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L'association "Nea altis" pour faire revivre Olympie : ses origines et sa mission.
Year: 1956 Publisher: S.l. : s.n.,

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Metamorfosi dei Lumi 6 : Le belle lettere e le scienze

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Come muore la gloriosa “Repubblica delle Lettere” del Settecento? In che modo, al confine tra Sette e Ottocento, la comunità dei gens de lettres cede il passo alla frammentazione del sapere e della curiosità intellettuale, alle diverse modalità di scrittura che annunziano l’età moderna? A questa ricerca è dedicato il sesto volume pubblicato dal Centro Studi Interdisciplinare Metamorfosi dei Lumi dell’Università di Torino, che raccoglie il frutto della riflessione collettiva svoltasi nell’ambito del centro durante gli anni accademici 2009 e 2010. Prendendo le mosse dagli sviluppi della filosofia nel corso del Settecento, si focalizza l’attenzione su due aspetti dell’evoluzione culturale del periodo di transizione tra illuminismo e modernità: il rapporto della scienza medica con la letteratura, e il sorgere di una nuova identità dei letterati.

Rotte mediterranee della pittura : Artisti e committenti tra Sardegna e Catalogna nella prima età moderna
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2354124309 2354122535 Year: 2019 Publisher: Perpignan : Presses universitaires de Perpignan,

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La circolazione di uomini, tecnologie, cultura e idee lungo le rotte mediterranee in età moderna è argomento oggetto di numerosi studi. In ambito storico-artistico il dibattito, di portata europea, si è concentrato sulle rotte tra i maggiori centri del Mediterraneo occidentale, i grandi empori commerciali e le grandi capitali da cui i linguaggi artistici si sono diffusi per essere accolti e reinterpretati con tempi e modi differenti a seconda del contesto politico, sociale e culturale di ricezione. In questo libro si offre una panoramica su una delle rotte considerate «minori», quella tra la Sardegna e la Catalogna negli anni della prima età moderna (fine del XV-inizi del XVI secolo). La posizione intermedia tra la penisola italiana e quella iberica ha fatto sì che i porti sardi si configurassero come punti di raccordo dei traffici tra le opposte sponde del Mediterraneo, con una importante circolazione di merci e di maestranze: la varietà e la commistione di esperienze culturali diverse ha contribuito alla formazione di un panorama artistico ricco di contaminazioni, che ha la sua più rilevante manifestazione nei retabli, le grandi pale d’altare composte da più tavole dipinte inserite in una struttura architettonica in legno dorato e decorato. Attraverso l’indagine archivistica condotta sui versanti sardo e catalano, la messa a sistema delle notizie rinvenute e l’attenzione alla coerenza formale dei polittici, si è proceduto all’analisi di alcuni casi studio per cercare di comprendere quali fossero le istanze sottese alla produzione delle opere.

I colori del racconto

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Lo spettro semantico del termine colore copre una vasta estensione, dalle accezioni propriamente materiche a quelle traslate. I saggi contenuti nel presente volume, che abbracciano sei secoli e tre distinti ambiti linguistico-letterari, ci offrono un ampio repertorio della varietà delle sue applicazioni nel campo del racconto, dal Medioevo all’Età Moderna. La maggior parte di essi indaga le modalità attraverso le quali i colori stessi, intesi in senso proprio, sono portatori di significato in ambito narrativo, sia sul piano materiale sia su quello simbolico: in ciò incrociando, evidentemente, l’orizzonte retorico. Alcuni contributi si concentrano invece specificamente su quest’ultimo aspetto della scrittura; nell’arte del racconto, infatti, il sapiente dosaggio dei colores rhetorici determina l’efficacia narrativa, tanto nella componente descrittiva quanto in quella dialogica.

