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Munich (Germany) --- Germany --- #BTAB:VH 430.129 München --- Newspapers --- Munich (Allemagne) --- Newspapers. --- Journaux --- Closed periodicals
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Sustainable agriculture is a key concept for scientists, researchers, and agricultural engineers alike. This book focuses on the FAM- project (FAM Munich Research Network on Agroecosystems) of the 1990's as a means to assessing, forecasting, and evaluating changes in the agroecosystems that are necessary for agricultural sustainability. The management of two separate management systems: an organic and an integrated farming system are described to provide an interdisciplinary approach Changes of matter fluxes in soils, changes of trace gas fluxes from soils, precision farming in a small scale
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Text teilw. dt., teilw. russ. Russ. Text teilw. in kyrill. Schr. Literaturangaben. Durchsuchbare elektronische Faksimileausgabe als PDF. Digitalisiert im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes Digi20 in Kooperation mit der BSB München. OCR-Bearbeitung durch den Verlag Otto Sagner.
Russian literature --- History and criticism --- Russia (Federation) --- Civilization --- Beiträge --- Geschichte --- gleichnamigen --- Hansen --- Konzeptualisierungen --- kulturelle --- Kulturosophie --- Literarische --- Löve --- März --- Mein --- München --- Projektionen --- Russland --- Slavische Sprachwissenschaft --- Tagung
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A revelatory look at the residences of Adolf Hitler, illuminating their powerful role in constructing and promoting the dictator’s private persona both within Germany and abroad Adolf Hitler’s makeover from rabble-rouser to statesman coincided with a series of dramatic home renovations he undertook during the mid-1930s. This provocative book exposes the dictator’s preoccupation with his private persona, which was shaped by the aesthetic and ideological management of his domestic architecture. Hitler’s bachelor life stirred rumors, and the Nazi regime relied on the dictator’s three dwellings—the Old Chancellery in Berlin, his apartment in Munich, and the Berghof, his mountain home on the Obersalzberg—to foster the myth of the Führer as a morally upstanding and refined man. Author Despina Stratigakos also reveals the previously untold story of Hitler’s interior designer, Gerdy Troost, through newly discovered archival sources. At the height of the Third Reich, media outlets around the world showcased Hitler’s homes to audiences eager for behind-the-scenes stories. After the war, fascination with Hitler’s domestic life continued as soldiers and journalists searched his dwellings for insights into his psychology. The book’s rich illustrations, many previously unpublished, offer readers a rare glimpse into the decisions involved in the making of Hitler’s homes and into the sheer power of the propaganda that influenced how the world saw him.
Dictators --- Nazi propaganda --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dictateurs --- Propagande nazie --- Architecture domestique --- Dwellings --- History --- Habitations --- Histoire --- Hitler, Adolf, --- Housing --- Design --- Propaganda --- Homes and haunts. --- Psychology. --- HISTORY / Europe / Germany. --- Berlin. --- München. --- Obersalzberg. --- Duitsland. --- Berchtesgaden-Obersalzberg --- Landeshauptstadt München --- Hauptstadt München --- Munich --- Monachum --- Munichen --- K. Haupt- und Residenzstadt München --- Königliche Haupt- und Residenzstadt München --- Monaco --- Mjunchen --- Myunken --- Mnichov --- Munihei --- Minga --- Monacho --- Monachon --- Hauptstadt der Bewegung --- Minkhen --- Münich --- Groß-München --- Monaco di Baviera --- Monachium --- Monacum --- Moncium --- Myunīḫ --- Großberlin --- Groß-Berlin --- Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt Berlin --- Reichshauptstadt Berlin --- Berlino --- Berolino --- Stadtgemeinde Berlin --- Hauptstadt Berlin --- Birlīn --- Barlīn --- Berolinon --- Land Berlin --- Coloniae Brandenburgicae --- Berlinum --- Verolino --- Berolinum --- Cölln an der Spree --- Colonia Brandenburgica --- Colonia Marchica --- Cöln an der Spree --- Berlin --- "Besonderes Gebiet" Berlin --- Gross-Berlin --- Berliner --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Philosophy --- Soul --- Mental health
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Audio films enable blind and visually impaired people to enjoy a feature film. An audio film consists of the original audio track of the film and the audio description. This film description compensates for the video track of the film. It is therefore a purely auditory media text. Translation studies consider the work of audio descriptors as an intercodal translation process and as a part of audiovisual translation. Maher Tyfour examined the concrete implementation of audiodescription on a corpus of image translations for the Munich Tatort series. His focus was on the city's staging. By comparing them with the original video tracks of the feature films, he illustrates the intertextual relationship between original and translation. In the analysis he identifies the strategies of the audio descriptors that are partly unconsciously implemented in the translation process, explains them and discusses them in terms of text and translation studies. Maher Tyfour studied English at the University of Damascus (Syria) before coming to Germany in 2009. After completing his master's degree in Intercultural German Studies at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, he earned his doctorate at the University of Hildesheim. He works as a teacher of English and German as a second language in Saxony.
