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De rechtspositie van de transseksueel : commentaar op de wetten van de 9 en 10 mei 2007 en van 15 mei 2007
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9050958273 9789050958271 Year: 2008 Publisher: Antwerpen Oxford : Intersentia,

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Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)

De levenskwaliteit van transgender personen in Vlaanderen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789077271728 Year: 2011 Publisher: Steunpunt gelijkekansenbeleid

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We bevroegen door middel van een schriftelijke survey 135 Vlaamse transgender personen naar de ervaren levenskwaliteit op verschillende levensdomeinen, en vergeleken de resultaten met een overeenkomstige groep van 135 Vlaamse niet-transgender personen (cisgender genoemd). De vergelijking op twintig indicatoren voor levenskwaliteit maakt het mogelijk om aan te geven op welke levensdomeinen transgenders het beduidend beter of slechter doen dan de doorsnee Vlaming. De verschillen die we kunnen vaststellen tussen transgenders en cisgenders, geven aan waar specifieke beleidsaandacht nuttig lijkt.

Protecting trans rights in the age of gender self-determination
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781839700194 183970019X 9781839700897 1839700890 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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Over the last decade, trans rights and gender variation as legal and a human rights issues have been high on the international and national agendas. Improved registration of and attention for gender variation and gender incongruence is accompanied by attention for the often far-reaching requirements that trans persons have to comply with in order to obtain legal recognition of their actual gender identity. A small but rapidly growing number of (mostly European and South American) States have recently reformed their legal frameworks of gender recognition by allowing trans persons to change their official sex registration on the basis of gender self-determination. Against that background, this book brings together international experts to discuss questions and challenges relating to the legal articulation of the emerging right to gender self-determination and its consequences for law and society, such as the future of sex/gender registration and the protection of trans persons against discrimination. Given the importance of State practice for the development of the right to gender self-determination and its implementation in law, particular attention is given to the national contexts of Belgium, Germany and Norway. These three countries may be perceived as world leaders in protecting trans rights, and therefore noteworthy "laboratories" for future State practice.


BPB9999 --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Human rights --- Germany --- Norway --- Belgium --- Transgender people --- Transgenres --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Gender transition --- Transition de genre --- Sex discrimination --- Discrimination sexuelle --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Law and legislation. --- Law and legislation --- Transgenres. --- Droits de l'homme. --- Transidentité. --- BPB2011 --- sexual minority --- rights of minorities --- práva menšin --- droits des minorités --- mindretalsrettigheder --- права на малцинствата --- diritti delle minoranze --- drittijiet tal-minoranzi --- direitos das minorias --- kisebbségek jogai --- derechos de las minorías --- prawa mniejszości --- prava manjina --- vähemuste õigused --- Minderheitenrecht --- minoriteters rättigheter --- δικαιώματα των μειονοτήτων --- vähemmistön oikeudet --- права на малцинства --- pravice manjšin --- të drejtat e pakicave --- rechten van minderheden --- drepturile minorităților --- mažumų teisės --- minoritāšu tiesības --- práva menšín --- права мањина --- práva etnických menšin --- kisebbségi jogok --- малцински права --- права на припадниците на верските заедници --- права на сексуалните малцинства --- права на етничките малцинства --- manjinska prava --- práva národnostních menšin --- права на припадниците на јазичните заедници --- права на немнозинските заедници --- mazākumtautību tiesības --- menšinová práva --- minoría sexual --- nemi kisebbség --- sexuell minoritet --- minoranza sessuale --- minorité sexuelle --- σεξουαλικές μειονότητες --- minoria sexual --- minoranza sesswali --- minoritate sexuală --- sexuelle Minderheit --- pakicë seksuale --- seksuaalinen vähemmistö --- mniejszość seksualna --- seksuelt mindretal --- spolna manjšina --- seksuele minderheid --- spolna manjina --- мањина по сексуалном опредељењу --- seksuālā minoritāte --- sexuální menšina --- sexuálna menšina --- сексуално малцинство --- seksuaalvähemus --- seksualinė mažuma --- homoseksualas --- lezbijka --- homofil --- lesbietė --- transsexuál --- transzszexuális --- transexual --- homoseksuaal --- bisexuál --- homosexuelle Person --- homoseksuaali --- homoseksueel --- lesbi --- homoszexuális --- ομοφυλόφιλοι --- transseksuel --- transseksual --- omosessuale --- homosexuel --- transseksualas --- transsexuelle Person --- Lesbierin --- homosexual --- transsexuell --- transzvesztita --- трансексуалци --- transseksuaal --- Lesbe --- leszbikus --- Lesbin --- хомосексуалци --- lesbian --- homosexuali --- lesbička --- διαφυλικότητα --- transessuale --- transseksualac --- homosexuell --- transseksuaali --- transsexuel --- lezbiete --- lesbike --- transseksuāla persona --- homoseksuel --- homoseksual --- homoseksuāla persona --- homosexuál --- homossexual --- бисексуалци --- transseksueel --- Schwuler --- sexismo --- διαφυλικά άτομα --- homoseksualac --- transsexual --- Intersexués --- Identité sexuelle --- cearta mionlach --- mionlach gnéis --- 658.2 LGBTQI+ --- Allemagne --- Belgique --- Norvège --- Gender identity --- Sex and law --- Persons --- 658.2 LGBTQI+. --- BPB2011.

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