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Delirious Naples : A Cultural History of the City of the Sun

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This book is addressed to “lovers of paradoxes” and we have done our utmost to assemble a stellar cast of Neapolitan and American scholars, intellectuals, and artists/writers who are strong and open-minded enough to wrestle with and illuminate the paradoxes through which Naples presents itself. Naples is a mysterious metropolis. Difficult to understand, it is an enigma to outsiders, and also to the Neapolitans themselves. Its very impenetrableness is what makes it so deliriously and irresistibly attractive. The essays attempt to give some hints to the answer of the enigma, without parsing it into neat scholastic formulas. In doing this, the book will be an important means of opening Naples to students, scholars and members of the community at large who are engaged in “identity-work.” A primary goal has been to establish a dialogue with leading Neapolitan intellectuals and artists, and, ultimately, ensure that the “deliriously Neapolitan” dance continues.


Italy. --- Naples.

Paternas literas confirmamus: Il libro dei privilegi e delle facoltà del mastro portolano di Terra di Lavoro (secc. XV-XVII) : Paternas literas confirmamus: The book of privileges and authority of the “mastro portolano” of Terra di Lavoro (15th-17th Centuries)
Year: 2017 Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press

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Within the bureaucratic and fiscal system of the Reign of Naples a strategic role was played by the provincial office of the mastro portolano which was established in each of the twelve provinces of the Reign and conferred with royal privilege in order to preserve the public land. In particular, in Naples and in its province of Terra di Lavoro the Office of Portolania was conducted for two hundred years by some exponents of the noble Moccia family from the Neapolitan “Sedile di Portanova”. Concerning this family, we have examined a little membrane code that at the moment is kept at the Archive of the Franciscan Convent of Baronissi. Some copies of royal and administrative documents, dating back to the Aragonese and to the Spanish Viceroy periods, are gathered in this book. They were registered at the Royal Chamber of the Sommaria or issued directly by the curia of the maestro portolano and in particular they certify some privileges and prerogatives that were granted to the Moccias as royal officers. The code constitutes an interesting example of “document in the form of a book” or as a “book-document” that represented not only the munimen in defense of acquired rights and privileges, but also carried out the task of “archive” and “storage”.

Poteri, relazioni, guerra nel regno di Ferrante d’Aragona : Powers, relationships, and war in the reign of Ferrante d'Aragona
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788888904139 Year: 2011 Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press

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This volume collects a series of studies revolving around the edition of Milanese and Florentine diplomatic correspondence from Naples in the Aragonese age, particularly in the years of Ferrante d'Aragona (1458-94). They range from the history of war and territory to prosopography, from the reconstruction of relation networks in courts to international politics, from feudal geography to the conflicts between monarchy and aristocracy. This results in an important increase in our knowledge of the Kingdom of Naples, made possible by the extensive and systematic study of the diplomatic sources, which is evaluated in its different degrees of reliability also thanks to the support of the other sources available − from both within and without the kingdom − used in the full range of its informative potential.


Aragonese Age --- Naples

The cronaca di Partenope
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ISBN: 1283120720 9786613120724 9004195858 9789004195851 9789004194892 9004194894 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leiden Boston Brill

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Narrating the history of Naples from its foundation in early antiquity to the year 1343, the Cronaca di Partenope was the first chronologically comprehensive history of the city and one of the earliest works of any genre composed in the Neapolitan vernacular. Drawing on earlier-medieval texts and a healthy dose of legend, it is a prime witness to Neapolitan identity and memory in the later Middle Ages and an important example of southern Italian civic historiography. This volume offers the first critical edition of the text, accompanied by an extensive introduction that establishes its author, date, historical context, source materials, and later fortunes, including its significant influence on the subsequent development of local historiography


Naples (Kingdom) --- History

Quello che è giusto
Year: 2017 Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The monologue Doing what is right was written by Maurizio de Giovanni to celebrate the 792th anniversary of "Federico II" University at Naples. It is here published for the first time. Il monologo inedito Quello che è giusto è stato scritto da Maurizio de Giovanni in omaggio all’Ateneo per le celebrazioni del 792° compleanno dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.

The Tocco of the Greek realm : nobility, power and migration in Latin Greece (14th-15th centuries)
ISBN: 8691944102 Year: 2014 Publisher: Belgrade, Serbia : Makart,

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This book is about the Tocco family, the most prominent kindreds in Latin Greece during the 14th and 15th centuries. Originally from the Italian South, their five generations ruled the Greek regions of the Heptanese, Epiros and Peloponnese. By exploring the elaborate structures of their power, this monograph reveals an intricate nexus of dynamic personal and political relations, as well as larger socio-historical processes that transformed this family from junior nobility of the Angevin Naples into independent elite ruling a region on the crossroads between the Byzantine East and the Latin West. In doing so, this saga of the Tocco nobility, power and migration gives a critical overview of the early-modern and modern scholarship dealing with this family, cross-examining, at the same time, a most extensive pool of primary sources: Latin and Greek narratives, family documents and genealogies until now largely unpublished or little known to the scholarship, legal sources and diplomatic correspondence, commercial books and archeological reports.

