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Droit négocié, droit imposé
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2802801139 280280488X 9782802801139 Year: 1996 Volume: 72 Publisher: Bruxelles : Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis,

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La négociation semble bien être devenue le modèle dominant de régulation des rapports sociaux. Le phénomène juridique n'est pas épargné : pas une de ses branches qui ne témoigne de l'irrésistible ascension du droit négocié. On négocie la loi, tant en amont qu'en aval de son adoption : on négocie le règlement des conflits tant au tribunal qu'en dehors des prétoires. S'il convient donc de prendre l'exacte mesure du phénomène et des transformations qu'il imprime dans l'ordre juridique tout entier, faut-il pour autant céder au mythe du « tout conventionnel » ? Adoptant une méthode critique et interdisciplinaire, le présent ouvrage multiplie les raisons de résister à cette dérive. Au plan sociologique, il souligne la permanence des rapports de force derrière les figures de l'accord et du compromis ; au plan éthique, il rappelle l'impossibilité de nouer le lien social à partir d'un point de vue exclusivement solipsiste ; au plan juridique, il montre combien règle et accord se déterminent réciproquement. De sorte qu'en définitive, c'est un nouvel objet de recherche qui s'est fait valoir – et qui donne son titre à l'ouvrage : l'entrelacement dialectique du droit négocié et du droit imposé. Par ailleurs, la négociation elle-même apparaît dédoublée, oscillant sans cesse entre un pôle idéal (la « délibération ») marqué par la bonne foi et la rationalité procédurale, et un pôle cynique (le « marchandage ») caractérisé par la défiance et le calcul d'intérêt. C'est au carrefour de cette double dialectique de l'autonomie et de l'hétéronomie, de la délibération et du marchandage que ce livre place le droit négocié, éclairé ici par la théorie du droit, les sciences sociales et la doctrine juridique.

Long problems : climate change and the challenge of governing across time
ISBN: 0691238138 9780691238135 9780691238128 Year: 2024 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

The legitimacy of citizen-led deliberative democracy : the G1000 in Belgium
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138281943 1138281948 1315270897 9781315270890 9780367590024 Year: 2018 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY Routledge

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Political participation --- Democracy --- Deliberative democracy --- Representative government and representation --- G1000 (Project) --- Parliamentary government --- Political representation --- Representation --- Self-government --- Discursive democracy --- Citizen participation --- Community action --- Community involvement --- Community participation --- Involvement, Community --- Mass political behavior --- Participation, Citizen --- Participation, Community --- Participation, Political --- Political activity --- Political behavior --- #SBIB:324H50 --- #SBIB:323H521 --- Constitutional history --- Constitutional law --- Political science --- Elections --- Republics --- Suffrage --- Equality --- Political rights --- Social participation --- Political activists --- Politics, Practical --- Politieke participatie en legitimiteit (referenda, directe democratie, publieke opinie...) --- Belgische politieke participatie en socialisatie --- BPB9999 --- BPB2009 --- deliberatieve democratie --- svarstomoji demokratija --- δημοκρατία με εξουσία λήψης αποφάσεων --- deliberativt demokrati --- deliberatívna demokracia --- démocratie délibérative --- samtalsdemokrati --- deliberatív demokrácia --- demokrazija deliberattiva --- deliberativní demokracie --- democrazia deliberativa --- делиберативна демократија --- arutlev demokraatia --- deliberative democracy --- democracia deliberativa --- posvetovalna demokracija --- deliberativna demokracija --- demokracja deliberatywna --- deliberative Demokratie --- balstiesiskā demokrātija --- demokraci deliberative --- deliberatiivinen demokratia --- democrație deliberativă --- делиберативна демокрация --- demokratikus megvitatás --- discursive democracy --- democratisch overleg --- deliberação democrática --- democracia discursiva --- keskusteleva demokratia --- demokratično posvetovanje --- toma de decisiones por consenso --- demokratiškas svarstymas --- samtaledemokrati --- demokratische Deliberation --- demokratická deliberácia --- julkisen harkinnan demokratia --- democratic deliberation --- δημοκρατική λήψη αποφάσεων --- демократска расправа --- samrådsdemokrati --- rådslagsdemokrati --- deliberativ demokrati --- overlegdemocratie --- demokratická rozprava --- délibération démocratique --- демократско расправљање --- deliberazione democratica --- diskutim i gjerë demokratik --- dezbatere democratică --- diskurzivna demokracija --- расправна демократија --- deliberacja demokratyczna --- neuvotteleva demokratia --- deliberación democrática --- daonlathas breithniúcháin --- Political participation - Belgium --- Democracy - Belgium --- Deliberative democracy - Belgium --- Representative government and representation - Belgium --- Political systems --- Belgium

