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The aim of this book is to develop the combinatorics of Young tableaux and to show them in action in the algebra of symmetric functions, representations of the symmetric and general linear groups, and the geometry of flag varieties. The first part of the book is a self-contained presentation of the basic combinatorics of Young tableaux, including the remarkable constructions of 'bumping' and 'sliding', and several interesting correspondences. In Part II these results are used to study representations with geometry on Grassmannians and flag manifolds, including their Schubert subvarieties, and the related Schubert polynomials. Much of this material has never appeared in book form.There are numerous exercises throughout, with hints or answers provided. Researchers in representation theory and algebraic geometry as well as in combinatorics will find Young Tableaux interesting and useful; students will find the intuitive presentation easy to follow.
Young tableaux. --- Tableaux, Young --- Partitions (Mathematics) --- Young tableaux --- Group theory
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Long description: Als Tableaux vivants oder ‹lebende Bilder› bezeichnet man von lebenden Personen nachgestellte Gemälde oder Skulpturen. Um 1900 erfreute sich diese eigenartige Form der Schaustellung unter anderem auf den Bühnen der großen Varietétheater, auf Volksfesten und bei Vereinsabenden großer Beliebtheit. Der vorliegende Band zeigt, dass Tableaux vivants als wesentlicher Bestandteil der visuellen Kultur dieser Jahre auch einen Bezugsrahmen für die Entstehung des neuen Massenmediums Film bildeten. Dabei werden diverse intermediale Konstellationen in den Blick genommen: gemeinsame Aufführungskontexte und Publikumsschichten, aber auch Filme, die bewusst auf Inszenierungsweisen der älteren Unterhaltungsform zurückgriffen. Der Band präsentiert eine Fülle an historischem Material zu Tableaux-vivants-Aufführungen um 1900 und analysiert zugleich zahlreiche Filme aus dem internationalen Kino der Attraktionen bis 1914, u.a. die magischen Trickfilme von Georges Méliès und Segundo de Chomón, frühe Filmburlesken von Pathé und Gaumont sowie Aufnahmen populärer Varieténummern. Er leistet zudem eine eingehende Auseinandersetzung mit der frühen Filmtheorie der Jahre um 1910. Biographical note: Daniel Wiegand ist Postdoc an der Université Lumière Lyon 2 und forscht zum frühen Tonfilm um 1930
Tableaux --- Motion pictures --- History --- Living models --- Living pictures --- Living statues --- Model artists --- Poses plastiques --- Tableaux vivants --- Amateur plays --- Amusements
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The possibilities of astronomical observation have dramatically increased over the last decade. Major satellites, like the Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra and XMM Newton, are complemented by numerous large ground-based observatories, from 8m-10m optical telescopes to sub-mm and radio facilities. As a result, observational astronomy has access to virtually the whole electromagnetic spectrum of galaxies, even at high redshifts. Theoretical models of galaxy formation and cosmological evolution now face a serious challenge to match the plethora of observational data. In October 2003, over 170 astronomers from 15 countries met for a 4-day workshop to extensively illustrate and discuss all major observational projects and ongoing theoretical efforts to model galaxy formation and evolution. This volume contains the complete proceedings of this meeting and is therefore a unique and timely overview of the current state of research in this rapidly evolving field.
Galaxies --- Astronomy --- Astronomie --- Evolution. --- Measurement. --- Charts, diagrams, etc. --- Evolution --- Mesure --- Tableaux, graphiques, etc --- Astrophysics --- Astronomy - General --- Astronomy & Astrophysics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Measurement --- Charts, diagrams, etc --- Astronomical charts --- Atlases, Astronomical --- Charts, Astronomical --- Extragalactic nebulae --- Nebulae, Extragalactic --- Galactic evolution --- Galaxy evolution --- Physics. --- Astronomy. --- Astrophysics. --- Cosmology. --- Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. --- Astronomical physics --- Cosmic physics --- Physics
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Great Britain --- Economic conditions --- Statistics --- 330.941005 --- -Electronic information resources. --- -Periodicals --- Business, Economy and Management --- Social Sciences --- Economics --- Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies --- Conditions économiques. --- Mensuels. --- Statistiques économiques. --- Tableaux statistiques. --- Royaume-Uni. --- Economic history. --- Statistics. --- 1900-2099 --- Great Britain. --- History, Economic --- Anglia --- Angliyah --- Briṭanyah --- Grande-Bretagne --- Grossbritannien --- Marea Britanie --- Nagy-Britannia --- Prydain Fawr --- Royaume-Uni --- Saharātchaʻānāčhak --- Storbritannien --- United Kingdom --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Velikobritanii︠a︡ --- Wielka Brytania --- Northern Ireland --- Scotland --- Wales --- Conditions économiques. --- Statistiques économiques. --- England and Wales --- Velikobritanii͡ --- Förenade kungariket --- Grã-Bretanha --- Igirisu --- Iso-Britannia --- Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
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This publication seeks to provide a global overview of the nature and extent of injury mortality and morbidity in the form of user-friendly tables and charts. It is hoped that the graphical representation of the main patterns of the burden of disease due to injury will raise awareness of the importance of injuries as a public health issue and facilitate the implementation of effective prevention programmes.
