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Racial Profiling : Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3837641457 3839441455 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Rassistische Polizeikontrollen gehören zum Alltag in Europa. Sie machen auf drastische Weise sichtbar, wer nicht als Mit-Bürger*in gilt. Während ein Großteil der Dominanzgesellschaft diese rassistische Praxis als normal empfindet, sind immer mehr betroffene Menschen nicht mehr bereit, sie widerstandslos zu akzeptieren. Der Band versammelt wissenschaftliche, künstlerische und aktivistische Beiträge zu den gesellschaftlichen Hintergründen und Wirkungsweisen von Racial Profiling und den Möglichkeiten eines intersektionalen antirassistischen Widerstands. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Schweiz, ergänzt durch Perspektiven von Autor*innen, die mit dem deutschen Kontext vertraut sind. »Ein gelungenes und umfassendes Buch über rassismuskritische Prozesse und Racial Profiling.« Halua Pinto de Magalhaes, Widerspruch, 73 (2019) »Der Sammelband vereint 21 wissenschaftliche, künstlerische sowie experimentelle Texte und beinhaltet Fotos und Skizzen zu Aktionen und Gerichtsverfahren. Durch diese ungewöhnliche Publikationsform gelingt es, der Leser*innenschaft die Thematik in einer Tiefe und Unmittelbarkeit zugänglich zu machen.« Nora Trenkel, genderstudies, 35 (2019) O-Ton: »Niemand kann sich Rassismus entziehen.« - Serena Dankwa und Tarek Naguib im Interview beim Aargauer Kulturmagazin (S. 24-28) im Juli 2019. »Eindeutig ist, das Buch liefert Anstösse - keine Anleitungen - und trifft damit ins Ziel.« Aargauer Kulturmagazin, 7/8 (2019) O-Ton: »Innerhalb der Polizei wird das Problem kleingeredet« - Serena Dankwa und Sarah Schilliger im Interview bei Journal B am 29.05.2019.

Understanding Exploitation in Consensual Sex Work to Inform Occupational Health & Safety Regulation
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The impetus behind this Special Issue emerged from a quest to move beyondbinary thinking in the contemporary period about people who sell sexual services,including recent disputes about “sex trafficking vs. prostitution” and“criminalization vs. decriminalization”, to encourage theoretical and empiricalscholarship by exploring how sex work actually operates under different regulatoryregimes. The volume includes contributions from scholars of different socialsciences backgrounds based in five countries– New Zealand, the United Kingdom,Brazil, the United States and Canada. The article topics range widely,and both quantitative and qualitative research methods are showcased. The empiricalevidence presented adds to our current understanding of the complexityof this phenomenon of sex commerce/prostitution, which is found to be largelya problem of social inequality within and across capitalist societies. The authorscall for policies to address occupational and societal wide inequities faced by sexworkers across many countries.

Settler colonialism, race, and the law : why structural racism persists
ISBN: 9780814723944 0814723942 081470817X Year: 2020 Publisher: New York, N.Y. New York University Press

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Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law' provides a timely analysis of structural racism at the intersection of law and colonialism. Noting the grim racial realities still confronting communities of color, and how they have not been alleviated by constitutional guarantees of equal protection, this book suggests that settler colonial theory provides a more coherent understanding of what causes and what can help remediate racial disparities.0Natsu Taylor Saito attributes the origins and persistence of racialized inequities in the United States to the prerogatives asserted by its predominantly Angloamerican colonizers to appropriate Indigenous lands and resources, to profit from the labor of voluntary and involuntary migrants, and to ensure that all people of color remain "in their place." 0By providing a functional analysis that links disparate forms of oppression, this book makes the case for the oft-cited proposition that racial justice is indivisible, focusing particularly on the importance of acknowledging and contesting the continued colonization of Indigenous peoples and lands. 'Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law' concludes that rather than relying on promises of formal equality, we will more effectively dismantle structural racism in America by envisioning what the right of all peoples to self-determination means in a settler colonial state.


Race discrimination --- Minorities --- Racism --- Indigenous peoples --- Decolonization --- Law and legislation --- History. --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- United States --- Race relations --- Colonization --- Territorial expansion. --- History --- Territorial expansion --- Discrimination raciale --- Minorités --- Racisme --- Autochtones --- Décolonisation --- Droit --- Histoire --- Etats-Unis --- Relations raciales --- Colonisation --- Expansion territoriale --- Social problems --- Sociology of minorities --- Colonisation. Decolonisation --- Race discrimination - Law and legislation - United States - History --- Minorities - Legal status, laws, etc. - United States - History --- Racism - United States - History --- Indigenous peoples - Legal status, laws, etc. - United States - History --- Decolonization - United States - History --- United States - Colonization - History --- United States - Race relations - History --- United States - Territorial expansion --- Sovereignty --- Autonomy and independence movements --- Postcolonialism --- Ethnology --- Ethnic minorities --- Foreign population --- Minority groups --- Persons --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Discrimination --- Ethnic relations --- Majorities --- Plebiscite --- Segregation --- African Americans. --- American Indian Movement. --- American Indian. --- Apartheid. --- Asian Americans. --- Assimilation. --- Black Lives Matter. --- Black Panther Party. --- COINTELPRO. --- Citizenship. --- Civil rights. --- Civilization. --- Colonialism. --- Community. --- Constitution. --- Convict labor. --- Criminalization. --- Decolonization. --- Deindustrialization. --- Dignity. --- Disappearance. --- Due process. --- Dynamic of difference. --- Elimination. --- Emancipation. --- Equal protection. --- Exclusion. --- Foreignness. --- Gender. --- Genocide. --- Grassroots. --- Human rights. --- Identity. --- Immigrants. --- Immigration. --- Imperialism. --- Incarceration. --- Inclusion. --- Inclusive exclusion. --- Indigeneity. --- Indigenous peoples. --- Indigenous rights. --- Indigenous. --- Internal colonialism. --- International law. --- Labor. --- Land claims. --- Latina/os. --- Lynching. --- Mass incarceration. --- Massacres. --- Migrant Others. --- Narrative. --- National security. --- Neocolonialism. --- Origin stories. --- People of color. --- Peoples. --- Plenary power. --- Pluriverse. --- Policing. --- Postcolonial. --- Postracial. --- Poverty. --- Property. --- Racial discrimination. --- Racialization. --- Racism. --- Reconstruction. --- Redress. --- Refugees. --- Removal. --- Reparations. --- Reproduction. --- Savagery. --- Self-determination. --- Settler colonial theory. --- Settler colonialism. --- Sixties. --- Slavery. --- Social control. --- Sovereignty. --- Standing Rock. --- Strategies. --- United States. --- Violence. --- Xenophobia. --- United States of America

Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights : Global Inequities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Action.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3030641716 3030641708 Year: 2021 Publisher: Springer Nature

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This open access book provides a comprehensive overview of the health inequities and human rights issues faced by sex workers globally across diverse contexts, and outlines evidence-based strategies and best practices. Sex workers face severe health and social inequities, largely as the result of structural factors including punitive and criminalized legal environments, stigma, and social and economic exclusion and marginalization. Although previous work has largely emphasized an elevated burden and gaps in HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) services in sex work, less attention has been paid to the broader health and human rights concerns faced by sex workers. This contributed volume addresses this gap. The chapters feature a variety of perspectives including academic, community, implementing partners, and government to synthesize research evidence as well as lessons learned from local-level experiences across different regions, and are organized under three parts: Burden of health and human rights inequities faced by sex workers globally, including infectious diseases (e.g., HIV, STIs), violence, sexual and reproductive health, and drug use Structural determinants of health and human rights, including legislation, law enforcement, community engagement, intersectoral collaboration, stigma, barriers to health access, im/migration issues, and occupational safety and health Evidence-based services and best practices at various levels ranging from individual and community to policy-level interventions to identify best practices and avenues for future research and interventions Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights is an essential resource for researchers, policy-makers, governments, implementing partners, international organizations and community-based organizations involved in research, policies, or programs related to sex work, public health, social justice, gender-based violence, women's health and harm reduction.


Public health & preventive medicine --- Human rights --- Epidemiology & medical statistics --- Social issues & processes --- Health systems & services --- Public Health --- Human Rights --- Epidemiology --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention --- Social Structure, Social Inequality --- Health Policy --- Social Structure --- sex work law reform --- human rights violations and labor rights and protections --- health disparities and health equity --- marginalized populations --- women's health, sexual health and reproductive health --- HIV/AIDS --- structural determinants --- integrated interventions --- harm reduction --- stigma --- sex worker criminalization and decriminalized settings --- blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) --- global burden of violence --- global mental health --- safety and health promotion --- substance use --- community mobilization and empowerment --- migration and mobility --- open access --- Human rights, civil rights --- Social & ethical issues --- Political structure & processes --- Prostitució --- Salut sexual --- Drets humans --- Salut pública --- Igualtat --- Medicina preventiva --- Prevenció de les malalties --- Profilaxi --- Programes de prevenció --- Higiene --- Veterinària preventiva --- Avaluació del risc per la salut --- Cribratge --- Medicina social --- Igualtat social --- Igualtats socials --- Ciències polítiques --- Aristocràcia (Ciències polítiques) --- Justícia social --- Capital social (Sociologia) --- Democràcia --- Desigualtat social --- Intervenció social --- Higiene pública --- Higiene social --- Salubritat --- Sanitat --- Sanitat pública --- Salut --- Serveis socials --- Abastament d'aigua --- Assistència sanitària --- Cementiris --- Contaminació --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Desinfecció --- Enginyeria sanitària --- Enterrament --- Epidemiologia --- Higiene ambiental --- Higiene escolar --- Higiene industrial --- Higiene rural --- Higiene veterinària --- Hospitals --- Inspecció dels aliments --- Infermeria de salut pública --- Malalties professionals --- Malalties infeccioses --- Manipulació dels aliments --- Planificació sanitària --- Salut mental --- Salut mundial --- Salut pública dental --- Serveis sanitaris --- Soroll --- Legislació sanitària --- Política sanitària --- Protecció del consumidor --- Sanejament --- Bordells --- Cases de prostitució --- Prostitució femenina --- Tràfic de blanques --- Tràfic de dones --- Crim organitzat --- Problemes socials --- Sexualitat i dret --- Prostitució infantil --- Prostitució masculina --- Proxenetisme --- Delictes sexuals --- Ètica sexual --- Drets de l'home --- Discriminació --- Dret constitucional --- Defensors dels drets humans --- Detenció de persones --- Dret a l'alimentació --- Dret a la salut --- Dret a la vida --- Dret a un judici just --- Dret al treball --- Drets fonamentals --- Drets humans (Dret internacional) --- Drets sexuals --- Drets socials --- Drets culturals --- Reivindicacions socials --- Llibertat --- Higiene sexual --- Control de la natalitat --- Contracepció --- Educació sexual --- Proxenetes

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