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This volume forms the last part of a three-volume critical edition of the remains of the extensive psalm commentary by Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 265–340). It contains commentary fragments on Ps 101–150 from the catenae transmission. Alongside familiar material that has been completely reworked and reviewed for its authenticity, there is a considerable number of fragments that had not been previously edited.
Bible. --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS Patrologie grecque--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Patrologie grecque--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- RELIGION / Christianity / History. --- Prières bibliques.
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Church history --- Eglise --- Historiography --- Histoire --- Historiographie --- Eusebius, --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- History --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Christianity --- Ecclesiastical history --- History, Church --- History, Ecclesiastical
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Eusebius of Caesareas Onomasticon has been an essential source for the topography of the Holy Land. Based on Biblical texts and the works of ancient authors, the Onomasticon is still the starting point for establishing the localization of ancient cities. This new edition corrects many errors in the Klostermann edition (1902) and makes reference to new sources to establish the text. Das Onomastikon des Eusebius von Caesarea ist eine unentbehrliche Quelle für die Topographie des Heiligen Landes. Beruhend auf biblischen Texten und antiken Autoren bietet das Onomastikon bis heute zentrale Anhaltspunkte für die Lokalisierung antiker Stätten. Diese Neuedition berichtigt eine Reihe von Fehlern der Ausgabe von Klostermann (1902) und bezieht neue Quellen für die Textetablierung mit ein.
276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS Patrologie grecque--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Patrologie grecque--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Names, Geographical --- Noms géographiques --- Bible --- Geography --- Géographie --- Names in the Bible --- Noms dans la Bible --- Noms géographiques --- Dictionaries --- Greek --- Early works to 1800. --- Dictionnaires grecs --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Eusebius, --- Jerome, --- Geographic names --- Geographical names --- Place names --- Placenames --- Toponyms --- Names --- Toponymy --- Names, Geographical - Palestine - Early works to 1800 --- Noms géographiques - Palestine - Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Holy Land. --- Septuagint research. --- biblical archeology. --- biblical regional studies.
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Dix-sept siècles après sa conversion, Constantin, premier empereur chrétien de l’histoire, reste une figure majeure et controversée. L’évêque et historien Eusèbe de Césarée, qui l’a personnellement connu, a rédigé juste après sa mort un long récit, entre biographie et hagiographie, où il présente la vie de Constantin essentiellement du point de vue religieux, comme il le précise lui-même. Ce texte à la fois bien documenté et engagé, même s’il demande à être interprété avec précaution, est notre source la plus ancienne et la plus précise sur la vie de cet empereur hors du commun. Comme dans l'« Histoire ecclésiastique », Eusèbe appuie en outre son récit sur des documents qu’il cite en tout ou partie : c’est ainsi qu’il transmet une quinzaine de lettres et décrets de l’empereur, dont l’authenticité n’est plus guère discutée aujourd’hui. La « Vie de Constantin » est ici traduite en français pour la première fois depuis le dix-septième siècle, accompagnée d’une solide introduction qui fait le point sur tous les problèmes posés par l’œuvre, et d’une riche annotation historique.
