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For some time historiography has set itself the objective of studying the ways in which European society in the late Middle Ages and the early Modern Age has related to environmental disasters, addressing the perceptions and the reactions, the strategies implemented by the governments, and the repercussions on the religious mentality. In this way it has identified a sphere of investigation that is an authentic multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary workshop, engaging historians of institutions, culture and mentality. At the conference held in San Miniato, Italian and European historians compared notes on this subject, addressing it from different points of view and taking into consideration different environmental contexts (the cities and the rivers, the mountain, the sea, Italy, France, Holland, etc.) and different viewpoints (those of the governments, the lay 'intellectuals', the men of religion, etc.).
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Face à la catastrophe écologique annoncée, les bonnes âmes appellent l'humanité à « dépasser ses divisions » pour s'unir dans un « pacte écologique ». Cet essai s'attaque à cette idée reçue. Il n'y aura pas de consensus environnemental. Loin d'effacer les antagonismes existants, la crise écologique se greffe à eux pour les porter à incandescence. Soit la localisation des décharges toxiques : si vous voulez savoir où un stock de déchets donné a le plus de chances d'être enfoui, demandez-vous où vivent les classes populaires et les minorités raciales. Ces inégalités écologiques, dont le « racisme environnemental » est une forme, jouent à l'échelle des pays et à celle du monde. « Marchés carbone », « dérivés climatiques », « obligations catastrophe » : les produits financiers « branchés » sur la nature prolifèrent. Faute de s'attaquer à la racine du problème, le néolibéralisme choisit de financiariser l'assurance des risques climatiques. C'est l'essor de la « finance environnementale » comme réponse capitaliste à la crise. Surcroît de catastrophes naturelles, déstabilisation des océans, « réfugiés climatiques » par millions à l'horizon 2050… Autant de facteurs qui annoncent des conflits armés d'un nouveau genre, auxquels se préparent aujourd'hui les militaires. Finie la guerre froide, bienvenue aux « guerres vertes ». Cet essai novateur fournit une grille de lecture originale pour saisir les enjeux de la crise écologique. À travers l'exposition édifiante des scénarios capitalistes face au désastre environnemental, il fait œuvre de futurologie critique.
Political ecology. --- Ecology --- Environmental disasters --- Political aspects.
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"Gabriel returns to Smoke River, the reserve where his mother grew up and to which she returned with Gabriel's sister. The reserve is deserted after an environmental disaster killed the population, including Gabriel's family and the local wildlife. Gabriel, a brilliant scientist working for DowSanto, created GreenSweep and indirectly led to the crisis. Now he has come to see the damage and to kill himself in the sea. But as he prepares to let the water take him, he sees a young girl in the waves. Plunging in, he saves her and soon is saving others. Who are these people with their long black hair and almond eyes who have fallen from the sky?"
Scientists --- Environmental disasters --- Scientifiques --- Catastrophes écologiques --- Catastrophes écologiques --- Scientists.
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"Empire and Catastrophe examines natural and anthropogenic disasters during the years of decolonization in Algeria, Morocco, and France, and explores how environmental catastrophes impacted the dissolution of France's empire in North Africa"--
Decolonization --- Environmental disasters --- Africa, French-speaking. --- Political aspects
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Geomorphology --- Environmental disasters --- Eco-disasters --- Ecological disasters --- Geomorphic geology --- Physiography --- Disasters --- Ecological disturbances --- Physical geography --- Landforms --- Environmental disasters. --- Geomorphology.
