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Emerging multinationals in emerging markets
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780521513869 0521513863 9780511576485 9780521160186 9780511534379 051153437X 051157648X 9780511530524 0511530528 9780511532245 0511532245 9780511532672 0511532679 9780511533587 0511533586 9780511531767 0511531761 0511738676 1107190061 1283331136 051153406X 9786613331137 0521160189 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge, UK New York Cambridge University Press

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Why have so many firms in emerging economies internationalized quite aggressively in the last decade? What competitive advantages do these firms enjoy and what are the origins of those advantages? Through what strategies have they built their global presence? How is their internationalization affecting Western rivals? And, finally, what does all this mean for mainstream international business theory? In Emerging Multinationals in Emerging Markets, a distinguished group of international business scholars tackle these questions based on a shared research design. The heart of the book contains detailed studies of emerging-market multinationals (EMNEs) from the BRIC economies, plus Israel, Mexico, South Africa, and Thailand. The studies show that EMNEs come in many shapes and sizes, depending on the home-country context. Furthermore, EMNEs leverage distinctive competitive advantages and pursue distinctive internationalization paths. This timely analysis of EMNEs promises to enrich mainstream models of how firms internationalize in today's global economy.

Bailouts or bail-ins?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0881323713 9786611397142 0881324604 1435655354 1281397148 9781435655355 9781281397140 9780881324600 6611397140 9780881323719 9780881325300 0881325309 Year: 2004 Publisher: Washington, DC Institute for International Economics

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Roughly once a year, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, the US treasury secretary and in some cases the finance ministers of other G-7 countries will get a call from the finance minister of a large emerging market economy. The emerging market finance minister will indicate that the country is rapidly running out of foreign reserves, that it has lost access to international capital markets and, perhaps, that is has lost the confidence of its own citizens. Without a rescue loan, it will be forced to devalue its currency and default either on its government debt or on loans to the country's banks that the government has guaranteed. This book looks at these situations and the options available to alleviate the problem. It argues for a policy that recognizes that every crisis is different and that different cases need to be handled within a framework that provides consistency and predictability to borrowing countries as well as those who invest in their debt.

The competitive advantage of emerging market multinationals
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781107032552 1107032555 9781107659414 1107659418 9781139506694 1107238064 1107255740 1107335132 1107336791 1139506692 1107333474 1107335965 9781107336797 9781107333475 9781107335134 9781107238060 9781107335967 9781107255746 1107327032 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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Multinationals from Brazil, Russia, India and China, known as the BRIC countries, are a new and powerful force in global competition and are challenging the incumbency of much older global companies from the developed world. Emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) now account for a quarter of foreign investment in the world, are a prolific source of innovation and make almost one in three cross-border acquisitions globally. Despite this, traditional theories of international business do not provide a satisfactory explanation of their behaviour or performance. The authors of this book shine new light on the rise of the EMNEs and how they have built a competitive advantage through innovation, novel configurations of their international value chains and the acquisition of companies overseas. Any manager, policy maker or researcher who wishes to understand the emergence of this new breed of multinational will find this book an invaluable resource.

The international law of economic warfare
ISBN: 3030728463 9783030728458 9783030728465 3030728455 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Introduces a concept of economic warfare based on a comprehensive review of pertinent literature in the fields of international law and (geo)economics. Presents numerous case studies on the different dimensions of economic warfare - trade, investment, and finance - also including the US-Sino Trade War of 2018Deduces the corpus of regulation confining specific forms of economic warfare from the case studies in various fields of international law ("jus in bello oeconomico"). Finds that states have the right to resort to economic warfare ("jus ad bellum oeconomicum") that only prospectively may be challenged--Publisher.