De geschiedenis van het liberalisme
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ISBN: 9789089246028 9089246029 Year: 2017 Publisher: Antwerpen Houtekiet

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Het liberalisme is de eerste ideologische stroming in de moderne geschiedenis. Dirk Verhofstadt beschrijft het ontstaan van de eerste liberale partijen in de wereld, de gestage opmars van het liberale denken in de negentiende eeuw met de afschaffing van de slavernij als hoogtepunt, maar ook de ondergang van de liberale democratieën tijdens de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw door het communisme, fascisme en nazisme.00In 1947 kwamen liberale vertegenwoordigers uit de hele wereld bijeen in Oxford en stichtten er de Liberale Internationale. In datzelfde jaar werd ook de Mont Pèlerin Society opgericht. Ze zorgden voor een heropleving van het liberalisme tijdens de periode van de Koude Oorlog, de dekolonisatie en de golden sixties. Vanaf de jaren tachtig was het liberalisme bijzonder succesvol met de val van de Berlijnse Muur en de ineenstorting van het communisme als hoogtepunt. Rond het jaar 2000 waren er een record aantal liberale democratieën en leek de strijd tussen de ideologieën voorbij. Het0voorbije decennium staat het liberalisme echter weer onder druk door de opkomst van extreemrechtse, nationalistische en populistische politici.00De ideologische strijd van de eenentwintigste eeuw wordt er weer een tussen de open en de gesloten samenleving, tussen het liberalisme enerzijds en het nationalisme, het collectivisme en het populisme anderzijds. Dirk Verhofstadt beschrijft twaalf strijdpunten die bepalend zullen zijn voor de toekomst van het liberalisme.


#SBIB:949.3H3 --- #SBIB:93H3 --- #SBIB:321H50 --- Politieke geschiedenis van België --- Thematische geschiedenis --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: liberalisme --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- World history --- liberalisme (algemeen) --- liberalisme (1941 - heden) --- 383 Liberalisme --- nationaal-socialisme --- liberalisme --- communisme --- 92 |x Geschiedenis. |y Histoire. |z History --- 331 --- geschiedenis --- politieke stromingen --- politieke richtingen, stelsels en stromingen --- 903.9 --- algemene geschiedenis - overige onderwerpen --- BPB9999 --- histoire moderne --- libéralisme --- BPB2107 --- liberalizam --- либерализъм --- liberalizem --- liberalismus --- либерализам --- liberalismi --- Liberalism --- φιλελευθερισμός --- liberalism --- liberalizm --- Liberalismus --- liberalismo --- liberalizmus --- liberālisms --- liberalizmas --- Liberaliżmu --- liberalizëm --- neoliberalismo --- neoliberalisme --- neoliberalizam --- neoliberalizëm --- uusliberalismi --- νεοφιλελευθερισμός --- svobodomyslnost --- neoliberalizmas --- ultraliberalismo --- neoliberalizmus --- nyliberalism --- neo-liberalism --- nyliberalisme --- neoliberalismus --- neoliberalism --- uusliberalism --- неолиберализам --- néolibéralisme --- neoliberālisms --- Neoliberalismus --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- liobrálachas --- an nua-stair --- libéralisme

Het verloren koninkrijk : het harde verzet van de Belgische orangisten tegen de revolutie 1828 - 1850
ISBN: 9789085425502 9789085426561 Year: 2014 Publisher: Antwerpen De Bezige Bij

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"Na een korte Belgische revolutie kwam er in oktober 1830 een einde aan het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. Een onvermijdelijke wending in de geschiedenis, zo lijkt het nu, maar dan wordt geen rekening gehouden met de felle oppositie van de orangisten. Die beweging van Oranjegezinden uit de elite in Vlaanderen, Brussel en Wallonië stelde alles in het werk om weer aansluiting te vinden bij het Nederlandse koninkrijk. Zeker in de jaren 1830 - toen nog duchtig werd gebakkeleid over de verdeling van de inboedel - correspondeerden de orangisten in het grootste geheim met gelijkgezinden boven de Moerdijk. Niet zonder gevaar, want zij werden door het Belgische gezag hardhandig onderdrukt, van alle macht beroofd en zelfs weggejaagd naar het Noorden. De gerenommeerde historica Els Witte gaat op ontdekkingstocht naar de wortels van het orangisme. Uit nauwelijks onderzochte archieven haalde zij veelzeggende correspondentie, die vaak in geheimschrift was opgesteld. Aan de hand van die bronnen weet Witte een uniek en rijkgeschakeerd beeld te schetsen van de orangistische organisaties, gedragscodes en strategieën. Ook werpt zij een licht op de druk beoefende Oranjecultus, die nog lang niet is doodgebloed."--Back cover.


