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Pleidooi voor een moraal der dubbelzinnigheid
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ISBN: 9789061318460 Year: 2023 Publisher: Utrecht Erven J. Bijleveld

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Simone de Beauvoir [1908-1986] geldt als de belangrijkste schrijfster, filosofe en feministe van de moderne tijd. Haar prachtige «Pleidooi voor een moraal der dubbelzinnigheid», een gepassioneerd vertoog over de ethiek van het existentialisme, wordt gerekend tot haar hoofdwerken en heeft grote invloed gehad op de wijze waarop tegenwoordig wordt gedacht over begrippen als «vrijheid», «zichzelf zijn» en «menselijke autonomie». Beauvoir werd te Parijs geboren als dochter van ouders die in alle opzichten behoorden tot de Franse bourgeoisie. Tijdens haar studie aan de Sorbonne en de École Normale Supérieure vond zij haar lotsbestemming als intellectueel, mede dankzij intense contacten met studiegenoten zoals Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Nizan en bovenal Jean-Paul Sartre, die haar levenskameraad zou worden. In Parijs stortte Beauvoir zich tezamen samen met Sartre in het intellectuele leven en sloot vriendschap met onder anderen Albert Camus, Jean Genet, Marcel Mouloudji, Raymond Queneau, Georges Bataille, Jean Cocteau, Alberto Giacometti, Boris Vian en Pablo Picasso. Tijdens een van de samenkomsten in Café de Flore aan de Boulevard Saint-Germain, vroeg iemand aan haar: «En u, mevrouw, bent u nou zo’n existentialist?» Beauvoirs beslissende antwoord kan men vinden in een stroom van zeer succesvolle romans en tevens in haar filosofische geschriften, zoals De tweede sekse, haar beroemde werk over de positie van de vrouw, en De ouderdom, het baanbrekende boek over de laatste levensfase. In «Pleidooi voor een moraal der dubbelzinnigheid» ontvouwt Beauvoir in kort bestek haar visie op de wereld, op de mens in die wereld, en op de menselijke worsteling met goed en kwaad, alsook met zijn noodlot: de vrijheid. «Hoe adembenemend de afmetingen van de wereld om ons heen ook zijn,» schrijft zij, «en hoe dicht de duisternis van onze onwetendheid ook is, desondanks zijn wij vrij, nu en absoluut.»

Phenomenology and Perspectives on the Heart
ISBN: 9783030919283 9783030919276 9783030919290 9783030919306 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing

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This edited collection marks a new wave of international and philosophical scholarship on "the heart"- that rich dimension of our emotional being in the world. This text addresses the relation between feeling and knowing and investigates whether or not the heart has its own way of cognition and critique. This book takes up the emotional turn in philosophy in general, and phenomenology in particular, advancing this field through innovative and original perspectives. The contributions come from philosophers working in distinctive, yet overlapping areas of research. .

Michel Butor : L’emploi du temps dans L’Emploi du temps
ISBN: 2753557608 2753543674 Year: 2018 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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La littérature, une vieille douairière défraîchie… Le style, un concept flou et fumeux… La stylistique, une discipline desséchée et desséchante… L’auteur de La Modification, un séide du Nouveau Roman, un prosélyte de l’écriture pour l’écriture… Tous ces préjugés, Stéphane Gallon les met à bas en montrant que Michel Butor, dans son deuxième roman, L’Emploi du temps, s’interroge sur la crise morale de l’après-guerre et en arrive à la conclusion que notre relation au temps en est une des causes fondamentales. S’appuyant alors sur les pensées de Kierkegaard, Bergson et Heidegger, il invite à substituer au temps linéaire de la tradition un temps moins anxiogène, un temps correspondant mieux à ce que nous percevons du réel, un temps riche de promesses et d’avenir. Cet essai est aussi l’occasion de tester de nouveaux outils d’analyse, les faiscsèmes, les existentiaux et les schèmes matriciels, outils qui tendent à montrer que le style, loin d’être, selon le mot de Hugo, « émail sur la dent », est au contraire un moyen de dépasser les limites du langage, un moyen de mieux appréhender le réel et donc, n’en déplaise à ceux qui ne voient plus dans la littérature que verbiage et nombrilisme, une voie privilégiée pour « changer la vie ».

Transcendence in Heidegger's early thought : toward being as event.
ISBN: 9783031412912 9783031412905 9783031412929 9783031412936 3031412915 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Palgrave Macmillan,

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Erik Kuravsky's book explores Martin Heidegger's early philosophical thought, focusing on the concept of transcendence and its role in Heidegger's phenomenology of Dasein as presented in 'Being and Time'. The work examines the evolution of Heidegger's ideas from his early engagement with Husserlian phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism to his later philosophical developments. Kuravsky aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Heidegger's fundamental ontology and the continuity of his philosophical journey, emphasizing the performative nature of Heidegger's philosophy. This scholarly work is intended for those interested in Heideggerian philosophy and aims to fill gaps in Heidegger research by linking his early and later thoughts through the theme of transcendence.

