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With gender equality so prominent in contemporary public debate, this timely book reviews the impacts of gender mainstreaming on political, social, and cultural issues around Europe. It explores the origins and evolution of mainstreaming, the theory's contribution to gender legislation so far and its potential to drive change in the future. Drawing on extensive data, the book compares and contrasts progress in various European countries and considers the limits of gender mainstreaming amid economic and migration challenges. This important book is a welcome contribution to discussions about society's attitudes to men and women. --
Gender mainstreaming --- Sex role --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- History --- Methodology --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Gender mainstreaming - Europe --- Sex role - Europe --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Europe
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Intersectionaliteit is geen gemakkelijk begrip. De verschillende bijdragen in deze bundel bieden een overzicht van het debat over het begrip intersectionaliteit. Niet alleen theorieën komen aan bod maar ook praktijkvoorbeelden. Het is de bedoeling dat deze bijdragen als aanvullend lesmateriaal dienen voor cursussen over beleid en gender. Aan het einde van elke hoofdstuk zijn er vragen en opdrachten voor de studenten opgenomen
Equality --- Discrimination --- Gender mainstreaming --- Women's studies --- Sociology of minorities --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Human rights --- Social policy --- Mass communications --- Sociology of culture --- Community organization --- European Union --- Spain --- Belgium --- Italy --- Equality - Europe --- Discrimination - Europe --- Gender mainstreaming - Europe --- Women's studies - Europe --- Disability --- Equal opportunities --- Gender --- Homosexuality --- Media --- Government policy --- Women's movements --- Book --- Teaching materials --- Intersectionality
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"Data is fundamental to the modern world. From economic development to health care to education and public policy, we rely on numbers to allocate resources and make crucial decisions. But because so much data fails to take into account gender, because it treats men as the default and women as atypical, bias and discrimination are baked into our systems. And women pay tremendous costs for this bias, in time, money, and often with their lives. Celebrated feminist advocate Caroline Criado Perez investigates this shocking root cause of gender inequality in Invisible Women. Examining the home, the workplace, the public square, the doctor's office, and more, Criado Perez unearths a dangerous pattern in data and its consequences on women's lives. Product designers use a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to everything from pianos to cell phones to voice recognition software, when in fact this approach is designed to fit men. Cities prioritize men's needs when designing public transportation, roads, and even snow removal, neglecting to consider women's safety or unique responsibilities and travel patterns. And in medical research, women have largely been excluded from studies and textbooks, leaving them chronically misunderstood, mistreated, and misdiagnosed. Built on hundreds of studies in the US, the UK, and around the world, and written with energy, wit, and sparkling intelligence, this is a groundbreaking, highly readable exposé that will change the way you look at the world"--Jacket
Big data --- Data mining --- Gender mainstreaming. --- Male domination (Social structure). --- Research --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- Sex discrimination against women. --- Sex discrimination. --- Sex role. --- Social sciences --- Social aspects. --- Gender Studies. --- Research. --- Sex discrimination against women --- Male domination (Social structure) --- Gender mainstreaming --- Social aspects --- Research - Social aspects --- Data mining - Social aspects --- Big data - Social aspects
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"Depuis la quatrième Conférence mondiale sur les femmes à Beijing, on observe une forte augmentation du nombre de personnes expertes en genre. Celles-ci circulent, tout comme les pratiques, les idées, les théories et les textes féministes qui voyagent sont interprétés, resignifiés. Des inégalités existent dans les processus d'élaboration, la circulation et la traduction des savoirs. Le champ social constitué par les expertes en genre est ainsi traversé par des rapports de pouvoir. La notion de colonialité du pouvoir et des savoirs permet d'interroger l'hégémonie et l'autorité universelle des discours et des savoirs occidentaux. Les contributions des études féministes pour revisiter le développement sont soulignées dans cet ouvrage. Ces apports, énoncés depuis diverses perspectives, s'inscrivent dans des espaces de contestation de l'ordre mondial, sont nourris de la prise de conscience des multiples rapports de domination et de l'émergence de nouveaux mouvements sociaux. Ils participent d'un processus de décolonisation de la pensée féministe. Avec la collection "Genre et développement. Rencontres", nous poursuivons le dialogue de savoirs sur les questions féministes et de genre, la construction d'alliances et de ponts entre chercheur-es, organisations féministes et de recherche, ONG, organisations de coopération, expertes, aux Nords et aux Suds. Les textes, écrits par des chercheur-es ou personnes actives dans ces initiatives sont publiés dans leur langue originale."--Page 4 of cover. Les contributions tentent une épistémologie des études sur le genre notamment en s'appuyant sur les recherches qui ont pour sujet le rôle de la femme dans le développement. Electre 2017.