Belgium --- Netherlands --- History --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1800-1899 --- 949.3.033 --- BPB1411 --- Histoire moderne --- Belgique --- 949.19.03 --- 949.3.032 --- 934.8 geschiedenis België - 1830 - 19e eeuw --- geschiedenis --- 19e eeuw --- 949.3.032 Geschiedenis van België: Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830) --- Geschiedenis van België: Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830) --- 949.3.033 Geschiedenis van België: 19de eeuw (1830-1913) --- Geschiedenis van België: 19de eeuw (1830-1913) --- 949.19.03 Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- Moderne geschiedenis --- België --- Revolution, 1830-1839 --- 1830-1848 --- Politics and government --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- an nua-stair

Van een unitair naar een federaal België : 40 jaar beleidsvorming in gemeenschappen en gewesten (1971-2011).

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Internal politics --- National movements --- anno 2000-2009 --- anno 1980-1989 --- anno 1970-1979 --- anno 1990-1999 --- Belgium --- #SBIB:323H23 --- #SBIB:323H60 --- #SBIB:35H6019 --- BPB1112 --- Belgique --- Histoire moderne --- État fédéral --- 332 Vlaams Parlement --- etat federal --- belgie --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 321.68 --- 92 --- 323.173 --- P091 --- P493 --- 323.172 --- binnenlandse politiek --- Staatshervorming ; België --- Belgische politieke instellingen: gemeenschappen en gewesten --- België: overheidsbeleid: algemeen --- Bestuur en beleid: nationale en regionale studies: België --- België --- Moderne geschiedenis --- Federale staat --- federale staat --- belgique --- Federalisme. --- Geschiedenis. --- federalisme --- geschiedenis --- regionalisering - gewestvorming - regionale autonomie (zie ook 328.132 --- 323 --- Histoire. --- History. --- 92 Geschiedenis. --- 92 Histoire. --- 92 History. --- Politics and government --- 1970 --- -Federal government --- Federalisme --- Geschiedenis --- #gsdb8 --- zvezna država --- liitriik --- forbundsstat --- федерална држава --- federatīva valsts --- ομοσπονδιακό κράτος --- liittovaltio --- stat federal --- federace --- Stat federali --- Stato federale --- szövetségi állam --- savezna država --- państwo federalne --- federatívny štát --- федерална държава --- савезна држава --- Bundesstaat --- federacinė valstybė --- förbundsstat --- Estado federal --- Shtet federal --- federal State --- неунитарна држава --- сложена држава --- Föderativstaat --- сојузна држава --- spolkový stát --- föderativer Staat --- föderatív állam --- federalna država --- federální stát --- federativní republika --- federativní stát --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- État fédéral --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- Staatshervorming ; België --- an nua-stair --- België: overheidsbeleid: algemeen --- Bestuur en beleid: nationale en regionale studies: België --- België --- feidearálacht --- Histoire constitutionnelle --- 1971 --- -Politique et gouvernement --- -Belgique --- Politique et gouvernement --- -National movements

Stiefbroeders : Zuid-Nederlandse letteren en natievorming onder Willem I, 1814 - 1834.
ISBN: 9789087043100 9087043104 Year: 2012 Publisher: Hilversum Verloren

