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This latest edition of The Physiology of Flowering Plants has been completely updated to cover the explosion of interest in plant biology. A whole-plant approach has been used to produce an integrated view of plant function, covering both the fundamentals of whole plant physiology and the latest developments in molecular biology. New developments in molecular techniques are explained within practical applications such as genetically modified plants. The book further examines: • photosynthesis, respiration, plant growth and development • nutrition, water relations, photomorphogenesis and stress physiology • function, with particular attention to adaptations to different habitats. Each chapter is fully referenced with suggestions for complementary reading including references to original research papers. The Physiology of Flowering Plants is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in plant biology.
Plant physiology. --- Botany --- Plants --- Physiology --- Plant physiology --- 581.1 --- Bloeiende planten --- Life Sciences --- General and Others
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Throughout its twenty-two year history, the authors of Plant Physiology have continually updated the book to incorporate the latest advances in plant biology and implement pedagogical improvements requested by adopters. This has made Plant Physiology the most authoritative, comprehensive, and widely used upper-division plant biology textbook. In the Sixth Edition, the Growth and Development section (Unit III) has been reorganized and expanded to present the complete life cycle of seed plants from germination to senescence. In recognition of this enhancement, the text has been renamed Plant Physiology and Development. As before, Unit III begins with updated chapters on Cell Walls and Signals and Signal Transduction. The latter chapter has been expanded to include a discussion of major signaling molecules, such as calcium ions and plant hormones. A new, unified chapter entitled Signals from Sunlight has replaced the two Fifth-Edition chapters on Phytochrome and Blue Light Responses. This chapter includes phytochrome, as well as the blue and UV light receptors and their signaling pathways, including phototropins, cryptochromes, and UVR8. The subsequent chapters in Unit III are devoted to describing the stages of development from embryogenesis to senescence and the many physiological and environmental factors that regulate them. The result provides students with an improved understanding of the integration of hormones and other signaling agents in developmental regulation. The new organization of Unit III has the added benefit that it minimizes redundancy, making it possible to reduce the number of chapters in the Unit from 13 to 11. Angus Murphy of the University of Maryland has headed up a team of authors and editors to implement the revision. Ian Max Møller has subsequently edited all the book chapters to ensure an even high quality and consistency level. In addition to the organizational changes noted above, two new chapters on stress are included:A new chapter titled Biotic Interactions—replacing the Fifth-Edition Chapter 13 on Secondary Metabolites and Plant Defense—discusses the integrated signaling responses to a spectrum of biological agents.A completely rewritten chapter on Abiotic Stress discusses the use of genomics, systems biology, imaging, and bioinformatics tools in the study of abiotic stress. Recent efforts to develop drought-tolerant maize and flood-tolerant rice are described, as well as the role of ABA receptors, newly-identified regulatory networks, epigenetic changes in response to abiotic stress, and rapid systemic signaling.The Sixth Edition of Plant Physiology and Development also includes updated and improved versions of the physiological chapters in Units I and II. A new chapter on Stomatal Biology has been added to Unit II. The chapters on Mineral Nutrition and Assimilation of Inorganic Nutrients feature a new treatment of nitrogen metabolism:Ammonium and nitrate are often lumped together as inorganic nitrogen although their influences on plants are quite different, almost like two different elements. These two forms of nitrogen are therefore treated separately in the Sixth Edition. The pathway of all nutrients essential in the human diet begins with plant roots “mining” the soil for mineral elements; the Sixth Edition explicitly examines the linkage between plant nutrition and human health.The response of plants to rising atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide depends most strongly on their nitrogen status. The Sixth Edition describes the newly discovered mechanism for this dependence and how it will influence food quality in the future. Exciting new findings on the mechanisms of mycorrhizal associations and symbiotic nitrogen fixation will be added, providing insights about the interdependence of plants and microorganisms.The goal, as always, is to provide the best educational foundation possible for the next generation of plant biologists.
