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Fuzzy systems --- Fuzzy systems. --- Systems, Fuzzy --- System analysis --- Fuzzy logic --- Systèmes flous --- Intel·ligència artificial --- Sistemes borrosos --- Mathematics --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- Intel·ligència artificial. --- Systèmes flous
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This book is composed of selected papers presented at IWIFSGN'2019—The Eighteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets—held on October 24–25, 2019, in Warsaw, Poland, which is one of the main conferences on fuzzy logic, notably on extensions of the traditional fuzzy sets, in particular on the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. A considerable part of the conference sessions is also concerned with recent developments and challenges in the theory and applications of other topics exemplified by uncertainty, incompleteness and imprecision modeling, the Generalized Nets (GNs), a powerful extension of the traditional Petri net paradigm, and the InterCriteria Analysis, a new method for the feature selection and analyses in multicriteria and multiattribute decision-making problems. Some more general problems of computational and artificial intelligence, exemplified by evolutionary computations, machine learning, etc., are also dealt with. The papers included yield a good perspective on all of these important issues and problems.
Fuzzy logic --- Fuzzy logic. --- Nonlinear logic --- Fuzzy mathematics --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Fuzzy systems --- Lògica difusa --- Lògica borrosa --- Lògica no lineal --- Lògica matemàtica --- Conjunts borrosos --- Sistemes borrosos --- Computational intelligence. --- Engineering—Data processing. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Data Engineering. --- Intelligence, Computational --- Artificial intelligence --- Soft computing
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Dinàmica --- Sistemes borrosos --- Optimització matemàtica --- Mètodes de simulació --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Optimització combinatòria --- Programació dinàmica --- Programació (Matemàtica) --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Lògica borrosa --- Cinètica --- Matemàtica --- Mecànica analítica --- Aerodinàmica --- Cinemàtica --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Dinàmica molecular --- Electrodinàmica --- Estabilitat --- Matèria --- Moviment --- Moviment rotatori --- Pertorbació (Matemàtica) --- Teoria quàntica --- Termodinàmica --- Estàtica --- Física --- Energia --- Mecànica --- Dynamics. --- Lògica difusa
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Professor Merrie Bergmann presents an accessible introduction to the subject of many-valued and fuzzy logic designed for use on undergraduate and graduate courses in non-classical logic. Bergmann discusses the philosophical issues that give rise to fuzzy logic - problems arising from vague language - and returns to those issues as logical systems are presented. For historical and pedagogical reasons, three-valued logical systems are presented as useful intermediate systems for studying the principles and theory behind fuzzy logic. The major fuzzy logical systems - Lukasiewicz, Gödel, and product logics - are then presented as generalisations of three-valued systems that successfully address the problems of vagueness. A clear presentation of technical concepts, this book includes exercises throughout the text that pose straightforward problems, that ask students to continue proofs begun in the text, and that engage students in the comparison of logical systems.
Fuzzy logic. --- Many-valued logic. --- Logic, Many-valued --- Logic, Multivalued --- Logic, Variable-valued --- Multivalued logic --- Variable-valued logic --- Nonclassical mathematical logic --- Values --- Nonlinear logic --- Fuzzy mathematics --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Fuzzy systems --- Lògica borrosa --- Lògica multivalent --- Lògica de diversos valors --- Lògica plurivalent --- Lògica polivalent --- Lògica difusa --- Lògica no lineal --- Lògica matemàtica --- Conjunts borrosos --- Sistemes borrosos --- Arts and Humanities --- Philosophy --- Logique --- Logique floue --- Logique multivalente --- 20e siècle --- Lògica difusa.
