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Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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The book focuses on a global problem challenging the health systems. Trypanosoma cruzi infections are transmitted by cone-nosed triatomine bugs, by blood transfusion and congenitally from mothers to their offspring. The American Trypanosomiasis affects 20 million people; among them a significant parcel (< 1/3) will develop Chagas disease in the heart and digestive tract, where the immune system effector cells destroy target host cells. Genotype modifications resulting from transfer of minicircle sequence kDNA from the parasite into the host ́s genome may explain the autoimmune pathogenesis.
Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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Chagas Disease causes severe socioeconomic impact and a high medical cost in Latin America. WHO and the World Bank consider Chagas Disease as the fourth most transmittable disease to have a major impact on public health in Latin America: 120 million persons are potentially exposed, 16-18 million of whom are presently infected, causing 45,000-50,000 deaths per year. It has been calculated that approximately 2.4 million potential working years are lost because of incapacity and mortality due to the disease, for an annual cost estimated at 20 billion euros. This book provides a comprehe
Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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Even 110 years after its discovery, Chagas disease is still an important public health problem, especially in Latin America where it is endemic. The limited effect of current treatments in the chronic phase of the disease, as well as the lack of information about disease progression, are crucial challenges that justify the intense research on this illness. The interaction between the etiological agent Trypanosoma cruzi and its invertebrate and vertebrate hosts involves the regulation of the parasite virulence and host immune responses. T. cruzi presents mechanisms to evade host defenses, including resistance to oxidative species and vesicles secretion, among many others. In this context, a better understanding of the biochemical and molecular features of the parasite's success inside its hosts could contribute to the development of novel anti-T. cruzi strategies such as prototypes of drugs and vaccines. This book discusses Chagas disease and its etiological agent, including information on relevant clinical aspects such as diagnosis, treatment, biomarkers, and so on. It also presents information about cellular, molecular, and biochemical characteristics of the parasite-host interactions.
Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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This book contains 11 chapters of significant and updated materials on what we know and what we lack and need in better understanding of Trypanosoma cruzi - a parasite that never dies - and the consequences of Chagas disease as one of the most important neglected parasitic diseases threatening the global health and wellbeing. This book is intended to increase the readers' enthusiasm to explore the four sections of the contents: Section 1 begins with biochemistry, pathophysiology, histo-immunological study, and findings to assist in the diagnosis; Section 2 further investigates the role of vector in propagation of the parasite, the intensity on epidemiology, and the severity on clinical aspects, which help us to be well perceived on the course of disease; Section 3 is seeking beyond modern medicine and what lays in the nature that helps fight against this parasite; and the last section, Section 4, deals with the impacts of public health problem and the control strategies on Chagas disease.
Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis --- Medicine --- Internal Medicine --- Infectious Diseases --- Health Sciences
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This title critically reviews old and new literature, help to create greater awareness of the disease in the US and helps in the evaluation of certain epidemiological and public health issues. During the first half of the 20th century, Chagas disease was assumed to be absent from the U.S. and considered an exotic disease, until the first two indigenous cases were discovered, almost simultaneously, in Texas, 1955. Since that time four indigenous cases have been documented in several places in the country. Although the disease is still considered uncommon in the US, this disease is not
Chagas' disease -- Epidemiology. --- Chagas Disease -- epidemiology. --- Chagas' disease --- Public Health --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Communicable Diseases --- Infectious Diseases --- Epidemiology --- Emerging infectious diseases. --- Emerging infections --- New infectious diseases --- Re-emerging infectious diseases --- Reemerging infectious diseases --- Communicable diseases --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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Ainda hoje estima-se que na América Latina aproximadamente 13 milhões de pessoas desconheçam estarem infectadas e sobrevivendo com o vetor da doença de Chagas, de acordo com a ONG Médicos Sem Fronteiras. Embora o Brasil tenha sido considerado livre da transmissão pela principal espécie de vetor em 2006, pela OMS, é importante que novas gerações de estudantes das áreas da saúde coletiva possam conhecer o processo histórico e o percurso pelo qual a descoberta científica pôde ser identificada, reconhecida e legitimada pela comunidade médico-científica como 'doença'. O livro em questão analisa o processo de transformação da doença de Chagas em 'doença' e reconstrói a trajetória de Carlos Chagas e seus estudos sobre a enfermidade. Tem por objetivo, nas palavras da autora, “refletir sobre a dimensão histórica e social desse processo, no qual este fato científico foi sendo produzido e validado em estreita relação com vários grupos e esferas da vida social brasileira”. A obra conjuga história social da medicina, história social da ciência e do pensamento social brasileiro, uma vez que a própria caracterização da doença de Chagas foi, ao longo de boa parte do século XX, associada à imagem do Brasil.
Chagas' disease --- Diseases --- Public health --- History. --- Transmission. --- Causes and theories of causation. --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Aetiology --- Etiology --- Pathology --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis
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This book aims to present updated knowledge on various aspects of the natural history, biology, and impact of triatomines to all interested readers. Each chapter will be written by authorities in the respective field, covering topics such as behavior, neurophysiology, immunology, ecology, and evolution. The contents will consider scientific, as well as innovative perspectives, on the problems related to the role of triatomine bugs as parasite vectors affecting millions in the Latin American region.
