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Building materials. Building technology --- Structural parts and elements of building --- Architecture --- stairs --- architecture [discipline] --- construction [assembling] --- foundations [structural elements] --- building materials --- roofs --- doors --- Building --- Building materials --- 69 --- bouwmaterialen --- bouwconstructie --- bouwprocessen --- architectuur --- bouwbedrijf, bouwvakken, bouwwezen --- stairs [series of steps]
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Building materials. Building technology --- Structural parts and elements of building --- Architecture --- stairs [series of steps] --- architecture [discipline] --- construction [assembling] --- foundations [structural elements] --- building materials --- roofs --- doors --- daken --- deuren --- funderingen --- trappen --- architectuur --- bouwmaterialen --- constructies
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architectuur --- construction [assembling] --- Structural parts and elements of building --- constructies --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- construction [discipline] --- architectonics --- Building design --- Bouwkunde --- Bouwmaterialen --- Constructie ; van gebouwen ; handboeken --- 69(035) --- bouwconstructie --- bouwkunde --- bouwmaterialen --- bouw --- 69 --- Bouwwezen. Constructie ; handboeken --- bouwbedrijf, bouwvakken, bouwwezen --- structural frames --- sterkteleer --- Building --- Chauffage --- Climatisation --- Cloison --- Construction --- Energie --- Environnement --- Matériau --- Préfabrication --- Structure --- Toiture
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Eén van de middelen om een cultuur te kenmerken is de beschrijving van de hulpmiddelen en werkwijzen waarmee materiële zaken tot stand worden gebracht, dat wil zeggen de beschrijving van de technische aspecten van de cultuur. Een belangrijk onderdeel daarvan is de bouwtechniek, mede omdat deze een nauwe samenhang heeft met een ander belangrijk cultuurkenmerk, de bouwkunst. In het boek 'Constructies' is een schets gegeven van de historische ontwikkeling van de bouwtechniek in de westerse wereld aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden van bouwobjecten die karakteristiek zijn voor de bouwtechniek in de periode waarin ze tot stand kwamen. De nadruk is gelegd op de periode van 1750 tot 1940, met name op de 19e eeuw, toen de grondslagen werden gelegd voor de moderne bouwtechniek. Het boek begint met een kort overzicht van de geschiedenis van de bouwtechniek terwijl aan het einde levensbeschrijvingen van een aantal bekende constructeurs zijn opgenomen.
Zoology --- construction [assembling] --- bouwkunde --- constructies --- Architecture --- architectonics --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- Structural engineering --- History --- History. --- Building design --- Staalconstructie; Bruggen --- Eiffel, Gustave 1832-1923 (°Dijon, Frankrijk) --- Hennebique, François 1842-1921 (°Neuville-Saint-Vaast, Frankrijk) --- Nervi, Pier Luigi 1891-1979 (°Sondrio, Italië) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis --- Bouwgeschiedenis --- Constructies ; overspanningen ; geschiedenis --- Constructies ; grote overspanningen --- Bouwtechniek ; Nederland ; constructies ; draagconstructies --- 69(091) --- Bouwwezen. Constructie ; geschiedenis
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Structures are an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult concepts for architects to grasp. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a project, architects should have enough knowledge of structural theory and analysis to design a building. Building Structures Illustrated takes a new approach to structural design, showing how structural systems of a building-such as an integrated assembly of elements with pattern, proportions, and scale-are related to the fundamental aspects of architectural design. The book features a one-stop guide to structural design in practice, a thorough treatment of structural design as part of the entire building process, and an overview of the historical development of architectural materails and structure. Illustrated throughout with Ching's signature line drawings, this new Second Edition is an ideal guide to structures for designers, builders, and students. Updated to include new information on building code compliance, additional learning resources, and a new glossary of terms. Offers thorough coverage of formal and spatial composition, program fit, coordination with other building systems, code compliance, and much more. Beautifully illustrated by the renowned Francis D.K. Ching.
