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La propriété et la part de marché des principales entreprises industrielles en Belgique.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1970 Publisher: Bruxelles : CRISP,

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Utrechtse bedrijven in historisch perspectief: onderzoekgids naar bedrijfsarchieven tot 1940
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 907439101X Year: 1996 Publisher: Utrecht Rijksarchief Utrecht

Een succesvolle onderneming : handleiding voor het schrijven van een bedrijfsgeschiedenis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9057460041 9789057460043 Year: 2005 Volume: 104 Publisher: Brussel : Algemeen rijksarchief,

Les ACEC : l'évolution d'une grande entreprise industrielle belge.
Year: 1980 Publisher: Bruxelles : CRISP,

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L'affaire Fabelta.
Year: 1976 Publisher: Bruxelles : CRISP,

Press concentration and monopoly: new perspectives on newspaper ownership and operation
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0893914649 Year: 1988 Publisher: Norwood (N.J.) Ablex

Tante Mariette en haar fiets : handboek overheids- en verenigingencommunicatie
ISBN: 9057539748 Year: 2002 Publisher: Brugge : Vanden Broele,

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1. Non-profit communicatie: de werkingscontext 2. De organisatie van de communicatiewerking 3. Ken jezelf, ken je publiek: onderzoek 4. Effecten: mogelijkheden en beperkingen 5. Communicatiecampagnes, communicatieacties 6. Het media-instrumentarium 7. Moeilijk bereikbare doelgroepen 8. Interne communicatie 9. Crisiscommunicatie 10. City- en regiomarketing 11. Sponsoring 12. Bijblijven over communicatie en media in de non-profit sector


Communicatiemedia --- Communication de masse --- Communicatiemanagement --- Communicatie non-profitorganisaties --- Overheidscommunicatie --- overheidscommunicatie --- verenigingsleven --- communicatie --- 305.8 --- 658.8 --- Non-profit organisaties : marketing --- Organisaties : externe communicatie --- communicatie in de hulpverlening --- communicatie in organisaties --- 361.2 --- 65.012 --- 007 --- Non-profitsector --- Communicatie --- Crisiscommunicatie --- Citymarketing --- Sponsoring (alle aspecten) --- Interne communicatie --- Massacommunicatie --- Verenigingen --- Instellingen --- Overheid --- Nonprofit organisaties --- Overheidsmanagement: communicatie --- Communicatie. --- Communicatiemanagement. --- Nonprofit organisaties. --- Overheidscommunicatie. --- Overheidsmanagement: communicatie. --- Communicatie in de hulpverlening --- 061.5 --- Associations Verenigingen --- Communication de crise Crisiscommunicatie --- Sponsoring Sponsoring --- 316.77 --- #SBIB:309H253 --- #SBIB:35H24 --- #SBIB:35H502 --- #VCV monografie 2003 --- #A0409A --- 410 Overheidsdiensten en overheidsbedrijven --- 695 Communicatie --- Action administrative Administratieve actie --- Communication Communicatie --- Communication (administration) Communicatie (overheidsdiensten) --- Communication interne Interne communicatie --- Communication orale Mondelinge communicatie --- Médias Media --- Modes de communication Communicatiewijzen --- Plan de communication Communicatieplan --- Publicité (administration) Openbaarheid (overheidsdiensten) --- 316.77 Communicatiesociologie --- Communicatiesociologie --- Externe communicatie: non-profit-sector --- Informatiemanagement bij de overheid --- Bestuur en samenleving: overheidscommunicatie --- Social organizations --- Mass communications --- Communicatie ; non-profitorganisaties --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- Vereniging --- Overheidsinstelling --- Communication --- Societies, etc. --- Civil service

ABC voor handel en industrie. België.
ISSN: 07756178 Publisher: Brussel : Belgisch ABC voor handel en industrie BV,

