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Looking Beyond the Numbers: Stakeholders and Multiple School Accountability
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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How to hold autonomous schools and school governing boards accountable for their decisions and performance has become a particularly pressing question for central governments in many OECD countries. Increasing complexity in education systems has led to a greater degree of freedom in decision making for many local authorities, school governing boards and schools. However despite this increasing decentralisation, central governments are still held responsible by the general public for ensuring high quality education. During the last ten years, school accountability has become a critical topic, triggered by the results of international benchmarks such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). This paper analyses trends in accountability mechanisms and processes and argues that vertical measures of accountability, that is, regulatory and school performance accountability, can be usefully augmented by horizontal measures involving multiple stakeholders. This system of multiple school accountability aims to efficiently and effectively take into account the nuanced nature and purposes of education. By combining various forms of accountability, it has the potential to enhance the overall education system, policy for reform, and therefore ultimately improve the quality of education.



Regio als bestuurlijk schaalniveau
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Tilburg : TIAS School for Business and Society, Tilburg University,

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Dit tweeluik is de uitkomst van het eerste deelproject van de studie 'Sturen met Ruimte' naar regionale sturingsnetwerken in het onderwijs. In het eerste deelproject van deze studie zijn we nagegaan wat zoal wordt verstaan onder 'de regio', hoe de regio conceptueel kan worden afgebakend, wat 'de regio' betekent als bestuurlijk schaalniveau en hoe de overheid ermee kan sturen. Hiervoor hebben we twee dingen gedaan: ten eerste het uitvoeren van een systematische internationale literatuurstudie en ten tweede het analyseren van het beleidsdiscours van de overheid over 'de regio in het Nederlandse onderwijs'. Bij zowel de literatuurstudie als de beleidsanalyse zijn we open en inductief te werk gegaan door de bronnen - respectievelijk wetenschappelijke (onderzoeks-)literatuur en beleidsdocumenten - zoveel mogelijk zelf te laten 'spreken'. We deden dat door op een systematische manier de bronnen te zoeken en te selecteren, de inhoud ervan in kaart te brengen, die te ordenen om vervolgens tot bevindingen te komen. This diptych is the result of the first subproject of the study 'Steering with Space' on regional steering networks in education. In the first subproject of this study, we investigated what is meant by "the region", how the region can be conceptually, what "the region" means as an administrative scale level and how the government can use it to can steer with it. For this purpose, we did two things: firstly, we conducted a systematic international literature study and Firstly, we conducted a systematic international literature study and secondly, we analysed the government's policy discourse on the region. Secondly, we analysed the government's policy discourse on 'the region in Dutch education'. In both the literature study and the policy analysis, we proceeded openly and inductively by examining the sources - scientific (research) literature and policy documents, respectively - by allowing them to "speak for themselves" as much as possible. We did this by systematically searching for and selecting the sources, mapping their contents, ordering them, and then arriving at findings.

OECD Reviews of School Resources.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9264308415 9264308393 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris : Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development,

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This country review offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Portugal from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges and options for possible future approaches.

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