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This book presents, in a unified form, the underlying physical and structural processes that determine the optical behavior of materials. It does this by combining elements from physics, optics, and materials science in a seamless manner, and introducing quantum mechanics when needed. The book groups the characteristics of optical materials into classes with similar behavior. In treating each type of material, the text pays particular attention to atomic composition and chemical makeup, electronic states and band structure, and physical microstructure so that the reader will gain insight into
543.4 --- 543.4 Optical methods of analysis --- Optical methods of analysis --- Materials science. --- Optical materials.
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543.4 --- ICP inductive coupled plasma --- geologie --- milieu --- voedingsmiddelentechnologie --- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
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Begint met het bewust maken van het 'belang' van kwaliteit, gevolgd door een continue aandacht voor kwaliteit. Het eindresultaat zijn medewerkers die niet alleen kwaliteitsvol werken, maar die ook zelf verbeteringsvoorstellen aanbrengen en die het werk met plezier en beroepsfierheid uitvoeren. In hoofdstukken 1-4 komen algemene principes aan bod, toegepast op zowel individueel, team of organisatie niveau. De meer complexe en grotere organisaties vergen vaak meer formele systemen om de kwaliteit van de eindproducten te garanderen In hoofdstukken 5-7 komen specifieke sectoren aan bod ( laboratoria, chemie, farmacie, voeding) en de specifieke richtlijnen m.b.t. kwaliteitssystemen. Ook verenigingen en brancheorganisaties worden besproken. In hoofdstukken 8 en 9 worden eenvoudige statistische methoden en maatregelen toegelicht om de kwaliteit te garanderen en te verbeteren. Factoren die aanleiding geven tot meetonzekerheid worden aan de hand van voorbeelden besproken Inhoudsopgave : (verkort) 1. Introductie tot kwaliteit 2. Persoonlijke kwaliteit 3. Kwaliteitsontwikkeling 4. Kwaliteit in organisaties 5. Kwaliteit van laboratoria en in vitro diagnostica 6. Kwaliteit van chemicalin en geneesmiddelen 7. Kwaliteit van voedingsmiddelen 8. Statistische kwaliteitsmethoden 9. Meetonzekerheden en maatregelen 10. Antwoorden bij de opdrachten en oefenvragen Kwaliteit van 'producten' slaat niet alleen op de eindproducten, maar ook op tussenproducten, processen, werkprocedures, materialen, apparatuur en voorald de prestatie van de medewerkers. Ook 'dienstverlening' moet de nodige kwaliteit hebben; hierbij denken we bijvoorbeeld aan onderwijs, medische handelingen en diagnoses. Achter kwaliteit gaat dus heel wat schuil dat voor de eindgebruiker (klant) meestal niet zichtbaar is. Bezit een product of dienst niet de nodige kwaliteit, dan worden de gebreken snel zichtbaar en zal de klant gerriteerd zijn. De gevolgen kunnen soms aanzienlijk zijn, zeker als het op veiligheid en gezondheid aankomt. Aan de hand van voorbeelden worden in dit boek worden zowel 'harde' als 'zachte' kwaliteitsmethoden besproken. Waar vroeger vooral inspectiemethoden werden gebruikt als middel om de kwaliteit te garanderen, heeft er in de voorbije decennia een verschuiving plaatsgegrepen naar het betrekken van alle medewerkers in kwaliteitsgericht denken en handelen. Dit
laboratoria --- Semiology. Diagnosis. Symptomatology --- kwaliteitscontrole --- Laboratoria : kwaliteitszorg --- 543.4 --- kwaliteitszorg laboratoria --- laboratoriumonderzoek --- kwaliteitszorg --- Kwaliteitszorg --- LABORATORIES --- standards --- laboratoria. --- standards. --- Laboratoria. --- Standards.