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Adresboeken --- Commerce --- Handel --- Industries --- Industrieën --- Livres d'adresses --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- 058 <493> --- 061.5 <493> --- #BA01970 --- 339 <493> --- Closed periodicals --- Annuaire --- Entreprise industrielle --- Entreprise commerciale --- Belgique --- Luxembourg --- België --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 051 --- NBB multivolumes --- Jaarboeken. Adresboeken----België --- Commerciële instellingen. Ondernemingen. Firma's--België --- Jaarboek --- Industriële onderneming --- Handelsonderneming --- Luxemburg --- Biografische woordenboeken, adreslijsten. --- 061.5 <493> Commerciële instellingen. Ondernemingen. Firma's--België --- 058 <493> Jaarboeken. Adresboeken----België --- Biografische woordenboeken, adreslijsten --- Luksemburg --- Lucsamburg --- Luxemburgo --- Luksemburga --- Liuksemburgas --- Lussemburgo --- Luksemburgu --- Λουξεμβούργο --- Lucembursko --- il-Lussemburgu --- Luxembursko --- Луксембург --- Люксембург --- Groothertogdom Luxemburg --- das Großherzogtum Luxemburg --- Велико херцогство Люксембург --- Luxemburgi Nagyhercegség --- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg --- Granducato di Lussemburgo --- Veliko Vojvodstvo Luksemburg --- Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg --- Wielkie Księstwo Luksemburga --- Grand-Duché de Luxembourg --- Marele Ducat al Luxemburgului --- Lucemburské velkovévodství --- Storhertigdömet Luxemburg --- Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo --- Luksemburgi Suurhertsogiriik --- Велико Војводство Луксембурга --- Luxemburské veľkovojvodstvo --- Големо Војводство Луксембург --- Luxemburgin suurherttuakunta --- Liuksemburgo Didžioji Hercogystė --- Dukati i Madh i Luksemburgut --- Grão-Ducado do Luxemburgo --- Storhertugdømmet Luxembourg --- il-Gran Dukat tal-Lussemburgu --- Μεγάλο Δουκάτο του Λουξεμβούργου --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- трговинско предузеће --- impresa commerciale --- impriża tad-distribuzzjoni --- przedsiębiorstwo handlowe --- kaupallinen yritys --- distribution business --- трговско претпријатие --- kaubandusettevõte --- empresa comercial --- търговско предприятие --- odbytový podnik --- handelsvirksomhed --- activități de distribuție --- trgovsko podjetje --- biznes shpërndarjeje --- handelsföretag --- trgovačko poduzeće --- izplatītājuzņēmums --- podnikanie v distribúcii --- handelsonderneming --- prekybos įmonė --- εμπορική επιχείρηση --- kereskedelmi vállalkozás --- Handelsunternehmen --- commercial undertaking --- entreprise de distribution --- distributersko poduzeće --- distribučný podnik --- distribuční podnik --- distribution enterprise --- kereskedelmi vállalat --- myyntiyhtiö --- kaufmännisches Unternehmen --- empresa de distribución --- jakeluyhtiö --- distributionsvirksomhed --- претпријатие за дистрибуција на стоки и услуги --- obchodný podnik --- επιχείρηση διανομής --- întreprindere comercială --- kaufmännischer Betrieb --- distributionsföretag --- empresa de distribuição --- obchodní úsek --- distributiebedrijf --- întreprindere de distribuție --- impresa di distribuzione --- turustusettevõte --- sipërmarrje tregtare --- Vertriebsunternehmen --- ndërmarrje shpërndarjeje --- претпријатие за пласман на производи --- vahendusettevõte --- ndërmarrje industriale --- ipari vállalkozás --- teollisuusyritys --- průmyslový podnik --- empresa industrial --- Industrieunternehmen --- industrivirksomhed --- industrijsko podjetje --- przedsiębiorstwo przemysłowe --- pramonės įmonė --- βιομηχανική επιχείρηση --- industrial enterprise --- industriföretag --- rūpniecības uzņēmums --- întreprindere industrială --- industriële onderneming --- tööstusettevõte --- промишлено предприятие --- podnikanie v priemysle --- impresa industriale --- индустриско претпријатие --- industrijsko poduzeće --- индустријско предузеће --- intrapriża industrijali --- shoqëri tregtare industriale --- индустриска компанија --- sipërmarrje industriale --- biznes industrial --- teollisuusyhtiö --- Fertigungsbetrieb --- priemyselný podnik --- iparvállalat --- tööstusettevõtlus --- industrijsko poduzetništvo --- companie industrială --- ipari vállalat --- industrial business --- průmyslový závod --- Industriebetrieb --- друштво за индустриско производство --- industrial company --- gewerbliches Unternehmen --- industrial undertaking --- Jahrbuch --- metknygė --- annuario --- årbog --- vjetar --- rocznik --- évkönyv --- επετηρίδα --- yearbook --- gadagrāmata --- letopis --- årsbok --- godišnjak --- годишњак --- anuario --- annwarju --- годишник --- anuar --- ročenka --- vuosikirja --- jaarboek --- aastaraamat --- anuário --- almanacco --- annuaire officiel --- oficialioji metknygė --- úradná ročenka --- officiell årsbok --- Almanach --- almanak --- official yearbook --- almanahh --- алманах --- ametlik aastaraamat --- almanac --- oficiālā gadagrāmata --- oficiální ročenka --- kalendář --- vejviser --- annuario ufficiale --- anuário oficial --- анали --- επίσημη επετηρίδα --- anuario oficial --- almanachas --- хроника --- úřední ročenka --- virallinen vuosikirja --- almanaque --- almanach --- telefonbog --- αλμανάκ --- летопис --- anuar oficial --- statskalender --- almanah --- vjetar zyrtar --- amtliches Jahrbuch --- aikakausjulkaisu --- τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος --- gnó dáileacháin --- fiontar tionsclaíoch --- bliainiris --- CD-ROM

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