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Ce volume est le cinquième de la série consacrée aux aspects fondamentaux des assurances. Il propose une analyse approfondie de l’évaluation, de la gestion et de la compensation des risques systémiques auxquels sont exposés les acteurs du marché et les assureurs. Cette vaste étude répond aux préoccupations croissantes des acteurs économiques, financiers, politiques et sociaux quant à l’exposition sans cesse accrue des entreprises et de leurs assureurs à de nouveaux risques en expansion. Ces risques sont notamment liés aux catastrophes naturelles et à la pollution environnementale, au développement technologique, à la santé et au terrorisme. Pour les assureurs, la difficulté est surtout d’évaluer et de couvrir de façon adéquate la responsabilité potentiellement engendrée par ces risques. Cet ouvrage présente également une série de recommandations à l’adresse des décideurs politiques et des entreprises sur la manière de limiter, prévenir et gérer ces risques. Dans cette perspective, ce volume constituera un ouvrage de référence unique à l’attention tant des pays de l’OCDE que des économies émergentes.
Insurance --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance
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Insurance --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance
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Index based insurance schemes can play a vital role in insuring poor people in developing countries against a multitude of risk. However, the concept doesn’t go along without any obstacles. Matthias Rödl provides a theoretical framework of index based insurance schemes and further highlights where the latter distinguishes from a classic indemnity insurance. Thereby, scholars can gain a comprehensive theoretical insight into the topic, while practitioners are enabled to identify and understand fundamental challenges for their project upfront as well as to foster sound solutions. Contents Demand and Supply Self-Insurance Moral Hazard and Group Sample Observation Target Groups Researchers and students in the fields of insurance theory and microfinance Practitioners in the areas of microfinance and development aid The Author Dr. Matthias Rödl wrote his dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter-J. Jost at the chair of organization theory at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar. He picked up the idea for his dissertation during his time as a microfinance expert in India. Nowadays he lives in Germany working as a finance professional.
Insurance. --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance
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In diesem Nachschlagewerk sind alle relevanten Begriffe der Versicherungswirtschaft umfassend definiert. Ziel ist es, dem Leser ein Lexikon an die Hand zu geben, das ihm alles Wissenswerte zum Thema klar, verständlich und in ausreichendem Umfang erklärt. Es werden Begriffe aus der Sozialversicherung, den verschiedenen Zweigen der Privatversicherung, dem Versicherungsmanagement und Versicherungsbetrieb, dem Versicherungsrecht, der Versicherungsmathematik und benachbarten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen behandelt. Die einzelnen Stichwörter sind durch Verweise miteinander verknüpft, so dass ein ganzheitliches Verständnis gefördert wird. Thematische Angelpunkte der Versicherungsbranche werden durch Schwerpunktbeiträge hervorgehoben. Das Gabler Versicherungslexikon richtet sich somit an Versicherungspraktiker, Studierende und Interessenten aus angrenzenden Branchen, wie z.B. aus Banken, Bausparkassen, Wirtschaftsprüfung und Unternehmensberatung. Die 2. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet, um über 400 neue Begriffe ergänzt und vor allem in den Bereichen der neuen EU-Rechtsentwicklung (Solvency II, IDD) erweitert. Grundlegende Aktualisierungen gab es zudem vor dem Hintergrund vieler nationaler Gesetzesreformen. Auch das Autorenteam aus renommierten Vertretern von Wissenschaft, Lehre und Praxis wurde nochmals ausgeweitet. Der Inhalt Versicherungsökonomie Versicherungsrecht Versicherungsmathematik Versicherungstechnik Versicherungssparten und -zweige Versicherungsmanagement und Versicherungsbetrieb Begrifflichkeiten benachbarter Wissenschaftsdisziplinen Der Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Fred Wagner ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Versicherungsbetriebslehre an der Universität Leipzig und Vorstand des dortigen Instituts für Versicherungswissenschaften. Seine aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Rechnungswesen und Controlling im Versicherungsunternehmen; Versicherungsvertrieb; Risikomanagement, Solvency II und Wertorientierte Steuerung; Digitalisierung, Innovationen und neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Versicherungswirtschaft.
Insurance. --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance
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Insurance --- Religious aspects --- Islam. --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance
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Insurance --- Reinsurance --- Insurance. --- Reinsurance. --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance --- Industries
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Actuarial mathematics --- Insurance --- Assurance --- Mathematics --- Mathématiques --- -368.01 --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance --- Mathématiques
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This annual publication provides major official insurance statistics for all OECD countries, selected economies in Asia, Africa and for the first time countries belonging to the Association of Latin American Insurance Supervisors (ASSAL). It includes information on the diverse activities of the industry and on international insurance market trends. An analytical chapter including data from OECD members and selected additional economies highlights the underlying reasons for the trends in gross premium growth and claims developments between 2011 and 2012, and presents key performance indicators. The data, which are standardised as far as possible, are broken down under numerous sub-headings, and a series of indicators makes the characteristics of the national markets more readily comprehensible. This publication is an essential tool for civil servants, professionals and academics working in the insurance field.
Finance --- Business & Economics --- Insurance --- Industries --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Actuarial statistics --- Insurance statistics
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What a pleasure it is to discover the second edition of the Handbook of Insurance, twelve years after the first! Many key concepts at the core of risk, uncertainty and insurance economics have been further refined, reassessed, and reanalyzed. New issues have emerged, including systemic risk, longevity risk, long-term care, the corporate governance of insurance companies, capital allocation within insurance companies and alternative risk transfer devices. I have a simple wish: that this handbook be diffused to as wide an audience as possible, both in academic and professional spheres. Denis Kessler Chairman and CEO of SCOR This new edition of the Handbook of Insurance reviews the last forty years of research developments in insurance and its related fields. A single reference source for professors, researchers, graduate students, regulators, consultants, and practitioners, the book starts with the history and foundations of risk and insurance theory, followed by a review of prevention and precaution, asymmetric information, risk management, insurance pricing, new financial innovations, reinsurance, corporate governance, capital allocation, securitization, systemic risk, insurance regulation, the industrial organization of insurance markets, and other insurance market applications. It ends with health insurance, longevity risk, long-term care insurance, life insurance financial products, and social insurance. This second version of the Handbook contains 15 new chapters. Each of the 37 chapters has been written by leading authorities in risk and insurance research, all contributions have been peer reviewed, and each chapter can be read independently of the others.
Economics. --- Insurance --- Business & Economics --- Economic Theory --- Insurance. --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance. --- Finance
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This annual publication provides major official insurance statistics. The reader will find information on the diverse activities of this industry and on international insurance market trends. The data, which are standardised as far as possible, are broken down under numerous sub-headings, and a series of indicators makes the characteristics of the national markets more readily comprehensible.
Insurance -- Industries -- Statistics. --- Insurance -- Industries. --- Insurance -- Statistics. --- Finance --- Business & Economics --- Insurance --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting
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