Les commissions délibératives entre parlementaires et citoyens tirés au sort au sein des assemblées bruxelloises
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISSN: 00089664 ISBN: 9782870752616 287075261X Year: 2021 Volume: 2492 Publisher: Bruxelles CRISP

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BPB2105 --- 361 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Parlement --- Région de Bruxelles-Capitale --- démocratie délibérative --- assemblée parlementaire --- tionól parlaiminteach --- assembleia parlamentar internacional --- adunare parlamentară --- asamblea parlamentaria --- parlamentarna skupščina --- парламентарна асамблея --- parlamentarische Versammlung --- parlamentarna skupština --- parlamentarisk församling --- assemblea parlamentare --- parlamentinė asamblėja --- κοινοβουλευτική συνέλευση --- parlementaire vergadering --- parlamentné zhromaždenie --- parlamentarisk forsamling --- parlamentní shromáždění --- Assemblea Parlamentari --- asamble parlamentare --- zgromadzenie parlamentarne --- парламентарна скупштина --- parlamenti közgyűlés --- parlamentaarinen edustajakokous --- parlamentārā asambleja --- parliamentary assembly --- parlamentaarne assamblee --- парламентарно собрание --- svarstomoji demokratija --- δημοκρατία με εξουσία λήψης αποφάσεων --- daonlathas breithniúcháin --- deliberativt demokrati --- deliberatívna demokracia --- samtalsdemokrati --- deliberatív demokrácia --- demokrazija deliberattiva --- deliberativní demokracie --- democrazia deliberativa --- делиберативна демократија --- arutlev demokraatia --- deliberative democracy --- democracia deliberativa --- posvetovalna demokracija --- deliberativna demokracija --- demokracja deliberatywna --- deliberative Demokratie --- balstiesiskā demokrātija --- deliberatieve democratie --- demokraci deliberative --- deliberatiivinen demokratia --- democrație deliberativă --- делиберативна демокрация --- demokratikus megvitatás --- discursive democracy --- democratisch overleg --- deliberação democrática --- democracia discursiva --- keskusteleva demokratia --- demokratično posvetovanje --- toma de decisiones por consenso --- demokratiškas svarstymas --- samtaledemokrati --- demokratische Deliberation --- demokratická deliberácia --- julkisen harkinnan demokratia --- democratic deliberation --- δημοκρατική λήψη αποφάσεων --- демократска расправа --- samrådsdemokrati --- rådslagsdemokrati --- deliberativ demokrati --- overlegdemocratie --- demokratická rozprava --- délibération démocratique --- демократско расправљање --- deliberazione democratica --- diskutim i gjerë demokratik --- dezbatere democratică --- diskurzivna demokracija --- расправна демократија --- deliberacja demokratyczna --- neuvotteleva demokratia --- deliberación democrática --- reġjun ta’ Brussell --- Briselska regija --- región de Bruselas-Capital --- област Брисела --- περιφέρεια Βρυξελλών --- Briseles apgabals --- Briuselio regionas --- rajoni i Brukselit --- Brüsseli piirkond --- Regiunea Bruxelles --- regionen Bruxelles-Hovedstadsområdet --- Bruselský región --- регион Брюксел --- Regione di Bruxelles capitale --- Регион Брисел --- Region Brukseli --- regija glavnega mesta Bruselj --- réigiún na Bruiséile --- bruselský region --- região de Bruxelas-Capital --- brüsszeli régió --- Brussels region --- Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt --- Brysselin alue --- Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Brussels --- Bryssel --- Brüsszel Fővárosi Régió --- Brysselin pääkaupunkiseutu --- región hlavného mesta Bruselu --- region hlavního města Bruselu --- Brussels-capital region --- Brukseli - rajoni i kryeqytetit --- Brussel --- Бриселски Регион --- regionen Bruxelles-Capitale --- Brusel --- Regiunea Bruxelles-capitală --- Briuselis – sostinės regionas --- Bruselas --- Political systems --- Belgium

