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Die Kaiserliche Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek in Strassburg : Festschrift zur Einweihung des neuen Bibliotheksgebäudes
ISBN: 3111596230 3111221245 Year: 1895 Publisher: De Gruyter

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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.



Leserlenkung durch Tacitus in den Tiberius- und Claudiusbuchern der Annalen
ISBN: 1282716794 9786612716799 3110218771 9783110218770 9783110218763 3110218763 Year: 2009 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Walter De Gruyter,

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Die Werke des Tacitus prägen bis heute das Bild, das die Nachwelt über die frühe römische Kaiserzeit besitzt. Dieses Bild muss jedoch kritisch auf seinen Wahrheitsgehalt geprüft werden. Denn dem eigenen Grundsatz der unparteilichen Berichterstattung bleibt Tacitus bei genauerer Analyse seiner Darstellung häufig nicht treu. Oft unterschwellig vermittelt er bei scheinbarer Objektivität dem Leser seine rein subjektive Deutung der beschriebenen Vorgänge. Anhand der Tiberiusbücher der Annalen stellt das Buch exemplarisch die Techniken dieser Leserlenkung vor. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Charakterdarstellungen der handelnden Personen gelegt. Der zweite, umfangreichere Teil des Werkes widmet sich den Claudiusbüchern der Annalen , die nach Art eines interpretierenden Kommentars kapitelweise unter dem Aspekt der Insinuationskunst analysiert werden. Ein wichtiges Anliegen des Buches ist es, die zum Teil recht divergierenden und verstreuten Ergebnisse früherer Analysen vorzustellen, zusammenzuführen und zu erweitern.

Theatermarketing : Grundlagen, Methoden und Praxisbeispiele
ISBN: 3110503948 3828203248 Year: 2016 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Sparzwänge, Fusionen oder gar Schliessungen von Sparten und gesamten Ein-richtungen sind kein Tabu mehr. Auf Zuschusskürzungen, Kostensteigerungen und vor allem den zunehmenden Wettbewerb um Besucher müssen die Häuser mit nachhaltig tragfähigen Veränderungen reagieren. Angesichts dieser Entwicklungen ist es unerlässlich, sich mit dem Marketing einem Konzept zuzuwenden, das sich in der Privatwirtschaft seit langem bewährt hat, und dessen Einsatz zum Beispiel im öffentlichen Museumsbereich bereits zu beachtenswerten Erfolgen geführt hat.Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die dabei erforderlichen konzeptionellen Grundlagen, die Formulierung und Umsetzung der Marketingziele und -strategien sowie das praktische Instrumentarium für das Theatermarketing.

Worterbucher : ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie
ISBN: 1282195964 9786612195969 3110203340 9783110203349 3110095858 Year: 1989 Volume: 5 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter,

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This series of HANDBOOKS OF LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction.For ""classic"" linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the state of the art which will provide a reference base for the rapid advances in research undertaken from a variety of theoretical standpoints, while in the m

Mod Two Homology and Cohomology
ISBN: 3319093533 3319093541 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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Cohomology and homology modulo 2 helps the reader grasp more readily the basics of a major tool in algebraic topology. Compared to a more general approach to (co)homology this refreshing approach has many pedagogical advantages: It leads more quickly to the essentials of the subject, An absence of signs and orientation considerations simplifies the theory, Computations and advanced applications can be presented at an earlier stage, Simple geometrical interpretations of (co)chains. Mod 2 (co)homology was developed in the first quarter of the twentieth century as an alternative to integral homology, before both became particular cases of (co)homology with arbitrary coefficients. The first chapters of this book may serve as a basis for a graduate-level introductory course to (co)homology. Simplicial and singular mod 2 (co)homology are introduced, with their products and Steenrod squares, as well as equivariant cohomology. Classical applications include Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Poincaré duality, Borsuk-Ulam theorem, Hopf invariant, Smith theory, Kervaire invariant, etc. The cohomology of flag manifolds is treated in detail (without spectral sequences), including the relationship between Stiefel-Whitney classes and Schubert calculus. More recent developments are also covered, including topological complexity, face spaces, equivariant Morse theory, conjugation spaces, polygon spaces, amongst others. Each chapter ends with exercises, with some hints and answers at the end of the book.

The Use of Spatial Imagery by Three Nineteenth-Century New England Authors - Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Sarah Orne Jewett, and Rose Terry Cooke : A Method for Analyzing Regional Text
ISBN: 0779907558 9780779907557 9780773435179 0773435174 Year: 2014 Publisher: Lewiston : The Edwin Mellen Press,

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""...a noteworthy contribution to scholarship on late nineteenth-century American women writers...Hausmann describes how female characters in literary environments operate literally and symbolically to reveal conceptual complexities that challenge traditional notions about women and space.""-Dr. Geraldine Smith-Wright,Drew University