Tatort --- Inszenierung --- Stadt --- München --- Blinde --- Audiodeskription --- Sehbehinderte --- Batic --- Hörfilm --- Leitmayr --- Sprachmacht --- Batic; Leitmayr; Munich; audiodescription; blind; audio film; audiomovie; Staging; Visually impaired; Language Power; City; Tatort --- Tatort (Television program)
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It is well known that Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetic theory is grounded in his profound musical knowledge. The importance of music for Jean-François Lyotard, however, has not been adequately recognized until today; neither has the fact that Lyotard was strongly influenced by Adorno. Tracing back the development of Lyotard’s thought from his “pagan” beginnings to his late conception of an informal art, the book intends to initiate an adequate reception of Lyotard’s œuvre from a musicological viewpoint. Moreover, as a first comprehensive comparison of Lyotard‘s and Adorno’s theories on art, the study contributes to the exploration of Critical Theory’s reception in France. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass Theodor W. Adorno seine ästhetische Theorie auf Basis profunder Musikkenntnisse entwickelte. Dass die Musik auch für Jean-François Lyotard von besonderer Wichtigkeit war und er stark von Adorno beeinflusst wurde, wurde bis heute allerdings kaum entsprechend wahrgenommen. Durch den Vergleich mit der Musikphilosophie Adornos intendiert dieses Buch eine adäquate Rezeption des Werkes von Lyotard aus musikwissenschaftlicher Sicht zu initiieren, wobei es dessen Entwicklung von den "heidnischen" Anfängen bis zur späten Konzeption einer "informellen" Kunst nachzeichnet. Als erster umfassender Vergleich der Ästhetik beider Denker leistet es auch einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Rezeption der Kritischen Theorie in Frankreich.