How We Hope
ISBN: 9780691151526 0691151520 9781400848706 1400848709 Year: 2013 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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What exactly is hope and how does it influence our decisions? In How We Hope, Adrienne Martin presents a novel account of hope, the motivational resources it presupposes, and its function in our practical lives. She contends that hoping for an outcome means treating certain feelings, plans, and imaginings as justified, and that hope thereby involves sophisticated reflective and conceptual capacities. Martin develops this original perspective on hope--what she calls the "incorporation analysis"--in contrast to the two dominant philosophical conceptions of hope: the orthodox definition, where hoping for an outcome is simply desiring it while thinking it possible, and agent-centered views, where hoping for an outcome is setting oneself to pursue it. In exploring how hope influences our decisions, she establishes that it is not always a positive motivational force and can render us complacent. She also examines the relationship between hope and faith, both religious and secular, and identifies a previously unnoted form of hope: normative or interpersonal hope. When we place normative hope in people, we relate to them as responsible agents and aspire for them to overcome challenges arising from situation or character. Demonstrating that hope merits rigorous philosophical investigation, both in its own right and in virtue of what it reveals about the nature of human emotion and motivation, How We Hope offers an original, sustained look at a largely neglected topic in philosophy.

Le dialogue citoyen permanent en Communauté germanophone
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782870752210 2870752210 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bruxelles CRISP

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En février 2019, la Communauté germanophone a institué une délibération citoyenne permanente. Il s’agit d’un conseil citoyen permanent, dont les membres sont tirés au sort et qui peut initier des assemblées citoyennes ponctuelles, dont les membres sont également tirés au sort et qui ont pour mission de délibérer et de formuler des recommandations sur un sujet particulier que le conseil citoyen leur a soumis. Au terme des délibérations, les recommandations émises sont discutées de façon conjointe entre les membres de l’assemblée citoyenne et les responsables politiques germanophones concernés. En principe, ces recommandations donnent ensuite lieu à des mesures adoptées par le Parlement ou par le gouvernement de la Communauté germanophone. L’ensemble du processus a été baptisé « dialogue citoyen permanent » (« permanenter Bürgerdialog ») et est déjà connu à l’international sous le titre d’« Ostbelgien Modell ». Son instauration s’inscrit dans le sillage des initiatives participatives et délibératives qui ont vu le jour en Belgique au cours des deux dernières décennies et dont le nombre va croissant. Toutefois, le modèle mis en place en Communauté germanophone se distingue à trois égards : par son lien étroit (quasi institutionnel) avec une assemblée législative, par son caractère permanent et par sa conception combinant deux types d’instance. C. Niessen et M. Reuchamps retracent les origines du modèle et le processus de sa conception, présentent le fonctionnement et les structures du modèle, et évoquent le démarrage concret du modèle