Plant physiology. Plant biophysics --- Plant physiology --- Plants --- Physiologie végétale --- Plantes --- Development --- Développement --- Plant physiology. --- Development. --- 581.1 --- 581.1 Plant physiology --- Physiologie végétale --- Développement --- Physiologie végétale. --- Développement.
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Een intrigerende ontdekkingsreis door de groene microkosmos van de plantenwereld. De aarde is een groene planeet en planten vormen de basis van al het leven. Van het kleinste algje tot en met de hoogste sequoia, overal zien we plantaardig leven in een enorme variëteit. Toch kennen maar weinig mensen de bouwstenen van dat plantenrijk, de cellen. In Groen universum neemt gerenommeerd plantkundige Stephen Blackmore ons mee op reis door ruimte en … Lees meertijd - van het ontstaan van de eerste plantencellen ruim 3 miljard jaar geleden tot hun huidige onvoorstelbare vormenrijkdom. (Bron: flaptekst)
Phytomorphology. Phytoanatomy --- Phytohistology. Phytocytology --- Plantenfysiologie --- Microbiologie --- wetenschappen --- natuurwetenschappen --- Plantkunde --- 583 --- microbiologie (lt) --- planten (lt) --- plantenfysiologie --- 581.1 --- Plant physiology
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Plant Tissue Culture, Third Edition builds on the classroom tested, audience proven manual that has guided users through successful plant culturing A.tumefaciens mediated transformation, infusion technology, the latest information on media components and preparation, and regeneration and morphogenesis along with new exercises and diagrams provide current information and examples. The included experiments demonstrate major concepts and can be conducted with a variety of plant material that are readily available throughout the year. This book provides a diverse learning experien
Plant tissue culture -- Laboratory manuals. --- Plant tissue culture --- Tissue culture. --- Tissues --- Cultures (Biology) --- Organ culture --- Tissue culture --- Cultures and culture media --- 581.1 --- Plant physiology
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Uit de inhoud: wat het betekent om groen te zijn, fotosynthese: voedsel uit fotonen, licht en de levenscyclus, groei en chemische signalen, bewegingen van planten, omgaan met stress, regeneratie: van cel tot plant, samenwerking met micro-organismen, verrijking van het groene goud. (Bron: covertekst)
botany --- Plant physiology. Plant biophysics --- Flore. Botanic determination guides --- botanie --- Plantenfysiologie --- 581.1 --- #WNAT:didaktiek --- biologie --- plantkunde --- wetenschappen --- fotosynthese --- groei --- licht --- micro-organismen --- plantenfysiologie --- stress --- 58 --- Fotosynthese --- Licht --- Plantengroei --- Plantkunde --- Planten : fysiologie --- 041182.jpg --- Plant physiology --- 581.1 Plant physiology --- 581 --- planten --- 4644 --- botanique
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The definitive guide to botany for all students. Long acclaimed as the definitive introductory botany text, Raven Biology of Plants has been giving students comprehensive, current and clear knowledge of plant biology for decades.