Getting tough : welfare and imprisonment in 1970's America
ISBN: 1400885183 9781400885183 0691174520 0691191549 Year: 2017 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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The politics and policies that led to America's expansion of the penal system and reduction of welfare programs In 1970's America, politicians began "getting tough" on drugs, crime, and welfare. These campaigns helped expand the nation's penal system, discredit welfare programs, and cast blame for the era's social upheaval on racialized deviants that the state was not accountable to serve or represent. Getting Tough sheds light on how this unprecedented growth of the penal system and the evisceration of the nation's welfare programs developed hand in hand. Julilly Kohler-Hausmann shows that these historical events were animated by struggles over how to interpret and respond to the inequality and disorder that crested during this period. When social movements and the slowing economy destabilized the U.S. welfare state, politicians reacted by repudiating the commitment to individual rehabilitation that had governed penal and social programs for decades. In its place, they championed strategies of punishment, surveillance, and containment. The architects of these tough strategies insisted they were necessary, given the failure of liberal social programs and the supposed pathological culture within poor African American and Latino communities. Kohler-Hausmann rejects this explanation and describes how the spectacle of enacting punitive policies convinced many Americans that social investment was counterproductive and the "underclass" could be managed only through coercion and force. Getting Tough illuminates this narrative through three legislative cases: New York's adoption of the 1973 Rockefeller drug laws, Illinois's and California's attempts to reform welfare through criminalization and work mandates, and California's passing of a 1976 sentencing law that abandoned rehabilitation as an aim of incarceration. Spanning diverse institutions and weaving together the perspectives of opponents, supporters, and targets of punitive policies, Getting Tough offers new interpretations of dramatic transformations in the modern American state.


Public welfare --- Imprisonment --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- Administration of criminal justice --- Justice, Administration of --- Crime --- Criminal law --- Criminals --- Confinement --- Incarceration --- Corrections --- Detention of persons --- Punishment --- Prison-industrial complex --- Prisons --- History --- Political aspects --- Law and legislation --- United States --- Politics and government --- 1970s America. --- 1973 drug laws. --- American lawmakers. --- California. --- Nelson Rockefeller. --- Ronald Reagan. --- U.S. welfare state. --- addicts. --- administrators. --- bureaucratic scrutiny. --- civic status. --- crime. --- criminalization. --- disorder. --- drug laws. --- drug rehabilitation. --- drug users. --- drugs. --- eligibility standards. --- fraud prosecutions. --- governing problems. --- heroin. --- inequality. --- law enforcement. --- law-and-order activists. --- law-and-order politicians. --- lawmakers. --- leftist radicals. --- legal reforms. --- low-income community. --- modern America. --- narcotics. --- penal rituals. --- penal sanctions. --- penal system. --- people of color. --- policymakers. --- political insurgency. --- political rhetoric. --- political rights. --- politicians. --- prison system. --- prisoners. --- prisons. --- punishment. --- pushers. --- rehabilitative ideal. --- rehabilitative regime. --- retribution. --- safety net. --- sentencing policy. --- social movements. --- social regulation. --- social upheaval. --- social welfare programs. --- state officials. --- state supports. --- street crime. --- surveillance. --- therapeutic regime. --- tough proposal. --- toughness imperative. --- welfare fraud. --- welfare recipients. --- welfare. --- work requirements. --- School-to-prison pipeline --- Since 1969

Einführung in die Benutzung der neufranzösischen Wörterbücher
ISBN: 3110963493 9783110963496 9783484500907 3484500905 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Basic Guide to Cultural Tourism Marketing : Practice Cultural Management
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3658399740 3658399732 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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This essential explains the most important decisions to be made in the practice of cultural tourism marketing. After an introduction to the term and the central characteristics, the most important activities in the planning process of cultural tourism marketing are presented. Building on this, Andrea Hausmann and Sarah Schuhbauer describe marketing strategies that are particularly relevant in cultural tourism practice. These include dealing with relevant types of demand (segmentation), brand management (branding), the realisation of innovations (digitisation) and the behaviour towards the competition (cooperation and networks). In a next step, typical key aspects in the marketing mix of cultural tourism service providers are examined. Finally, the importance of staff for the quality of experience of tourism demand is elaborated. The Content, Term, characteristics and planning process of cultural tourism marketing Marketing strategies: segmentation, branding, innovation (digitisation) and cooperation/networks Marketing mix in cultural tourism Role of staff in service quality The target groups · Cultural institutions, cultural administrations, tourism organisations, other service providers · Lecturers and students of cultural management, tourism and business administration The authors Prof. Dr. Andrea Hausmann is a professor at the Institute for Cultural Management at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. She advises cultural institutions and tourism organisations on the topics of cultural tourism, cultural marketing and leadership. Sarah Schuhbauer, M.A., is research associate at the Institute for Cultural Management at the Ludwigsburg University of Education. Her work focuses on cultural tourism, cultural marketing and empirical research methods.

22nd Symposium on Composites : selected, peer reviewed papers from the "22nd Symposium on Composites," June 26-28, 2019, Kaiserslautern, Germany
ISBN: 1523127686 3035734534 9783035734539 9783035714531 Year: 2019 Publisher: Zurich, Switzerland : Trans Tech Publications, Ltd,

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