BPB1911 --- 213 Democratie --- 370 Duitstalige Gemeenschap --- 328.132.13 --- Communauté germanophone --- Démocratie participative --- Démocratie délibérative --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- svarstomoji demokratija --- δημοκρατία με εξουσία λήψης αποφάσεων --- daonlathas breithniúcháin --- deliberativt demokrati --- deliberatívna demokracia --- samtalsdemokrati --- deliberatív demokrácia --- demokrazija deliberattiva --- deliberativní demokracie --- democrazia deliberativa --- делиберативна демократија --- arutlev demokraatia --- deliberative democracy --- democracia deliberativa --- posvetovalna demokracija --- deliberativna demokracija --- demokracja deliberatywna --- deliberative Demokratie --- balstiesiskā demokrātija --- deliberatieve democratie --- demokraci deliberative --- deliberatiivinen demokratia --- democrație deliberativă --- делиберативна демокрация --- demokratikus megvitatás --- discursive democracy --- democratisch overleg --- deliberação democrática --- democracia discursiva --- keskusteleva demokratia --- demokratično posvetovanje --- toma de decisiones por consenso --- demokratiškas svarstymas --- samtaledemokrati --- demokratische Deliberation --- demokratická deliberácia --- julkisen harkinnan demokratia --- democratic deliberation --- δημοκρατική λήψη αποφάσεων --- демократска расправа --- samrådsdemokrati --- rådslagsdemokrati --- deliberativ demokrati --- overlegdemocratie --- demokratická rozprava --- délibération démocratique --- демократско расправљање --- deliberazione democratica --- diskutim i gjerë demokratik --- dezbatere democratică --- diskurzivna demokracija --- расправна демократија --- deliberacja demokratyczna --- neuvotteleva demokratia --- deliberación democrática --- deltagelsesdemokrati --- osallistava demokratia --- partizipative Demokratie --- democrație participativă --- democrazia partecipativa --- participativní demokracie --- συμμετοχική δημοκρατία --- deltagandedemokrati --- osalusdemokraatia --- demokrazija parteċipattiva --- demokraci pjesëmarrëse --- participatieve democratie --- līdzdalības demokrātija --- dalyvaujamoji demokratija --- részvételi demokrácia --- daonlathas rannpháirtíochta --- партиципативна демократија --- партиципативна демокрация --- participatívna demokracia --- democracia participativa --- participatory democracy --- demokracja uczestnicząca --- participativna demokracija --- participative democracy --- δημοκρατική συμμετοχή --- demokratische Partizipation --- demokratisk deltagelse --- demokratická participácia --- demokraatlik osalus --- demokratinis dalyvavimas --- parteċipazzjoni demokratika --- participation démocratique --- uczestnictwo w demokracji --- sudionička demokracija --- participación democrática --- demokratikus részvétel --- osallistuva demokratia --- pjesëmarrje demokratike --- демократско учество --- demokratična udeležba --- demokrātiskā līdzdalība --- democratic participation --- demokratische Mitbestimmung --- participare democratică --- democratische participatie --- demokratiskt deltagande --- participação democrática --- részvételen alapuló demokrácia --- демократско учешће --- demokratická účast --- partecipazione democratica --- учествувачка демократија --- njemačka zajednica --- Vācu kopiena --- vokiečiakalbė bendruomenė --- tysktalande språkområde --- Γερμανόφωνη Κοινότητα --- nemecky hovoriaca komunita --- Duitstalige Gemeenschap --- comunidade germanófona --- německá oblast --- Comunità germanofona --- saksakeelne kogukond --- германска заедница --- Komuniteti gjermanishtfolës --- German-speaking Community --- Comunidad alemana de Bélgica --- Németajkú Közösség --- det tysktalende sprogsamfund --- Komunità Ġermanofona --- немскоговоряща общност --- Pobal na Gearmáinise --- saksankielinen yhteisö --- Comunitatea vorbitorilor de limbă germană --- nemško govoreča skupnost --- wspólnota niemieckojęzyczna --- немачка језичка заједница --- deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft --- minoría alemana de Bélgica --- Belgium német kisebbsége --- германоезична общност --- německy mluvící oblast --- Duitstalige gemeenschap --- Political sociology --- Political systems

In Our Name
ISBN: 1280494123 9786613589354 1400842387 9781400842384 9780691154619 0691154619 Year: 2012 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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When a government in a democracy acts in our name, are we, as citizens, responsible for those acts? What if the government commits a moral crime? The protestor's slogan--"Not in our name!"--testifies to the need to separate ourselves from the wrongs of our leaders. Yet the idea that individual citizens might bear a special responsibility for political wrongdoing is deeply puzzling for ordinary morality and leading theories of democracy. In Our Name explains how citizens may be morally exposed to the failures of their representatives and state institutions, and how complicity is the professional hazard of democratic citizenship. Confronting the ethical challenges that citizens are faced with in a self-governing democracy, Eric Beerbohm proposes institutional remedies for dealing with them. Beerbohm questions prevailing theories of democracy for failing to account for our dual position as both citizens and subjects. Showing that the obligation to participate in the democratic process is even greater when we risk serving as accomplices to wrongdoing, Beerbohm argues for a distinctive division of labor between citizens and their representatives that charges lawmakers with the responsibility of incorporating their constituents' moral principles into their reasoning about policy. Grappling with the practical issues of democratic decision making, In Our Name engages with political science, law, and psychology to envision mechanisms for citizens seeking to avoid democratic complicity.


