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The Role of Origin of Fame in Influencer Branding : A Comparative Analysis of German and Russian Consumers
ISBN: 365827543X 3658275421 Year: 2020 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Gabler,

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Based on a comprehensive quantitative study, Julia Sinnig shows that the impact social media influencers have on brand-related outcomes depends on the identification of consumers with social media influencers. Additionally, the cultural characteristics of countries in which consumers live play a significant role as to how consumers’ identification with social media influencers impacts their purchase intentions for brands that are advertised by these influencers. Through these conceptually and empirically profound analyses, the author detects interesting implications for the management of brands in the context of social media and brand management. Especially when it comes to choosing the most suitable social media influencer for brand cooperations it is not the origin of fame that counts, but whether customers identify with the influencer in the right way. Contents Relevance of Social Media Influencers for Brand Management The Social Media Influencer-Consumer Relationship Conceptual Foundations of the Effects of Social Media Influencers Identification of Implications for Brand Management and for Further Research Target Groups Researchers and students in the fields of marketing, communication, advertising effectiveness, brand management Practitioners in German and Russian consumers behavior The Author Dr. Julia Sinnig received her PhD at Prof. Dr. Christoph Burmanns markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology at the University of Bremen.

Monetising the dividual self : the emergence of the lifestyle blog and influencers in Malaysia
ISBN: 1789201195 1789201187 9781789201185 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York Berghahn Books

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"Combining theoretical and empirical discussions with shorter thick description case studies, this book offers an anthropological exploration of the emergence in Malaysia of lifestyle bloggers--precursors to current social media microcelebrities and influencers. It tracks the transformation of personal blogs, which attracted readers with spontaneous and authentic accounts of everyday life, into lifestyle blogs that generate income through advertising and foreground consumerist lifestyles. It argues that lifestyle blogs are dialogically constituted between the blogger, the readers, and the blog itself, and challenges the assumption of a unitary self by proposing that lifestyle blogs can best be understood in terms of the dividual self"--

Internet celebrity: understanding fame online
ISBN: 1787560791 9781787560796 9781787560765 9781787560789 1787560775 1787560783 1787560767 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bingley Emerald Publishing

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The face of internet celebrity is rapidly diversifying and evolving. Online and mainstream celebrity culture are now weaving together, such that breakout stars from one-hit viral videos are able to turn their transient fame into a full-time career.This book presents a framework for thinking about the different forms of internet celebrity that have emerged over the last decade, taking examples from the Global North and South, to consolidate key ideas about cultures of online fame. It discusses the overall landscape, developments and trends in the internet celebrity economy, and cross-cultural lessons.Bron :

The Psychology of Evolving Technology : How Social Media, Influencer Culture and New Technologies are Altering Society
ISBN: 1484286863 1484286855 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Apress : Imprint: Apress,

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Technological innovations have advanced at an incredible speed since the introduction of the computer that it has altered the fabric of our society. The possession of computers, smart-devices, along with social media, texting and video games, is now an intimate part of the structure of our culture. This book is a framework to start a conversation on how technology is changing our lifestyles and transforming our world. There is now an entire generation that has been using technology through the most delicate developmental time in their lives. This book presents how to look at the cognitive and psychosocial developmental stages and what are the age-appropriate milestones and factsheet of behaviors at different ages. It provides insight into the strength and vulnerable characteristics at each stage and the prevalence of some negative conditions in our society. You will gain a perspective of the encouraging and challenging aspects of computer learning, smart devices, and how to start and keep the conversation going from infancy to adulthood in order to keep and maintain your virtues and ways to circumvent unfavorable consequences. In short, The Psychology of Evolving Technology looks at how cutting-edge and revolutionary high technologies have disrupted our society through its many luxuries and conveniences and how it has altered the outlook of our values, privileges, and expectations.