Women in development --- Feminism --- Gender mainstreaming --- Gender identity --- Political aspects --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Methodology --- Emancipation --- Women in development - Congresses --- Feminism - Developing countries - Congresses --- Feminism - Congresses --- Feminism - Political aspects - Congresses --- Gender mainstreaming - Congresses --- Gender identity - Congresses --- sciences sociales --- mouvements alternatifs --- histoire du genre --- société civile --- genre --- féminisme --- relations hommes-femmes
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A discursive-sociological approach to the Europeanization of gender and other equality policies. Using largely unpublished empirical data covering twenty-nine European countries this book adopts a pluralistic perspective to explore the complex and often divergent gender and other equality policy outputs of Europeanization.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Europe --- European Union --- France --- Italy --- Spain --- Eastern and Central Europe --- Women's rights --- Government policy --- Gender mainstreaming. --- Equality. --- Equal opportunities --- Gender --- Family --- Homosexuality --- Labour --- Legislation --- Book --- Domestic violence
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In dit boek worden bijdragen uit 9 verschillende EU-landen samengebracht m.b.t. het thema 'gendergelijkheid'. Deel 1 is een snelcursus 60 jaar Europese integratie. Hierin komen verder aan bod: theorieën inzake integratie, strategieën, tactieken, beleidsmaatregelen op het vlak van gelijke behandeling, positieve actie, gender mainstreaming en diversiteitmanagement. Ook de 'gender'-evoluties binnen de Europese instituties wordt belicht. Deel 2 brengt concrete case-studies inzake gender binnen verschillende beleidsdomeinen (landbouw, arbeid, innovatie, ...) en stelt vervolgens vragen omtrent de evolutie binnen het beleid. De invloed op het beleidsonderzoek van door genderstudies verkregen inzchten komt aan bod en men stelt vragen bij de gevolgde strategieën en gebruikte instrumenten. Verder leren we ook wat gender mainstreaming in tussentijd bereikt heeft en hoe de toekomst inzake gendergelijkheid in de EU eruitziet.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- European Union --- Gender mainstreaming --- Sex discrimination against women --- Women's rights --- Equality --- Women and democracy --- Government policy --- Political science --- Globalization --- International Relations --- General --- Public Policy --- Cultural Policy --- Globalization. --- General. --- Cultural Policy. --- Gender mainstreaming - European Union countries --- Sex discrimination against women - European Union countries --- Women's rights - Government policy - European Union countries --- Equality - European Union countries --- Women and democracy - European Union countries --- Equal opportunities --- Gender --- Pay gap --- Anti-discrimination laws --- Participation --- Book --- Diversity policy
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Although the European Employment Strategy recognizes that gender equality and gender mainstreaming are essential for progress, the analysis of the National Reform Programs 2005 and 2006 indicated that the visibility of gender and the attention paid both to gender equality policies and gender mainstreaming in the national reports has declined. This decline appears to be strongly linked to the disappearance of the specific gender guidelines following on from the earlier removal of the equal opportunities pillar from the European Employment Strategy guidelines. A reversal of this development can only be attained if all stakeholders have a better knowledge of concrete examples of gender mainstreaming and share the commitment to integrate gender issues in the European Employment Strategy in the future. This report, therefore, provides a checklist for effective gender mainstreaming and analyzes the most relevant employment policy domains from a gender perspective. As such the report contains information for the 27 Member States in addition to three EEA-EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.--Publisher's description.