Democracy --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Moral and ethical aspects --- John Rawls. --- Justice as Fairness. --- agency. --- associative accounts. --- authority. --- belief. --- citizens. --- citizenship. --- coauthors. --- cognitive biases. --- cognitive burden. --- cognitive partisanship. --- complicity. --- cosubjects. --- decision making. --- delegation. --- deliberation. --- deliberative democracy. --- democracy. --- democratic institutions. --- democratic labor. --- democratic state. --- democratic theory. --- distributive justice. --- elections. --- epistemic virtues. --- ethics. --- government. --- heuristics. --- injustice. --- judicial mechanisms. --- judicial review. --- justice. --- lawmaking. --- macrodemocratic theory. --- marginality. --- microdemocratic theory. --- moral obligations. --- moral value. --- morality. --- nonideal democratic theory. --- participation. --- participatory accounts. --- patriotism. --- peer principle. --- philosopher-citizens. --- plebiscitary mechanisms. --- political science. --- political wrongdoing. --- politics. --- popular constitutionalism. --- practical authority. --- pride. --- principled representation. --- principles theory. --- principles. --- public speech. --- reasoning. --- redundancy. --- regret. --- representation. --- representatives. --- responsibility. --- shared liability. --- social order. --- socioeconomic inequalities. --- superdeliberation. --- superdeliberators. --- triage principle. --- usability principle. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- General ethics

Obligations of citizenship and demands of faith : religious accomodation in pluralist democracies
ISBN: 069100708X 0691007071 0691228248 Year: 2000 Publisher: Princeton (N.J.) Princeton university press

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Of the many challenges facing liberal democracy, none is as powerful and pervasive today as those posed by religion. These are the challenges taken up in Obligations of Citizenship and Demands of Faith, an exploration of the place of religion in contemporary public life. The essays in this volume suggest that two important shifts have altered the balance between the competing obligations of citizenship and faith: the growth of religious pluralism and the escalating calls of religious groups for some measure of autonomy or recognition from democratic majorities. The authors--political theorists, philosophers, legal scholars, and social scientists--collectively argue that more room should be made for religion in today's democratic societies. Though they advocate different ways of carving out and justifying the proper bounds of "church and state" in pluralist democracies, they all write from within democratic theory and share the aim of democratic accommodation of religion. Alert to national differences in political circumstances and the particularities of constitutional and legal systems, these contributors consider the question of religious accommodation from the standpoint of institutional practices and law as well as that of normative theory. Unique in its interdisciplinary approach and comparative focus, this volume makes a timely and much-needed intervention in current debates about religion and politics. The contributors are Nancy L. Rosenblum, Alan Wolfe, Ronald Thiemann, Michael McConnell, Graham Walker, Amy Gutmann, Kent Greenawalt, Aviam Soifer, Harry Hirsch, Gary Jacobsohn, Yael Tamir, Martha Nussbaum, and Carol Weisbrod.


Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- #A0309PSA --- Citizenship --- Democracy --- Religion and politics. --- Religious aspects. --- Religion and politics --- Political science --- Politics, Practical --- Politics and religion --- Religion --- Religions --- Religious aspects --- Political aspects --- Democratie --- Religion et politique. --- Aspect religieux. --- Activism. --- Alan Wolfe. --- Amendment. --- Americans. --- Attempt. --- Baptists. --- Buddhism. --- Catholic Church. --- Christianity. --- Citizenship. --- City of Boerne v. Flores. --- Civil Rights Act of 1964. --- Civil society. --- Clergy. --- Conscientious objector. --- Consideration. --- Constitutional law. --- Constitutionalism. --- Constitutionality. --- Criticism. --- Deliberation. --- Democracy. --- Determination. --- Doctrine. --- Due process. --- Employment Division v. Smith. --- Equal Protection Clause. --- Establishment Clause. --- Exclusion. --- Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. --- Free Exercise Clause. --- Freedom of religion. --- Freedom of speech. --- God. --- Hate speech. --- Heresy. --- Hindu nationalism. --- Hinduism. --- Ideology. --- Individualism. --- Infidel. --- Institution. --- International human rights law. --- International law. --- Irreligion. --- Jehovah's Witnesses. --- Jews. --- Judaism. --- Judicial interpretation. --- Jurisdiction. --- Jurisprudence. --- Law and religion. --- Legislation. --- Liberal democracy. --- Liberalism. --- Major religious groups. --- Morality. --- Multiculturalism. --- Nonbeliever. --- Of Education. --- Orthodox Judaism. --- Oxford University Press. --- Peyote. --- Political philosophy. --- Political science. --- Politics. --- Precedent. --- Protestantism. --- Public policy. --- Public reason. --- Racism. --- Relativism. --- Religion. --- Religiosity. --- Religious Freedom Restoration Act. --- Religious community. --- Religious discrimination. --- Religious law. --- Religious organization. --- Religious pluralism. --- Religious text. --- Religious war. --- Rights. --- Secular humanism. --- Secular state. --- Secularism. --- Secularization. --- Separation of church and state. --- Separation of powers. --- Separatism. --- Sherbert v. Verner. --- Skepticism. --- Slavery. --- State religion. --- Statute. --- Tax. --- The Other Hand. --- Theocracy. --- Toleration. --- Wisconsin v. Yoder.

Practicing Democracy
ISBN: 0691048541 0691048533 0691229538 9780691229539 Year: 2022 Publisher: Princeton, NJ

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"What happens when manhood suffrage, a radically egalitarian institution, gets introduced into a deeply hierarchical society? In her sweeping history of Imperial Germany's electoral culture, Anderson shows how the sudden opportunity to "practice" democracy in 1867 opened up a free space in the land of Kaisers, generals, and Junkers. Originally designed to make voters susceptible to manipulation by the authorities, the suffrage's unintended consequence was to enmesh its participants in ever more democratic procedures and practices. The result was the growth of an increasingly democratic culture in the decades before 1914. Explicit comparisons with Britain, France, and America give us a vivid picture of the coercive pressures--from employers, clergy, and communities--that German voters faced, but also of the legalistic culture that shielded them from the fraud, bribery, and violence so characteristic of other early "franchise regimes." We emerge with a new sense that Germans were in no way less modern in the practice of democratic politics. Anderson, in fact, argues convincingly against the widely accepted notion that it was pre-war Germany's lack of democratic values and experience that ultimately led to Weimar's failure and the Third Reich. Practicing Democracy is a surprising reinterpretation of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany and will engage historians concerned with the question of Germany's "special path" to modernity; sociologists interested in obedience, popular mobilization, and civil society; political scientists debating the relative role of institutions versus culture in the transition to democracy. By showing how political activity shaped and was shaped by the experiences of ordinary men and women, it conveys the excitement of democratic politics"--


