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Femmes dévoilées : Des Algériennes en France à l’heure de la décolonisation
ISBN: 2847888411 284788842X 2847888403 9782847888409 9782847888416 Year: 2016 Publisher: Lyon : ENS Éditions,

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Depuis les années 1990 le voile cristallise les débats politiques sur l’identité nationale et livre des femmes musulmanes une image partielle. Cet ouvrage cherche à donner plus d’épaisseur à leur présence dans la société française en s’intéressant aux premières d’entre elles : les Algériennes venues au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Qui sont ces femmes ? Pourquoi traversent-elles la Méditerranée aux pires moments de la répression du nationalisme algérien ? Comment trouvent-elles leur place dans la société qui les entoure et leur rôle dans la guerre d’indépendance menée aussi en métropole ? Grâce à une enquête orale approfondie, on les entend répondre à ces questions, on les découvre également au détour d’un fonds photographique public ou privé, dans le secret des archives judiciaires et policières, administratives et médiatiques. Leur mémoire inspire une parole vive et permet aux archives de parler à leur tour. On comprend alors l’histoire partagée qui les amène à prendre parti dans une guerre souvent fratricide, à s’attacher à l’Algérie naissante autant qu’à trouver la forme d’une intégration singulière, loin des débats actuels qui les méconnaissent obstinément. L’écriture de cette histoire résulte ainsi d’une écoute, d’une patience et d’une réflexion sur les outils, sur les méthodes aptes à rendre visible la matière complexe des parcours de ces Algériennes pendant cinquante ans, en s’efforçant d’en préserver la vie. Illustration de couverture : Archives privées © Fatma Malagouen Since the 1990’s, political debate on national identity has crystallised around the issue of the veil and has provided only a partial image of Muslim women. The purpose of this book is to study their presence in French Society more thoroughly by focusing on the Algerian women who came to France immediately after World War II. Who were these women? Why did they cross the Mediterranean at a time when the repression of Algerian nationalism was at its worst? What place did they…

Afrique, L'épreuve de L'indépendance
ISBN: 2130379621 2940549451 9782130379621 Year: 1983 Publisher: Graduate Institute Publications

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Cet ouvrage constitue un travail de réflexion et de synthèse sur les tendances présentes et décelables des principales options politiques et économiques des gouvernements africains au terme de vingt-cinq ans d'indépendance. Trois considérations dominent l'approche de l'auteur : 1. L'Afrique, cette entité politique et économique « une et indivisible », à laquelle on se réfère constamment, n'existe pas. Elle est à concevoir et à forger au prix d'un effort gigantesque de plusieurs générations d'Africains confiants dans les valeurs ancestrales et suffisamment avertis des réalités du monde extérieur. 2. L'indépendance n'est pas une fin, mais un moyen au service de la libération nationale qui constitue le véritable et ultime objectif de la décolonisation de l'Afrique. 3. Le développement est un projet commun de société. Dans son élaboration, le peuple est acteur et l'élite instrument, et non l'inverse. L'auteur sort des sentiers battus d'une présentation idéalisée ou schématisée de l'Afrique pour nous restituer l'indépendance dans son extrême complexité, simple charnière entre le passé et l'avenir de l'Afrique. Dans une présentation sans complaisance, à partir d'une profonde et stimulante inspiration, le débat sur l'avenir de l'Afrique s'ouvre ici à un niveau exceptionnellement élevé.

Heroes and martyrs of Palestine : the politics of national commemoration
ISBN: 9780521106382 9780521865128 0521865123 9780511492235 9780511296208 0511296207 051129543X 9780511295430 0511293836 9780511293832 0511492235 0521106389 110716978X 1280959363 9786610959365 113913213X 0511294638 Year: 2007 Volume: 27 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Many decades have passed since the Palestinian national movement began its political and military struggle. In that time, poignant memorials at massacre sites, a palimpsest of posters of young heroes and martyrs, sorrowful reminiscences about lost loved ones, and wistful images of young men and women who fought as guerrillas, have all flourished in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine tells the story of how dispossessed Palestinians have commemorated their past, and how through their dynamic everyday narrations, their nation has been made even without the institutional memory-making of a state. Bringing ethnography to political science, Khalili invites us to see Palestinian nationalism in its proper international context and traces its affinities with Third Worldist movements of its time, while tapping a rich and oft-ignored seam of Palestinian voices, histories, and memories.

