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Make Do With Now presents a new view of Japanese architecture and introduces a young, as yet little known generation of architects and designers. These are demanding a sincere engagement with social, economic and ecological problems under the influence of, among other things, the experience of the Tohoku earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. Their creative handling of limited resources, found materials and existing building stock helps them in their search for responses to the urgent issues confronting us today.By means of written contributions and photographic essays the publication provides insight into more than twenty current projects and takes a closer look at five architecture practices. This gives readers a multifaceted impression of the innovative concepts which are driving architecture in Japan today. With projects by Fuminori Nousaku & Mio Tsuneyama, tomito architecture, dot architects and others.
72.039(520) --- 72:574 --- Architectuur ; verbouwingen ; hergebruik ; renovatie --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen ; hergebruik --- Architectuur ; Japan ; 21ste eeuw --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 ; Japan --- Architectuur en ecologie --- 72.037 --- Japan --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- J0010 --- J6500 --- Japan: General works -- monographs and series --- Japan: Art and antiquities -- architecture --- Architecture --- History --- Histoire
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How is it possible to keep the immense deposits of raw materials in buildings "active" and realise environmentally sustainable buildings in the long term? Besides "sufficiency, consistency and efficiency", this goal implies the intelligent use of resources, the recyclability of structures, circular construction methods that reuse decommissioned materials, in short "urban mining". This requires a rethink in planning and execution, thus posing a great challenge for architects and engineers. The Recycling Manual provides the necessary expertise for the associated paradigm shift in construction. In addition to successful project examples, this comprehensive and detailed guide provides in-depth explanations on calculation methods and tendering aspects.
Architektur --- Bauwerk --- Rohstoffverbrauch --- 691(03) --- 72:574 --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur ; materialen --- Architectuur ; recyclage van materialen en bouwonderdelen --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen --- Bouwmaterialen ; naslagwerken --- Architectuur en ecologie --- 72.025.5 --- Architectuur ; hergebruik van gebouwen --- Bouwmaterialen ; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen --- Architecture --- Building materials --- Waste products as building materials --- Construction --- Déchets (Matériaux de construction) --- Environmental aspects --- Recycling --- Aspect de l'environnement --- Matériaux --- Recyclage --- Recycling. --- Recycling (Waste, etc.) --- Building materials. --- Raw materials. --- Urban renewal. --- Architecture, Modern. --- Remplois (architecture) --- Déchets (matériaux de construction) --- Construction durable --- Building materials. Building technology --- recycling --- building materials --- sustainable architecture --- 504 --- 691 --- recyclage (bouwmateriaal) --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Materialen (design) --- Construction écologique --- Matériau recyclé --- Déchet --- Récupération --- Devis estimatif --- Devis descriptif --- Déchets (matériaux de construction) --- Raw materials --- Urban renewal --- Architecture, Modern --- Primary commodities --- Architectural materials --- Building --- Building supplies --- Buildings --- Construction materials --- Structural materials --- Materials --- Modern architecture --- Model cities --- Renewal, Urban --- Urban redevelopment --- Urban renewal projects --- City planning --- Land use, Urban --- Urban policy
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"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover!" ist heute die Leitlinie für nachhaltiges Bauen, die an die Stelle der Wegwerfmentalität der industriellen Moderne getreten ist. Das Autorenteam von der ETH Zürich und dem Future Cities Laboratory in Singapur gibt hier erstmals einen systematischen Überblick über die aus Abfall als erneuerbarem Rohstoff produzierten Baumaterialien und -elemente und über ihre Anwendung in Architektur, Innenraumgestaltung und Produktdesign. Die Bandbreite der dargestellten Baustoffe reicht von marktgängigen Produkten, wie Fassadepaneele aus Stroh oder selbstheilender Beton, bis hin zu Neuentwicklungen wie Holzbauelemente aus Zeitungspapier oder Isolierfasern aus Jeansdenim. Die Produkte werden auch in ihren Anwendung in gebauten oder prototypischen Projekten gezeigt. Das zugrunde liegende Konzept, Materialien in zusätzliche Lebenszyklen in der gebauten Umwelt zu überführen, geht über bloßes Recycling weit hinaus und umfasst fünf Gruppen von Produkten entsprechend ihrer Herstellungs- und Wirkungsweise: Verdichtung, physische Verwandlung, chemische Verwandlung, multifunktionale Gestaltung und biologisch-chemische Wachstumsprozesse. In einem weiteren Zugang werden die Produkte und Projekte nach ihren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Tragwerk, als selbsttragende Elemente, für Wärmedämmung und Feuchteschutz sowie im Ausbau gegliedert und dargestellt. "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover" is the sustainable guideline that has replaced the "Take, Make, Waste" attitude of the industrial age. Based on their background at the ETH Zurich and the Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore, the authors provide both a conceptual and practical look into materials and products which use waste as a renewable resource. This book introduces an inventory of current projects and building elements, ranging from marketed products, among them façade panels made of straw and self-healing concrete, to advanced research and development like newspaper, wood or jeans denim used as isolating fibres. Going beyond the mere recycling aspect of reused materials, it looks into innovative concepts of how materials usually regarded as waste can be processed into new construction elements. The products are organized along the manufacturing processes: densified, reconfigured, transformed, designed and cultivated materials. A product directory presents all materials and projects in this book according to their functional uses in construction: load-bearing, self-supporting, insulating, waterproofing and finishing products.
Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Building materials. Building technology --- recycling --- building materials --- life cycle management (economie) --- 691 --- 691.17 --- 72:574 --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen --- Bouwconstructies ; bouwelementen ; recyclagematerialen --- Architectuur ; design ; recupereerbare materialen --- Composieten ; gemaakt van afval --- 691 Building materials. Building components --- Building materials. Building components --- Bouwmaterialen ; kunststoffen --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Waste products as building materials. --- Salvage (Waste, etc.) --- Conversion of waste products --- Industrial salvage --- Recovery of waste products --- Solid waste management --- Utilization of waste products --- Waste management --- Waste reclamation --- Waste products --- Recycling (Waste, etc.) --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Building materials --- Recyclage (déchets, etc.) --- Remplois (architecture) --- Déchets (matériaux de construction) --- Déchets (Matériaux de construction) --- Récupération (Déchets, etc.) --- Salvage (Waste, etc.). --- Waste products as building materials --- Matériau recyclé --- Matériau --- Ecoconception --- 69.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- afval --- architectuur --- bouwmaterialen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Recyclage (déchets, etc.) --- Déchets (matériaux de construction)
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Le développement durable est appelé à devenir le principe directeur de l’action sociale et de l’activité économique. Dans le même temps, ses voies et moyens sont loin d’être clairs. En tant que pratique holistique, la durabilité doit combiner des stratégies techniques et matérielles, mais aussi sociales, économiques, écologiques et éthiques, qui ont des interactions multiples et complexes et, trop souvent, des objectifs et des priorités contradictoires. C’est dans l’architecture et la construction que l’on peut le mieux les observer, les aborder et les influencer. Chaque volume de “Building Better – Less – Different” détaille deux domaines fondamentaux de la durabilité et explore leurs dynamiques et interactions spécifiques. Après des aperçus introductifs, des méthodes innovantes et des développements actuels sont décrits et analysés dans des essais approfondis, des études de cas internationales et des commentaires pertinents. Les critères de durabilité que sont l’efficacité (“mieux”), la suffisance (“moins”) et la cohérence (“différent”) constituent le cadre de chaque ouvrage.
Hergebruik ; sloophout ; afvalmateriaal --- Architectuur ; design ; recupereerbare materialen --- Architectuur ; recyclage van materialen en bouwonderdelen --- Bouwconstructies ; bouwelementen ; recyclagematerialen --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen --- 72:574 --- Architectuur en ecologie ; architectuur en milieu --- Circular economy. --- Sustainable construction. --- BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY -- 72 --- 504 --- recyclage (bouwmateriaal) --- 574 --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologie en bioverscheidenheid --- 691 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Architecture écologique --- Economie circulaire --- Développement durable --- Changement climatique --- Construction écologique --- 692 --- Constructie-elementen --- Circulair bouwen --- Circular economy --- Sustainable construction --- Architecture --- Building materials --- Économie circulaire --- Construction durable --- Construction --- Environmental aspects --- Recycling. --- Aspect de l'environnement --- Matériaux --- Recyclage --- Sustainable development. --- Climatic changes. --- Recycling (Waste, etc.) --- Économie circulaire. --- Construction durable. --- Changements climatiques. --- Recyclage (déchets, etc.) --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- circulaire economie --- duurzaamheid --- Économie circulaire. --- Recyclage (déchets, etc.) --- Relation between energy and economics --- Production management --- economics --- adaptive reuse --- recycling --- sustainable architecture --- sustainability
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Le réemploi des éléments de construction est aujourd’hui devenu une ambition dans de nombreuses politiques publiques en matière de gestion des ressources. Les principes d’urban mining, de métabolisme urbain et de bouclage des flux de matériaux s’installent progressivement dans les esprits et les pratiques, mais de nombreux défis techniques, législatifs, sociaux et culturels freinent encore l’évolution des usages vers un modèle d’économie véritablement « circulaire » pour le secteur de la construction. Rassemblant des chercheurs et des concepteurs spécialisés dans les questions d’économie matérielle, le groupe Rotor présente ici un état des lieux sans précédent du réemploi des matériaux de construction. Il expose les obstacles qui subsistent, les solutions permettant d’y remédier, illustre le propos d’exemples remarquables et replace cette pratique dans sa dimension historique. Fruit d’une expérience internationalement reconnue, notamment dans le cadre de Rotor Deconstruction, entreprise active dans la valorisation d’éléments de construction de réemploi, cette référence fait également le point sur les dimensions et les perspectives économiques de cette pratique. Largement illustré et tout en couleur, ce livre s’adresse aux étudiants et praticiens actifs dans le domaine de la construction (architectes, ingénieurs civils) ou concernés par le réemploi des matériaux de construction (bureaux d’études, commanditaires, pouvoirs publics, consultants en environnement).
Architecture --- Wrecking --- Building materials --- Waste products as building materials --- Sustainable architecture --- Environmental aspects --- Recycling --- Philosophy --- Conservation and restoration --- architectuur --- Lausanne --- Démolition --- Construction --- Déchets (Matériaux de construction) --- Architecture durable --- Aspect de l'environnement --- Matériaux --- Recyclage --- Philossophie --- Conservation et restauration --- sustainable architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- demolition [process] --- 691 --- 691(03) --- 72.025.5 --- 72:574 --- Constructie-elementen ; deconstructie en hergebruik --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen ; hergebruik --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Materialen (design) --- Bouwmaterialen ; naslagwerken --- Architectuur ; hergebruik van gebouwen --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Reuse and deconstruction (Architecture). --- Rotor (Brussels). --- Remplois (architecture) --- Aspect environnemental --- Déchet --- Récupération --- Autoconstruction --- Traitement des dÉchets --- Démolition. --- Aspect environnemental. --- Recyclage. --- Recycling. --- Matériaux --- Démolition.
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Buildings, although inanimate, are often assumed to have "life." And the architect, through the act of design, is assumed to be their conceiver and creator. But what of the "death" of buildings? What of the decay, deterioration, and destruction to which they are inevitably subject? And what might such endings mean for architecture's sense of itself? In Buildings Must Die, Stephen Cairns and Jane Jacobs look awry at core architectural concerns. They examine spalling concrete and creeping rust, contemplate ruins old and new, and pick through the rubble of earthquake-shattered churches, imploded housing projects, and demolished Brutalist office buildings. Their investigation of the death of buildings reorders architectural notions of creativity, reshapes architecture's preoccupation with good form, loosens its vanities of durability, and expands its sense of value. It does so not to kill off architecture as we know it, but to rethink its agency and its capacity to make worlds differently. Cairns and Jacobs offer an original contemplation of architecture that draws on theories of waste and value. Their richly illustrated case studies of building "deaths" include the planned and the unintended, the lamented and the celebrated. They take us from Moline to Christchurch, from London to Bangkok, from Tokyo to Paris. And they feature the work of such architects as Eero Saarinen, Carlo Scarpa, Cedric Price, Arata Isozaki, Rem Koolhaas and François Roche. Buildings Must Die is both a memento mori for architecture and a call to to reimagine the design values that lay at the heart of its creative purpose.
architectuur --- architecture [discipline] --- Architecture --- Building materials --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Construction --- Création (Arts) --- Philosophy --- Deterioration --- Social aspects. --- Philosophie --- Matériaux --- Détérioration --- Aspect social --- Architecture. --- 72.01 --- Verval --- Creative ability in art --- Creative ability in literature --- Art --- Imagination --- Inspiration --- Literature --- Creative ability --- Originality --- Architectural materials --- Building --- Building supplies --- Buildings --- Construction materials --- Structural materials --- Materials --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Deterioration. --- Architectuur (theorie) --- Architectuurtheorie --- Design and construction --- Création (Arts) --- Matériaux --- Détérioration --- Constructions --- Création (esthétique) --- Effets des agents atmosphériques --- Social aspects --- Aspect social. --- Détérioration. --- Philosophie. --- Effets des agents atmosphériques. --- Architecture, Primitive --- Building materials - Deterioration --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) - Social aspects --- Ruine --- Destruction de site --- Création --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen ; hergebruik --- Architectonisch erfgoed ; Europa ; conservatie ; geschiedenis --- Architectuur ; Europa ; oude gebouwen ; hergebruik --- Destructie - constructie --- Vervallen gebouwen en sites --- Levensduur van bouwwerken --- 72.025.4 --- Architectuur ; renovatie, restauratie, vernieuwing --- Architectuur ; theorie, filosofie, esthetica --- Création (esthétique) --- Effets des agents atmosphériques --- Détérioration.
