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Spectroscopie de résonance Paramagnétique électronique : applications
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2759812928 9782759812929 9782759811915 Year: 2014 Publisher: Ulis, France : EDP Sciences,

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La spectroscopie de Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE), c’est-à-dire l’étude de la structure électronique des centres paramagnétiques, est de plus en plus utilisée pour des applications qui vont bien au-delà de celles imaginées initialement par les physiciens. La RPE permet d’obtenir des informations sur l’évolution de propriétés dans le temps (datation) et dans l’espace (traçage). Avec plus d’investissement, elle rend possible l’identification d’une molécule et la détermination de niveaux d’énergie. Cela concerne la physique, la chimie mais aussi les sciences de la Terre et de l’univers, celles de l’environnement, de la vie et de la santé. Cet ouvrage collectif présente une grande variété d’applications. Certaines ne nécessitent pas un bagage théorique important pour être comprises. Pour d’autres, il est possible de se référer à l’ouvrage "La spectroscopie de RPE - Fondements" dans la même collection ou à certains compléments de fin de chapitre. Des annexes sur des méthodes ou techniques sont proposées de façon indépendante en fin d’ouvrage. Enfin, pour chaque application, des références sont proposées à ceux qui veulent approfondir. L’ouvrage est accessible à des étudiants de master 1 de physique, de chimie, de chimie physique, de biophysique et de biochimie. Il sera utile aux professionnels qui utilisent la technique de spectroscopie RPE, aux chercheurs mais aussi aux enseignants du supérieur et des classes préparatoires qui pourront ainsi élargir leurs connaissances de façon très concrète et illustrée. Chaque application est présentée, expliquée par les meilleurs spécialistes de la question, soit une trentaine d’auteurs principaux, coordonnés par Patrick Bertrand qui a repris, avec le soutien de Grenoble Sciences, l’ensemble des productions pour assurer une cohérence et une uniformité de lecture.

Kepler's cosmological synthesis : astrology, mechanism and the soul
Authors: ---
ISSN: 18720684 ISBN: 9004246096 9789004246096 129969098X 9781299690981 9789004246089 9004246088 Year: 2013 Volume: v. 39 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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The cosmology of Johannes Kepler remains a mystery. On the one hand, Kepler’s speculations on spiritual faculties are seen as the remnants of Renaissance philosophy. On the other, his comparison of the cosmos to a clock summons the mechanical metaphor that shaped modern science. This book explores the inseparable connections between Kepler’s vitalistic views and his more enduring accomplishments in astronomy. The key argument is that Kepler’s ‘celestial biology’ served as a bridge between his revolutionary astronomy and other ‘less scientific’ interests, particularly astrology. Kepler's Cosmological Synthesis sheds new light on one of the foundational figures of the Scientific Revolution. By uncovering a new form of coherence in Kepler’s world picture, it traces the unlikely intersections of mechanism and vitalism that transformed the fabric of the heavens.

Compendium van het jeugdbeschermingsrecht
ISBN: 9033440202 Year: 1998 Volume: 35 Publisher: Leuven : Acco,

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I. KORTE HISTORIEK VAN HET JEUGDBESCHERMINGSRECHT 1. De evolutie tot de wet van 8 april 1965 2. De communautarisering van de jeugdbescherming 3. De inhoudelijke evolutie van het jeugdbeschermingsrecht sinds 1980 II. BURGERRECHTELIJKE BESCHERMING VAN MINDERJARIGEN 1. De adoptiebemiddeling 2. Het kinderrechtencommissariaat bij het Vlaams Parlement III. JEUGDBESCHERMING STRICTO SENSU 1. De buitengerechtelijke jeugdbeschermingnd 2. De gerechtelijke jeugdbescherming IV. GERECHTELIJK RECHT M.B.T. JEUGDBESCHERMING 1. Gerechtelijke organisatie van de jeugdgerechten 2. Territoriale bevoegdheid van de jeugdgerechten 3. Rechtspleging voor de jeugdgerechten

El relato breve en las letras hispánicas actuales
ISSN: 18757375 09258620 ISBN: 9042002395 9789042002395 9004490272 9789004490277 Year: 1997 Volume: 11 Publisher: Leiden;Boston BRILL

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En este número se reúnen nueve artículos inéditos sobre aspectos del relato breve (cuento y miccorrelato) en la literatura española e hispanoamericana del último cuarto del siglo XX. Encabezan el volúmen tres colaboraciones, agrupadas juntas sea por ser de orientación esencialmente teórica e histórica, sea por presentar una visión de conjunto de un género en un país. Los seis artículos que siguen son comentarios a obras particulares. Los nueve trabajos son representativos al constituir un conjunto caracterizado por la variedad de enfoques y métodos de aproximación a obras de doce destacados escritores e escritoras actuales (sin contar a los que se citan de manera lateral), de España, Argentina, Perú, México y Venezuela.

