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Why are your eyes a different colour from those of your parents? Why do families vary in height? How can diseases be traced through many generations? What is DNA and why did its discovery rock the scientific world? Terms such as "genetic fingerprinting" and "genetic engineering" are frequently used. But a clear explanation of the language of genetics and of the implications behind the advances in its understanding is often difficult to find. The introduction to "Essential Genetics" explodes many of the popular myths that surround this subject. It is followed by a detailed and easy-to-use A-Z section that defines terms, describes how they are applied and makes helpful suggestions for further reading and research. The historical growth of the discipline is charted and contemporary advances explained. Hundreds of cross-references help student and interested amateur alike to explore the complex world of genetics.
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Overzicht van de verspreiding van de mensheid vanaf de prehistorie met behulp van modern erfelijkheidsonderzoek.
Biological anthropology. Palaeoanthropology --- World history --- 094 Biologie --- Evolutieleer --- 600.2 --- erfelijkheidsleer --- menskunde --- genen --- erfelijkheidsleer - mens
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Les succès comme les excès de la biologie moléculaire se sont en partie construits sur la métaphore informatique du "programme" génétique. Henri Atlan s'interroge sur les implications de cette métaphore pour l'orientation des recherches et des interprétations scientifiques, mais aussi pour l'information destinée aux non-spécialistes, citoyens et décideurs. Des découvertes récentes concernant les prions, le clonage ou la biologie du développement viennent ébranler le modèle, relancer le débat sur les effets épigénétiques et soulignent les limites de ce nouveau réductionnisme. Les théories de la complexité et de l'auto-organisation du vivant, dont Henri Atlan fut l'un des pionniers, éclairent ces questions et permettent de les situer dans la perspective plus globale de l'évolution de la biologie moderne.
Génie génétique --- genetic engineering --- Ethics --- Politique de la recherche --- Research policies --- genetica (genen) --- génétique (gènes) --- Conferences - Meetings
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This book examines how the Human Genome Project will reshape American health care. Leading scholars explore the clinical, ethical, legal, and policy implications of the Genome Project to see how it may affect the forms of health care available, who delivers it, who receives it, and who pays for it. Genetic prediction of future diseases - whether ineluctable certainties such as Huntington's, or uncertain "predispositions" for cancers, heart disease, and the like - will affect how patients and health professionals interact. It may force major reconsideration of certain institutions - such as health, life, and disability insurance - that rely on information about individuals' risks of illness and death. We may question what valid social purposes those institutions play and whether they are likely to become socially and ethically dysfunctional in light of the more extensive predictions that genetic information may make possible.
Human Genome Project --- #GBIB:CBMER --- menselijk genoom --- gezondheidszorg --- genetica (genen) --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Social aspects. --- génome humain --- soins de santé --- génétique (gènes) --- HGP --- H.G.P.
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Developments in genetic science are opening up possibilities for human beings; both the creation and the shaping of human life are now possible in the laboratory. As these techniques develop, questions are increasingly asked about how far everything that is scientifically possible should - morally, legally and socially - be pursued. Whilst much attention and policy-making has focused on the development of regulation of technologies affecting human reproduction, regulation where plants and animals are concerned is much more limited. In this book, developments in genetics are addressed in the broad sense by an international range of contributors. This includes not only issues such as eugenics and the modification of the human embryo, but also the genetic modification of plants and animals in the pursuit of commerce, agriculture and biomedical research. This title discusses developments in genetics in the broad sense. This includes not only issues such as eugenics and the modification of the human embryo, but also the genetic modification of plants and animals in the pursuit of commerce, agriculture and biomedical research.
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Genetica --- Seksualiteit --- Voortplanting --- 600 --- Chromosomen --- DNA --- Erfelijkheid --- Genen --- Mensheid : evolutie --- Génétique --- Sexualité --- Procréation/Reproduction --- erfelijkheidsleer --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- 585 --- evolutie van de mens --- genetica --- menskunde --- biologie humaine
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Siddhartha Mukherjee onderzoekt aan de hand van zijn eigen familiegeschiedenis een verleden vol geestesziekte en psychische aandoeningen de menselijke erfelijkheid en het effect ervan op onze levens, persoonlijkheden, keuzes en lotsbestemmingen. In weergaloos proza beschrijft hij het eeuwenlange onderzoek naar de erfelijkheidskwestie van Aristoteles en Pythagoras via Mendel en Darwin tot aan de revolutionaire eenentwintigste- eeuwse vernieuwers die het menselijk genoom in kaart brengen. In Het gen. Een intieme geschiedenis verweeft Mukherjee wetenschap en sociale historie met een persoonlijk verhaal, om een onthullende en magistrale geschiedenis te schrijven waarin een wetenschappelijke abstractie tot leven komt. Het boek is onmisbaar voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de morele complexiteit van de huidige wetenschappelijke mogelijkheden om het menselijk genoom te lezen en te schrijven, en voor iedereen die zich bezorgd afvraagt wat de toekomst van de mens behelst. Bron :
genetica --- Genetics --- Genen --- Ziekten --- Geneeskunde --- Basic Sciences. Genetics --- Genetics (General) --- Genetics (General). --- 600.2 --- erfelijkheidsleer --- menskunde --- genen --- erfelijkheidsleer - mens --- PXL-Healthcare 2016 --- erfelijke ziekten --- wetenschappelijke inzichten --- Affective and dynamic functions --- Philosophy of science --- Erfelijke en aangeboren afwijkingen --- Gen --- Erfelijke en aangeboren afwijking --- Beroep --- Hulpverlening --- Verpleegkunde
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Genetics --- Génétique --- GENETICS --- Genes --- Genes. --- Genetics. --- Cell Physiology. --- DNA --- Genetic Processes. --- Genome. --- Proteins --- RNA --- Genen --- physiology. --- genetics. --- Genen. --- Cell physiology. --- Dna --- Genetic processes. --- Rna --- Physiology. --- Génétique --- DNA. --- Information, biological --- DNA Replication --- INFORMATION, BIOLOGICAL --- PROTEIN SYNTHESIS --- Prokaryotic Cells --- PROKARYOTIC CELLS --- Eukaryotic Cells --- Chromatin --- Analysis
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In clear terms, John Avise reviews discoveries in molecular biology, evolutionary genetics, and human genetic engineering, and discusses the relevance of these findings to issues of concern traditionally reserved for mythology, theology and religious faith. The text explains how the "genetic gods" figure in our development - not just our metabolism and physiology, but even our emotional disposition, personality, ethical leanings and even religiosity. Yet genes are physical rather than metaphysical entities. Having arisen via an amoral evolutionary process - natural selection - genes have no consciousness, no sentient code of conduct, no reflective concern about the consequences of their actions. It is Avise's contention that late-1990s genetic knowledge can inform attempts to answer typically religious questions - about origins, fate and meaning.
Evolutionary genetics --- Genetics --- Popular works. --- genetica (genen) --- godsdienst (religie, religieuze aspecten) --- génétique (gènes) --- religion (aspects religieux) --- Popular works --- Genetics - Popular works. --- Evolutionary genetics - Popular works. --- Genetic evolution --- Evolution (Biology)
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