Conenoses as carriers of disease. --- Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis --- Insects as carriers of disease --- Invertebrates. --- Parasitology. --- Veterinary microbiology. --- Invertebrate Zoology. --- Veterinary Microbiology. --- Parasitologia --- Microbiologia veterinària --- Malaltia de Chagas --- Agricultural microbiology --- Medical microbiology --- Communicable diseases in animals --- Biology --- Invertebrata --- Animals
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This Brief provides a comprehensive overview of Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite that is traditionally considered as exclusively vectorborne, but can be foodborne, and may lead to outbreaks of Chagas disease in consumers. The characteristics of Trypanosoma cruzi and the clinical effects of the disease are covered, including documented outbreaks, regional patterns, and epidemiology. The various transmission routes are outlined, but with specific focus on foodborne transmission. A major emphasis of this text is contamination of fruit juices with Trypanosoma cruzi in, a transmission vehicle with increasing significance in the spread of this parasite. Also outlined is the difficulty of establishing a protocol for detection in food samples. Results on survival of Trypanosoma cruzi in food matrices is considered, as well as current risk assessment procedures and regulations. Different approaches to preventing transmission, including inactivation and decontamination are introduced, but also the importance of targeted educational initiatives, and also with a focus on future detection, prevention, and prevention of contamination of foods with this parasite.
Biomedical Engineering --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Foodborne diseases. --- Trypanosoma cruzi. --- Chagas' disease. --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Food-borne diseases --- Foodborne illnesses --- Chemistry. --- Microbiology. --- Food --- Public health. --- Food Science. --- Public Health. --- Applied Microbiology. --- Biotechnology. --- Trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosoma --- Communicable diseases --- Food science. --- Science --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Microorganisms --- Food—Biotechnology. --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Food biotechnology --- Biotechnology --- Genetically modified foods
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Esta esmerada obra – que reúne um conjunto iconográfico singular, fruto de ampla pesquisa, e uma compilação dos mais expressivos documentos relativos à vida e à obra de Carlos Chagas – conduz o leitor através das múltiplas dimensões da trajetória biográfica desse distinto pesquisador e suas variadas facetas. Por se tratar de um livro composto essencialmente de imagens, contém pouco texto próprio, mas não menos importante, como o que descreve Chagas como um dos líderes do movimento que preconizava a intervenção do Estado na saúde pública. À época, o Brasil era considerado ‘doente’ não porque fosse país tropical ou formado por mestiços, mas porque não havia políticas preventivas na área da saúde. Chagas, pois, além de brilhante cientista, foi também um destacado sanitarista. A obra é constituída de capítulos que abrangem sua infância, sua formação médica, as campanhas que realizou contra a malária, a descoberta da doença que leva seu nome, os estudos sobre tal assunto, a polêmica em torno da nova enfermidade, a expedição que realizou à Amazônia, sua atuação como diretor do IOC e como gestor da saúde pública federal, sua atividade como professor, alguns aspectos de sua vida pessoal e familiar e, por fim, premiações e títulos que conquistou ao longo de sua carreira. Os conteúdos históricos fundamentais sobre cada tema estimularão o leitor a percorrê-lo através da narrativa das imagens. A publicação tem o mérito de contribuir para a propagação da obra de Carlos Chagas, que, longe de situar-se em um passado distante, apresenta plena atualidade com o presente da agenda sanitária e política relacionada às chamadas doenças tropicais negligenciadas, e à sua associação com a pobreza nos países em desenvolvimento.
Physicians --- Medical scientists --- Chagas' disease --- Diseases --- Chagas Disease --- History. --- Transmission. --- Causes and theories of causation. --- history --- Chagas, Carlos, --- Brazil. --- Aetiology --- Etiology --- Pathology --- American trypanosomiasis --- Barbiero fever --- Cruz-Chagas disease --- South American trypanosomiasis --- Trypanosomiasis --- Biomedical scientists --- Health scientists --- Life scientists --- Medical research personnel --- Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, Carlos, --- al-Barāzīl --- Barāzīl --- Brasil --- Brasile --- Brasilia --- Brasilië --- Brasilien --- Brazili --- Brazili Federativlă Respubliki --- Brazilia --- Brazilië --- Brazilii︠a︡ --- Brazilii︠a︡ Federativ Respublikaḣy --- Braziliya --- Braziliya Federativ Respublikası --- Brazilská federativní republika --- Brazylia --- Brésil --- Burajiru --- Federale Republiek van Brasilië --- Federative Republic of Brazil --- Federativna republika Brazil --- Federativna republika Brazilii︠a︡ --- Federat︠s︡iėm Respublikė Brazil --- Fedėratyŭnai︠a︡ Rėspublika Brazilii︠a︡ --- Gweriniaeth Ffederal Brasil --- Pa-hsi --- Pa-se --- Pa-se Liân-pang Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pederatibong Republika sa Brasil --- Pindorama --- República Federal del Brasil --- Republica Federale di u Brasile --- Republica Federativa del Brazil --- República Federativa do Brasil --- Rèpublica fèdèrativa du Brèsil --- Republik Kevreel Brazil --- République fédérative du Brésil --- Tantasqa Republika Wrasil --- Tetã Pindorama --- Wrasil --- Федэратыўная Рэспубліка Бразілія --- Федеративна република Бразилия --- Федерациэм Республикэ Бразил --- Бразил --- Бразили --- Бразили Федеративлă Республики --- Бразилия --- Бразилия Федератив Республикаhы --- Бразілія --- البرازيل --- برازيل --- ブラジル
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