The observer's year : 366 nights of the universe
ISBN: 1280312831 9786610312832 1846281555 1852338849 Year: 2005 Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Springer,

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Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy Series THE OBSERVER’S YEAR SECOND EDITION There are 365 nights in every year (366 in a leap year!) and from an amateur astronomer’s point of view, no two are alike. And that is why Sir Patrick Moore – the world’s most widely known and respected TV broadcaster and writer on astronomy – has produced this unique book to highlight special objects of interest on each and every night of the year. Using easy-to-follow star maps, he talks about the science and history of stars, double stars, galaxies, nebulae, the Moon, planets, constellations and even asteroids. This second edition has been fully updated for astronomical events through until the year 2010. What they said about the first edition NEW SCIENTIST "...beautifully written and bubbles with enthusiasm." ASTRONOMY & SPACE "Well, Patrick Moore has done it again. What an excellent book this is." .

The amateur astronomer
ISBN: 128061398X 9786610613984 1846282861 1852338784 1849969418 Year: 2006 Publisher: London : Springer,

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Sir Patrick Moore, CBE, FRS is without a doubt the world’s most widely known and respected of broadcasters on astronomy. His BBC-TV program, The Sky at Night, remains the longest-running TV program in the history of broadcasting. For more than three decades The Amateur Astronomer has inspired generations of amateur astronomers. Almost uniquely, Patrick Moore has written a book that is useful to astronomers at all levels, from beginner to expert. Appendices – completely updated in this new edition – provide extensive star, lunar and planetary maps, along with a vast amount of data and information that makes this book an essential for every amateur astronomer’s library.

Atmospheric re-entry vehicle mechanics
ISBN: 1281355070 9786611355074 3540736476 3540736468 3642092810 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Springer,

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Ballistic reentry vehicles, capsules and planetary probes are the fastest human designed objects to fly through planet’s atmospheres. With velocities over Mach 20, RV’s have to dissipate a huge kinetic energy, and environment may exceed 100 g’s at center of mass, 100 bars stagnation pressure and 100 MW/m² on nosetip. Design of thermal protection system is a formidable material engineering problem. Vehicle conception covers large discipline realms, among which Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics are essential as they only can provide necessary aeroshell shape, mass and inertia properties and tolerances to achieve adequate environment and trajectory performance. Capsules and probes have different missions and entry conditions but approaches and methods are identical. Based on a long engineering experience, this book offers a comprehensive and state of the art analysis of aerodynamic and flight mechanic entry topics. In addition, it provides a large set of application exercises and solutions. It is addressed to university and engineering school students, as well as engineers in aerospace companies and government agencies, or simply curious readers.

Failed stone : problems and solutions with concrete and masonry
ISBN: 1281179310 9786611179311 3764382856 3764373296 9783764373290 9783764382858 9781281179319 6611179313 Year: 2007 Publisher: Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser,

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Concrete and stone seem made to last forever. But the fact is they develop problems. It is not always as dramatic as the collapse of a section of the roof of the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in 2004. Gradual changes also occur that may compromise the appearance and structural soundness of buildings constructed with these materials. These changes can be created by efflorescence, thermal stress, weathering, leakage and corrosion. This book explains how to avoid typical kinds of failure. With this in mind, it systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture. It also offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage. Examples include such high-visibility structures as Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Parco della Musica in Rome and Vontz Center for Molecular Studies in Cincinnatti. In eight chapters, typical kinds of damage are explained and illustrated with examples. Beton und Stein scheinen für die Ewigkeit gemacht. Dennoch kommt es hier zu Bauschäden. Nicht immer sind sie so dramatisch wie der Deckeneinsturz im Terminal des Flughafen Paris-Roissy 2004. Es gibt auch schleichende Veränderungen, die Erscheinungsbild und Statik von Beton- oder Steingebäuden beeinträchtigen können. Dazu gehören Ausblühungen, thermische Auswirkungen, Materialunverträglichkeiten, Korrosion oder massive Krafteinwirkung. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie sich typische Schäden vermeiden lassen. Zu diesem Zweck analysiert es systematisch Schadensfälle in der zeitgenössischen internationalen Architektur. Ebenso werden Strategien vorgestellt, mit denen sich das Schadensrisiko minimieren lässt. Zu den Beispielen gehören so bekannte Bauten wie die Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Renzo Pianos Parco della Musica in Rom oder Vontz Center for Molecular Studies in Cincinnatti. In insgesamt acht Kapiteln werden typische Schäden erklärt und dann mit Beispielen illustriert. This book explains how to avoid typical kinds of failure. With this in mind, it systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture. It also offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage.