Influencers : Wie zijn ze, waar vind je hen en hoe ontsteken ze de vlam ?
ISBN: 9789401441032 9401441030 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Influencer marketing is trending. Marketingplannen die inzetten op mond-tot mondreclame genereren twee keer zo veel verkoopresultaten. Maar niet alle aanbevelingen die circuleren, zijn relevant. Want wat in Amerika werkt, geldt niet zomaar in België en Nederland.INFLUENCERS is het eerste boek dat het totaalplaatje van influencer marketing schetst. Het laat iedere CEO, CMO en potentiële trendsetter inzien hoe je een boodschap kan verspreiden en geeft je een stappenplan om te beslissen over het soort magnetische content, het tijdstip en het type influencer waarop je het best inzet.Dit boek toont je hoe je een vernieuwde marketing- en communicatiestrategie kan ontwerpen die de basis vormt van het Influencer Marketing Canvas. Dit Canvas plaatst je doelen, acties en influencers op een tijdlijn en helpt je aan een helikopterblik voor de interne stakeholders.Bron :

Research, Literacy, and Communication Education: New Challenges Facing Disinformation
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The information that comes through digital media and social networks is increasing. This potential access to almost infinite information makes it difficult to select relevant content with a good understanding. It is therefore necessary to generate research that thoroughly analyses the phenomenon of communication and information in the digital age. For this reason, this monograph presents different research studies that highlight the need for greater media literacy and education in order to prevent the existence and dissemination of fake news. Citizens must know how to deal with disinformation and be able to detect the source of bad intentions behind information. Therefore, people need to be aware of the new communication challenges in order to determine what is important, which media they can trust, and where information has been misused or manipulated. In conclusion, society must be prepared to face new challenges related to misinformation. An educated and digitally literate society will be able to face these problems and be prepared to face the new communication challenges, including interaction with social networks, new audiences, new media, fake news, etc.


digital literacy --- COVID-19 --- generation Z --- students --- lockdown --- higher education --- communication --- Instagram --- demonization --- hate speech --- arab world --- Islamophobia --- social media --- fake news --- young adults --- Spain --- post-trust --- disinformation --- trust --- media credibility --- gatekeepers --- management communication --- strategic communication --- public relations --- journalism --- sport press --- Marca --- As --- Mundo Deportivo --- sport --- rumor --- signing --- transfer --- Real Madrid --- Barcelona --- journalistic rumor --- fashion marketing --- fashion brands --- content analysis --- Facebook --- branded content --- engagement --- social networks --- political bias --- left–right dimension --- misinformation --- media --- consumption --- Generation Z --- young people --- media literacy --- science education --- human evolution --- communication media --- Spanish media --- science communication --- knowledge --- didactic video --- storytelling --- digital media --- YouTube --- virtual learning --- digital marketing --- innovation --- high education --- information --- hoaxes --- citizen perceptions --- social media and new challenges --- fact checkers --- fact-checking agency --- the United Kingdom --- fact-checking services --- business model --- business key elements --- responsibility in young people in Spain --- credibility --- social effects --- communication solutions --- educational influencers --- new audiences --- transmedia production --- descriptive analysis --- methodology --- online community --- questionnaires --- vulnerability

Haatzaaiers : extreemrechtse radicalisering
ISBN: 9789463712583 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oud Turnhout Gompel&Svacina

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Nieuw Rechtse groepen slagen erin jongeren te rekruteren, op te leiden, te mobiliseren en te activeren. Ze verschillen daarin niet veel van terroristische groeperingen. Ze verspreiden een boodschap van ongelijkheid, racisme, negationisme en discriminatie. Ze gebruiken gretig desinformatie over migranten, vluchtelingen en andere kwetsbare groepen. Onveiligheidsgevoelens, angst, gebrekkige openbare informatie en simplistische verklaringen vormen hiervoor een vruchtbare voedingsbodem. Als influencers trachten ze aanhoudend de geesten te vergiftigen met propaganda en antidemocratisch gedachtegoed. Dit boek noemt ze onomwonden bij hun naam: haatzaaiers.Extreemrechts bezet intussen, ook op verdoken wijze, politiek democratische posities. Deze infiltratie gebeurt vooral in partijen die de Vlaamse identiteit onderstrepen. Pijnlijk confronterend komt aan het licht hoe extreemrechts ? vaak verborgen in interne chatrooms ? subversief blijft invreten op de democratie. Een open debat moet hier wijken voor intimidatie, wat aanleiding kan geven tot geweld.De auteur beschrijft het ontstaan en de betekenis van Nieuw Rechts en de wijze waarop dit fenomeen in Vlaanderen gehoor vindt. Hij schetst de opkomst van ?identitaire bewegingen? in het buitenland en het Vlaams-nationalistisch vernis dat er op eigen bodem overheen wordt gelegd. Hij vergelijkt bewegingen als ?Schild en Vrienden? met sekten die gelijkwaardigheid afwijzen en bewust polariseren en provoceren met radicale standpunten, in de hoop de publieke opinie van hun boodschap te overtuigen.