Patrology --- Constantine the Great --- Emperors --- Empereurs --- Biography --- Early works to 1800 --- Biographie --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Constantine --- 235.3 CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- #GGSB: Griekse patrologie (studie) --- #GGSB: Griekse patrologie (tekst) --- Hagiografie--CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Church history --- Eusebius, --- Konstantin --- Rome --- History --- Griekse patrologie (studie) --- Griekse patrologie (tekst) --- Constantin empereur
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Dealing with the subject of apologetics and polemics against the pagans in Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260-340), this volume discusses his response to the vigorous political, cultural and religious campaign launched against Christianity in his time. The first part of the book examines the background for Eusebius' apologetic enterprise and his early apologetic writings. The second and main part of the study analyzes major topics in Eusebius' great two-part apologetic work, the Praeparatio Evangelica and the Demonstratio Evangelica , such as the concept of Christian prehistory, prophecy and miracles. The last part deals with Eusebius' tactics and rhetoric and the place of Porphyry - the outstanding pagan polemicist against Christianity - in Eusebius' work. This part closes with a discussion of Eusebius' final apologetic statement in his work The Theophany , reflecting already the recent triumph of Christianity. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
Apologetics --- Apologétique --- History --- Histoire --- Eusebius, --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Apologétique --- Caesarea, Eusebius of, --- Euseb, --- Eusèbe, --- Eusebio, --- Eusebios tou Pamphilou, --- Eusebios, --- Eusebius Pamphili, --- Eusebj Pamffil, --- Evseviĭ, --- Ewsebios Pampʻigheay, --- Qayṣarī, Yūsābiyūs, --- Yūsābiyūs al-Qaṣarī, --- Eusevios, --- Eusevios Kaisareias,
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Cet ouvrage d'Eusèbe de Césarée (v. 270 - v. 340) est en réalité composé de deux discours, tous deux prononcés à Constantinople en présence de Constantin. Le premier est un panégyrique à l'occasion des trente ans de règne de l'empereur (le 25 juillet 336) : Eusèbe y expose ce qui sera la théologie politique de l'Empire byzantin, mais qui aura aussi une longue postérité dans tous les royaumes chrétiens. Selon cette conception, le gouvernement du monde est donné par le Père au Christ-Logos médiateur, lequel le délègue à l'empereur, et celui-ci règne à l'imitation du Logos, qui lui-même règne sur le monde à l'imitation du Père, roi universel. Le second discours est en quelque sorte le fondement théologique du premier : il expose la théologie du Logos et forme comme une synthèse de la pensée d'Eusèbe sur la création et l'œuvre de salut du Christ.
Church and state --- Eglise et Etat --- History --- Sources --- Histoire --- Constantine --- Rome --- Religion and state --- Historiography --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Religion and state - Rome --- Eusebius ep. Caesariensis --- Constantine - I, - Emperor of Rome, - d. 337 --- Rome - History - Constantine I, the Great, 306-337 --- Rome - Historiography
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Christian religious orders --- Christian spirituality --- anno 1100-1199 --- Apologetics --- -Apologetics --- Apologetics, Missionary --- Christian evidences --- Christianity --- Evidences, Christian --- Evidences of Christianity --- Fundamental theology --- Polemics (Theology) --- Theology, Fundamental --- Religious thought --- Theology --- Early works to 1800 --- Evidences --- -Early works to 1800 --- Hierocles, Sossianus, --- Views on Christianity --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- -#GROL:SEMI-276<08> Sour 333 --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Hierocles, Sossianus --- -Views on Christianity --- Views on Christianity. --- #GROL:SEMI-276<08> Sour 333 --- Hierokles, --- Classical Greek literature --- Patrology --- Apologétique --- Apologetics - Early works to 1800 --- Hierocles, Sossianus, - active 293-311
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Eusebius of Caesarea was one of the most significant and voluminous contributors to the development of late antique literary culture. Despite his significance, Eusebius has tended to receive attention more as a source for histories of early Christianity and the Constantinian empire than as a writer and thinker in his own right. He was a compiler and copyist of pagan and Christian texts, collator of a massive chronographical work, commentator on scriptural texts, author of apologetic, historical, educational, and biographical works, and custodian of one of the greatest libraries in the ancient world. As such, Eusebius merits a primary place in our appreciation of the literary culture of late antiquity for both his self-conscious conveyance of multiple traditions and his fostering of innovative literary and intellectual trajectories. By focusing on the full range of Eusebius’s literary corpus, the collection of essays in Eusebius of Caesarea offers new and innovative studies that will change the ways classicists, theologians, and ancient historians think about this major figure