Aesthetics, German --- Philosophy & Religion --- Philosophy --- Adorno, Theodor W., --- Lyotard, Jean-François, --- Aesthetics (as a topic) --- Aesthetics. --- Adorno, Theodor W. --- Wiesengrund, Theodor, --- Wiesengrund-Adorno, Theodor, --- Adorno, Teodor V., --- Adorŭno, --- אדורנו, תאודור --- אדורנו, ת. ו. --- Adorno, Th. W. --- Adorno --- Lyotard --- Aesthetics --- Postmodernism --- Modernism --- Contemporary Music --- Ästhetik --- Postmoderne --- Moderne --- zeitgenössische Musik --- Immanuel Kant --- Jean-François Lyotard --- München --- Philosophie --- Theodor W. Adorno --- Verlag Herder
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This handbook is based on the project "Österreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen" (Austrian Women Writers of children's literature), which was defined as part of the project "biografiA. datenbank und lexikon österreichischer frauen" (database of austrian women,, localised on the Institute for Science and Art in Vienna. In the years 1999 to 2002 more than 800 women writers could be described biographically. Among them are many women, who wrote only one single book for children, there are some illustrators who decided to write also the text for their books and there are also some wellknown writers for Children's books, like Christine Nöstlinger, Renate Welsh, Friederike Mayröcker and many others. There ist no time-limitation, so we have a good overlook of the whole production of children's literature in Austria. Austria means by that way to be born in this land or to live here for more than 10 years. Many of the living authors sendt their curriculum vitae and also many experts on this field helped to fill up the entries. But there are great differences between the portraits of the women, differences in the length of the articles, in the presenting details of the lifes and also differences in their way to live, in their political behaviour and so on. Many of the authors had to flee from austria during the time of nationalsocialism because of their jewish origin or their political background. Some of them are nearly forgotten. They were murdered or had to emigrate in a land with another language, the chance to be able to continue the writing career was very small. But we know some women who had the luck to continue the career. Alex Wedding is one of them, she founded with some other writers like Auguste Lazar the proletarian children's literature. Hertha Pauli is one of the women whose career began in her exile, she began to write books for children in the USA. The biographs can be read as a part of austrian culture, as a piece of our own history. It is the intention of this handbook to encourage scientists to study more about the austrian women-writers of children's books and to discuss their publications. Das vorliegende Handbuch entstand aus dem Modulprojekt "Österreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen" das als Teilbereich des Projekts "biografiA. datenbank und lexikon österreichischer frauen" (, 1999-2002 am Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst bearbeitet wurde. Ziel dieses zeitlich nicht eingegrenzten Modulprojektes war die biografische Darstellung all jener österreichischen Frauen, die mindestens ein Buch für Kinder bzw. Jugendliche veröffentlicht haben. Der Zeitraum wurde offen gelassen, um einen möglichst breiten Überblick über das kinderliterarische Schaffen von Frauen bieten zu können. Die Aufnahme der jeweiligen Autorinnen orientierte sich am Kategorienschema der Datenbank biografiA. Umfangreiche Recherchen und Kontakte mit ExpertInnen, Autorinnen und NachlassverwalterInnen ermöglichten die Erstellung von Lebensläufen auch wenig bekannter Schriftstellerinnen. Der zeitliche Bogen spannt sich von Antonie Wutka , die mit ihrer "Encyclopädie für die weibliche Jugend" aus dem Jahre 1812 zum ersten Mal in Österreich ein Schriftwerk auf den Markt brachte, das sich hauptsächlich an junge Leserinnen richtete, bis zu zeitgenössischen Autorinnen. Das als Grundlagenwerk konzipierte Handbuch, das zu weiteren Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung, der Exilforschung und der Frauenbiografieforschung anregen möchte, enthält auch sehr viele vom Holocaust betroffene Autorinnen.
Women authors, Austrian --- Children's literature, Austrian --- Young adult literature, Austrian --- Children --- Youth --- Children's literature, German --- History and criticism. --- Books and reading --- Austria --- children´s literature --- cultural heritage --- women writers --- womens biographics --- History of Literature --- Österreich --- Kinder- und Jugendliteratur --- kulturelles Gedächtnis --- Schriftstellerinnen --- Frauenbiografien --- Literaturwissenschaft --- München --- Wien
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The 2007 ESO Instrument Calibration workshop brought together more than 120 participants with the objective to a) foster the sharing of information, experience and techniques between observers, instrument developers and instrument operation teams, b) review the actual precision and limitations of the applied instrument calibration plans, and c) collect the current and future requirements by the ESO users. These present proceedings include the majority of the workshop’s contributions and document the status quo of instrument calibration at ESO in large detail. Topics covered are: Optical Spectro-Imagers, Optical Multi-Object Spectrographs, NIR and MIR Spectro-Imagers, High-Resolution Spectrographs, Integral Field Spectrographs, Adaptive Optics Instruments, Polarimetric Instruments, Wide Field Imagers, Interferometric Instruments as well as other crucial aspects such as data flow, quality control, data reduction software and atmospheric effects. It was stated in the workshop that "calibration is a life-long learning process''. In this sense, this book will be a reference point for all future efforts to improve instrument calibration procedures in astronomy.