BPB9999 --- #SBIB:323H520 --- #SBIB:323H523 --- #SBIB:323H310 --- Politieke processen in het Belgisch bestel --- Belgische oppositie en sociale bewegingen --- Belgische politieke partijen: algemeen --- BPB9999. --- Belgische politieke partijen: algemeen. --- Politieke processen in het Belgisch bestel. --- Belgische oppositie en sociale bewegingen. --- BPB2011 --- extreem rechts --- nationalisme --- radicalisering --- België --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- radicalización --- radikalisoituminen --- радикализација --- ριζοσπαστικοποίηση --- radikalisering --- radikalizácia --- radikalizzazzjoni --- radicalizare --- radicalizzazione --- радикализация --- radicalisation --- radikaliseerumine --- radikalizācija --- radicalização --- radikalizálódás --- Radikalisierung --- radikalizacija --- radykalizacja postaw --- radikalizace --- radacú --- radicalisatie --- национализъм --- kansallisuusaate --- nazzjonaliżmu --- nationalism --- nacionalizam --- nacionalismus --- nacionālisms --- национализам --- nacionalizëm --- Nationalismus --- nacionalizmus --- naționalism --- nacionalismo --- nacionalizem --- rahvuslus --- nazionalismo --- nacjonalizm --- εθνικισμός --- nacionalizmas --- σωβινισμός --- sciovinismo --- sovinizmus --- шовинизъм --- chovinismo --- chauvinisme --- Chauvinismus --- шовинизам --- şovinism --- szowinizm --- sovinismi --- chauvinismo --- šovinizmas --- šovinismus --- šovinism --- chauvinism --- šovinizam --- estrema destra --- extremhöger --- extremă dreaptă --- крајња десница --- skrajna desnica --- екстремна десница --- äärmuslik parempoolsus --- labējie radikāļi --- extreme right --- Άκρα Δεξιά --- krajní pravice --- kraštutinė dešinė --- skrajna prawica --- krajná pravica --- крайна десница --- lemin estrem --- ekstremna desnica --- szélsőjobb --- yderste højre --- extreme Rechte --- äärioikeisto --- extrême-droite --- extrema-direita --- extrema derecha --- e djathtë ekstreme --- derecha radical --- radikális jobboldal --- крајна десница --- højreekstremisme --- ултрадесничарски --- ultraderecha --- pravicový radikalismus --- extrémní pravice --- pravá úchylka --- pravicový extremismus --- Politics --- Criminology. Victimology --- extreem-rechts --- nieuw rechts --- politiek geweld --- KVHV [Ghent] --- Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie --- Extreem-rechts (ideologie) --- Vlaanderen --- Radicalisme --- Extreem-rechts --- Ideologieën --- Discriminatie --- Haat --- Vlaams Belang --- Geweld --- Europa --- Extreemrechts --- Ideologie --- Crisis --- Cultuur --- Emigratie --- náisiúnachas --- an eite dheas antoisceach --- Social problems --- Political parties --- België --- Nieuw Rechtse groepen --- rekruteren, opleiden, mobiliseren en activeren van jongeren --- terroristische groeperingen --- boodschap van ongelijkheid, racisme, negationisme en discriminatie --- desinformatie over migranten, vluchtelingen en andere kwetsbare groepen --- onveiligheidsgevoelens --- angst --- gebrekkige openbare informatie --- simplisme --- influencers --- propaganda --- antidemocratisch gedachtegoed --- haatzaaierij --- extreemrechts --- politiek --- de Vlaamse identiteit --- open debat en intimidatie --- geweld --- ontstaan en betekenis van Nieuw Rechts in Vlaanderen --- identitaire bewegingen --- Vlaams-nationalisme --- Schild en Vrienden --- sekten --- gelijkwaardigheid afwijzen --- bewust polariseren en provoceren --- radicalisme --- publieke opinie

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