Charts, diagrams, etc. --- Cost of medical care --- Coût des soins médicaux --- Forecasting --- Geneeskundige zorgen--Kosten --- Health care costs --- Kosten van de geneeskundige zorgen --- Medical care [Cost of ] --- Medical care--Cost --- Medical service [Cost of ] --- Medicine--Cost of medical care --- Medische zorgen--Kosten --- Prévision --- Soins médicaux--Coût --- Tabellen, grafische voorstellingen, enz. --- Tableaux, graphiques, etc. --- Voorspelling --- Accidents. --- Wounds and injuries. --- Business. --- Health. --- Medicine. --- Social Science. --- Wounds and injuries --- Accidents --- Death --- World health --- Public Health --- Social Sciences --- Vital Statistics --- Health --- Diseases --- Environment and Public Health --- Medicine --- Population Characteristics --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Data Collection --- Health Care --- Health Occupations --- Demography --- Epidemiologic Methods --- Epidemiologic Measurements --- Information Science --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Investigative Techniques --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Cause of Death --- Epidemiology --- Mortality --- World Health --- Wounds and Injuries --- Cost of Illness --- Business & Economics --- Surgery & Anesthesiology --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Wounds & Injuries --- Causes --- Epidemiology. --- Human beings --- Injuries --- Trauma, Physical --- Wounds --- Surgical emergencies --- Traumatology --- Costs
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Igor' Stravinskijs Sacre du printemps gilt als Meilenstein der Musik- und Tanzgeschichte. Gleichwohl hat die Wissenschaft einen Schlüsselaspekt zum Verständnis des Werkes bislang übersehen: die ,Theaterreform um 1900'. Leila Zickgraf zeigt erstmals, dass Stravinskij mit dem Sacre sein höchst eigenes ,Theater der Zukunft' verwirklichte - gemeinsam mit dem Choreografen Vaclav Nižinskij und inspiriert von Georg Fuchs sowie Edward Gordon Craig. Durch die Rhythmen seiner Komposition versetzte er nämlich Tänzer wie Publikum in einen körperlich erfahrbaren Rausch, wodurch er die Zuschauer ins Bühnengeschehen integrierte. Die Ballets Russes nahmen damals - 1913 - eine mechanistische Ästhetik vorweg, die in Musik, Tanz und Theater merklich erst in den 1920er Jahren in Erscheinung treten sollte. Mit seiner interdisziplinären Ausrichtung zwischen Tanz-, Kultur-, Theater- und Musikwissenschaft sowie seiner umfassenden, auch russischsprachigen Quellenerschließung leistet das Buch einen wichtigen Forschungsbeitrag zu einem nicht wenig untersuchten, aber - wie sich zeigt - in zentralen Aspekten noch immer ungenügend ausgeleuchteten Meisterwerk.
Musicology. --- Music --- Musical research --- Research, Musical --- Popular music --- Research --- Historiography --- Choreografie --- Theater --- Ballett --- Tanz --- Marionette --- Hypnose --- Kontrolle --- Rausch --- Mechanik --- Alexandre Benois --- Edward Gordon Craig --- Georg Fuchs --- Primitivismus --- Ballets Russes --- Diaghilev --- Strawinsky --- Gesamtkunstwerk --- Pétrouchka --- The Rite of Spring --- Theatre Reform --- Dance --- Choreography --- Ballet --- Primitivism --- Stravinsky --- puppet --- Nijinsky --- mechanical --- Petrushka --- Theatre studies --- Stravinsky, Igor, --- Rite of spring (Choreographic work) --- Vesna svi︠a︡shchennai︠a︡ (Stravinsky, Igor) --- 1900-1999 --- Stravinskiĭ, Igorʹ Fedorovich, --- Sacre du printemps (Stravinskiĭ, Igorʹ Fedorovich) --- Rite of spring (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Sacre du printemps (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Frühlingsweihe (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Sagra della primavera (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Pictures of pagan Russia (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Frühlingsopfer (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Pictures from pagan Russia (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Tableaux de la Russie païenne (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Vesna svyashchennaya (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Scenes of pagan Russia (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Sacred spring (Stravinsky, Igor) --- Sacre du printemps (Choreographic work) --- Sagra della primavera (Choreographic work) --- Vesna svi︠a︡shchennai︠a︡ (Choreographic work)
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Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series are generalizations of the Riemann zeta function. Like the Riemann zeta function, they are Dirichlet series with analytic continuation and functional equations, having applications to analytic number theory. By contrast, these Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series may be functions of several complex variables and their groups of functional equations may be arbitrary finite Weyl groups. Furthermore, their coefficients are multiplicative up to roots of unity, generalizing the notion of Euler products. This book proves foundational results about these series and develops their combinatorics. These interesting functions may be described as Whittaker coefficients of Eisenstein series on metaplectic groups, but this characterization doesn't readily lead to an explicit description of the coefficients. The coefficients may be expressed as sums over Kashiwara crystals, which are combinatorial analogs of characters of irreducible representations of Lie groups. For Cartan Type A, there are two distinguished descriptions, and if these are known to be equal, the analytic properties of the Dirichlet series follow. Proving the equality of the two combinatorial definitions of the Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series requires the comparison of two sums of products of Gauss sums over lattice points in polytopes. Through a series of surprising combinatorial reductions, this is accomplished. The book includes expository material about crystals, deformations of the Weyl character formula, and the Yang-Baxter equation.
