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Shareholder activism is already an established phenomenon in the US. In Europe, including Belgium, shareholder activism is on the rise and is expected to become more and more important. Investors increasingly voice their discontent instead of opting for the exit. This new attitude will change the dynamic between investors and boards. Gone are the days where shareholders exclusively focused on their financial return. Today, financial objectives are complemented with the realization of ESG (environmental, social and governance) objectives. This push towards sustainability creates new battlefields between investors and boards. Notwithstanding its importance, the topic of shareholder activism has not yet been explored in Belgium legal scholarship. This book, edited by Tom Vos and Arie Van Hoe (FEB-VBO), aims to fill this gap.
Corporations --- Stockholders --- Political activists --- Corporate governance --- Sociétés --- Actionnaires --- Activistes --- Gouvernement d'entreprise --- Investor relations --- Attitudes. --- Law and legislation --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- Droit
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Stockholders --- Stock ownership --- Corporations --- Corporate governance --- Actionnaires --- Actionnariat --- Sociétés --- Gouvernement d'entreprise --- Investor relations --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- Stockholders. --- Stock ownership. --- Corporate governance. --- Investor relations. --- Sociétés --- Corporations - Investor relations.
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Shareholder activism is already an established phenomenon in the US. In Europe, including Belgium, shareholder activism is on the rise and is expected to become more and more important. Investors increasingly voice their discontent instead of opting for the exit. This new attitude will change the dynamic between investors and boards. Gone are the days where shareholders exclusively focused on their financial return. Today, financial objectives are complemented with the realization of ESG (environmental, social and governance) objectives. This push towards sustainability creates new battlefields between investors and boards. Notwithstanding its importance, the topic of shareholder activism has not yet been explored in Belgium legal scholarship. This book, edited by Tom Vos and Arie Van Hoe (FEB-VBO), aims to fill this gap.
E-books --- BPB2312. --- STRADALEX. --- Corporations --- Stockholders --- Political activists --- Corporate governance --- Sociétés --- Actionnaires --- Activistes --- Gouvernement d'entreprise --- Investor relations --- Attitudes. --- Law and legislation --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- Droit
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Boards of directors --- Corporations --- Corporation law --- Conseils d'administration --- Sociétés --- Law and legislation --- Investor relations --- Droit --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- 351.72 --- Begrotingsrecht. Openbare financien. Openbare geldmiddelen. Financiele wetgeving--z.o.{336.12} --- Stockholders --- Abuse of rights --- Minority stockholders --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- 351.72 Begrotingsrecht. Openbare financien. Openbare geldmiddelen. Financiele wetgeving--z.o.{336.12} --- Sociétés --- Investors --- Shareholders --- Capitalists and financiers --- Stocks --- Minority shareholders --- Rights, Abuse of --- Equity --- Law and ethics --- Torts --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Droit comparé --- Actionnaires --- Bonne foi (droit) --- Abus de droit --- Droit de vote --- France --- États-Unis
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Company law. Associations --- Belgium --- Stock ownership --- Stockholders --- Corporations --- Actionnariat --- Actionnaires --- Sociétés --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Investor relations --- Droit --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.720.3 --- vennootschapsrecht --- aandeelhouders --- U36 - Droit des sociétés - Vennootschappenrecht --- 347.72 <493> --- Vennoten. Aandeelhouders. Toelating, terugtrekking en uitsluiting. Verantwoordelijkheden. --- droit des societes --- actionnaires --- Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- 347.72 <493> Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht--België --- Sociétés --- EPUB-ALPHA-C EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Corporation law --- Private companies --- Conflict management --- E-books --- Vennoten. Aandeelhouders. Toelating, terugtrekking en uitsluiting. Verantwoordelijkheden --- Belgique --- Droit public économique --- Droit commercial --- Personnes morales --- Travail --- Conflits
