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Sina Juliette Weeber befasst sich mit dem Direktzugang zur Physiotherapie und dessen ausbildungsinhaltlichen und strukturell-organisatorischen Bedingungen. In Bezug auf die Zulassung eines Direktzuganges in Deutschland untersucht die Autorin in einem internationalen Vergleich die strukturellen und gesetzlichen Gegebenheiten der Länder, die diesen Weg zur Physiotherapie in ihrem Gesundheitssystem etabliert haben. Dafür untersucht sie die Curricula der internationalen und nationalen Hochschulen sowie die Inhalte des deutschen Ausbildungsgesetzes. Es werden ebenfalls hemmende und fördernde Faktoren für die Einführung eines Direktzuganges genannt sowie die Möglichkeiten einer Einführung in Deutschland bewertet. Der Inhalt Theoretischer Hintergrund des Direktzugangs Physiotherapie und Kursinhalte der Bachelorstudiengänge in Deutschland Vergleich der internationalen Studiengänge in Australien, Neuseeland, Schweden und Finnland mit dem deutschen Ausbildungssystem Die Zielgruppen Dozierende, Studierende und Auszubildende der Fachbereiche Logopädie, Ergotherapie und Physiotherapie Logopädinnen und Logopäden, Physiotherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, Ergotherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, Ärztinnen und Ärzte Die Autorin Sina Juliette Weeber arbeitet nach Beendigung des Masterstudienganges im Fachbereich der Physiotherapie an der EufH med (Rostock) aktuell im Klinikum Itzehoe und ist dort unter anderem für die praktische Ausbildung von Physiotherapieschülern und -studenten zuständig.
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Der Sammelband befasst sich mit einem umfassenden Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Lehre und Studium. Mit dem Konzept der pädagogischen Hochschulentwicklung plädieren die AutorInnen dafür, bei der Umsetzung von Veränderungsprojekten die verschiedenen Ebenen der Hochschule zu verschränken. Zum Beispiel sollten Initiativen, die eine Lehrveranstaltung betreffen, idealerweise die (Aus )Wirkungen auf den Ebenen der Studienprogramme und der Organisation berücksichtigen und aktiv gestalten. Die einzelnen Beiträge stellen beispielhafte Initiativen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und Hochschulformen dar und illustrieren, wie die genannten Ebenen in der praktischen Umsetzung verzahnt werden können. Der Inhalt Modell der pädagogischen Hochschulentwicklung Hochschulentwicklung auf den Ebenen der Lernumgebung, Studienprogramme und Organisation Change Management und Leadership Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen mit Interesse an der Weiterentwicklung von Lehre und Studium HochschuldidaktikerInnen, HochschulentwicklerInnen, in Hochschulleitungen Tätige Die HerausgeberInnen Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm ist Assistenzprofessorin für Hochschulentwicklung an der Universität St. Gallen. Dr. Tobias Jenert ist Projektleiter am Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik (IWP) der Universität St. Gallen. Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler ist Direktor des Instituts für Wirtschaftspädagogik (IWP) der Universität St. Gallen und Professor für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Bildungsmanagement.
Higher education. --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Education—Curricula. --- Higher Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Curriculum Studies.
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This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing ambition and juxtaposes important cases of critical participation within engineering education with sophisticated scholarly reflection on both opportunities and discontents. Whether, and in what way engineering education is or ought to be contextualized or de-contextualized is an object of heated debate among engineering educators. The uniqueness of this study is that this debate is given comprehensive coverage – presenting both instrumentally inclined as well as radical positions on transforming engineering education. In contextualizing engineering education, this book offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary, meta- and interdisciplinary perspectives on how cultural, professional, institutional, and educational systems contexts shape histories, structural dynamics, ideologies and challenges as well as new pathways in engineering education. Topics addressed include examining engineering education in countries ranging from India to America, to racial and gender equity in engineering education and incorporating social awareness into the area. Using context as “bridge” this book confronts engineering education head on. Contending engineering ideologies and corresponding views on context are juxtaposed with contending discourses of reform. The uniqueness of the book is that it brings together scholars from the humanities, the social sciences and engineering from Europe – both East and West – with the United States, China, Brazil, India and Australia.
Technology --- Engineering design. --- Education --- Philosophy of Technology. --- Engineering Design. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Philosophy. --- Curricula.
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This edited volume focuses on Curriculum scholars' critical reflections on teacher education (TE) within South Africa to offer insights into critical considerations for the socio-economic, transformational, social and environmental justice and decolonization challenges that the country faces. Much of the literature on teacher education takes on a policy and practice focus to the exclusion of deep and fundamental curriculum questions on what is teacher education for, for whom, where and who decides. Within South Africa, the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualification (MRTEQ) forms the official policy that informs teacher education curriculum and certification to become a teacher. This volume raises critical and complicated questions for teacher educators and curriculum scholars to inspire a deeper understanding of teacher education beyond a set of parochial policy prescribed modules/courses that one needs to take to become a professional teacher. Labby Ramrathan is Professor in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He is an NRF rated researcher and the editor of the Journal of Education, co-editor of the Springer series on Key Thinkers in Education and general editor of the Alternation African Scholarship Book series. His areas of scholarship include curriculum studies, teacher development and higher education. Suriamurthee Maistry is Professor in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He is a Curriculum Scholar and currently leads a project titled “Higher Education Curriculum and Pedagogic Responsiveness in the context of Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI).” Sylvan Blignaut is Professor in the Department of Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Education at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. His research interests centre on curriculum policy and theory, educational change, teacher epistemologies and decolonisation of higher education. .