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Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy --- analytische chemie --- NMR --- spectroscopie --- 543.3 --- 543.4 --- Analytische chemie --- Spectrometrie --- Theoretical spectroscopy. Spectroscopic techniques --- Inorganic chemistry
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004.932 --- 543.4 --- colorimetrie --- ogen --- optica --- visuele inspectie --- beeldverwerking --- Color vision. --- Colorimetry. --- Colorimetry --- Color vision --- Color --- Color measurement --- Optical measurements --- Chromatic vision --- Color discrimination --- Color perception --- Color-sense --- Visual perception --- Measurement
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This new edition of a successful, bestselling book continues to provide you with practical information on the use of statistical methods for solving real-world problems in complex industrial environments. Complete with examples from the chemical and pharmaceutical laboratory and manufacturing areas, this thoroughly updated book clearly demonstrates how to obtain reliable results by choosing the most appropriate experimental design and data evaluation methods.Unlike other books on the subject, Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry, Second Edition presents and solves problems in the context of a comprehensive decision-making process under GMP rules: Would you recommend the destruction of a $100,000 batch of product if one of four repeat determinations barely fails the specification limit? How would you prevent this from happening in the first place? Are you sure the calculator you are using is telling the truth? To help you control these situations, the new edition:* Covers univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data* Features case studies from the pharmaceutical and chemical industries demonstrating typical problems analysts encounter and the techniques used to solve them* Offers information on ancillary techniques, including a short introduction to optimization, exploratory data analysis, smoothing and computer simulation, and recapitulation of error propagation* Boasts numerous Excel files and compiled Visual Basic programs-no statistical table lookups required!* Uses Monte Carlo simulation to illustrate the variability inherent in statistically indistinguishable data setsStatistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry, Second Edition is an excellent, one-of-a-kind resource for laboratory scientists and engineers and project managers who need to assess data reliability; QC staff, regulators, and customers who want to frame realistic requirements and specifications; as well as educators looking for real-life experiments and advanced students in chemistry and p
Analytical chemistry --- Mathematical statistics --- 519.2 --- 543 --- analytische chemie (scheikunde) --- statistiek --- statistische functies --- 543.4 --- Analytische chemie : statistiek --- Chemische analyse --- statistiek (wiskunde) --- analytische chemie (analytische scheikunde) --- Chemometrics. --- Chemistry [Analytic ] --- Statistical methods --- Chemometrics --- Chemistry, Analytic --- Chemistry --- Mathematics --- Measurement --- Data processing --- Data processing. --- Statistical analysis
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Spectrophotometry. --- Chemistry, Organic. --- Spectrum Analysis. --- 543.4 --- 547.06 --- Chemistry, Organic --- Spectrum analysis --- #WSCH:AAS1 --- 543.42 --- 547 --- NMR nuclear magnetic resonance --- analytische chemie (scheikunde) --- infrarood spectroscopie --- massaspectroscopie --- organische chemie --- spectroscopie --- ultraviolet spectroscopie --- Organische chemie: spectrometrie --- Analysis, Spectrum --- Spectra --- Spectrochemical analysis --- Spectrochemistry --- Spectroscopy --- Chemistry, Analytic --- Interferometry --- Optics --- Radiation --- Wave-motion, Theory of --- Absorption spectra --- Light --- Spectroscope --- Organic chemistry --- Chemistry --- 547.06 Organic chemistry--?.06 --- Organic chemistry--?.06 --- 543.4 Optical methods of analysis --- Optical methods of analysis --- Spectrometry --- Organic Chemistry --- Qualitative --- Organic spectroscopy --- Chemistry. Physical methods --- IR --- MS --- NMR --- Raman --- Structure elucidation --- VIS --- Chemistry. Physical methods. --- IR. --- MS. --- Mass spectroscopy. --- NMR. --- Raman. --- Structure elucidation. --- UV. --- VIS. --- Spectrophotometry --- Spectrum Analysis --- fysicochemie --- Spectrum analysis. --- Chimie organique --- Analyse spectrale --- Chemistry. --- Physical sciences --- Monograph --- Analytical chemistry --- ORGANIC COMPOUNDS --- ULTRAVIOLET AND VISIBLE SPECTRA --- INFRARED SPECTRA --- NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE --- MASS SPECTRA --- PROPERTIES
