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Op 1 september 2021 nemen wij voorgoed afscheid van Boek II van het Burgerlijk Wetboek. In de plaats hiervan treedt Boek 3 “Goederen” van het nieuw BW in werking. In het nieuwe Boek 3 komen de doelstellingen van de hercodificatie voortreffelijk tot hun recht. Het geheel van het goederenrecht wordt gemoderniseerd, geharmoniseerd en geordend in een overzichtelijke structuur. Zo werden delen van de Hypotheekwet en diverse andere wetten zoals die over het opstalrecht en het recht van erfpacht geïntegreerd in het nieuwe wetboek en werd de hele problematiek van de relaties van nabuurschap (burenhinder, mandeligheid, afstand, erfdienstbaarheden) samengebracht in een afzonderlijk onderdeel “Burenrecht”. De nieuwe structuur is helder en doordacht en het aantal wetsartikelen werd verminderd. Dit alles zonder de band met het verleden door te knippen of afbreuk te doen aan de continuïteit met het wetboek van 1804 en daardoor ook met de bronnen uit een nog verder verleden. In dit werk ontsluiten de auteurs, vooraanstaande academici en praktijkjuristen, de hoofdthema’s van het nieuwe goederenrecht. Dit boek is het resultaat van een vruchtbaar interuniversitair initiatief dat aanleiding gaf tot verschillende studiedagen in nauwe samenwerking met de Franstalige collega’s in het “droit des biens”.
Law of real property --- onroerende goederen --- zakenrecht --- vastgoedrecht --- eigendomsrecht --- Belgium --- Things (Law) --- Property --- Biens (Droit) --- Propriété --- E-books --- BPB9999. --- Biens (droit) --- Droit --- Immobilier --- Propriété mobilière. --- Animaux --- Domaine public. --- Possession (droit) --- Propriété. --- Copropriété. --- Voisinage (droit) --- Successions et héritages. --- Usufruit. --- Baux d'habitation. --- Réforme. --- Droit. --- Belgique.
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This excellent series presents comparative study, analysis and evaluation of 28 European legal systems in the field of transfer of movables. Major topics are the notion of ownership, the derivative acquisition of ownership (e.g. by a sales contract), the good faith acquisition of ownership and other property rights, the multiple sale of the same movable, the protection of possession, positive (acquisitive) prescription, and processing and consolidation. The work is based on comprehensive country reports (which are to be published) on the relevant legal rules in Europe and has the drafting and publication of text proposals of uniform European rules - with commentary and comparative notes - as its primary goal. It intends to influence the future development of European private law on the EU level. This fourth volume of the series presents "up-to-date" national reports of France Belgium Bulgaria Poland Portugal
Transfer (Law) --- Personal property --- Transfert (Droit) --- Propriété mobilière --- Propriété mobilière --- Things (Law) --- Biens (Droit) --- Alienation (Law) --- Acquisition of property --- Property --- Singular succession --- Transfer (Law) - Europe --- Autriche --- Estonie --- Italie --- Slovénie --- Royaume-Uni --- Irlande --- Chypre --- Allemagne --- Grèce --- Lituanie --- Hongrie --- France --- Belgique --- Bulgarie --- Pologne --- Portugal --- Suède --- Norvège --- Danemark --- Finlande --- Espagne --- Pays-Bas --- Suisse --- République tchèque --- Slovaquie --- Malte --- Lettonie --- Droit civil --- Transfert (droit) --- Biens (droit) --- Etudes comparatives --- Europe
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This book explores ancient 'foundational' texts relating to property and their reception by later thinkers in their various contexts up to the early nineteenth century. The texts include Plato's vision of an ideal polity in the Republic, Jesus' teachings on renunciation and poverty, and Golden Age narratives and other evolutionary accounts of the transition of mankind from primeval communality to regimes of ownership. The issue of the legitimacy of private ownership exercises the minds of the major political thinkers as well as theologians and jurists throughout the ages. The book gives full consideration to the historical development of Rights Theory, with special reference to the right to property. It ends with a comparative study of the Declarations of Rights in the American and French Revolutions and seeks to explain, with reference to contemporary documents, why the French recognised an inalienable, human right to property whereas the Americans did not.
Right of property --- Property --- Personal property. --- Personal property --- Droit de propriété --- Propriété --- Propriété mobilière --- History. --- Philosophy --- Religious aspects. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Histoire --- Philosophie --- Aspect religieux --- Aspect moral --- History --- Religious aspects --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Droit de propriété --- Propriété --- Propriété mobilière --- Ownership of property --- Private ownership of property, Right of --- Private property, Right of --- Property, Right of --- Property rights --- Right of private ownership of property --- Right of private property --- Right to property --- Chattels --- Choses --- Personalty --- Property, Personal --- Philosophy&delete& --- Law and legislation --- Moral and religious aspects --- Civil rights --- Economics --- Possession (Law) --- Things (Law) --- Wealth --- Primitive property --- Arts and Humanities --- Right of property - History --- Property - Philosophy - History --- Property - Religious aspects --- Personal property - Moral and ethical aspects
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