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Gedurende 30 jaar kwam de Werkgroep Financieel Recht, onder de deskundige en bezielende leiding van professor Herman Braeckmans, geregeld bijeen om materies van financieel- en vennootschapsrechtelijke aard te bespreken en te becommentariëren, gastsprekers uit te nodigen en over de financiële en vennootschapsactualiteit van gedachten te wisselen. Dit unieke initiatief heeft over de jaren een steeds groeiend succes gekend, wat bewijst dat het aan een werkelijke behoefte beantwoordt. Om dit te vieren, aan de vooravond van het emeritaat van de initiatiefnemer, werd een feestbundel samengesteld. De auteurs zijn allen oud-studenten van de Grondige studie financieel recht aan de UAntwerpen. Zij weerspiegelen het gehele spectrum van het juridische beroepenveld. Zowel advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen als academici hebben een bijdrage geleverd aan deze bundel. De gekozen onderwerpen kaderen strikt genomen in verschillende rechtstakken: het financieel recht, het vennootschapsrecht, het mededingingsrecht en het fiscaal recht. Toch kunnen de onderwerpen gegroepeerd worden onder de noemer financieel recht in ruime zin. Het boek beantwoordt daarmee dan ook perfect aan de behoefte van de advocaat, magistraat of bedrijfsjurist die op de hoogte wenst te blijven van de recente evoluties en knelpunten in deze belangrijke en boeiende rechtstak
Company law. Associations --- Financial law --- Tax law --- University of Antwerp --- BPB1708 --- financieel recht --- vennootschapsrecht --- fiscaal recht --- Droit fiscal --- Droit fiscal international --- Impôt sur les sociétés --- Évasion fiscale --- U90 - Autres questions spécifiques Droit bancaire & Financier - Andere bijzondere vraagstukken Financieel & Bankrecht --- droit financier --- droit des societes --- droit fiscal --- Fiscaal recht --- Internationaal fiscaal recht --- Vennootschapsbelasting --- Belastingvlucht --- Corporations --- Sociétés --- Corporation law --- Sociétés --- Finance --- Investor relations --- Relations avec les actionnaires --- Droit --- Taxation --- Law and legislation --- Impôts --- BPB1708. --- Impôt sur les sociétés --- Évasion fiscale --- Droit financier. --- Droit des societes. --- Droit fiscal. --- E-books --- 347.72 --- 347.73 --- 351.713 --- 351.713 Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2} --- Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2} --- 347.73 Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen --- Financieel recht. Commerciele organisatie. Handelsinstellingen --- 347.72 Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht --- Handelsvennootschappen: statuut, aandeelhouder, patrimonium, inbreng, winst en verlies, algemene vergadering, raad van beheer, toezicht. Vennootschaprecht --- skatteunddragelse --- избягване на данъци --- φοροαποφυγή --- evaziune fiscală --- adókikerülés --- nodokļa apiešana --- vyhýbanie sa daňovej povinnosti --- maksustamise vältimine --- veronkierto --- belastingvlucht --- skatteflykt --- vyhýbání se daním --- izbjegavanje plaćanja poreza --- tax avoidance --- evazion fiskal --- evasione fiscale --- избегавање плаћања пореза --- evasión fiscal --- evasão fiscal --- избегнување данок --- izogibanje plačilu davka --- uchylanie się od podatku --- evitar tat-taxxa --- Steuerausweichung --- mokesčių vengimas --- skatteparadis --- Steuerflucht --- Steuervermeidung --- elusione fiscale --- Steueroase --- evasión tributaria --- veroparatiisi --- belastingontduiking --- paraíso fiscal --- skatteflugt --- lucha contra la evasión fiscal --- luta contra a evasão fiscal --- porezni raj --- daňový ráj --- kamp mot skatteflykt --- adóparadicsom --- даночна оаза --- zonë ekonomike pa tatime --- Steuerevasion --- Bekämpfung der Steuerflucht --- bestrijding van belastingontduiking --- Steuerparadies --- Steuerumgehung --- maksuoaas --- mokesčių sumažinimas --- privilegovaný daňový systém --- paradis fiscal --- porezno utočište --- даночен рај --- daňová oáza --- mokesčių mokėtojų prieglauda --- bekæmpelse af skatteunddragelse --- плаќање помалку данок --- norme antievasione --- φορολογικός παράδεισος --- lutte contre l'évasion fiscale --- daňový raj --- tax haven --- одбегнување на плаќање данок --- lotta all'evasione fiscale --- fuga ao fisco --- belastingparadijs --- evasión de impuestos --- paradiso fiscale --- nemzetközi adójog --- starptautisks nodokļu likums --- mezinárodní daňové právo --- diritto fiscale internazionale --- internationell skatterätt --- international tax law --- internationales Steuerrecht --- direito fiscal internacional --- tarptautinė mokesčių teisė --- dritt internazzjonali tat-taxxa --- międzynarodowe prawo podatkowe --- drept fiscal internațional --- међународно пореско право --- e drejta fiskale ndërkombëtare --- mednarodno davčno pravo --- rahvusvaheline maksuõigus --- международно данъчно право --- διεθνές φορολογικό δίκαιο --- Derecho fiscal internacional --- medzinárodné daňové právo --- internationaal fiscaal recht --- international skatteret --- kansainvälinen vero-oikeus --- međunarodno porezno pravo --- меѓународно даночно право --- европско даночно право --- меѓународно двојно оданочување --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- seachaint cánach --- dlí cánach idirnáisiúnta --- dlí cánach --- Belgique
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