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Algorithmen und Autonomie : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf das Verhältnis Von Selbstbestimmung und Datenpraktiken.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3847417207 384742520X 9783847417200 Year: 2022 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich,

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We live in a world of algorithmic sorting and decision-making. Mathematical models curate our social relationships, influence our elections and even decide whether we should go to prison or not. But how much do we really know about code, algorithmic structures and how they work? This book turns to questions of autonomy in the digital age from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining contributions from philosophy, education and cultural studies with computer science. Wir leben in einer Welt der algorithmischen Sortierung und Entscheidungsfindung. Mathematische Modelle kuratieren unsere sozialen Beziehungen, beeinflussen unsere Wahlen und entscheiden sogar darüber, ob wir ins Gefängnis gehen sollten oder nicht. Aber wie viel wissen wir wirklich über Code, algorithmische Strukturen und deren Wirkweisen? Der Band wendet sich den Fragen der Autonomie im digitalen Zeitalter aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive zu, indem er Beiträge aus Philosophie, Erziehungs- und Kulturwissenschaft mit der Informatik verbindet.

Musikk og religion : Tekster om musikk i religion og religion i musikk

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Music plays an important role in many religions and in a variety of religious contexts. Music and Religion: Texts on Music in Religion and Religion in Music takes a look at the intersections between music and religion.We experience religion in music, and in religion we encounter musical expression. Although music and religion are unquestionably mutually pervasive, we can also come across gaps between them: Is it possible to move beyond a musical experience toward a religious one without having to hop over this gap? And is there any direct route from religion into music as an acoustic phenomenon? Without a religious interpretation of the music remaining? There is a wealth of research about music and religion, but little on how they meet. That is what this anthology seeks to remedy.Music and Religion will be relevant for anyone with an interest in encounters between these two phenomena. It will be especially relevant for students in performing, composing and scientific music education, as well as theology and religious studies.The anthology has been edited by Henrik Holm (associate professor in education at Oslo Metropolitan University and professor in philosophy at Rudolf Steiner University College) and Øivind Varkøy (professor in music education and music sciences at the Norwegian Academy of Music and professor II in music at Oslo Metropolitan University). Musikk spiller en stor rolle i ulike religioner og ulike religiøse sammenhenger. Musikk og religion: Tekster om musikk i religion og religion i musikk setter søkelyset på møtepunkter mellom musikk og religion.Mennesker erfarer religion i musikken, og i religionen møter mennesket i musikalske uttrykk. Selv om musikk og religion utvilsomt gjennomtrenger hverandre, kan vi også støte på gap mellom dem: Er det mulig å overskride en musikalsk erfaring henimot det religiøse uten å måtte hoppe over dette gapet? Og finnes det en vei fra religionen direkte inn i musikken som klangfenomen? Forblir det ikke bare en religiøs fortolkning av musikk? Det finnes mye forskning på musikk og religion, men lite om hvordan de møtes. Denne antologien forsøker å gjøre noe med dette.Musikk og religion retter seg mot alle med interesse for møter mellom disse to livsfenomener. Den vil være særlig aktuell for studenter innenfor utøvende, skapende og vitenskapelige musikkutdanninger, teologi og religionsvitenskap.Boken er redigert av Henrik Holm (førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk, OsloMet, og professor i filosofi, Steinerhøyskolen), og Øivind Varkøy (professor i musikkpedagogikk og musikkvitenskap, Norges musikkhøgskole, og professor II i musikk, OsloMet).

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