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Philosophy, French --- Philosopher --- Girard, Rene, --- Girard, René
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What is the best possible society? How would its rulers govern and its citizens behave? Such questions are sometimes dismissed as distractions from genuine political problems, but in an era when political idealism seems a relic of the past, says Jonny Thakkar, they are more urgent than ever. A daring experiment in using ancient philosophy to breathe life into our political present, Plato as Critical Theorist takes seriously one of Plato's central claims: that philosophers should rule. What many accounts miss is the intimate connection between Plato's politics and his metaphysics, Thakkar argues. Philosophy is the activity of articulating how parts and wholes best fit together, while ruling is the activity that shapes the parts of society into a coherent whole conducive to the good life. Plato's ideal society is thus one in which ideal theory itself plays a leading role.Today's liberal democracies require not philosopher-kings legislating from above but philosopher-citizens willing to work toward a vision of the best society in their daily lives. Against the claim that such idealism is inherently illiberal, Thakkar shows that it is fully compatible with the liberal theories of both Popper and Rawls while nevertheless pushing beyond them in providing a new vantage point for the Marxian critique of capitalism.
Liberalism. --- Political participation. --- Political ethics. --- Platonists. --- Philosopher-kings. --- Plato.
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Dara Shukoh was the heir-apparent to the Mughal throne in 1659, when he was executed by his brother Aurangzeb. Today Dara is lionized in South Asia, while Aurangzeb, who presided over the beginnings of imperial disintegration, is scorned. Supriya Gandhi’s nuanced biography asks whether the story really would have been different with Dara in power.
Philosopher-kings. --- Dārā Shikūh, --- India --- History
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Zinc oxide --- Calamine --- Chinese white --- Flowers of zinc --- Philosopher's wool --- Wool, Philosopher's --- Zinc white --- Oxides --- Zinc salts
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The giant treatise Contra Celsum is Origen's main and longest work. It is of significance for both Greek Patristics and Ancient Philosophy. However, the extant text of the treatise is lacunose and corrupt. Two outstanding editions - by Paul Koetschau (1899) and Marcel Borret (1967-1969) - are not critical enough. The editor tried to restore Origen's original text and presents the reader with a reasonably reliable text.
Celsus, --- 239.3 --- Apologetica: tegen de heidenen --- Celsus Platonic philosopher --- 239.3 Apologetica: tegen de heidenen --- Celsus --- Celso --- Kelsos --- Ḳelsus, --- Celsus, - Platonic philosopher, - fl. 180.
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Die Konzeption des Denkens bei Parmenides zu klären und ihre Bedeutung für seine gesamte Philosophie herauszuarbeiten, ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit. Grundlage der Untersuchung bildet eine Analyse der Fragmente, die das Denken und Erkennen thematisieren (v. a. Fr. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.7-9, 8.15-18, 8.34-41, 8.53-54, 16), ergänzt um die antiken Zeugnisse. Auf dieser Basis rekonstruiert Maria Marcinkowska-Rosół den Zusammenhang der Kernideen des Gedichts. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ihrer Arbeit ist die These, dass Parmenides' Konzeption des Denkens für seine Philosophie eine weit zentralere Rolle spielt als bisher angenommen: Sie bildet das Fundament seiner Philosophie und verleiht den beiden Teilen des Gedichts, deren Verhältnis in der Parmenides-Forschung bislang umstritten war, eine gewisse Geschlossenheit. Zudem legt sie nahe, dass es sich bei dem Gedicht nicht um eine rein theoretische Darstellung, sondern vielmehr um einen Protreptikos handelt, der den Menschen existenziell herausfordern soll.
Self (Philosophy) --- Philosophy, Ancient. --- Parmenides. --- Being. --- Knowledge. --- Parmenides of Elea (Philosopher). --- Thought.