The Katangese gendarmes and war in Central Africa : fighting their way home
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780253021304 9780253021397 9780253021502 0253021502 0253021308 0253021391 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bloomington : Indiana University Press,

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Kennes and Larmer show how the paths not taken at Africa's independence persist in contemporary political and military movements and bring new understandings to the challenges that personal and collective identities pose to the relationship between African nation-states and their citizens and subjects.


Polemology --- National movements --- Katanga --- Gendarmes --- Front de libération nationale du Congo --- History. --- Katanga (Congo) --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Angola --- Africa, Central --- Katanga (Congo, République démocratique) --- Congo (République démocratique) --- Militia --- History --- Autonomy and independence movements. --- Histoire --- Autonomie et mouvements indépendantistes --- #SBIB:328H412 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- Instellingen en beleid: Zaïre / Congo --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Front de libération nationale du Congo --- Histoire. --- Autonomie et mouvements indépendantistes. --- Front de liberation nationale du Congo --- Congolese National Liberation Front --- F.L.N.C. --- FLNC --- FNLC --- Front de libération nationale congolaise --- Front for the National Liberation of the Congo --- Africa, Equatorial --- Central Africa --- Equatorial Africa --- Anghūlā --- Colónia de Angola (Portugal) --- Estado de Angola (Portugal) --- Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika Angoly --- People's Republic of Angola --- Portugiesisch Westafrika --- Portuguese West Africa --- Province d'Angola (Portugal) --- Província de Angola (Portugal) --- R.P.A. --- Republic of Angola --- República de Angola --- República Popular de Angola --- République populaire d'Angola --- RPA --- Volksrepublik Angola --- Angola (Revolutionary government in exile, 1962-1975) --- Garenganze (Congo) --- Katanga, Congo (Province) --- Katanga (Zaire) --- Katanga (Secessionist government, 1960-1963) --- Shaba (Zaire) --- Lualaba (Congo : Province) --- Haut-Lomami (Congo) --- Haut-Katanga (Congo) --- Tanganyika (Congo) --- Congo (Kinshasa) --- Congo (Leopoldville) --- Congo DR --- Democratic Republic of Congo --- Democratic Republic of the Congo --- Demokraticheskai︠a︡ Respublika Kongo --- DR Congo --- DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) --- DRK (Demokraticheskai︠a︡ Respublika Kongo) --- Kongo --- RD Congo --- R.D. Congo --- RDC (République démocratique du Congo) --- Republic of Congo (Leopoldville) --- Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) --- République démocratique du Congo --- République du Congo (Leopoldville) --- Belgian Congo --- Zaire

A theory of international terrorism : understanding Islamic militancy
ISBN: 9004152075 9789004152076 9789047409991 904740999X 1281399612 9781281399618 9786611399610 6611399615 Year: 2006 Volume: 56 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,

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A Theory of International Terrorism studies Islamic militancy in the geopolitical contexts of Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, and the September 11 attacks on the United States. These contexts have shaped a global ontology of Islamic terrorism, which asserts that puritan Islam is inherently violent and Muslim militants are addicted to carnage. This ontology is significantly changing international law. It defends the preemptive war on terror and disregards civil liberties, prescribing extra-judicial killings, torture, renditions, indefinite detentions, and numerous other human rights violations. These normative shifts are considered inevitable to suppress Muslim militants. Questioning these shifts, the book argues that the policy of no negotiations with Muslim militants is contrary to the UN Charter. It also argues that terrorism cannot be eradicated unless the Nation-State evolves into the Free State, a concept developed in The Extinction of Nation-States (1996) and A Theory of Universal Democracy (2003). Universities, governments, and international organizations will find this book a source of valuable information.