trade relations --- international investment --- Relations commerciales --- Investissements internationaux --- Droit international --- international law --- Aspects économiques --- economic conditions --- Investissements --- investment --- investissement international --- tarptautinė investicija --- меѓународна инвестиција --- investiment internazzjonali --- medzinárodné investície --- investim ndërkombëtar --- kansainvälinen sijoitus --- international investering --- међународно улагање --- investimento internacional --- международни инвестиции --- internationell investering --- inwestycja międzynarodowa --- mednarodna naložba --- internationale investering --- starptautiskie ieguldījumi --- investimento internazionale --- međunarodno ulaganje --- investiții internaționale --- nemzetközi beruházás --- internationale Investition --- mezinárodní investice --- inversión internacional --- διεθνής επένδυση --- rahvusvaheline investeering --- međunarodna investicija --- tarptautinis investavimas --- stosunki handlowe --- relații comerciale --- εμπορικές σχέσεις --- kauppasuhteet --- Handelsbeziehungen --- relazzjonijiet kummerċjali --- relation commerciale --- kaubandussuhted --- trgovinski odnosi --- obchodné vzťahy --- prekybiniai santykiai --- relación comercial --- relações comerciais --- трговински односи --- relazione commerciale --- handelsbetrekking --- трговски односи --- търговски отношения --- handelsrelationer --- tirdzniecības attiecības --- marrëdhënie tregtare --- kereskedelmi kapcsolatok --- handelsförbindelser --- obchodní vztahy --- деловни односи --- rapporto commerciale --- majandustingimused --- condición económica --- икономически условия --- condition économique --- ekonomiska förhållanden --- ekonomické podmínky --- kushte ekonomike --- ekonominės sąlygos --- taloudelliset olot --- економски услови --- Wirtschaftsverhältnisse --- økonomisk stilling --- економске прилике --- condições económicas --- economische toestand --- warunki gospodarcze --- ekonomske prilike --- hospodárske podmienky --- gospodarske razmere --- gazdasági feltételek --- condizione economica --- οικονομικές συνθήκες --- kundizzjonijiet ekonomiċi --- saimnieciskie nosacījumi --- condiții economice --- aspecto económico --- tržní vývoj --- aspekt ekonomik --- aspetto economico --- aspeto económico --- οικονομική πλευρά --- ekonomisk aspekt --- околности во стопанството --- aspect economic --- markedsudvikling --- taloudellinen näkökohta --- οικονομική όψη --- ekonomiskais aspekts --- hospodářské podmínky --- economic aspect --- ekonomické poměry --- aspect économique --- majanduslik aspekt --- Marktentwicklung --- gazdasági szempontok --- економско опкружување --- economische aspecten --- gospodarske prilike --- ekonominis aspektas --- hospodárske hľadisko --- hospodářské aspekty --- økonomisk aspekt --- економски аспект --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- droit international --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- ulaganje --- infheistíocht --- inwestycje --- naložba --- investeering --- investiții --- investiment --- beruházás --- Investition --- инвестиция --- investering --- investicija --- investissement --- investice --- улагање --- инвестиција --- inversión --- investimento --- investim --- investointi --- investícia --- ieguldījumi --- επένδυση --- capital expenditure --- kapitāla ieguldījumu prasības --- investiranje --- infheistiú --- kapitálové investice --- necessidades de investimento --- investeringsnoodzaak --- Investitionsbedarf --- inversión de capitales --- kapitalo investicijų poreikis --- investeerimine --- necesidades de inversión --- kapitálové investičné požiadavky --- capital investment requirement --- kërkesë për investime kapitale --- Kapitalinvestition --- rischio di investimento --- necesitatea investițiilor de capital --- cheltuieli de capital --- tasso d'investimento --- beruházási igény --- shpenzime kapitale --- kapitali investeerimisnõue --- kapitálové výdavky --- befektetés --- investeringsbehov --- befektetési igény --- besoin d'investissement --- капитална инвестиција --- kapitālieguldījumu izdevumi --- επενδυτική ανάγκη --- investoinnit --- investiční výdaje --- investavimas --- propensione agli investimenti --- kapitaalinvestering --- fabbisogno d'investimento --- kapitalinvestering --- kapitalinės išlaidos --- επένδυση κεφαλαίων --- investimento de capitais --- investissement de capitaux --- Interdépendance économique --- Relations économiques internationales --- Nouveaux pays industrialisés --- Thèses --- dálaí eacnamaíocha --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- infheistíocht idirnáisiúnta --- caidreamh trádála --- Foreign trade regulation. --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Foreign trade regulation --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Law and legislation --- economic policy. --- hybrid warfare. --- international investment. --- international economic law. --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare ekonomike --- starptautisko tiesību akti ekonomikas jomā --- direito internacional económico --- dritt ekonomiku internazzjonali --- меѓународно економско право --- internationales Wirtschaftsrecht --- Derecho internacional económico --- mezinárodní hospodářské právo --- internationaal economisch recht --- diritto internazionale economico --- διεθνές οικονομικό δίκαιο --- medzinárodné hospodárske právo --- międzynarodowe prawo gospodarcze --- internationell ekonomisk lagstiftning --- međunarodno ekonomsko pravo --- међународно привредно право --- kansainvälinen talousoikeus --- rahvusvaheline majandusõigus --- dlí eacnamaíochta idirnáisiúnta --- international økonomisk ret --- droit international économique --- nemzetközi gazdasági kapcsolatok joga --- международно икономическо право --- drept economic internațional --- mednarodno gospodarsko pravo --- tarptautinė ekonominė teisė --- direito económico internacional --- diritto economico internazionale --- droit économique international --- ekonomisk internationell rätt --- Derecho económico internacional --- økonomisk international ret --- mezinárodní ekonomické právo --- nemzetközi gazdasági jog --- меѓународно стопанско право --- меѓународно деловно право --- hibridno vojskovanje --- hybridná vojna --- hibrīdkarš --- guerra ibrida --- υβριδικός πόλεμος --- hybridní válka --- guerra híbrida --- hybride oorlogvoering --- guerre hybride --- hybridisodankäynti --- hübriidsõda --- hybridkrigföring --- Hybridkrieg --- război hibrid --- gwerra ibrida --- хибридна война --- hibridinis karas --- hibrid hadviselés --- hybrid krigsførelse --- wojna hybrydowa --- hibridni rat --- cogaíocht hibrideach --- hybridisota --- hybridkrig --- hibridno ratovanje --- hibridna vojna --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- politique économique --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice

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