De pragmatische aspecten van de menselijke communicatie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9090012186 Year: 1986 Publisher: Deventer Van Loghum Slaterus

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Welke vormen van intermenselijke communicatie kunnen we onderscheiden? Welke kenmerken hebben ze en hoe manifesteren ze zich? Welke effecten hebben ze op gedrag? En in welke verhouding staan ze tot gestoord gedrag? Het antwoord op deze vragen wordt helder geïllustreerd met een groot aantal aan de literatuur ontleende voorbeelden. Zo geeft het boek een diepgaande analyse van Albee's 'Wie is er bang voor Virginia Woolf'. Speciale aandacht is er ten slotte voor het fenomeen van de paradox

Niets cadeau: een filosofisch essay over de ziel
ISBN: 9789056253103 Year: 2009 Publisher: Nijmegen Valkhof

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The Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset Reevaluated
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783030792497 9783030792503 9783030792510 9783030792480 303079251X 303079248X 3030792498 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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The present text surveys and reevaluates the meaning and scope of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy. The chapters reveal the most important aspects of his history such as the Neokantian training he went thru in Germany as well as his discovery of Husserl’s phenomenology around 1912. The work also covers his original contributions to philosophy namely vital and historical reason - and the cultural and educational mission he proposed to achieve. The Spanish – and to a certain extent the European – circumstance was the milieu from which his work emerged but this does not limit Ortega’s scope. Rather, he believed that universal truths can only emerge from the particulars in which they are embedded.

Hedwig Conrad-Martius : The Phenomenological Gateway to Reality
ISBN: 9783030687830 9783030687847 9783030687854 9783030687823 3031254155 9783031254154 3030687821 303068783X 3031254163 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This volume, the first of its kind written in English, interprets the realistic-phenomenological philosophy of Hedwig Conrad-Martius (1888-1966). She was a prominent figure in the Munich-Göttingen Circle, the first generation of phenomenology after Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), and was known as the “first lady of German philosophy”. The articles included in this collection deal with the two main themes constituting her realistic-metaphysical phenomenology: Being and the I. In addition, the collection includes a comprehensive Preface that describes the personal background and the social and philosophical contexts behind Conrad-Martius’s thought, with an emphasis on the mutual influence and fertilization of the group of early phenomenologists in the Munich-Göttingen Circle. The book is aimed at scholars of philosophy and educated readers.

Phenomenology of the object and human positioning : human, non-human and posthuman
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783030664374 9783030664381 9783030664398 9783030664367 3030664368 3030664376 Year: 2021 Publisher: Dordrecht: Springer,

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This edited volume explores the intersections of the human, nonhuman, transhuman, and posthuman from a phenomenological perspective. Representing perspectives from several disciplines, these investigations take a closer look at the relationship between the phenomenology of life, creative ontopoiesis, and otherness; technology and the human; art and the question of humanity; nonhumans, animals, and intentionality; and transhumanism. Ontological positioning of the human is reconsidered with regard to the nonhuman, transhuman, and posthuman within the cosmos. Further examination of the artificial and object in the lifeworld is also explored. This volume also pays tribute to Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka and her methodical contributions to phenomenology. This text appeals to students and researchers of phenomenology worldwide.

ISBN: 9783031115868 9783031115851 9783031115875 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing, Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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With a focus on phenomenological methods, this new edition of Shaun Gallagher's highly regarded textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to phenomenology considered as a philosophical and interdisciplinary practice. Phenomenology 2e encompasses both the classic 20th century explications of phenomenology as well as recent developments in the practical and scientific uses of phenomenology. Key features: Explores debates about naturalizing phenomenology and reviews recent extensions of phenomenological methodology. Relates the phenomenological analysis of intentionality to discussions of enactive perception. Includes a discussion of the phenomenology of performance and a new chapter on critical phenomenology. Examines specialized topics in phenomenology, including Husserl's concept of hyletic data, embodiment, time-consciousness, action, intersubjectivity and self-consciousness. Each chapter concludes with suggestions for further reading. This book is essential reading for all undergraduate and graduate philosophy students taking courses in phenomenology. It is also ideal for use on cognitive science modules that incorporate a phenomenological perspective. Shaun Gallagher, PhD, Hon DPhil., is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Excellence in Philosophy at the University of Memphis, and Professorial Fellow at the University of Wollongong. He has held Honorary Professorships at Copenhagen, Durham, and Tromsø, visiting positions at Cambridge, Lyon, Paris, Berlin, Oxford and Rome and was Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Fellow (2012-18).

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