Botany --- biologie --- 581 --- Plantkunde --- 581.1 --- General botany --- Plant physiology --- Botany. --- planten (lt) --- 581.1 Plant physiology --- 581 General botany --- 581 General botany. --- General botany. --- Botanical science --- Phytobiology --- Phytography --- Phytology --- Plant biology --- Plant science --- Biology --- Natural history --- Plants --- Floristic botany --- Textbooks
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Plant physiology. Plant biophysics --- Plant physiology --- Botany --- 58 --- 581.1 --- Botany. --- Plant physiology. --- Plant and Crop Sciences. Botany --- Plant Physiology --- Plant Physiology. --- 581.1 Plant physiology --- 58 Botany --- Plants --- Physiology --- Botanical science --- Phytobiology --- Phytography --- Phytology --- Plant biology --- Plant science --- Biology --- Natural history --- Floristic botany --- 58 Botanie --- Botanie
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Planten zijn de ware weldoeners op onze planeet. Ze zorgen onder meer voor zuurstof en voedsel en voorkomen erosie. In dit rijk geïllustreerde boek laten twee vooraanstaande botanici zien hoe planten functioneren. Hoe benutten ze het zonlicht, hoe halen ze vocht uit de bodem en hoe evolueren ze onder veranderende omstandigheden ? Hoe is het ze gelukt om het grootste deel van onze aarde te veroveren ? Het succes van de planten is te danken aan hun enorme verscheidenheid en aan hun vermogen om samen te werken met andere organismen. Maar planten zijn ook kwetsbaar. Veel soorten worden bedreigd. Ook daarom is de vraag hoe planten overleven uiterst actueel. (Bron: covertekst)
Plant ecology. Plant sociology --- Planten : fysiologie --- 581.1 --- 695.912 bloemen --- 695.912 bloementeelt --- 631.526.32 plantenrassen --- 631.526 plantensoorten --- 633/635 plantenteelt --- 581 --- Plantenfysiologie --- Plantkunde --- Symbiose --- Autotrofie --- Heterotrofie --- Planten
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58 --- 58 Botany --- Botany --- algen --- bio-industrie --- celwand --- eukaryoten --- organen --- weefselkweek --- wieren --- Plant and Crop Sciences. Botany --- Botany (General). --- 576 --- 577 --- 581.1 --- biochemie --- biologie --- celbiologie --- celdeling --- celdifferentiatie --- celfysiologie --- ecologie --- fotosynthese --- membraantransport --- membranen --- metabolisme --- mineralen --- organellen --- plantkunde --- recombinant DNA --- weefsels
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ASTRONOMERS’ OBSERVING GUIDES provide up-to-date information for amateur astronomers who want to know all about what it is they are observing. This is the basis of the first part of the book. The second part details observing techniques for practical astronomers, working with a range of different instruments. Have you ever been on the beach at night, watching the sky overhead, and seen streaks of light against the background of stars? Though many people still refer to these as shooting stars, they are, of course, not stars. They are meteors—small chunks of rock and ice debris from disintegrating comets that are careening through our Solar System and sometimes enter Earth’s atmosphere. Most are so small that they burn up as they enter the atmosphere. These are called meteors. In a meteor shower, many meteors can be seen streaking across the sky in a short time. A few meteors make it through intact and descend to Earth as meteorites. Watching these beautiful streaks of light in the sky can be an exciting pastime, and it can result in some important science. Robert Lunsford explains what meteors are, where they come from, and what happens to them as they whiz through space and enter our atmosphere. He tells how to observe meteors and meteor showers, what equipment to use, what you should look for, where you should look, and much more. Armed with the information in this book and with very little effort and equipment, you can begin your regular search of the heavens right now and join the ranks of those who have made this rewarding pastime a lifetime hobby. Practical Astronomy ISBN 978-0-387-09460-1
Meteors --- Astronomy --- Popular works. --- Planetology. --- Observations, Astronomical. --- Space sciences. --- Astronomy. --- Popular Science. --- Popular Science in Astronomy. --- Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Sciences. --- Astronomy, Observations and Techniques. --- Physical sciences --- Space sciences --- Science and space --- Space research --- Cosmology --- Science --- Astronomical observations --- Observations, Astronomical --- Planetary sciences --- Planetology --- Observations. --- Astronomical meteors --- Falling stars --- Fireballs (Meteors) --- Shooting stars (Meteors) --- Stars, Falling --- Stars, Shooting --- Near-Earth objects --- Plant products. --- Phytochemistry. Phytobiochemistry --- 581.1 --- 581.19 --- 581.19 Chemical constituents of plants --- Chemical constituents of plants --- 581.1 Plant physiology --- Plant physiology --- Plant products --- Produits végétaux --- Astrophysics. --- Space Sciences (including Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Exploration and Astronautics). --- Astronomical physics --- Cosmic physics --- Physics --- Astronomy—Observations.
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