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Recently, a significant effort has been devoted to the investigation of ZnO as a suitable semiconductor for UV light-emitting diodes, lasers, and detectors and hetero-substrates for GaN. Research is driven not only by the technological requirements of state-of-the-art applications but also by the lack of a fundamental understanding of growth processes, the role of intrinsic defects and dopants, and the properties of hydrogen. The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Zinc oxide as a material for micro- and optoelectronic applications”, held from June 23 to June 25 2004 in St. Petersburg, Russia, was organized accordingly and started with the growth of ZnO. A variety of growth methods for bulk and layer growth were discussed. These techniques comprised growth methods such as closed space vapor transport (CSVT), metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, reactive ion sputtering, and pulsed laser deposition. From a structural point of view using these growth techniques ZnO can be fabricated ranging from single crystalline bulk material to polycrystalline ZnO and nanowhiskers. A major aspect of the ZnO growth is doping. n-type doping is relatively easy to accomplish with elements such al Al or Ga. At room temperature single crystal ZnO exhibits a resistivity of about 0. 3 -cm, an electron mobility of 2 17 -3 225 cm /Vs, and a carrier concentration of 10 cm . In n-type ZnO two shallow donors are observable with activation energies of 30 – 40 meV and 60 – 70 meV.
Zinc oxide --- Electric properties --- Optical properties --- Calamine --- Chinese white --- Flowers of zinc --- Philosopher's wool --- Wool, Philosopher's --- Zinc white --- Oxides --- Zinc salts --- Zinc --- Congresses --- Physics. --- Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices. --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Optoelectronic properties
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Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher (1732) is Berkeley's main work of philosophical theology and a crucial source of his views on meaning and language. This edition contains the four most important dialogues and a selection of critical essays and commentaries reflecting the response of such writers as Hutcheson, Mill and Antony Flew. The only single edition currently in print, it argues that Alciphron has a more important place both in the Berkeley canon and in early modern philosophy than is generally thought.
Philosophy, Modern. --- Modern philosophy --- Berkeley, George, --- Berkeley, George --- G. B. --- B., G. --- Berkley, George, --- Author of The minute philosopher, --- Minute philosopher, Author of the, --- Cloyne, --- Berkeley, --- Member of the established church, --- בערקלי, דזשארדזש, --- Author of Siris,
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"Reviews methods to synthesize, tailor, and characterize 1D, 2D, and 3D zinc oxide nanostructured materials Discusses key properties of zinc oxide nanostructured materials including optical, electronic, thermal, piezoelectric, and surface properties Addresses most relevant zinc oxide applications in optoelectronics such as light-emitting diodes, solar cells, and sensors"--
Zinc oxide. --- Nanostructured materials. --- Nanomaterials --- Nanometer materials --- Nanophase materials --- Nanostructure controlled materials --- Nanostructure materials --- Ultra-fine microstructure materials --- Microstructure --- Nanotechnology --- Calamine --- Chinese white --- Flowers of zinc --- Philosopher's wool --- Wool, Philosopher's --- Zinc white --- Oxides --- Zinc salts
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"All men naturally have the desire to know," writes Aristotle. If only ! The incipit of La Métaphysique cannot be a postulate for those who want to share the love of wisdom, it rather constitutes an objective: "how to make philosophical ideas desirable?" "The importance of desire is crucial when you consider that an idea just does not designate as a real solution a real problem . In philosophy, the "desire to know" is not a curiosity for solutions, it is a desire to question- and that is nothing innate. The freedom to think thus supposes the love of the problems: to understand that the latter are not "troubles", but the very intellectual gestures which make it possible to move in thought. Conversely, the exclusive quest for solutions makes us lose the sense of knowledge and prevents us from constructing ourselves as a subject.To explore these issues, this book offers an analysis of what a philosophical problem is, from its concrete encounter where our whole being finds itself exposed in its fragility, to its practical resolution which makes philosophy a way of living, through its position among the field of beliefs and its construction. These four dimensions of the problem form the fabric of an ethical understanding of what philosophising means.
Desire (Philosophy) --- Aesthetics. --- Philosophy. --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics --- Aesthetics --- Philosophy --- philosopher --- désir (philosophie) --- problème philosophique --- éducation au savoir --- liberté de penser
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