Astronomisches Instrument
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Keller, Gottfried, --- Keller, Gottfried --- Kerā --- Kai le --- Kaile --- Keler, Gotfrid --- Keleri, Gotpʹrid --- Kīllir, Ǧūtfrīd --- Keller, Gotfryd --- Keller, Gotfrid --- Keller, Goffredo --- Kaile, Gaotefeilite --- Keller, Gkoto̲fri̲nt --- 高·凯勒 --- ケラー, ゴットフリート --- 凯勒, 高 --- ケラー・ゴットフリート --- קלר, גוטפריד --- 凱勒 --- Schriftsteller --- Regierungssekretär --- Librettist --- Maler --- Lyriker --- Zürich --- München --- Heidelberg --- Berlin --- Keller, Elisabeth --- Keller, Regula --- Exner, Adolf --- Exner, Marie --- Scheidegger, Christina Luise --- 19.07.1819-16.07.1890 --- 19.07.1819-15.07.1890 --- 1819-1890 --- Keller, Gotfryd, --- Keller, Johann Rudolf
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Der Sammelband, hervorgegangen aus dem Zürcher Jubiläumskongress 2019, erschließt Kellers Erzählwerk als Laboratorium einer transitorischen Poetik. So interpretiert Keller nicht nur aus der Vormoderne überlieferte literarische Gattungen (wie z.B. die Legende) neu, sondern prägt u.a. mit Bildungsroman und Novelle auch diejenigen Formen, in denen das moderne Subjekt psychologisch vermessen wird. Zugleich gelingt es ihm, etwa in den »Züricher Novellen« sowie natürlich in den »Leuten von Seldwyla«, Hetero-, Dys- und Utopien zu entwerfen und durch Realitätsverdoppelungen mögliche Welten zu schaffen, mit denen die Grenzen von Faktualität und Fiktionalität neu verhandelt werden. Es ist dabei gerade das Wechselspiel zwischen der ›Künstlichkeit‹ des Wirklichen und der ›Wirklichkeit‹ von Kunst, in dem Keller sich als moderner Narratologe erweist. Der Systematisierung dieser Erzählkunst gehen die hier versammelten Beiträge nach - und erkunden Kellers Texte als Zeugnisse einer ›Schwellennarratologie‹, die sich epochalen Zuschreibungen entzieht, wo sie nicht diese vielmehr selbst zur Diskussion stellt. Keller not only reinterpreted literary genres like the legend but, with the bildungsroman and the novella, also shaped the forms that psychologically gauge the modern subject. These contributions explore Keller’s texts as evidence of a "threshold narratology," which eludes epochal attributions. Keller’s narrative works are thus revealed as a laboratory of transitory poetics.
LITERARY CRITICISM / Modern / 19th Century . --- Keller, Gottfried --- Keller, Gottfried. --- modernism. --- narratology. --- realism. --- Kerā --- Kai le --- Kaile --- Keler, Gotfrid --- Keleri, Gotpʹrid --- Kīllir, Ǧūtfrīd --- Keller, Gotfryd --- Keller, Gotfrid --- Keller, Goffredo --- Kaile, Gaotefeilite --- Keller, Gkoto̲fri̲nt --- 高·凯勒 --- ケラー, ゴットフリート --- 凯勒, 高 --- ケラー・ゴットフリート --- קלר, גוטפריד --- 凱勒 --- Schriftsteller --- Regierungssekretär --- Librettist --- Maler --- Lyriker --- Zürich --- München --- Heidelberg --- Berlin --- Keller, Elisabeth --- Keller, Regula --- Exner, Adolf --- Exner, Marie --- Scheidegger, Christina Luise --- 19.07.1819-16.07.1890 --- 19.07.1819-15.07.1890 --- 1819-1890 --- Keller, Johann Rudolf
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