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This open access book focuses on robot introspection, which has a direct impact on physical human–robot interaction and long-term autonomy, and which can benefit from autonomous anomaly monitoring and diagnosis, as well as anomaly recovery strategies. In robotics, the ability to reason, solve their own anomalies and proactively enrich owned knowledge is a direct way to improve autonomous behaviors. To this end, the authors start by considering the underlying pattern of multimodal observation during robot manipulation, which can effectively be modeled as a parametric hidden Markov model (HMM). They then adopt a nonparametric Bayesian approach in defining a prior using the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) on the standard HMM parameters, known as the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model (HDP-HMM). The HDP-HMM can examine an HMM with an unbounded number of possible states and allows flexibility in the complexity of the learned model and the development of reliable and scalable variational inference methods. This book is a valuable reference resource for researchers and designers in the field of robot learning and multimodal perception, as well as for senior undergraduate and graduate university students.
Robotics. --- Automation. --- Statistics . --- Control engineering. --- Mechatronics. --- Machine learning. --- Mathematical models. --- Robotics and Automation. --- Bayesian Inference. --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics. --- Machine Learning. --- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics. --- Models, Mathematical --- Simulation methods --- Learning, Machine --- Artificial intelligence --- Machine theory --- Mechanical engineering --- Microelectronics --- Microelectromechanical systems --- Control engineering --- Control equipment --- Control theory --- Engineering instruments --- Automation --- Programmable controllers --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Automatic factories --- Automatic production --- Computer control --- Engineering cybernetics --- Factories --- Industrial engineering --- Mechanization --- Assembly-line methods --- Automatic control --- Automatic machinery --- CAD/CAM systems --- Robotics --- Robotics and Automation --- Bayesian Inference --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics --- Machine Learning --- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics --- Robotic Engineering --- Control, Robotics, Automation --- Collaborative Robot Introspection --- Nonparametric Bayesian Inference --- Anomaly Monitoring and Diagnosis --- Multimodal Perception --- Anomaly Recovery --- Human-robot Collaboration --- Robot Safety and Protection --- Hidden Markov Model --- Robot Autonomous Manipulation --- open access --- Bayesian inference --- Automatic control engineering --- Electronic devices & materials --- Machine learning --- Mathematical modelling --- Maths for engineers --- Statistics. --- Automatic control.
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This open access book focuses on robot introspection, which has a direct impact on physical human–robot interaction and long-term autonomy, and which can benefit from autonomous anomaly monitoring and diagnosis, as well as anomaly recovery strategies. In robotics, the ability to reason, solve their own anomalies and proactively enrich owned knowledge is a direct way to improve autonomous behaviors. To this end, the authors start by considering the underlying pattern of multimodal observation during robot manipulation, which can effectively be modeled as a parametric hidden Markov model (HMM). They then adopt a nonparametric Bayesian approach in defining a prior using the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) on the standard HMM parameters, known as the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model (HDP-HMM). The HDP-HMM can examine an HMM with an unbounded number of possible states and allows flexibility in the complexity of the learned model and the development of reliable and scalable variational inference methods. This book is a valuable reference resource for researchers and designers in the field of robot learning and multimodal perception, as well as for senior undergraduate and graduate university students.
Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Electrical engineering --- Applied physical engineering --- Programming --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Computer. Automation --- superclaus proces --- automatisering --- mathematische modellen --- statistiek --- programmeren (informatica) --- wiskunde --- robots --- automatische regeltechniek --- Robotics. --- Automation. --- Statistics. --- Automatic control. --- Mechatronics. --- Machine learning. --- Mathematical models. --- Robotics and Automation. --- Bayesian Inference. --- Control, Robotics, Mechatronics. --- Machine Learning. --- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics.
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Un temps oubliée, décriée, ridiculisée, la révolution est aujourd’hui à nouveau un problème politique clé. Outre le Printemps arabe, Occupy Wall Street, Nuit debout, ainsi que les commémorations d’Octobre 17 et de Mai 68 qui en ont réactivé l’imaginaire (voire le désir), un nombre croissant de romans, de récits, de pièces de théâtre et de recueils de poésie contemporains ont pour thème l’insurrection, le soulèvement et la révolte. Une bibliographie comprenant une cinquantaine de titres permet d’en mesurer l’importance. Cette présence de la révolution dans le champ culturel contemporain nous enjoint à reprendre une question posée il y a près d’un siècle par Léon Trotsky, à savoir : comment penser les rapports entre littérature et révolution ? De Jack London au Comité invisible, en passant entre autres par Alfred Döblin, Louis Aragon, Jean Genet et Pierre Michon, cet ouvrage interroge la manière dont les révolutions politiques (réelles ou imaginées, passées ou projetées) ont suscité des configurations et des questionnements esthétiques depuis le début du xxe siècle. Quelles relations entretiennent, dans ces textes, le poétique et le politique ? L’écrivain et le révolutionnaire ? La fiction et l’action ? Aux différentes contributions qui esquissent des réponses à ces interrogations s’ajoutent trois entretiens avec des écrivains (Arno Bertina, Leslie Kaplan, Nathalie Quintane) dont l’œuvre littéraire trame à nouveaux frais la question politique.
History --- Literature (General) --- littérature --- politique --- mai 1968 --- Nuit débout --- Printemps arabe --- Occupy Wall Street
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Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de los juegos libres en el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo en los estudiantes de 5 años de la Institución Educativa Nº 329 de Huancavelica. La metodología de los juegos libres ofrece una educación dinámica y activa en los estudiantes, la cual incentiva el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo en los estudiantes de 5 años, a través de un mayor sentido de seguridad y confianza en sí mismos. Esta metodología se realizó en un ambiente motivador y áreas libres, centrándose en la participación dinámica y motivadora, con el fin de fortalecer sus capacidades y habilidades, buscando que ellos desarrollen un aprendizaje autónomo. Con los resultados obtenidos se puede afirmar que los juegos libres favorecen directamente en el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo en los niños de 5 años, toda vez que t de Student con 53 grados de libertad, para muestras independientes, con una significancia del 5%, muestra un valor de 0.038 el cual es inferior al valor planteado, aceptando la hipótesis alternativa como válida.
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Este libro de investigación trata sobre que los momentos de la lectura mejoran la comprensión lectora en los niveles literal, inferencial y crítico de los estudiantes del segundo grado “E” del ciclo avanzado del CEBA “Politécnico Regional del Centro”- Huancayo, es de naturaleza cuantitativa, tipo aplicada, diseño pre experimental, con pre test y pos test en un solo grupo, muestra no probabilística. Se aplicó un pre test para diagnosticar su comprensión de textos, luego una propuesta experimental basada en la estrategia los momentos de la lectura de Isabel Solé y un post test para determinar los efectos. Se demostró estadísticamente que la aplicación de esta estrategia permite mejorar significativamente la comprensión lectora en el nivel literal, inferencial y crítico. Esto se fundamenta porque en el pre test la mayoría de estudiantes alcanzó calificaciones inferiores a 10 (escala vigesimal); pero, en el post test la mayoría superó este promedio en estos niveles. En el calculó se evidenció que existen diferencias significativas entre las puntuaciones del pre y post test de 6,6 puntos p < 0,05.
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