Christian literature, Early --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- Eusebius, --- History and criticism --- Criticism and interpretation --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Caesarea, Eusebius of, --- Euseb, --- Eusèbe, --- Eusebio, --- Eusebios tou Pamphilou, --- Eusebios, --- Eusebius Pamphili, --- Eusebj Pamffil, --- Evseviĭ, --- Ewsebios Pampʻigheay, --- Qayṣarī, Yūsābiyūs, --- Yūsābiyūs al-Qaṣarī, --- Eusevios, --- Eusevios Kaisareias, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Histoire et critique. --- Eusèbe de Césarée --- Eusebius --- Eusèbe, --- Critique et interprétation. --- Eusèbe de Césarée, --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- Christian literature, Early - History and criticism --- Eusebius ep. Caesariensis --- Constantin empereur --- Eusebius, - of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, - ca. 260-ca. 340 - Criticism and interpretation --- Eusebius, - of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, - ca. 260-ca. 340
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Over the last decades, Eusebius has been the focus of a great deal of attention. New light has been shed both on his writings and on his personality, which has led to a welcome re-assessment of his significance. As a result, he is no longer perceived as a mere compiler but as a powerful author who largely contributed to the construction of the orthodox Church's triumphalism. This volume seeks to contribute to the ongoing re-evaluation of Eusebius as an active participant to the construction of late antique history, theology, and literature. The result is an interdisciplinary collection of articles by an international team of scholars who offer innovative papers on one of the most important late antique author.
Eusebius, --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Caesarea, Eusebius of, --- Euseb, --- Eusèbe, --- Eusebio, --- Eusebios tou Pamphilou, --- Eusebios, --- Eusebius Pamphili, --- Eusebj Pamffil, --- Evseviĭ, --- Ewsebios Pampʻigheay, --- Qayṣarī, Yūsābiyūs, --- Yūsābiyūs al-Qaṣarī, --- Eusevios, --- Eusevios Kaisareias, --- Church history --- Christianity and culture --- Eglise --- Christianisme et civilisation --- History --- Histoire --- Apostolic Church --- Church, Apostolic --- Early Christianity --- Early church --- Primitive and early church --- Primitive Christianity --- Fathers of the church --- Great Apostasy (Mormon doctrine) --- Contextualization (Christian theology) --- Culture and Christianity --- Inculturation (Christian theology) --- Indigenization (Christian theology) --- Culture --- Early church. --- Primitive and early church. --- 30 - 600 --- Early Church Period --- Primitive and Early Church Period --- Christian authors --- Authors --- Christian literature --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Eusebius, - of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, - ca. 260-ca. 340 - Congresses. --- Eusebius, - of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, - ca. 260-ca. 340
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Emperors --- Constantine --- Rome --- History --- Constantine I, Emperor of Rome --- 937.09 --- 276 =75 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- -Rulers --- Sovereigns --- 937.09 Geschiedenis van Rome: verdeling en val van Rome--(395-476) --- Geschiedenis van Rome: verdeling en val van Rome--(395-476) --- Griekse patrologie--EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS --- Rim --- Roman Empire --- Roman Republic (510-30 B.C.) --- Romi (Empire) --- -Emperors --- Empereurs --- Biography --- Biographies --- Histoire --- Constantijn, --- Constantin, --- Constantin --- Constantine, --- Constantino --- Constantinus Flavius Valerius Aurelius, --- Constantinus --- Constantinus, --- Costantino --- Costantino, --- Flaviĭ Valeriĭ Avreliĭ Konstantin, --- Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus, --- Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, --- Flavius Valerius Constantinus, --- Konstantin, --- Konstantin --- Kōnstantinos, --- Kōnstantinos --- Konstantyn, --- Kostandianos --- Κωνσταντίνος, --- Флавий Валерий Аврелий Константин, --- Константин --- Константин, --- Flavije Valerije Konstantin --- Emperors - Rome - Biography - Early works to 1800 --- Constantine - I, - Emperor of Rome, - d. 337 - Early works to 1800 --- Rome - History - Constantine I, the Great, 306-337 --- Constantine - I, - Emperor of Rome, - d. 337
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