Authoritarianism --- Democracy --- Elections --- Electoral politics --- Franchise --- Polls --- Political science --- Politics, Practical --- Plebiscite --- Political campaigns --- Representative government and representation --- Self-government --- Equality --- Republics --- Authority --- History --- Germany --- Politics and government --- History of Germany and Austria --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1910-1919 --- Elections. --- Democracy. --- Authoritarianism. --- Germany. --- Activism. --- Alsace-Lorraine. --- Amendment. --- Antisemitism. --- Backwardness. --- Ballot box. --- Ballot. --- Bribery. --- Bureaucrat. --- By-election. --- Calculation. --- Chairman. --- Civil service. --- Class conflict. --- Clergy. --- Comrade. --- Conservative Party (UK). --- Criticism. --- Deliberation. --- Democratization. --- East Prussia. --- Election commission. --- Election law. --- Election. --- Electoral district. --- Electoral fraud. --- Embarrassment. --- Employment. --- Federal republic. --- Fraud. --- Friedrich Naumann. --- Germans. --- Gerrymandering. --- Hostility. --- Ideology. --- Imperial Government. --- Imperial election. --- Incumbent. --- Injunction. --- Institution. --- Intimidation. --- Journeyman. --- Kulturkampf. --- Laborer. --- Landtag. --- Legislation. --- Legislator. --- Legislature. --- Local government. --- Loyalty. --- Mittelstand. --- Multi-party system. --- Newspaper. --- Ostracism. --- Otto von Bismarck. --- Party system. --- Political Catholicism. --- Political campaign. --- Political culture. --- Political party. --- Political science. --- Political spectrum. --- Politician. --- Politics. --- Polling place. --- Poor relief. --- Precinct. --- Prerogative. --- Proclamation. --- Proportional representation. --- Protest. --- Protestantism. --- Provision (contracting). --- Prussia. --- Public administration. --- Radicalism (historical). --- Regime. --- Requirement. --- Resignation. --- Robert von Puttkamer. --- Secret ballot. --- Simplicissimus. --- Skepticism. --- Social democracy. --- Socialist law. --- Society of Jesus. --- Suffrage. --- Supporter. --- Tariff. --- Tax. --- The Other Hand. --- Trade union. --- Uncertainty. --- Universal suffrage. --- Upper Silesia. --- Voting. --- Weimar Republic. --- West Prussia. --- Workplace. --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deguo --- 德国 --- Deutsches Reich --- Deutschland --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- Gėrman --- German Uls --- Герман Улс --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- ХБНГУ --- Германия --- جرمانيا --- ドイツ --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク --- Germany (East) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire --- Europe

De participatieve omslag : onze democratie in transitie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789463796873 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Nood aan een ander gesprek over onze democratie? Weg van de crisis, over naar de realiteit? In De participatieve omslag gaan Filip De Rynck en Stef Steyaert dat gesprek met je aan. Ze brengen nuance in de retoriek over democratie. Want die is in transitie, niet in crisis. Bestuurders op alle niveaus voelen aan dat ze participatieve initiatieven een plaats moeten geven. En hoewel de klassieke representatieve democratie weerstand biedt, dwingen zo'n initiatieven ook de traditionele bestuursmodellen richting participatie. In de ruimte tussen klassieke representatie en andere manieren van besluitvorming spelen burgers, politici, middenveldorganisaties en ambtenaren hun rol. En dat roept vragen op. Het doet twijfels rijzen die boeiend zijn om onder de loep te nemen. De analyse in dit boek reikt je de hand om de evolutie naar een meer participatieve democratie mogelijk te maken. Cases van onder andere Ecopower, Park Spoor Noord en Straten vol Leuven tonen je hoe participatie werkt.Bron :