Naples insurgée : 1647-1648 – De l’événement à la mémoire
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2753568146 2753513864 Year: 2019 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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En 1647 et 1648, la ville et le royaume de Naples furent secoués par une vague révolutionnaire contemporaine de la Fronde et de la révolution anglaise de Cromwell. L’histoire a retenu la simple image de Masaniello, pêcheur devenu capitaine général, que l’assassinat après dix journées de pouvoir transfigure en « martyr » du peuple. Les évènements européens, la violence des combats à Naples et la singularité de Masaniello ont occulté l’ampleur du mouvement révolutionnaire. Plusieurs centaines de jacqueries contre les seigneurs se déroulèrent dans les villages et les villes du royaume et débouchèrent sur des conflits armés. Longtemps perçue comme une révolte nationale italienne contre le souverain absentéiste, Philippe IV d’Espagne, la révolution napolitaine retient l’attention par les pratiques politiques originales et les symboles qu’elle déploie, que l’historien découvre grâce aux riches et nombreux manuscrits ainsi qu’à une abondante iconographie. Le travail de mémoire des évènements s’est opéré par recouvrements successifs, à l’image des populations méridionales et des architectures de la ville capitale, modelant et déformant l’évènement alors que les historiens ne cessent d’en découvrir les éléments épars.

La città come misura. Progetti per la Pignasecca
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Napoli FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The book collects the outcomes of the three Architectural Design Studios of the second year of the Bachelor degree course in Science of Architecture of the DiARC_ Department of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II” held during the academic year 2020/21.The three ateliers, sharing the same theme and place, worked on Naples and, in particular, within one of those parts – the Pignasecca – that make up its compact body, confronting the existing and taking it as a reference and measure for the contemporary project. On the basis of these premises, the publication is not limited to an orderly account of a teaching experience, but aims to be a testimony of convinced adhesion to the initiative of coordination of all the Studios of SSD ICAR/14-Architectural and Urban Composition at DiARC: to respond to the need to expand opportunities for comparison and dialogue and to reaffirm the centrality of the project in architectural studies La pubblicazione raccoglie gli esiti dei tre corsi di Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica del secondo anno del Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura del DiARC_ Dipartimento di Architettura della Università di Napoli “Federico II” tenuti durante l’anno accademico 2020/21.I tre ateliers, che condividevano il tema e il luogo, hanno lavorato sulla città di Napoli e, in particolare, all’interno di una di quelle parti – la Pignasecca – che ne costituiscono il corpo compatto, confrontandosi con l’esistente e assumendolo come riferimento e misura per il progetto contemporaneo. Assunte queste premesse, il volume non si limita ad un resoconto ordinato di una esperienza didattica, ma vuole rappresentare una testimonianza di convinta adesione alla iniziativa di coordinamento di tutti i Laboratori del SSD ICAR/14-Composizione architettonica e urbana del DiARC: per rispondere alla esigenza di ampliare le occasioni di confronto e di dialogo e per riaffermare la centralità del progetto negli studi di architettura

La capitale dei privilegi: Governo spagnolo, burocrazia e cittadinanza a Napoli nel Cinquecento : The Capital of Privileges: Spanish Government, Bureaucracy and Citizenship in Sixteenth-Century Naples
Year: 2018 Publisher: FedOA - Federico II University Press

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The book illustrates the reconstruction of the system of granting Neapolitan citizenship during the sixteenth century. In particular, the role played by the ‘Regia Camera della Sommaria’, the highest tax magistrature of the Kingdom of Naples, in the evaluation of requests and in the assignment of the citizenship licenses, which allowed access to the substantial tax and jurisdictional privileges of the capital city. The policy of the Spanish government with respect to these privileges is based on prudence and attention to the political and social balance of a fundamental and complex capital as Naples is. The ‘Sommaria’, however, manages in establishing a system of control and government of privileges, which makes the Neapolitan citizenship for a large part a product of the state; also subtracting expertise in the field to the city's municipal government.

Sorrento & the Amalfi Coast
ISBN: 1282275380 9786612275388 1588437744 Year: 2009 Publisher: : Hunter Publishing,

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This guide is based on our larger guide to Naples and the srrounding area, but it zeros in on the Sorrento Peninsula & the Amalfi Coast. Plush resorts on the coast and islands, Greek and Roman excavations, plus street theater and musical performances everywhere. Positano, the most photographed fishing village in the world, clinging to a rock above the sea. The unforgettable coastal town of Ravello is here. The superlative Greek temples at Paestum. The superb gastronomic specialties of Campania are everywhere: mouth-watering pizza (invented here), handmade pasta and sophisticated seafood. The a

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