçu de leur culte, bien les identifier, mais surtout comment s’en servir : tels sont les objectifs de ce livre, qui trace aussi des perspectives nouvelles. Des questions fondamentales pour l’histoire elle-même du christianisme se posent : sommes-nous en présence dans l’Antiquité tardive d’un tournant culturel majeur ? Les termes utilisés par l’auteur en disent long sur le phénomène : « le quatrième pouvoir », « se connecter à l’au-delà » et ici « toucher l’invisible ». La publication systématique des trésors d’églises en cours apporte chaque jour de nouveaux documents. Ouvrir les châsses avec doigté archéologique permet d’en inventorier, en parfaite interdisciplinarité, le contenu avec rigueur et d’en publier les résultats.Ici se dessinent « les routes de la foi » et, plus largement encore, se révèle la circulation des biens et des personnes, un puzzle extraordinaire à reconstituer et qui sort largement du domaine religieux. Les reliques sont devenues un vrai champ historique.« Grâce aux analyses toujours parfaitement documentées [de Philippe George], on comprend mieux comment et pourquoi la chrétienté occidentale a vu se développer un réseau extrêmement dense de sanctuaires, liés dans la plupart des cas, à la présence d’un ou de plusieurs corps saints » (d'après la préface d'André Vauchez).
Relics --- Reliquaries --- Christian art and symbolism --- History --- Reliquaries. --- Christian art and symbolism. --- History.
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Als Weltkulturerbe steht der Hildesheimer Dom beispielhaft fur Bau und Ausstattung einer mittelalterlichen Bischofskirche. Dazu gehort auch ihr Reliquienschatz. Der spektakulare Fund von uber 600 Reliquienpackchen, die 1945 aus dem zerstorten Hochaltar des Domes geborgen wurden, wirft ein neues Licht auf den Kirchenbau, die Liturgie und die Kulttraditionen dieses bedeutenden Bischofssitzes.
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