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Dit is Elementary: het spel over natuurkunde, gemaakt door natuurkundigen. Creëer, combineer en vernietig deeltjes en antideeltjes om je tegenstanders te annihileren. Speel met bosonen, quarks en leptonen, en ontdek Einstein's E = mc 2Klinkt moeilijk? Je speelt het binnen 5 minuten.Elementary is:Makkelijk te spelen: nul kennis van natuurkunde vereistWetenschappelijk correct: getest door internationale natuurkunde-instituten (CERN)
Fysica --- Deeltjesfysica --- Elementair deeltje --- Wetenschap
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Op de fiets, in de lift of in de draaimolen: we hebben voortdurend te maken met krachten. Iedereen heeft daarom wel een idee bij begrippen als zwaartekracht en wrijvingskracht. Toch is het voor natuurkundigen verrassend lastig om de ware aard van krachten te doorgronden. Zo ontdekte Albert Einstein pas een eeuw geleden dat de zwaartekracht onderdeel is van het weefsel van het universum zelf. Andere alledaagse krachten blijken helemaal terug te voeren op de raadselachtige eigenschappen van subatomaire deeltjes. In dit boek maakt Martijn van Calmthout een rondgang langs allerlei natuurkundige krachten en de wetenschappers die de geheimen ervan ontrafelden. Hij neemt je mee van klassieke ideeën over vliegende projectielen tot de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de deeltjesfysica. Ook buigt hij zich over de vraag: zijn er natuurkrachten die we nog niet kennen?
Natuurkunde --- Didactics of physics --- krachten (technologie) --- astrofysica --- deeltjesfysica
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This thesis presents significant advances in the understanding of the statistical properties of undulator radiation via two experiments carried out in the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) storage ring at Fermilab. The first experiment studied the turn-to-turn fluctuations in the power of the radiation generated by an electron bunch. The magnitude of these fluctuations depends on the 6D phase-space distribution of the electron bunch. The author presents the most complete theoretical description of this effect to date, and shows that it can be used to measure some electron bunch parameters (e.g. its size and divergence). Remarkably, the performance of this technique improves for smaller bunches and shorter radiation wavelengths and it may, therefore, be particularly beneficial for existing state-of-the-art and next-generation low-emittance high-brightness x-ray synchrotron light sources. In the second experiment, a single electron was stored in the ring, emitting a photon only once per several hundred turns. In this regime, any classical interference-related collective effects were eliminated, and the quantum fluctuations could be studied in detail to search for possible deviations from the expected Poissonian photon statistics. In addition, the photocount arrival times were used to track the longitudinal motion of a single electron and to compare it with simulations. This served as an independent measurement of several dynamical parameters of the storage ring.
Optics. Quantum optics --- Experimental nuclear and elementary particle physics --- deeltjesfysica --- quantumchemie --- Radiation. --- Statistics.
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This book presents the state of the art on thermophysical and thermochemical properties, fabrication methodologies, irradiation behaviours, fuel reprocessing procedures, and aspects of waste management for oxide fuels in general and for thoria-based fuels in particular. The book covers all the essential features involved in the development of and working with nuclear technology. With the help of key databases, many of which were created by the authors, information is presented in the form of tables, figures, schematic diagrams and flow sheets, and photographs. This information will be useful for scientists and engineers working in the nuclear field, particularly for design and simulation, and for establishing the technology. One special feature is the inclusion of the latest information on thoria-based fuels, especially on the use of thorium in power generation, as it has less proliferation potential for nuclear weapons. Given its natural abundance, thorium offers a future alternative to uranium fuels in nuclear technology. In closing, the latest information on conventional uranium and plutonium fuels is also provided.
Thermodynamics --- Nuclear physics --- Relation between energy and economics --- thermodynamica --- quarks --- deeltjesfysica --- energie (technologie) --- kernwapens --- kernenergie --- Nuclear fuels. --- Thorium compounds.
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This thesis presents significant new observations of nuclear wobbling, and thus expands our understanding of nuclear triaxiality and its prevalence in the nuclear chart. Triaxial nuclear shapes are a very rare phenomena and their experimental identification often relies on two unique signatures - nuclear wobbling motion and chiral rotation. While nuclear chirality is a well-studied phenomenon, experimental observations of wobbling nuclei are rather limited. With the identification of 135Pr and 187Au as wobblers, this work establishes triaxiality to be a general phenomenon present in different regions of the nuclear chart, irrespective of any particular spin or deformation. A major focus of this work is the detailed investigation of the different kinds of wobbling modes. Depending on the geometry of the nuclear system, wobbling can be classified into two types - longitudinal and transverse. This work has, for the first time, reported evidence of the possible coexistence of both forms of wobbling in a single nucleus. Another important result reported in this work is the very first observation of co-existing chiral and wobbling modes in the 135Pr nucleus. This thesis details the experimental methods that led to this breakthrough, along with pertinent theoretical interpretations.
Measuring methods in physics --- Experimental nuclear and elementary particle physics --- Nuclear physics --- Chemical technology --- meetmethoden --- deeltjesfysica --- meettechniek --- atoomfysica --- Nuclear spin.
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Prostate brachytherapy has been the subject of heated debate among surgeons and the proponents of the various brachytherapy methods. This very first interdisciplinary book on the subject provides a comprehensive overview of innovations in low dose rate (LDR), high dose rate (HDR), and pulsed dose rate (PDR) interstitial brachytherapy for the management of local or locally advanced prostate cancer. In addition to detailed chapters on patient selection and the use of imaging in diagnostics, treatment guidance, and implantation control, background chapters are included on related medical physics issues such as treatment planning and quality assurance. The results obtained with the different treatment options and the difficult task of salvage treatment are fully discussed. All chapters have been written by internationally recognized experts in their fields who for more than a decade have formed the teaching staff responsible for the successful GEC-ESTRO/EAU Prostate Brachytherapy Teaching Course. This book will be invaluable in informing residents and others of the scientific background and potential of modern prostate brachytherapy. It will also prove a useful source of up-to-date information for those who specialize in prostate brachytherapy or intend to start an interstitial brachytherapy service.