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Cette publication explore le potentiel des concepts historiques du recyclage – le recyclage qualitatif des bâtiments et des composants des bâtiments – et les confronte à de nouveaux développements dans les pratiques architecturales et de construction. Les auteurs se penchent sur la question de savoir si et comment de nouvelles solutions pourraient être trouvées pour l’architecture future. Ils étudient dans quelle mesure de nouvelles solutions peuvent être trouvées pour l'architecture du futur; de sorte que la "réutilisation et l'upcycling" ne peuvent pas être une question d'idéalisme, mais un argument d'économie et de qualité constructive. Exploitation and destruction of the environment call for an inevitable paradigm shift as regards our resource consumption: "innovative" building will have to break away from the dogma of new build. We need to reconsider the existing building stock as a wealth of resources and ideas, just as we should understand recycling and upcycling building stock as architectonic potential. New approaches in architecture reveal a trend towards concepts of the frequently used but theoretically and historically rarely defined term upcycling. In that context, one often forgets that the history of building has also always been a history of, firstly, recycled and upcycled building materials and components, and secondly, of building knowledge and building styles. Comprehending buildings as a part of a social change process poses a challenge to our current habits and modern concept of unambiguity, seclusion and authorship of architecture. This publication explores the potential of historical concepts of upcycling - the qualitative recycling of buildings and building components - and confronts them with new developments in architectural and building practice. Importantly, the authors look into the question of whether and how new solutions could be found for future architecture. "Recycling and upcycling" should not be a matter of idealism, but rather present an argument for economy and the quality of structure and design. (éditeur).
Sustainable architecture --- Salvage (Waste, etc.) --- Recyclage --- Economie d'énergie --- Matériau recyclé --- Ecoconception --- Écohabitat --- Écodéveloppement --- Architecture durable --- Architecture --- 72.025.5 --- 728.7 --- Architectuur ; transformatie ; renovatie ; hergebruik --- Duurzame architectuur --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen ; hergebruik --- Buildings --- Buildings, Restoration of --- Conservation of buildings --- Restoration of buildings --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design --- Conversion of waste products --- Industrial salvage --- Recovery of waste products --- Solid waste management --- Utilization of waste products --- Waste management --- Waste reclamation --- Waste products --- Recycling (Waste, etc.) --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Conservation and restoration --- Architectuur ; hergebruik van gebouwen --- Woningbouw ; eengezinshuizen --- Restoration --- Repair and reconstruction --- Waste products as building materials --- Déchets --- Recyclage (Déchets, etc.) --- Déchets (Matériaux de construction) --- Conservation et restauration --- Valorisation --- 69 --- 691 --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Materialen (design) --- Salvage (Waste, etc.). --- Sustainable architecture. --- Conservation and restoration.
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Ouvrage exhaustif sur l'économie circulaire appliquée à l'architecture et à la construction. Y sont abordés la question de l'enseignement, l'aspect législatif, les perspectives d'avenir, l'approche historique avec des exemples concrets depuis le 16ème siècle avec Philibert de l'Orme jusqu'à nos jours. Il s'intéresse à un projet spécifique de reconversion / extension, le K.118 à Winterthur (Suisse), pour lequel sont analysés les choix de réemploi élément par élément, en terme de coût et d'impact environnemental.
Buildings --- Architecture --- Constructions --- Remodeling for other use. --- Repair and reconstruction. --- Environmental aspects. --- Reconversion --- Réfection --- Aspect de l'environnement --- Remodeling for other use --- Repair and reconstruction --- Environmental aspects --- Building reconstruction --- Building renovation --- Building repair --- Reconstruction of buildings --- Remodeling of buildings --- Renovation of buildings --- Maintenance --- Repairing --- Adaptive reuse of buildings --- Reconstruction --- Remodeling --- Renovation --- Protection --- Conservation and restoration --- Adaptive reuse --- 72:574 --- 72.025.5 --- Architectuur ; verbouwingen ; hergebruik ; renovatie --- Bouwmaterialen; afbraakmaterialen ; recyclagematerialen ; hergebruik --- Duurzame architectuur ; 21e eeuw --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Architectuur ; hergebruik van gebouwen --- 69.504 --- 72.504 --- 691.1 --- 691.1 Materials of organic origin --- Materials of organic origin --- 72.504 Architecture and the environment. Sustainable architecture --- Architecture and the environment. Sustainable architecture --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- 691 --- 69 --- 72.025.2 --- 504 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Bouwtechniek --- Herbruik (architectuur) --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Circulair bouwen --- Reconversie (architectuur) --- Remplois (architecture) --- Reconversion (architecture) --- Aspect environnemental. --- Matériau recyclé --- Matériau de récupération --- Empreinte écologique --- Construction écologique --- Economie circulaire --- Ecologie appliquée --- Architecture écologique --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- architecture [discipline] --- adaptive reuse --- preservation [function] --- sustainable architecture --- Intégration architecturale.
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