Teachers --- Education, Higher. --- Education --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Higher Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Training of. --- Curricula.
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Aus einer sozialökologischen Perspektive nähert sich diese Studie der Frage, mit welchen Ausgrenzungsrisiken junge Aussiedler und Aussiedlerinnen beim Übergang von der allgemeinbildenden Schule in die berufliche Ausbildung/Lehre konfrontiert sind und mit welchen Bearbeitungsmodi sie hierauf reagieren. Die Analyse, die sowohl Sequenzmusteranalysen nach der Optimal Matching-Methode, Regressionsanalysen im Mehrebenendesign und rekonstruktive Analysen anhand der Dokumentarischen Methode verwendetet, führte zu dem Schluss, dass herkömmliche Erklärungsmodelle zu kurz greifen. Vielmehr zeigte sich, das für künftige Forschung im Bereich migrationsbezogener Disparitäten in den Übergängen, figurationssoziologische Analysen angezeigt sind. Der Inhalt Einleitung.- Gegenstandsbestimmung.- Erklärungsansätze für migrationsbezogene Disparitäten in den Ausbildungsmarktbeteiligungen.- Theoretische und methodische Konzeption der Studie.- Empirischer Teil I: Verlaufsanalyse.- Empirischer Teil II: Multivariate Analyse.- Empirischer Teil III: Qualitative Analyse.- Zusammenfassung und Schlussbetrachtung. Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Erziehungswissenschaft, Bildungswissenschaften und Soziologie.- Bildungsverantwortliche und Verantwortliche für Migrations- und Integrationsfragen in Bund und Ländern. Der Autor Dr. Jörg Eulenberger ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Education. --- Education --- Education and state. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Curricula. --- Adult education --- Education, Higher --- Social isolation. --- Social aspects.
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This book examines the evolution and innovation of teacher education in Singapore in the 21st century. It covers teacher education reforms in the conceptualising and implementing of the Teacher Education for the 21st Century (TE21) Model and discusses curriculum improvements that are aligned to new competencies; values development that re-envision teacher professionalism and calling; pedagogical changes that emphasise self-directed inquiry and technology-enabled learning; strengthened theory–practice linkages and enhanced teaching practices through school partnerships and mentoring; and impactful education research in areas such as assessment and developing teaching competencies, practices and mentoring. Teacher education in Singapore focuses on developing professional leaders in the field of education who are proactive problem-solvers and empowered researchers. It entails a long-term vision of education and an innovative approach to develop teachers with design skills and an inquiring mindset to understand learners in the fast-changing digital and mobile world. This book is aimed at scholars, researchers, policymakers, teacher educators and teachers as well as anyone interested in learning the philosophy behind Singapore’s unique TE21 Model for the 21st century and beyond.
Teaching. --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Education—Curricula. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Curriculum Studies.
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This book explores language teachers' identity learning through the lens of teacher emotions. This qualitative study, utilizing a longitudinal case study design, sets out to trace how four college English teachers at the case study university in East China respond emotionally towards the curriculum reform, how teacher identity learning takes place, and how emotions interact with the identity learning processes. Guided by the theoretical framework, this book adopts diversified methods to collect data across one academic year of curriculum implementation. It also discusses the findings which reveal that curriculum reform poses great emotional challenges for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, teachers who traverse across emotional geographies, orient to feeling rules, and perhaps translate emotion work into emotional capital. This book explores language teachers' identity learning. This book helps the researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in higher education policymaking to understand how EFL teacher emotions can be utilized to support EFL teachers' identity learning and thus sustain curriculum reform efforts.
Education --- Professional education. --- Vocational education. --- Teachers --- Curriculum Studies. --- Professional and Vocational Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Curricula. --- Training of.
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This edited volume brings together authors from various cultural backgrounds to address the racialized roots of the (un)civil war in American society and schooling. While exposing substractive schooling practices, it also provides counter-narrative school curriculum that builds cross-cultural bridges and connects learners across racial lines. It also includes critical reading and discussion questions for students in the fields of education, school leadership, sociology, ethnic studies, history, school teacher and counselor preparation, psychology, and public policy. In bringing together a wide collaboration of authors, the text models the practices of inclusion that must occur in order to transform American public education beyond its racialized roots. Amy Murray holds an EdD in Educational Leadership from California State University, Sacramento, USA. Rose Borunda is Professor Emeritus at California State University, Sacramento, USA.
Schools. --- Social justice. --- Teaching. --- Education --- Race. --- School Research. --- Social Justice. --- Pedagogy. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Race and Ethnicity Studies. --- Curricula.
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Historical Encounters is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the empirical and theoretical study of historical consciousness, historical cultures, and history education.
History --- History. --- Australian --- Annals --- historical consciousness --- historical cultures --- history education --- historical studies --- curriculum studies --- historical theory --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- public history
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This book discusses the discipline standards of History in Australian universities in order to help historians understand the Threshold Learning Outcomes and to assist in their practical application. It is divided into two sections: The first offers a scholarly exploration of contemporary issues in history teaching, while the second section discusses each of the Threshold Learning Outcomes and provides real-world examples of quality pedagogical practice. Although the book focuses on the discipline of history in Australia, other subjects and other countries are facing the same dilemmas. As such, it includes chapters that address the international context and bring an international perspective to the engagement with discipline standards. The innovation and leadership of this scholarly community represents a new stage in the transformation and renewal of history teaching.
Curriculum development --- Didactics --- Higher education --- HO (hoger onderwijs) --- didactiek --- curriculumontwikkeling --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Education—Curricula. --- Higher education. --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Higher Education. --- Learning & Instruction.
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