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Spazio e mobilità nella "societas christiana" : spazio, identità, alterità (secoli X-XIII) : atti del convegno internazionale, Brescia, 17-19 settembre 2015
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Nell’ultimo decennio la medievistica europea ha modificato il concetto di ‘spazio’, definendolo come ‘oggetto’, e non come ‘quadro’ entro il quale lavora lo storico. Si tratta della ‘svolta spaziale’ o spatial turn, che propone come tema di indagine lo spazio sociale, quello creato dai ‘rapporti di parole’ che legano tra loro gli uomini che operano entro l’ambito della civitas o dei centri organizzativi politici e religiosi del mondo rurale. Il vecchio concetto di territorio, caro agli storici del diritto, è oggi considerato troppo rigido per descrivere la pluralità di funzioni che si esercitano su di esso, da quelle giurisdizionali a quelle fiscali e di leva militare. Al contrario sfuggono altre realtà organizzative, come quelle parrocchiali, agrarie, pedologiche e, a tratti, quelle linguistiche. Alcuni studiosi hanno utilizzato il concetto di ‘cospazialità’, ma in ogni caso è emerso in modo evidente che lo spazio è un fattore capace di condizionare il comportamento sociale. Quanto di tale problematica è oggi presente nella storiografia più recente in rapporto all’età medievale? A questa domanda gli autori del volume hanno voluto rispondere, offrendo la loro prospettiva.

Anecdota rvstica : textvs minores ad aedificationem pertinentes provt in codicibvs saec. VIII-X asservati svnt
ISBN: 9782503599120 2503599125 Year: 2022 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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How did the least educated rows of the clergy get in touch with basic and more subtle religious teachings? Access to literacy was not the rule in the Early Middle Ages, but rather the exception. However, even the lowest rows of the Church were expected to be able to take care of their parishes. Therefore, the clergy was expected to be provided a certain knowledge. Oral transmission might have played the most important role in the formation of the lowest clergy. Still, several compositions have survived which might have also served this aim. These are rather simple, hardly original texts with friendly displays and oversimplified approaches to central matters of the Christian faith. Most of such compositions do not reach the highest standards of the time – nor do they attempt to do so. Yet, they are not mere personal notes for private use. They were surely meant to be circulated and to last – as they apparently did. This volume collects some of these texts, which appear to be related with one another in different ways. The collection, however, is not and could not be intended to be complete.

Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782251014524 2251014527 Year: 2009 Volume: 392 Publisher: Paris Belles lettres

Medieval christianity in practice
ISBN: 9780691090597 9780691090580 0691090599 0691090580 Year: 2009 Volume: *6 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

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Comprising forty-two selections from primary source materials, each translated with an introduction and commentary by a specialist in the field, this collection illustrates the religious cycles, rituals, and experiences that gave meaning to medieval Christian individuals and communities. The texts represent the practices through which Christians conducted their individual, family, and community lives and explore such life-cycle events as birth, confirmation, marriage, sickness, death, and burial. The texts also document religious practices related to themes of work, parish life, and devotions, as well as power and authority.--From publisher's description

Een bovenaardse vrouw : zes eeuwen verering van Liduina van Schiedam
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789087044879 9087044879 Year: 2014 Volume: 153 Publisher: Hilversum Verloren

La fuite du siècle
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782204104647 2204104647 Year: 2015 Volume: 576 Publisher: Paris Les éditions du Cerf

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Publié sans doute dans les toutes dernières années d’Ambroise, le traité Sur la fuite du siècle est une méditation sur la fuite spirituelle loin du monde terrestre. Cette fuite répond à un idéal, l’aspiration de l’âme à s’élever vers Dieu. Elle emprunte des formes variées, de l’érémitisme au retrait en soi-même, en passant par l’appartenance à une communauté d’ascètes. Le traité d’Ambroise est le premier à aborder un thème spirituel majeur pour l’Occident, dont l’influence sur la vie chrétienne culmine au Moyen Âge dans les traités monastiques sur le « mépris du monde ». Ambroise puise dans des traditions intellectuelles diverses, de la philosophie platonicienne à l’exégèse allégorique du juif Philon d’Alexandrie, pour les refondre à la lumière de l’écriture. Le traité d’Ambroise trouve ici sa première édition critique depuis plus d’un siècle, fondée sur une large base manuscrite qui en renouvelle le texte. C’est aussi la première fois qu’il est traduit en français. Camille Gerzaguet, actuellement pensionnaire de la Fondation Th iers (CNRS) et membre de l’équipe des Sources Chrétiennes, a consacré sa thèse à Ambroise de Milan et à son traité sur La fuite du siècle.


Senso cristiano della vita : tra crisi e problema del senso
ISBN: 8834348087 9788834348086 Year: 1991 Volume: 7 Publisher: Milano : Vita e Pensiero,

Between personal and institutional religion : self, doctrine, and practice in late antique Eastern Christianity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503541310 2503541313 9782503542010 Year: 2013 Publisher: Turnhout : Brepols,

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This book addresses change and continuity in late antique Eastern Christianity, as perceived through the lens of the categories of institutional religion and personal religion. The interaction between personal devotion and public identity reveals the creative aspects of a vibrant religious culture that altered the experience of Christians on both a spiritual and an institutional level. A close look at the interrelations between the personal and the institutional expressions of religion in this period attests to an ongoing revision of both the patristic literature and the monastic tradition. By approaching the period in terms of 'revision', the contributors discuss the mechanism of transformation in Eastern Christianity from a new perspective, discerning social and religious changes while navigating between the dynamics of personal and institutional religion.

Christian homes : religion, family and domesticity in the 19th and 20th centuries
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789462700185 9462700184 Year: 2014 Volume: 14 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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The cult of domesticity has often been linked to the privatization of religion and the idealisation of the motherly ideal of the "angel in the house". This book revisits the Christian home of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and sheds new light on the stereotypical distinction between the private and public spheres and their habitants. Emphazing the importance of patriarchal domesticity during the period and the frequent blurring of boundaries between the Christian home and modern society, the case studies included in this volume call for a more nuanced understanding of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Christian ideas on family, religion, and the home.

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