Terrorism. --- Islamic fundamentalism. --- Terrorisme --- Intégrisme islamique --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Terrorism --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Islam --- Religious fundamentalism --- Islam. --- Terrorisme. --- Intégrisme islamique. --- Islamisme. --- Terrorismus --- Actes de violence --- Actes terroristes --- Activités terroristes --- Terrorisme international --- Victimes du terrorisme --- Terroristes --- Attentats --- Radicalisation violente --- Terrorisme et littérature --- Et le terrorisme --- Agression --- Nihilisme --- Piraterie --- Révoltes --- Terreur --- Violence politique --- Écoterrorisme --- Terrorisme maritime --- Commerce international --- Transport --- Cyberterrorisme --- Attentats-suicides --- Bioterrorisme --- Mouvements de libération nationale --- Otages --- Sabotage --- Terrorisme d'État --- Terrorisme nucléaire --- Guerre asymétrique --- Action directe --- Révolutions --- Activités subversives --- Droit international pénal --- Crimes et délits politiques --- Conflits de basse intensité --- Intégrisme islamique --- Islamisme politique --- Islamisme radical --- Islamistes --- Mouvements islamistes --- Islamisme et antisémitisme --- Et l'islamisme --- Terrorisme islamiste --- Djihadistes --- Propagande islamiste --- Idées politiques --- Islam et politique --- Intégrisme --- Fondamentalisme --- Modernisme islamique --- Islamisme --- Fondamentalisme religieux --- Droit --- droit international --- politique --- droit --- Lutte contre --- Aspect religieux --- Effets du terrorisme --- Aspect politique

Land and freedom : the MST, the Zapatistas and peasant alternatives to neoliberalism
ISBN: 1322097968 1780327447 9781780327440 9781322097961 9781780327457 1780327455 1350220981 9781350220980 Year: 2014 Publisher: London, England : [London, England] : Zed Books, Bloomsbury Publishing,

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The Zapatistas of Chiapas and the Landless Workers Movement (MST) of Brazil are often celebrated as shining examples in the global struggle against Neoliberalism. But what have these movements achieved in more than two decades of resistance and can any of these achievements realistically contribute to an alternative development future? Through a perfect balance of grassroots testimonies, participative observation and consideration of key development and critical political economy debates, Land and Freedom compares, for the first time, the Zapatista and MST movements. Casting a spotlight on their resistance to globalising market forces Vergara-Camus gets to the heart of how these movements organise themselves and how the decommodification of social relations is key to understanding their radical development potential. -- Provided by publisher.


Communist International -- History. --- Neoliberalism. --- Political participation -- Great Britain. --- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (Brazil) --- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Mexico) --- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra. --- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. --- Latin America. --- Lateinamerika. --- Organisation der Zapatistischen Bewegung in Chiapas, Mexiko --- EZLN --- Zapatistische Nationale Befreiungsarmee --- Zapatisten --- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional --- Zapatistische Armee der Nationalen Befreiung --- Armée Zapatiste de Libération Nationale --- Zapatista National Liberation Army --- Guerilla --- Mexiko --- Setor de Educação do MST --- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra --- Landless Rural Workers Movement (Brazil) --- Landless Workers Movement (Brazil) --- Mouvement des sans terre du Brésil --- Mouvement des sans terres (Brazil) --- Movimento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (Brazil) --- Movimento dos sem Terra (Brazil) --- Movimento sem Terra (Brazil) --- Movimiento de los sin Tierra (Brazil) --- Movimiento sin Tierra (Brazil) --- MST --- Movimento dos Trabalhadores sem Terra (Brazil) --- Armée zapatiste de libération nationale (Mexico) --- Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Mexico) --- Zapatista National Liberation Army (Mexico) --- Zapatistas --- Iberoamerika --- Lateinamerikaner --- Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio countries --- Neotropical region --- Neotropics --- New World tropics --- Spanish America --- Social movements --- Development studies

