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The global environmental movement : reclaiming paradise
ISBN: 0253349524 Year: 1989 Publisher: London Belhaven Press

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Actions : what you can do with the city
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780920785829 Year: 2008 Publisher: Montréal : Canadian Centre for Architecture,

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OECD Public Governance Reviews Engaging Citizens in Jordan's Local Government Needs Assessment Process.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9264588272 9264811478 9264521259 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Jordan is undertaking ambitious decentralization reforms to place citizens at the heart of local policies and services. This review analyses the main gaps in the current needs assessment process, which aims to mainstream a participatory approach for the design of local development plans and budgetary allocations through a yearly collection and assessment of citizens' needs.

Samoorganizacja i samoświadczenie usług w organizacjach publicznych
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8382206840 8382206832 Year: 2021 Publisher: Łódź : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher),

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"Przedmiotem rozważań podejmowanych w publikacji jest problematyka samozarządzania w strukturach organizacyjnych instytucji publicznych oraz wykorzystywania alternatywnych form dostarczania usług publicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych, które angażują w te procesy samych obywateli. Jej celem jest przede wszystkim usystematyzowanie wiedzy w tych dwóch obszarach, zdefiniowanie powiązanych z nimi podstawowych pojęć i procesów oraz klasyfikacja opisywanych rozwiązań. Opisane na kartach książki zagadnienia nie były do tej pory kompleksowo analizowane przede wszystkim w literaturze krajowej, ale również międzynarodowej. Za nowatorskie należy uznać: -- propozycje związane z typologią samoobsługi; -- interesujące poznawczo zestawienie cech charakterystycznych modeli świadczenia usług publicznych; -- szczegółowe rozważania na temat samoorganizacji i samoświadczenia usług publicznych w praktyce. Publikacja adresowana jest do szerokiego grona odbiorców. Po pierwsze, do środowiska praktyków z sektora publicznego (przedstawicieli władz oraz pracowników administracji publicznej); po drugie, do przyszłych praktyków - studentów wybranych kierunków szkół wyższych; po trzecie zaś, do mieszkańców jako prosumentów usług publicznych."-- Provided by publisher.

Engaged Urban Pedagogy : Participatory practices in planning and place-making
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1800081235 1800081243 Year: 2023 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Engaged Urban Pedagogy presents a participatoryapproach to teaching built environment subjects by exploring 12examples of real-world engagement in urban planning involvingpeople within and beyond the university. Starting with curriculumreview, course content is analysed in light of urban pasts, race,queer identity, lived experiences and concerns of urbanprofessionals. Case studies then shift to focus on techniques forparticipatory critical pedagogy, including expanding the'classroom' with links to live place-making processes, connectionsmade through digital co-design exercises and student-led podcastingassignments. Finally, the book turns to activities beyond formaluniversity teaching, such as where school-age children learn abouttheir own participation in urban processes alongside universitystudents and researchers. The last cases show how academics haveenabled co-production in local urban developments, trainedcommunity co-researchers and acted as part of a city-to-citylearning network. Throughout the book, editorial commentaryhighlights how these activities are a critical source of supportfor higher education.

Together, the 12 examples demonstrate the power and range of anengaged urban pedagogy. They are written by academics, universitystudents and those working in urban planning and place-making.Drawing on foundational works of critical pedagogy, they present adistinctly urban praxis that will help those in universitiesrespond to the built environment challenges of today.


Transformative action for sustainable outcomes : responsible organising
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1003229727 1000603245 1003229727 100060330X 1032135344 1032135360 Year: 2022 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon, England ; New York, New York : Routledge,

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"This book critically examines sustainability challenges that humankind faces and offers responsible organising as a solution in responding to these challenges. The text explores how different actors can responsibly organise for transformative action towards sustainable outcomes, as expressed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Responsible refers to a reflexive understanding of how to organise in times of sustainability challenges. Organising refers to activities and practices where different actors take transformative action together. This comprehensive edited collection of short, clear, concise, and compelling chapters brings together scholars in a range of disciplines and blends theoretical perspectives to study humans and social interactions, organisations, nonhumans, and living environments. It offers topical examples from across the world and from organising of companies and other organisations, supply chains, networks, ecosystems, and markets. The book is written for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities as well as for practitioners working with the SDGs. It discusses complex issues in an informative and engaging way. It is critical and collaborative. The book serves as an introduction to key themes and perspectives of responsible organising and offers new insights on connections between themes and perspectives"--

Klagen privater im öffentlichen Interesse : Länderbericht zum Recht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zusammen mit einem das deutsche Recht einbeziehenden Generalreferat und einem Bericht über die Diskussion.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3787501681 Year: 1975 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Metzner,

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A participatory approach to urban planning.
ISBN: 0877053936 Year: 1979 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : Human sciences press,

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Dignity and growth : citizen participation in social change : essays in honor of W. B. Bill Baker
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1550590235 Year: 1991 Publisher: Calgary : Detselig Enterprises,

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Längtan till landet : civilisationskritik och framtidsvisioner i 1970-talets regionalpolitiska debatt
ISBN: 9188614247 Year: 1998 Publisher: Göteborg Göteborgs universitet. Historiska institutionen

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