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Bifurcation theory. --- System analysis. --- Network analysis --- Network science --- Network theory --- Systems analysis --- System theory --- Mathematical optimization --- Differential equations, Nonlinear --- Stability --- Numerical solutions --- Teoria de la bifurcació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Cibernètica --- Física matemàtica --- Models matemàtics --- Teoria de sistemes --- Diagrames de flux --- Disseny de sistemes --- Identificació de sistemes --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Mètodes de l'espai d'estat --- Sistemes borrosos --- Sistemes de temps discret --- Teoria de control --- Xarxes elèctriques --- Optimització matemàtica --- Teories no lineals --- Sistemes dinàmics diferenciables
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Teoria de control --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Optimització matemàtica --- Cibernètica --- Física matemàtica --- Models matemàtics --- Teoria de sistemes --- Diagrames de flux --- Disseny de sistemes --- Identificació de sistemes --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Mètodes de l'espai d'estat --- Sistemes borrosos --- Sistemes de temps discret --- Xarxes elèctriques --- Teories no lineals --- Mètodes de simulació --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Optimització combinatòria --- Programació dinàmica --- Programació (Matemàtica) --- Control (Matemàtica) --- Control òptim --- Regulació --- Teoria de màquines --- Control automàtic --- Filtre de Kalman --- Sistemes de control biològic --- Control theory. --- Dynamics --- Machine theory
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"The book covers up-to-date theoretical and applied advances in grey systems theory from across the world and vividly presents the reader with the overall picture of this new theory and its frontier research. Many of the concepts, models and methods in the book are original by the authors, including simplified form of grey number, general grey number and the operations of grey numbers; the axiomatic system of buffer operators and a series of weakening and strengthening operators; a series of grey relational analysis models, including grey absolute, relative, synthetic, similarity, closeness, negative and three dimension degree, etc.; grey fixed weight clustering model, grey evaluation models based on center-point and end-point mixed possibility functions; original difference grey model (ODGM), even difference grey model (EDGM), discrete grey model (DGM), fractional grey models, self-memory grey models; multi-attribute intelligent grey target decision models, weight vector group with kernel and the weighted comprehensive clustering coefficient vector, and spectrum analysis of sequence operators, etc. This book will be appropriate as a reference and/or professional book for courses of grey system theory for graduate students or high-level undergraduate students, majoring in areas of science, technology, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, earth science, economics, and management. It can also be utilized by researchers and practitioners in research institutions, business entities, and government agencies." -- Publisher's description.
System analysis. --- System analysis --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Models matemàtics --- Mathematical models. --- Network analysis --- Network science --- Network theory --- Systems analysis --- System theory --- Mathematical optimization --- Cibernètica --- Física matemàtica --- Teoria de sistemes --- Diagrames de flux --- Disseny de sistemes --- Identificació de sistemes --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Mètodes de l'espai d'estat --- Sistemes borrosos --- Sistemes de temps discret --- Teoria de control --- Xarxes elèctriques --- Optimització matemàtica --- Teories no lineals --- Models (Matemàtica) --- Models experimentals --- Models teòrics --- Mètodes de simulació --- Mètode de Montecarlo --- Modelització multiescala --- Models economètrics --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models multinivell (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Simulació per ordinador --- Teoria de màquines --- Models biològics
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System design --- System analysis --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Computer Science --- Computer science --- Computer science. --- Computer communication systems. --- Software engineering. --- Information storage and retrieval. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Computer engineering. --- Computer Science. --- Computer Engineering. --- Computer Communication Networks. --- Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet). --- Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics). --- Software Engineering. --- Information Storage and Retrieval. --- Computers --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- Communication systems, Computer --- Computer communication systems --- Data networks, Computer --- ECNs (Electronic communication networks) --- Electronic communication networks --- Networks, Computer --- Teleprocessing networks --- Data transmission systems --- Digital communications --- Electronic systems --- Information networks --- Telecommunication --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Network computers --- Informatics --- Science --- Design and construction --- Distributed processing --- Information storage and retrieva. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Information storage and retrieval systems. --- Automatic data storage --- Automatic information retrieval --- Automation in documentation --- Computer-based information systems --- Data processing systems --- Data storage and retrieval systems --- Discovery systems, Information --- Information discovery systems --- Information processing systems --- Information retrieval systems --- Machine data storage and retrieval --- Mechanized information storage and retrieval systems --- Computer systems --- Electronic information resources --- Data libraries --- Digital libraries --- Information organization --- Information retrieval --- Application software. --- Application computer programs --- Application computer software --- Applications software --- Apps (Computer software) --- Computer software --- Disseny de sistemes --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Cibernètica --- Física matemàtica --- Models matemàtics --- Teoria de sistemes --- Diagrames de flux --- Identificació de sistemes --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Mètodes de l'espai d'estat --- Sistemes borrosos --- Sistemes de temps discret --- Teoria de control --- Xarxes elèctriques --- Optimització matemàtica --- Teories no lineals --- Disseny de sistemes (Informàtica) --- Informàtica --- Disseny de bases de dades --- Mètodes formals (Informàtica) --- Usabilitat (Disseny de sistemes) --- Sankt Gallen <2010>
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