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A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. - Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was - Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred - And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, - Halifax, Then At Chatham, In England ... And Last, At - Dartmoor Prison. Interspersed With Observations, Anecdotes - And Remarks, Tending To Illustrate The Moral And Political - Characters Of Three Nations. To Which Is Added, A Correct - Engraving Of Dartmoor Prison, Representing The Massacre - Of American Prisoners, Written By Himself. is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Benjamin Waterhouse is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of Benjamin Waterhouse then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
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Der vorliegende Band analysiert die gesetzlichen Regelungen zur Gefangenentelefonie und ihre praktische Umsetzung in Deutschland. Spürbare Unterschiede bei Zugang, Umfang, Überwachung und den technischen und organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen berühren grundsätzliche verfassungsrechtliche Fragen zur Gleichbehandlung und Chancengleichheit im Hinblick auf das Grundrecht auf Resozialisierung sowie das strafrechtliche Prinzip der Einheitsfreiheitsstrafe. Die Situation in Deutschland wird darüber hinaus mit den einschlägigen Europaratsempfehlungen kontrastiert. Eine umfangreihe Dokumentation aller Feststellungen des Europäischen Anti-Folter-Komitees (CPT) zur Gefangenentelefonie aus den Länderberichten seit 2010 rundet die Publikation ab.
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Prisoners --- Biography.
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Prisoners --- Prisonniers
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Il volume nasce dalla volontà di unire competenze e sensibilità diverse per posare lo sguardo sull’universo femminile “ristretto”, multiforme e nello stesso tempo dotato di una forte identità comune. L’attenzione si sofferma su fattispecie restrittive che rispondono a ragioni diverse, si consumano secondo modalità e tempi propri ed entro luoghi di esecuzione specificamente dedicati. Nessuna di esse, però, può legittimamente abdicare al corredo garantistico attraverso il quale l’art. 13 della nostra Costituzione dà sostanza all’inviolabilità della libertà personale. Tutte, invece, debbono rispettare il principio di eguaglianza, che non tollera il dissolversi forzato delle diversità sotto un trattamento ciecamente comune: la considerazione delle differenze di genere è una condizione essenziale della parità di genere. Nel volume s’incrociano modi diversi d’intendere tale differenza e di accostarsi ad essa nella valutazione dei presupposti e nella disciplina dei modi della restrizione della libertà personale nei confronti dell’universo femminile. Alcuni contributi retrospettivi s’incaricano di consentire uno sguardo sulle costanti e sulle variabili che hanno fino ad oggi segnato il cammino delle donne ristrette nel contesto italiano.
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The enforcement of the sentence in a (re)educational perspective is a highly debated topic in different approaches, including the multidisciplinary ones. In this volume, the topic is discussed from a compensatory perspective, namely through the acknowledgement of the need to prepare educational tools to contrast the 'adverse educational actions', to which the prison population may be exposed, and to the phenomenon of repeated infractions. In addition to the elements of the treatment program (which is structured, intentional, legally regulated and procedure-like), every phase of the sentence enforcement, even those taken for granted, includes an educational value and presents itself as a growth and improvement opportunity for each prisoner. As evidence to the variety of experiences (in the educational sense), this volume collects a series of contributions by professionals from the criminal justice system who support the changing processes of prisoners.
Prisoners --- Education.
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L'université doit être un droit pour les détenus.Celui qui est privé de sa liberté à la suite d'une condamnation ne peut pas aussi être privé du droit d'être citoyen. Et donc de pouvoir étudier. Par conséquent, l'université doit être un droit pour les détenus. Mais comment ce droit est-il mis en œuvre dans les prisons en France et en Italie ? Le volume se présente comme une œuvre collective et vise à recueillir des interventions de professeurs et de chercheurs français et italiens concernant le droit aux études universitaires en milieu carcéral à travers les principales et les plus récentes perspectives sociologiques. Le livre présente une réflexion chorale et multidisciplinaire sur la responsabilité sociale de l'université et les modalités d'enseignement en milieu carcéral entre enjeux identitaires et ambiguïtés institutionnelles en approfondissant la théorie, la recherche et les pratiques, et en décrivant les expériences les plus significatives sous forme comparative entre l'Italie et la France tout en prenant également en considération la vision de la Convict Criminology.
Prisoners --- Education.
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