Nuclear physics --- Radiotherapy. Isotope therapy --- Oncology. Neoplasms --- Urology. Andrology --- quarks --- deeltjesfysica --- farmacologie --- urologie --- radiotherapie --- oncologie --- atoomfysica --- Prostate --- Radioisotope brachytherapy. --- Medicine. --- Radiotherapy. --- Cancer --- Treatment --- Technological innovations.
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The second edition of "The Chemistry of the Superheavy Elements" provides a complete coverage of the chemistry of a series of elements beginning with atomic number 104 – the transactinides or superheavy elements – including their nuclear properties and production in nuclear reactions at heavy-ion accelerators. The contributors to this work include many renowned scientists who, during the last decades, have made vast contributions towards understanding the physics and chemistry of these elusive elements, both experimentally and theoretically. The main emphasis here is on demonstrating the fascinating studies involved in probing the architecture of the Periodic Table at its uppermost end, where relativistic effects drastically influence chemical properties. All known chemical properties of these elements are described together with the experimental techniques applied to study these short-lived man-made elements one atom-at-a-time. The status of theoretical chemistry and of empirical models is presented as well as aspects of nuclear physics. In addition, one chapter outlines the meanderings in this field from a historical perspective and the search for superheavy elements in Nature.
Nuclear physics --- Physicochemistry --- Nuclear chemistry --- Organic reaction mechanisms and kinetics --- Chemistry --- thermodynamica --- stralingschemie --- quarks --- deeltjesfysica --- chemie --- atoomfysica --- kogellagers --- fysicochemie --- Superheavy elements.
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Tokamak Engineering Mechanics offers concise and thorough coverage of engineering mechanics theory and application for tokamaks, and the material is reinforced by numerous examples. Chapter topics include general principles, static mechanics, dynamic mechanics, thermal fluid mechanics and multiphysics structural mechanics of tokamak structure analysis. The theoretical principle of the design and the methods of the analysis for various components and load conditions are presented, while the latest engineering technologies are also introduced. The book will provide readers involved in the study of mechanical/fusion engineering with a general understanding of tokamak engineering mechanics. Yuntao Song is Head of the Tokamak Design Division at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academic of Science (ASIPP), China.
Nuclear physics --- Relation between energy and economics --- Nuclear energy --- Electrical engineering --- Applied physical engineering --- Production management --- kernfusie (technologie) --- deeltjesfysica --- energietechniek --- kernenergie --- kwaliteitscontrole --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- elektrotechniek --- Tokamaks. --- Mechanical engineering.
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This book offers a concise and coherent introduction to accelerator physics and technology at the fundamental level but still in connection to advanced applications ranging from high-energy colliders to most advanced light sources, i.e., Compton sources, storage rings and free-electron lasers. The book is targeted at accelerator physics students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, but also of interest also to Ph.D. students and senior scientists not specialized in beam physics and accelerator design, or at the beginning of their career in particle accelerators. The book introduces readers to particle accelerators in a logical and sequential manner, with paragraphs devoted to highlight the physical meaning of the presented topics, providing a solid link to experimental results, with a simple but rigorous mathematical approach. In particular, the book will turn out to be self-consistent, including for example basics of Special Relativity and Statistical Mechanics for accelerators. Mathematical derivations of the most important expressions and theorems are given in a rigorous manner, but with simple and immediate demonstration where possible. The understanding gained by a systematic study of the book will offer students the possibility to further specialize their knowledge through the wide and up-to-date bibliography reported. Both theoretical and experimental items are presented with reference to the most recent achievements in colliders and light sources. The author draws on his almost 20-years long experience in the design, commissioning and operation of accelerator facilities as well as on his 10-years long teaching experience about particle accelerators at the University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and of Physics, as well as at international schools on accelerator physics.
Measuring methods in physics --- Experimental nuclear and elementary particle physics --- Nuclear physics --- Geophysics --- Chemical technology --- zwaartekracht --- meetmethoden --- deeltjesfysica --- meettechniek --- atoomfysica --- Particle accelerators. --- Particle beams.
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This handbook is a comprehensive, systematic source of modern nuclear physics. It aims to summarize experimental and theoretical discoveries and an understanding of unstable nuclei and their exotic structures, which were opened up by the development of radioactive ion (RI) beam in the late 1980s. The handbook comprises three major parts. In the first part, the experiments and measured facts are well organized and reviewed. The second part summarizes recognized theories to explain the experimental facts introduced in the first part. Reflecting recent synergistic progress involving both experiment and theory, the chapters both parts are mutually related. The last part focuses on cosmo-nuclear physics—one of the mainstream subjects in modern nuclear physics. Those comprehensive topics are presented concisely. Supported by introductory reviews, all chapters are designed to present their topics in a manner accessible to readers at the graduate level. The book therefore serves as a valuable source for beginners as well, helping them to learn modern nuclear physics.
Cosmology --- Astrophysics --- Experimental nuclear and elementary particle physics --- Nuclear physics --- astrofysica --- deeltjesfysica --- kosmologie --- atoomfysica --- Nuclear physics. --- Particle accelerators. --- Astrophysics. --- Cosmology. --- Nuclear Physics. --- Accelerator Physics.
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