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Dutch literature --- anno 1800-1899 --- Flanders --- Natievorming. --- Bellettrie. --- Nederlands. --- Willem --- Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. --- Belgium. --- Politique et littérature --- Littérature et État --- Histoire et critique --- 82:32 --- 949.19.03 --- 949.2.06 --- 949.3.032 --- 839.3 "18" --- Literatuur en politiek --- Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- Geschiedenis van Nederland:--(1813-1898) --- Geschiedenis van België: Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830) --- Nederlandse literatuur--19e eeuw. Periode 1800-1899 --- België. --- 839.3 "18" Nederlandse literatuur--19e eeuw. Periode 1800-1899 --- 949.3.032 Geschiedenis van België: Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830) --- 949.2.06 Geschiedenis van Nederland:--(1813-1898) --- 949.19.03 Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- 82:32 Literatuur en politiek --- Politique et littérature. --- Histoire et critique. --- BPB9999 --- BPB2008 --- moderne geschiedenis --- staatsopbouw --- Nederland --- an Ísiltír --- Nederlandene --- die Niederlande --- Alankomaat --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Hollandia --- Nyderlandai --- Paesi Bassi --- Nederländerna --- Nīderlande --- Países Baixos --- Holanda --- Holandsko --- Холандия --- Holandia --- Nizozemska --- Țările de Jos --- Nizozemsko --- Madalmaad --- Netherlands --- l-Olanda --- Pays-Bas --- Холандија --- Países Bajos --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Madalmaade Kuningriik --- Nizozemské království --- Regatul Țărilor de Jos --- Holandské kráľovstvo --- Nizozemí --- Mbretëria e Holandës --- Краљевина Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Holandë --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Holande --- Kongeriget Nederlandene --- Reino de los Países Bajos --- Alankomaiden kuningaskunta --- Hollandi Kuningriik --- Olandija --- Hollande --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Holland --- Ολλανδία --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Holland Királyság --- Hollanti --- Holandija --- Regno dei Paesi Bassi --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kraljevina Nizozemska --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- das Königreich der Niederlande --- Konungariket Nederländerna --- Нидерландия --- ir-Renju tal-Olanda --- Olanda --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Królestwo Niderlandów --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- valtiorakenteiden kehittäminen --- statsopbygning --- budovanie štátu --- valsts veidošana --- construcción del Estado --- construction de l'État --- bini tal-istat --- градење државност --- budování státu --- statsbyggande --- Staatsbildung --- tógáil náisiúin --- consolidamento dello Stato --- valstybės kūrimas --- construcție statală --- construção do Estado --- state-building --- izgradnja države --- riigi ülesehitamine --- államépítés --- budowanie państwowości --- държавно изграждане --- συγκρότηση κράτους --- oblikovanje države --- construction de la nation --- reconstruction d'une nation --- nation-building --- nācijas veidošanās --- construcție națională --- bini tan-nazzjon --- Nationenbildung --- izgradnja nacije --- staatsvorming --- natievorming --- construção da nação --- градење нација --- rahvuse ülesehitamine --- formação da nação --- consolidamento della nazione --- kansakunnan rakentuminen --- nationsopbygning --- budovanie národa --- изграждане на нация --- budowanie tożsamości narodowej --- consolidamento nazionale --- consolidación nacional --- reconstruction de l'État --- ανόρθωση του έθνους --- cothú stáit --- nemzetépítés --- costruzione dello Stato --- opbouw van overheidsstructuren --- nācijas veidošana --- tautos tapatybės formavimas --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- histoire moderne --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- An Ísiltír --- an nua-stair --- Willem - I, - King of the Netherlands, - 1772-1843

In Amerika.
ISBN: 9789046806432 Year: 2011 Publisher: Amsterdam Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers

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#GGSB: Geschiedenis (niet Europees) --- #GGSB: Politieke en sociale theorieen --- BPB1301 --- États-Unis --- Histoire moderne --- Politique intérieure --- Relation internationale --- Terrorisme --- Verenigde Staten --- Moderne geschiedenis --- Binnenlands beleid --- Internationale betrekking --- τρομοκρατία --- terroriżmu --- terorisms --- terrorismo --- terrorism --- terrorizmus --- terorizam --- terorismus --- terorizem --- тероризам --- Terrorismus --- terorism --- terorizmus --- terrorizëm --- тероризъм --- terorizmas --- terroryzm --- terrorismi --- terrorisme --- καταστολή της τρομοκρατίας --- terrorismo nero --- Bekämpfung des Terrorismus --- terrorista szervezet --- lucha contra el terrorismo --- терористичка група --- répression du terrorisme --- eliminim i terrorizmit --- lucha antiterrorista --- terorizmo išnaikinimas --- bekæmpelse af terrorisme --- grupo terrorista --- terrorszervezet --- potlačování terorismu --- elimination of terrorism --- brigate rosse --- bekämpande av terrorism --- combate contra o terrorismo --- antiterorizam --- kamp mot terrorism --- lupta împotriva terorismului --- terroristacsoport --- terrorismo di Stato --- πάταξη της τρομοκρατίας --- bestrijding van het terrorisme --- repressão do terrorismo --- борба против тероризам --- boj proti terorismu --- terrorizmus elleni küzdelem --- lotta al terrorismo --- terrorismo rosso --- zničenie terorizmu --- strage di Stato --- represión del terrorismo --- borba protiv terorizma --- repressione del terrorismo --- euroterrorismo --- terrorismin torjunta --- lutte contre le terrorisme --- антитероризам --- terorisma apkarošana --- terrorismivastane võitlus --- banda armada --- mednarodni odnosi --- rahvusvahelised suhted --- tarptautiniai santykiai --- internationella förbindelser --- mezinárodní vztahy --- nemzetközi kapcsolatok --- меѓународни односи --- marrëdhënie ndërkombëtare --- kansainväliset suhteet --- international relations --- relazioni internazionali --- међународни односи --- relazzjonijiet internazzjonali --- международни отношения --- relación internacional --- starptautiskās attiecības --- internationale relationer --- internationale betrekking --- internationale Beziehungen --- διεθνείς σχέσεις --- stosunki międzynarodowe --- medzinárodné vzťahy --- relações internacionais --- relații internaționale --- međunarodni odnosi --- internacionální styky --- államközi kapcsolatok --- internationale forbindelser --- starptautiski sakari --- mezinárodní styky --- zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- internationale anliggender --- εσωτερική πολιτική --- politică internă --- indenrigspolitik --- vnitřní politika --- politika domestika --- inrikespolitik --- Innenpolitik --- внатрешна политика --- унутрашња политика --- вътрешна политика --- sisepoliitika --- sisäpolitiikka --- notranja politika --- polityka wewnętrzna --- belpolitika --- vidaus politika --- politikë e brendshme --- iekšpolitika --- binnenlands beleid --- unutrašnja politika --- domestic policy --- política interna --- politica interna --- política interior --- vnútorná politika --- domácí politika --- домашна политика --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Združene države --- United States --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- САД --- VS --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- sceimhlitheoireacht --- caidreamh idirnáisiúnta --- beartas intíre --- an nua-stair --- Na Stáit Aontaithe --- Geschiedenis (niet Europees) --- Politieke en sociale theorieen --- États-Unis --- Politique intérieure --- relation internationale --- histoire moderne

Nederland-België : de Belgisch-Nederlandse betrekkingen vanaf 1940.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789461054746 Year: 2011 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom

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International relations. Foreign policy --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 2000-2009 --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- 327.0 --- 92 --- Pays-Bas --- Belgique --- Relation internationale --- Histoire moderne --- BPB1112 --- Internationale politiek: algemeenheden. --- Geschiedenis. --- Nederland --- België --- Internationale betrekking --- Moderne geschiedenis --- Histoire. --- History. --- 92 Geschiedenis. --- 92 Histoire. --- 92 History. --- Internationale politiek: algemeenheden --- Geschiedenis --- België --- Bélgica --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgii︠a︡ --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Koninkrijk van België --- Königreich Belgien --- Bèlgia --- Koninkryk van België --- Königriich Belgie --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgice --- Belgice Cynerīce --- بلجيكا --- Baljīkā --- مملكة بلجيكا --- Mamlakat Baljīkā --- Belchica --- Reino de Belchica --- Belghia --- Vãsilia di Belghia --- Royômo de Bèlg·ique --- Bélxica --- Reinu de Bélxica --- Bilkiya --- Bilgasuyu --- Bilhika Qhapaqsuyu --- Belçika --- Belçika Krallığı --- Бельгия --- Бельгия Короллеге --- Belʹgii︠a︡ Korollege --- Бельгія --- Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Каралеўства Бельгія --- Karaleŭstva Belʹhii︠a︡ --- Belhika --- Bäigien --- Kinigraich Bäigien --- Belgija --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Белгия --- Regne de Bèlgica --- Бельги --- Belʹgi --- Belgické království --- Gwlad Belg --- Teyrnas Gwlad Belg --- Belgien --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Bélgii Bikéyah --- Belgiska --- Kralojstwo Belgiskej --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Βέλγιο --- Velgio --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Vasileio tou Velgiou --- Reino de Bélgica --- Belgio --- Reĝlando Belgio --- Belgujo --- Belgika --- Belgje --- Belgjo --- Belgjiche --- Bheilg --- Ríocht na Beilge --- Velg --- Reeriaght ny Belg --- Belgiya --- Rìoghachd na Beilge --- Pí-li-sṳ̀ --- Belʹjmudin Nutg --- Pelekiuma --- Regno del Belgio --- בלגיה --- Belgiyah --- ממלכת בלגיה --- Mamlekhet Belgiyah --- Belgijskô --- Pow Belg --- Ruwvaneth Belgek --- Ububiligi --- Ububirigi --- Igihugu cyʼUbubirigi --- Ubelgiji --- Ufalme wa Ubelgiji --- Belezi --- Nsi ya ntotila ya Belezi --- Bèljik --- Beljika --- Beļgeja --- Beļg̓ijas Karaliste --- Belsch --- Kinnekräich Belsch --- Belgijos Karalystė --- Belsj --- Keuninkriek Belsj --- Beldjym --- Belga Királyság --- Белгија --- ベルギー --- Berugī --- The Netherlands --- Países Baixos --- Holland --- Spanish Netherlands --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Austrian Netherlands --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Southern Netherlands --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- Niderlandy --- Belanda --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Países Bajos --- Holanda --- Nederlân --- Hulanda --- Beulanda --- Niderland --- Niderlande --- هولندا --- مملكة هولندا --- Mamlakat Hūlandā --- Olanda --- Payis-Bâs --- Países Baxos --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Nirlan --- Niderland Krallığı --- Kē-tē-kok --- Landa --- Kerajaan Landa --- Нидерландтар --- Niderlandtar --- Нидерландтар Короллеге --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Нідэрланды --- Каралеўства Нідэрланды --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Nederlands --- Niadaland --- Holandija --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Izelvroioù --- Нидерландия --- Niderlandii︠a︡ --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kralstvo Niderlandii︠a︡ --- Països Baixos --- Нидерландсем --- Niderlandsem --- Нидерландсен Патшалăхĕ --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkhĕ --- Nizozemsko --- Paesi Bassi --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Iseldiroedd --- Nederlandene --- Niederlande --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígíí --- Nižozemska --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Madalmaad --- Ολλανδία --- Ollandia --- Hollandia --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Katō Chōres --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Nederlando --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Paisis Bajus --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- هلند --- Huland --- Niðurlond --- Háland --- Paîs Bas --- Neerlande --- Ísiltír --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Hò-làn --- Недерлендин Нутг --- Nederlendin Nutg --- 네덜란드 --- Nedŏllandŭ --- Hōlani --- Nederlandia --- Pais Basse --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Нидерландтæ --- Niderlandtæ --- Нидерландты Къаролад --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Konungsríkið Holland --- הולנד --- Holand --- ממלכת ארצות השפלה --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Walanda --- Hollandi --- Нидерландла --- Niderlandla --- Нидерландланы Королевствосу --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Néderlandzkô --- Нидерланд --- Iseldiryow --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Nederilande --- Нидерланддар --- Niderlanddar --- Uholanzi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Нидерландъяс --- Niderlandʺi︠a︡s --- Нидерландъяс Корольув --- Niderlandʺi︠a︡s Korolʹuv --- Peyiba --- Holenda --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Payises Bashos --- פאייסיס באשוס --- Nīderlandeja --- Batavia --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Paixi Basci --- Paes Bass --- Ulanda --- Holland Királyság --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Reino di Hulanda --- Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Hōrana --- Недерлатт --- Nederlatt --- Оцязорксши Недерлатт --- Ot︠s︡i︠a︡zorksshi Nederlatt --- Нидерландын Вант Улс --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Tlanitlālpan --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Eben Eyong --- Nederlaand --- オランダ --- Oranda --- オランダ王国 --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ulanna --- Nethiland --- Nederlande --- Holandska --- Holland (Kingdom) --- Batavian Republic --- United Provinces of the Netherlands --- Relations --- History --- 1940 --- -Netherlands --- -Belgium --- 20th century --- an Ísiltír --- die Niederlande --- Alankomaat --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Nederländerna --- Nīderlande --- Países Baixos --- Holandsko --- Холандия --- Holandia --- Nizozemska --- Țările de Jos --- l-Olanda --- Países Bajos --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Madalmaade Kuningriik --- Nizozemské království --- Regatul Țărilor de Jos --- Holandské kráľovstvo --- Nizozemí --- Mbretëria e Holandës --- Краљевина Холандија --- Holandë --- Holande --- Kongeriget Nederlandene --- Reino de los Países Bajos --- Alankomaiden kuningaskunta --- Hollandi Kuningriik --- Olandija --- Hollande --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Ολλανδία --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Holland Királyság --- Hollanti --- Regno dei Paesi Bassi --- Kraljevina Nizozemska --- das Königreich der Niederlande --- Konungariket Nederländerna --- ir-Renju tal-Olanda --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Królestwo Niderlandów --- moderne historie --- jaunāko laiku vēsture --- moderne geschiedenis --- modern history --- modern historia --- naujųjų amžių istorija --- модерна история --- uuden ajan historia --- istorie modernă --- storia moderna --- histori moderne --- νεώτερη ιστορία --- Geschichte der Neuzeit --- historia moderna --- storja moderna --- povijest novoga vijeka --- historia nowożytna --- újkortörténet --- moderné dejiny --- модерна историја --- História Moderna --- novejša zgodovina --- uusaja ajalugu --- novější historie --- uusi aika --- историја на новиот век --- modern kor --- età moderna --- uusaeg --- epoka moderne --- Idade Moderna --- νεώτερη εποχή --- moderna tiden --- модерна ера --- súčasná éra --- доцен модерен период --- ран модерен период --- модерна епоха --- moderne tijd --- neuzeitliche Epoche --- moderne tidsalder --- âge moderne --- újkor --- Edad Moderna --- naujoji era --- modern era --- νεώτερα χρόνια --- époque moderne --- moderna povijest --- mednarodni odnosi --- rahvusvahelised suhted --- tarptautiniai santykiai --- internationella förbindelser --- mezinárodní vztahy --- nemzetközi kapcsolatok --- меѓународни односи --- marrëdhënie ndërkombëtare --- kansainväliset suhteet --- international relations --- relazioni internazionali --- међународни односи --- relazzjonijiet internazzjonali --- международни отношения --- relación internacional --- starptautiskās attiecības --- internationale relationer --- internationale betrekking --- internationale Beziehungen --- διεθνείς σχέσεις --- stosunki międzynarodowe --- medzinárodné vzťahy --- relações internacionais --- relații internaționale --- međunarodni odnosi --- internacionální styky --- államközi kapcsolatok --- internationale forbindelser --- starptautiski sakari --- mezinárodní styky --- zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- internationale anliggender --- Bélgica --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- An Ísiltír --- an nua-stair --- caidreamh idirnáisiúnta --- histoire moderne --- relation internationale

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