structural frames --- construction [assembling] --- buildings [structures] --- structuren --- Architecture --- design [discipline] --- architecture [discipline] --- structures [single built works] --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- Structural design. --- Buildings. --- Constructions --- Calcul --- Structural design --- Buildings --- Constructions. --- Calcul. --- Building design --- structure [attributes] --- 69 --- 69.01 --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Bouwconstructie --- Constructie --- Constructiesystemen
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colloidal systems --- foams and gels and emulsions --- molecular surfactants --- fluid dynamics --- adsorption and interfacial dynamics --- rheology --- experimental as well as theoretical aspects on interfacial phenomena --- colloidal systems --- properties of colloidal systems such as rheology and material properties --- properties of solutions of surface active molecules --- self-assembling phenomena and aggregates in solution --- Chemistry --- Colloids --- Interfaces (Physical sciences) --- Surface chemistry --- Colloids. --- Dispersoids --- Gels --- Hydrogels --- Sols --- Amorphous substances --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Diffusion --- Matter --- Micelles --- Particles --- Rheology --- Solution (Chemistry) --- Surfaces (Physics) --- Properties
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Building materials. Building technology --- steel frame construction --- Architecture --- construction [assembling] --- Metallurgy --- constructies --- Architectural engineering --- Architecture de fer --- Architecture en fer --- Architecture métallique --- Bouwkunde [Ijzer en staal ] --- Building [Iron and steel ] --- Bâtiment en acier --- Bâtiments en acier --- Charpente métallique --- Construction en acier --- Construction en fer --- Construction métallique --- Constructions métalliques --- Engineering [Architectural ] --- Iron and steel building --- Iron construction --- Ouvrages en acier --- Ouvrages métalliques --- Steel and iron building --- Steel construction --- Structures en acier --- Structures métalliques --- Building, Iron and steel. --- Building, Iron and steel --- Case studies. --- Steel structures --- staal --- Case studies --- Building, Iron and steel - Case studies. --- Buildings. --- Building, Iron and steel. Case studies --- Steels
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Un manuel de construction et d'architecture quasi exhaustif, illustré d'exemples pris dans l'histoire de l'architecture. Comprend quatre parties : les matériaux (pierre, béton, bois, métaux, verre) ; les éléments (fondations, murs, ouvertures, sols, plafonds, escaliers et ascenseurs) ; les structures ; les détails de construction et d'assemblage. Illustré de nombreux plans et croquis de détail.
Building materials. Building technology --- Structural parts and elements of building --- Architecture --- stairs --- architecture [discipline] --- construction [assembling] --- foundations [structural elements] --- building materials --- roofs --- doors --- daken --- deuren --- funderingen --- trappen --- architectuur --- bouwmaterialen --- constructies --- Architecture. --- Building materials. --- Building. --- Building --- Building materials --- 691 --- 692 --- 69 --- 693 --- 693 Bricklaying and related building crafts --- Bricklaying and related building crafts --- 692 Structural parts and elements of buildings --- Structural parts and elements of buildings --- 691 Building materials. Building components --- Building materials. Building components --- Architectural materials --- Building supplies --- Buildings --- Construction materials --- Structural materials --- Materials --- Architectural engineering --- Construction --- Construction science --- Engineering, Architectural --- Structural design --- Structural engineering --- Construction industry --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Bouwdelen --- Constructiedelen --- Constructie-elementen --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Design and construction --- Manuel --- Technologie de la construction --- Matériau --- Structure --- Procédé de construction --- Histoire --- Elément d'architecture --- Ascenseur --- Chantier --- Cloison --- Construction à pans de bois --- Construction en béton --- Construction en bois --- Construction en brique --- Construction en pierre --- Construction en terre --- Construction en verre --- Construction métallique --- Economie d'énergie --- Escalier --- Fenêtre --- Constructions. --- Technique de la construction. --- Matériaux. --- Matériaux --- Constructieleer. --- structures [single built works] --- materials [substances] --- Architecture, Primitive --- Constructions --- Technique de la construction
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