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La 4e de couv. indique : "Être, c’est avoir du temps. Et ne jamais avoir le temps, c’est être à moitié, vivre à demi. Le propre de notre civilisation est de vivre simultanément sous quatre régimes temporels qui s’entrechoquent: le Destin, le Progrès, l’Hypertemps et le Délai de la catastrophe écologique. De là viennent autant la fabuleuse complexité de ce que nous vivons que les impasses redoutées. Car notre attitude envers le temps a l’impact le plus profond sur notre vie. Nous naviguons entre nostalgie du passé, addiction au présent et espoir des lendemains qui chantent. Dès lors quelle temporalité privilégier ? Dans l’Hypertemps contemporain, l’heure est partout, le temps nulle part. Comment le retrouver ? Tout le défi est de construire une sagesse du temps à la mesure des enjeux actuels : une chronosophie"
Environmental disasters --- Time --- Philosophy --- Temps (philosophie). --- Catastrophes écologiques. --- Temps (philosophie) --- Catastrophes écologiques. --- Environmental disasters. --- Philosophy. --- Time - Philosophy
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Une analyse des menaces nucléaires et des catastrophes environnementales qui pèsent sur le monde. A travers des thèmes tels que les dangers du nucléaire, l'industrie des énergies renouvelables ou encore les mouvements conservateurs s'opposant à toute réglementation, N. Chomsky revient sur l'urgence de renforcer les liens entre luttes écologistes, exigences démocratiques et justice sociale. ©Electre 2014
Environmental disasters --- Environmental protection --- Catastrophes écologiques --- Environnement --- Protection --- Polk, Laray --- Catastrophes écologiques
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The mitigation of oil spills is an important facet of environmental protection. Understanding oil spills is a first step toward preventing and minimizing their damage to the environment. This compilation presents several of the current studies related to such an understanding of oil spills and the environment.This book is a compilation of 14 papers presenting new developments in the field of oil spills, giving insight into the rapidly changing world of oil spill studies and technology. The 14 papers included cover topics varying from risk analysis to oil spill remote sensing. Broadly categorized, included are six papers on modeling, four papers on remote sensing, three papers on risk assessment, and one paper on oil spill countermeasures. Each paper presents a unique insight into a facet of oil spill research and technology. The authors of these papers represent many different countries and affiliations around the world.
Oil spills. --- Oilspills --- Environmental disasters --- Oil pollution of rivers, harbors, etc. --- Oil pollution of the sea
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This book provides a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to addressing geohazards, with topics such as social vulnerability reduction, risk prevention, institutional preparedness, and community resilience. It also introduces new technologies to study geohazards, which is important since geohazards have caused many casualties, economic losses, and damage to cultural heritage throughout human history. Despite this, the culture of risk prevention is not yet widespread, so Disaster Risk Reduction activities must focus on increasing capacities, strategies, and action plans for prevention and preparedness in local communities.
Geophysics --- Meteorology. Climatology --- Geology. Earth sciences --- Mining industry --- mijnbouw --- natuurrampen --- Emergency management. --- Environmental disasters. --- Natural disasters.
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As uncontrolled development forces crises in the natural world, deep and long-standing human connections with the earth are changing. Understanding these shifting relationships is essential to framing our responses to issues of industrial development, population growth, and climate change. The use of oral history methodology in environmental research acknowledges and subjectively defines these human connections to the natural world enriching our understanding of both what the earth means to us as well as what the earth needs from us to find balance once again. Oral History and the Environment: Global Perspectives on Climate, Connection, and Catastrophe is the first book to provide a global perspective on the use of oral history in environmental research. It presents excerpts from interviews with environmental activists, victims of environmental catastrophe, and those whose life experience gives them special insights into the natural world; combined with commentary by oral historians who have been exploring how these commentaries can be used to better understand our relationship with the natural world. In this anthology, oral histories with farmers, wildlife rescue volunteers, activists, environmental disaster survivors, elders, water system managers, indigenous voices, tribal trustees, wilderness rangers, reindeer herders, fishers, and foresters, help readers understand a wide range of issues related to our relationship with the environment. These stories and expert analysis touch on a wide range of topics including drought, chemical leaks, oil spills, nuclear disaster, indigenous control of resources, natural resource management, wilderness, and environmental protest (publisher)
Environmental sciences --- Human ecology --- Environmental degradation --- Environmental disasters --- Environmental protection --- Oral history. --- Biographical methods.
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