Labour market --- Europe --- Gender mainstreaming --- 311.95 --- 332.622.3 --- Parité hommes-femmes Gelijke behandeling mannen/vrouwen --- Bevolking naar het geslacht. --- Werkloosheid naar het geslacht. --- Women --- 332.225 --- 332.71 --- 334.151.50 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- Egalité hommes-femmes Gelijkheid mannen-vrouwen --- Politique sociale Sociaal beleid --- Union européenne Europese Unie --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Analysis, Gender-based --- GBA (Gender-based analysis) --- Gender-based analysis --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Mainstreaming, Gender --- Social sciences --- Sex discrimination --- Government policy --- Employment --- Social conditions --- Bevolking naar het geslacht --- Vrouwenlonen --- Werkloosheid naar het geslacht --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Sociaal beleid : algemeenheden --- Methodology --- tewerkstelling --- gender --- gelijkekansenbeleid --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- vrouwenemancipatie --- European Union --- Femmes --- Social conditions. --- Emploi --- Conditions sociales --- Women - Employment - Government policy - European Union countries --- Gender mainstreaming - Government policy - European Union countries --- Women - European Union countries - Social conditions
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Sex discrimination --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Equal pay for equal work --- Law and legislation --- Discrimination, Sexual --- Gender discrimination --- Sexual discrimination --- Discrimination --- Sexism --- Gender mainstreaming --- Discrimination in employment --- Wages --- Women --- Employment --- Sex discrimination - Law and legislation - European Union countries --- Sex discrimination in employment - Law and legislation - European Union countries --- Equal pay for equal work - Law and legislation - European Union countries
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In the face of the failure of the traditional ‘command and control’ model of environmental regulation to curb the devastating losses of biodiversity around the world, policymakers are increasingly seeking new approaches to deal with this complex interdisciplinary issue. The Privatisation of Biodiversity? provides a timely contribution to this debate by exploring the legal aspects and the scope to strengthen conservation through these reforms. Colin Reid and Walters Nsoh draw on literature well beyond legal sources, particularly from ecology, environmental economics and philosophy to reach a number of pragmatic conclusions on the issues discussed. The new approaches explored include payment for ecosystem services, biodiversity offsetting and conservation covenants, as well as taxation and impact fees. Such mechanisms introduce elements of a market approach as well as private sector initiative and resources. This book considers both the practical and ethical aspects of the regulatory choices available to identify the potential and limitations of an increasingly market-based regime. Bringing clarity and coherence to a complex issue, this book will act as a useful tool for environmental and public law scholars as well as other academics in a range of fields interested in biodiversity conservation. It will also provide valuable insight for policymakers, legal practitioners involved in planning, environmental and agricultural matters, public bodies with responsibility for conservation, landowners, managers and developers, individuals and NGOs dedicated to biodiversity, and students of nature conservation interested in exploring new mechanisms for achieving their objectives.
Biodiversity conservation --- Nature conservation --- Conservation of nature --- Nature --- Nature protection --- Protection of nature --- Conservation of natural resources --- Applied ecology --- Conservation biology --- Endangered ecosystems --- Natural areas --- Biodiversity --- Biological diversity conservation --- Conservation of biodiversity --- Diversity conservation, Biological --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Maintenance of biological diversity --- Preservation of biological diversity --- Ecosystem management --- Law and legislation --- Conservation --- Artenschutz. --- Biodiversität. --- Privatisierung. --- Umweltschutz. --- Ökosystemdienstleistung. --- Law and legislation. --- Environmental law
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Biodiversity conservation. --- Biodiversity conservation --- Biodiversity --- Biological diversity conservation --- Conservation of biodiversity --- Diversity conservation, Biological --- Gender mainstreaming in biodiversity conservation --- Maintenance of biological diversity --- Preservation of biological diversity --- Conservation of natural resources --- Ecosystem management --- Conservation --- BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY --- GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY --- BIODIVERSITY --- EXTINCTION --- AGRICULTURE --- GENETIC DIVERSITY --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- CONSERVATION --- MAPS --- MANAGEMENT
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