Dirichlet series. --- Weyl groups. --- Weyl's groups --- Group theory --- Series, Dirichlet --- Series --- BZL pattern. --- Class I. --- Eisenstein series. --- Euler product. --- Gauss sum. --- Gelfand-Tsetlin pattern. --- Kashiwara operator. --- Kashiwara's crystal. --- Knowability Lemma. --- Kostant partition function. --- Riemann zeta function. --- Schur polynomial. --- Schützenberger involution. --- Snake Lemma. --- Statement A. --- Statement B. --- Statement C. --- Statement D. --- Statement E. --- Statement F. --- Statement G. --- Tokuyama's Theorem. --- Weyl character formula. --- Weyl denominator. --- Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series. --- Weyl vector. --- Whittaker coefficient. --- Whittaker function. --- Yang-Baxter equation. --- Yang–Baxter equation. --- accordion. --- adele group. --- affine linear transformation. --- analytic continuation. --- analytic number theory. --- archimedean place. --- basis vector. --- bijection. --- bookkeeping. --- box-circle duality. --- boxing. --- canonical indexings. --- cardinality. --- cartoon. --- circling. --- class. --- combinatorial identity. --- concurrence. --- critical resonance. --- crystal base. --- crystal graph. --- crystal. --- divisibility condition. --- double sum. --- episode. --- equivalence relation. --- f-packet. --- free abelian group. --- functional equation. --- generating function. --- global field. --- ice-type model. --- inclusion-exclusion. --- indexing. --- involution. --- isomorphism. --- knowability. --- maximality. --- nodal signature. --- nonarchimedean local field. --- noncritical resonance. --- nonzero contribution. --- p-adic group. --- p-adic integral. --- p-adic integration. --- partition function. --- polynomial. --- preaccordion. --- prototype. --- reduced root system. --- representation theory. --- residue class field. --- resonance. --- resotope. --- row sums. --- row transfer matrix. --- short pattern. --- six-vertex model. --- snakes. --- statistical mechanics. --- subsignature. --- tableaux. --- type. --- Γ-equivalence class. --- Γ-swap.
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The book provides a contemporary view on different aspects of the deductive systems in various types of logics including term logics, propositional logics, logics of refutation, non-Fregean logics, higher order logics and arithmetic.
quine --- logic --- ontology --- multiple conclusion rule --- disjunction property --- metadisjunction --- axiomatizations of arithmetic of natural and integers numbers --- second-order theories --- Peano’s axioms --- Wilkosz’s axioms --- axioms of integer arithmetic modeled on Peano and Wilkosz axioms --- equivalent axiomatizations --- metalogic --- categoricity --- independence --- consistency --- logic of typical and atypical instances (LTA) --- logic of determination of objects (LDO) --- quasi topology structure (QTS) --- concept --- object --- typical object --- atypical object --- lattice --- filter --- ideal --- discussive logics --- the smallest discussive logic --- discussive operators --- seriality --- accessibility relation --- Kotas’ method --- modal logic --- deontic logic --- ontology of situations --- semantics of law --- formal theory of law --- Wittgenstein --- Wolniewicz --- non-Fregean logic --- identity connective --- sentential calculus with identity --- situational semantics --- deduction --- (dual) tableau --- Gentzen system --- deductive refutability --- refutation systems --- hybrid deduction–refutation rules --- derivative hybrid rules --- soundness --- completeness --- natural deduction --- meta-proof theory --- synthetic tableaux --- principle of bivalence --- cut --- first-order theory --- universal axiom --- Peano’s axiomatics of natural numbers --- Leśniewski’s elementary ontology --- Frege’s predication scheme --- Frege’s Zahl-Anzahl distinction --- term logic --- Franz Brentano --- Lewis Carroll --- logic trees --- logic diagrams --- paraconsistent logic --- paraconsistency --- Sette’s calculus --- the law of explosion --- the principle of ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet --- semantic tree --- distribution --- Aristotle’s logic --- syllogistic --- Jan Łukasiewicz --- axiomatic system --- axiomatic refutation --- temporal logic --- intuitionistic logic --- minimal system --- knowledge --- sequent-type calculi --- nonmonotonic logics --- default logic --- rejection systems --- Kripke models --- logics of evidence and truth --- n/a --- Peano's axioms --- Wilkosz's axioms --- Kotas' method --- hybrid deduction-refutation rules --- Peano's axiomatics of natural numbers --- Leśniewski's elementary ontology --- Frege's predication scheme --- Frege's Zahl-Anzahl distinction --- Sette's calculus --- Aristotle's logic
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