Un anno intero sotto il cielo : Guida a 366 notti dosservazioni
ISBN: 1281344699 9786611344696 8847005426 8847005418 Year: 2007 Publisher: Milano : Springer-Verlag Italia,

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Ci sono 365 notti in un anno (366 se bisestile) e per l’astrofilo non ce ne sono mai due uguali. Il cielo ogni notte propone un suo show che ha per protagonisti migliaia di oggetti come stelle, costellazioni, pianeti, nebulose, da riconoscere uno ad uno, da ammirare e studiare. Sir Patrick Moore – celeberrimo conduttore televisivo inglese, astrofilo e divulgatore noto in tutto il mondo – ha scritto questo libro per suggerire all’amante del cielo quali oggetti di particolare interesse possono essere osservati in ciascuna diversa notte dell’anno. Vengono proposte mappe stellari di facile interpretazione, mentre il testo tratta di fisica, delle stelle e della loro storia, di sistemi binari, galassie, della Luna e dei pianeti: di tutto ciò che la volta celeste offre all’astrofilo curioso. Cosa hanno detto della prima edizione NEW SCIENTIST "…ben scritto e pieno di entusiasmo." ASTRONOMY & SPACE "Patrick Moore si è ripetuto. Che libro eccellente è questo.".

De vrije markt van de ontwikkelingssamenwerking
ISBN: 9789058265968 Year: 2009 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds/Infodok

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De laatste 50 jaar investeerde het Westen 3000 miljard euro in ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Vele problemen in de derde wereld werden er krachtdadig mee aangepakt. Ondertussen dringen steeds meer landen en organisaties zich op als ontwikkelingswerkers. China, India en stichtingen als de Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Of bedrijven, vakbonden, ziekenfondsen, scholen en gemeenten die hun eigen projecten opzetten? Kan iedereen ontwikkelingswerker worden? Wie bepaalt wat kan en niet kan? Welke rol is weggelegd voor de ontwikkelingslanden zelf? Wie zegt wat goede of slechte ontwikkelingshulp is? Is het een vrije markt waar iedereen mag doen wat hij wil? Een markt zonder spelregels, met veel concurrentie en weinig samenwerking? Dit boek maakt een balans op van 50 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking en biedt een overzicht van de spelers, van de kansen en valkuilen, van het lukken en mislukken


Development aid. Development cooperation --- Third World: economic development problems --- Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Derde wereld --- Geschiedenis --- Overzicht --- Economic assistance --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Development Studies --- International Development Cooperation --- #GGSB: Sociaal-economische ethiek --- #GGSB: Sociale wet. essays --- #SBIB:327.4H74 --- C8 --- economie --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Aide au développement --- BPB0904 --- 221 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Economie 330 --- Marktstruktuur 339.13.012 --- Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 339.961 --- 354.7 --- economische politiek --- 354 --- ontwikkelingshulp --- S20090242.JPG --- Ontwikkelingshulp en -samenwerking --- Ideologie en politiek --- Ontwikkelingshulp --- internationale economische politiek - ontwikkelingsgebieden en -landen --- Internationale economische politiek --- 327 --- International Development Cooperation. --- Developing countries --- Foreign economic relations. --- Foreign economic relations --- Developing countries: economic development problems --- ayuda al desarrollo --- arenguabi --- помоћ за развој --- pomoć u razvoju --- Entwicklungshilfe --- fejlesztési segély --- помощ за развитие --- cabhair um fhorbairt --- utvecklingsbistånd --- udviklingsbistand --- palīdzība attīstības jomā --- αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια --- fonduri pentru dezvoltare --- kehitysapu --- rozvojová pomoc --- razvojna pomoč --- parama vystymuisi --- għajnuna għall-iżvilupp --- ndihma për zhvillim --- помош за развој --- pomoc rozwojowa --- ajuda ao desenvolvimento --- aiuto allo sviluppo --- development aid --- assistenza allo sviluppo --- fonduri pentru țările în curs de dezvoltare --- gezamenlijke ontwikkeling --- plėtros pagalba --- ndihmë për vendet në zhvillim --- pomoc třetím zemím --- aiuto ai paesi in via di sviluppo --- aiuto ai PVS --- bashkëzhvillim --- steun aan ontwikkelingslanden --- desarrollo mutuo --- aide aux PVD --- gemeinsame Entwicklung --- pomoć zemljama u razvoju --- asistencia al desarrollo --- desarrollo conjunto --- közös fejlődés --- pomoc rozvojovým krajinám --- ajuda aos PVD --- cooperação para o desenvolvimento --- fejlődő országoknak nyújtott segély --- aid to developing countries --- ühine areng --- από κοινού ανάπτυξη --- kehitysmaille tarkoitettu tuki --- κοινή ανάπτυξη --- støtte til udviklingslande --- asistență pentru dezvoltare --- помош за поттикнување и поддршка на развојот --- cooperación al desarrollo --- kopēja attīstība --- u-hjälp --- arengumaadele antav abi --- gemensam utveckling --- codesarrollo --- ulandshjælp --- codéveloppement --- bendrai vykdoma plėtra --- bistand til udviklingslande --- βοήθεια στις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- fælles udvikling --- co-development --- palīdzība attīstībai --- palīdzība attīstības valstīm --- pagalba besivystančioms šalims --- αναπτυξιακή συνεργασία --- pomoc rozvojovým zemím --- yhteiskehitys --- bistånd till utvecklingsländer --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- #gsdb5 --- Sociaal-economische ethiek --- Sociale wet. essays --- Aide au développement

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