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Pathological biochemistry --- Analytical biochemistry --- Clinical biochemistry --- Clinical Chemistry Tests --- Biochemistry --- methods --- instrumentation --- 542 --- 543.2 --- 543.4 --- 543.5 --- 543.544 --- 57.088 --- 577.1 --- 577.16 --- HPLC high performance liquid chromatography --- atoomemissiespectroscopie --- biochemie --- biologie --- chromatografie --- coulometrie --- elektroforese --- enzymologie --- fluorimetrie --- gaschromatografie --- immunologische technieken --- klinische chemie --- laboratoriumbiochemie --- laboratoriumtechnieken --- moleculaire biologie --- oefeningen --- spectrofotometrie --- chemische analysemethoden --- fysisch-chemische analysemethoden --- Chromatografische analyse. Chromatografie --- .chemische basis van leven. biochemie en bio-organische chemie in het algemeen --- Medical biochemistry --- Pathobiochemistry --- Pathology
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It is now becoming recognized in the measurement community that it is as important to communicate the uncertainty related to a specific measurement as it is to report the measurement itself. Without knowing the uncertainty, it is impossible for the users of the result to know what confidence can be placed in it; it is also impossible to assess the comparability of different measurements of the same parameter. This volume collects 20 outstanding papers on the topic, mostly published from 1999-2002 in the journal "Accreditation and Quality Assurance." They provide the rationale for why it is important to evaluate and report the uncertainty of a result in a consistent manner. They also describe the concept of uncertainty, the methodology for evaluating uncertainty, and the advantages of using suitable reference materials. Finally, the benefits to both the analytical laboratory and the user of the results are considered.
Analytical chemistry --- Metrology --- Chemistry, Analytic --- Measurement. --- Uncertainty. --- Quantitative. --- Measurement uncertainty (Statistics) --- Basic Sciences. Chemistry --- Analytical Chemistry --- 543 --- analytische chemie (scheikunde) --- chemische analyse --- metingen --- metrologie --- referentiematerialen --- 54.08 --- 543.4 --- Chemische analyse : metingen --- analytische chemie (analytische scheikunde) --- Measurement uncertainty (Statistics). --- Analytical Chemistry. --- Error, Margin of (Statitics) --- Margin of error (Statistics) --- Instrumental variables (Statistics) --- Measurement --- Uncertainty --- Quantitative analysis --- Quantitative chemical analysis --- Quantitative --- Quantitative analytical chemistry --- Analytical chemistry. --- Analysis, Chemical --- Analytic chemistry --- Chemical analysis --- Chemistry --- Chemistry, Analytic - Quantitative.
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Includes precise directions for a long list of contaminants! All contaminants you can analyze or monitor with a given method are consolidated together to facilitate use. This book is especially valuable for indoor and outdoor air pollution control, industrial hygiene, occupational health, analytical chemists, engineers, health physicists, biologists, toxicologists, and instrument users.
543.26 --- 543.4 --- 543.5 --- analyse --- analytische chemie (scheikunde) --- chromatografie --- lucht --- spectroscopie --- luchtanalyse --- fysisch-chemische analysemethoden --- Air --- Air Pollution --- Analysis --- Handbooks, manuals, etc --- Pollution --- Measurement --- analysis --- handbooks --- handbooks. --- Chemische analyse. --- Luchtvervuiling. --- Meettechnieken. --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- 628.52 --- 66.012.1 --- Luchtanalyse --- Luchtvervuiling : metingen --- #TWER:BOEK --- 536.46 --- 536.46 Combustion and similar reactions. Flames --- Combustion and similar reactions. Flames --- Atmosphere --- Analysis&delete& --- Pollution&delete& --- Measurement&delete& --- Air pollution. Air purification
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