The BBC and national identity in Britain, 1922–53
ISBN: 0719079446 1847793010 1781702314 9781847793010 9781781702314 9780719079443 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : Manchester University Press,

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Examining the ways in which the BBC constructed and disseminated British national identity during the second quarter of the twentieth century, this book is the first study that focuses in a comprehensive way on how the BBC, through its radio programs, tried to represent what it meant to be British. The BBC and national identity in Britain offers a revision of histories of regional broadcasting in Britain that interpret it as a form of cultural imperialism. The regional organization of the BBC, and the news and creative programming designed specifically for regional listeners, reinforced the cu


British Broadcasting Corporation -- History. --- Mass media and nationalism -- Great Britain. --- Nationalism -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century. --- Radio broadcasting -- Great Britain -- History. --- Mass media and nationalism --- Radio broadcasting --- Nationalism --- Journalism & Communications --- Radio & TV Broadcasting --- History --- British Broadcasting Corporation --- History. --- Consciousness, National --- Identity, National --- National consciousness --- National identity --- Nationalism and mass media --- B.B.C. --- BBC --- British Broadcasting Corporation. --- Great Britain. --- Hayʼat al-Idhāʻah al-Barīṭānīyah --- Ying-kuo kuang po kung ssu --- Yingguo guang bo gong si --- International relations --- Patriotism --- Political science --- Autonomy and independence movements --- Internationalism --- Political messianism --- British Broadcasting Company --- Sociology of culture --- Mass communications --- BBC [London] --- anno 1900-1999 --- United Kingdom --- 1922-1953. --- identité nationale. --- communication de masse. --- Nationalisme --- Radio broadcasting. --- Nationalism. --- Mass media and nationalism. --- Radio --- Radio industry and trade --- Broadcasting --- Mass media --- Dans les medias --- British Broadcasting Corporation (Grande-Bretagne) --- Histoire. --- Grande-Bretagne. --- Northern Ireland --- Scotland --- Wales --- England and Wales --- Storbritannien --- Anglia --- Wielka Brytania --- Nagy-Britannia --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Grande-Bretagne --- Angliyah --- Briṭanyah --- Velikobritanii︠a︡ --- Saharātchaʻānāčhak --- Marea Britanie --- Grossbritannien --- Prydain Fawr --- Royaume-Uni --- Iso-Britannia --- Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta --- Förenade kungariket --- Grã-Bretanha --- בריטניה --- イギリス --- Igirisu --- B.B.C. (British Broadcasting Corporation) --- BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) --- BBC Group --- Conscience nationale --- Et le nationalisme --- Identité nationale --- Sentiment national --- , Principe des --- Analyse marxiste --- Aspect religieux --- Aspect politique --- Velikobritanii͡ --- Théorie du grand remplacement --- Caractère national --- Internationalisme --- Nation --- Nationalisme et archéologie --- Nationalisme et art --- Nationalisme et communisme --- Nationalisme et éducation --- Nationalisme et folklore --- Nationalisme et musique --- Nationalisme et sciences --- Nationalisme et socialisme --- Nationalisme et sports --- Nationalisme et technologie --- Nationalités --- Nettoyage ethnique --- Xénophobie --- Chauvinisme --- Droit des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes --- Fascisme --- Illibéralisme --- Jacobinisme --- Messianisme politique --- Mouvement völkisch --- Mouvements de libération nationale --- Mouvements identitaires --- Mouvements nativistes --- Mouvements séparatistes --- National-socialisme --- Nationalisme arabe --- Nationalisme économique --- Nationalisme et historiographie --- Nationalisme hindou --- Nationalistes --- Nationalités, Principe des --- Phalangisme --- Régionalisme --- Identité collective --- Patriotisme --- Relations internationales --- Hay�at al-Idh�a�ah al-Bar�i�t�an�iyah --- Grande Idée (Grèce) --- Démocratie illibérale --- Shu'ubiyya --- BBC. --- British imperialism. --- British national identity. --- cultural imperialism. --- dual identities. --- mass media. --- media history. --- nationalism. --- radio programmes. --- regional broadcasting.

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