democratie --- 213 Democratie --- 400 Overheid --- Participatieve democratie --- Burgerparticipatie --- #SBIB:35H501 --- #SBIB:324H50 --- 32 --- Bestuur en samenleving: netwerken, inspraak, participatie, interactief beleid --- Politieke participatie en legitimiteit (referenda, directe democratie, publieke opinie...) --- Democratie --- Besluitvorming --- Politiek --- Participatie --- Medezeggenschap --- Burgerinitiatief --- Cocreatie --- participatie --- bestuursmodellen --- Political sociology --- Political systems --- politieke participatie --- burgerparticipatie --- BPB9999 --- BPB2009 --- participatieve democratie --- société civile --- vie associative --- deliberatieve democratie --- België --- svarstomoji demokratija --- δημοκρατία με εξουσία λήψης αποφάσεων --- deliberativt demokrati --- deliberatívna demokracia --- démocratie délibérative --- samtalsdemokrati --- deliberatív demokrácia --- demokrazija deliberattiva --- deliberativní demokracie --- democrazia deliberativa --- делиберативна демократија --- arutlev demokraatia --- deliberative democracy --- democracia deliberativa --- posvetovalna demokracija --- deliberativna demokracija --- demokracja deliberatywna --- deliberative Demokratie --- balstiesiskā demokrātija --- demokraci deliberative --- deliberatiivinen demokratia --- democrație deliberativă --- делиберативна демокрация --- demokratikus megvitatás --- discursive democracy --- democratisch overleg --- deliberação democrática --- democracia discursiva --- keskusteleva demokratia --- demokratično posvetovanje --- toma de decisiones por consenso --- demokratiškas svarstymas --- samtaledemokrati --- demokratische Deliberation --- demokratická deliberácia --- julkisen harkinnan demokratia --- democratic deliberation --- δημοκρατική λήψη αποφάσεων --- демократска расправа --- samrådsdemokrati --- rådslagsdemokrati --- deliberativ demokrati --- overlegdemocratie --- demokratická rozprava --- délibération démocratique --- демократско расправљање --- deliberazione democratica --- diskutim i gjerë demokratik --- dezbatere democratică --- diskurzivna demokracija --- расправна демократија --- deliberacja demokratyczna --- neuvotteleva demokratia --- deliberación democrática --- deltagelsesdemokrati --- osallistava demokratia --- démocratie participative --- partizipative Demokratie --- democrație participativă --- democrazia partecipativa --- participativní demokracie --- συμμετοχική δημοκρατία --- deltagandedemokrati --- osalusdemokraatia --- demokrazija parteċipattiva --- demokraci pjesëmarrëse --- līdzdalības demokrātija --- dalyvaujamoji demokratija --- részvételi demokrácia --- daonlathas rannpháirtíochta --- партиципативна демократија --- партиципативна демокрация --- participatívna demokracia --- democracia participativa --- participatory democracy --- demokracja uczestnicząca --- participativna demokracija --- participative democracy --- δημοκρατική συμμετοχή --- demokratische Partizipation --- demokratisk deltagelse --- demokratická participácia --- demokraatlik osalus --- demokratinis dalyvavimas --- parteċipazzjoni demokratika --- participation démocratique --- uczestnictwo w demokracji --- sudionička demokracija --- participación democrática --- demokratikus részvétel --- osallistuva demokratia --- pjesëmarrje demokratike --- демократско учество --- demokratična udeležba --- demokrātiskā līdzdalība --- democratic participation --- demokratische Mitbestimmung --- participare democratică --- democratische participatie --- demokratiskt deltagande --- participação democrática --- részvételen alapuló demokrácia --- демократско учешће --- demokratická účast --- partecipazione democratica --- учествувачка демократија --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- vida associativa --- foreningsliv --- kolektyvinė veikla --- колективни активности --- ühistegevused --- veprimtari kolektive --- działalność społeczna --- kolektivne aktivnosti --- kollektív tevékenységek --- attivitajiet kollettivi --- collective activities --- колективна активност / колективни дейности --- společenská činnost --- föreningsliv --- колективне активности --- vida asociativa --- activitate colectivă --- Vereinsleben --- verenigingsleven --- ζωή και δραστηριότητες συλλόγων και μαζικών φορέων --- skupinske dejavnosti --- vita associativa --- sabiedriskās aktivitātes --- järjestötoiminta --- kolektívne aktivity --- општествени активности --- општествени дејности --- společenská aktivita --- kolektivní činnost --- društvene aktivnosti --- actividad asociativa --- občianska spoločnosť --- det civila samhället --- гражданско общество --- kansalaisyhteiskunta --- società civile --- sociedade civil --- pilietinė visuomenė --- κοινωνία των πολιτών --- civil társadalom --- civil society --- občanská společnost --- sociedad civil (movimientos de opinión) --- грађанско друштво --- civilno društvo --- civiele samenleving --- societate civilă --- civilsamfund --- społeczeństwo obywatelskie --- pilsoniskā sabiedrība --- Soċjetà ċivili --- sochaí shibhialta --- civilna družba --- kodanikuühiskond --- Zivilgesellschaft --- shoqëri civile --- граѓанско општество --- société civile organisée --- organizacije civilne družbe --- maatschappelijke organisatie --- организација грађанског друштва --- organised civil society --- societate civilă organizată --- organizuota pilietinė visuomenė --- organisation i civilsamfundet --- organización de la sociedad civil --- civil society organization --- organização da sociedade civil --- organizēta pilsoniskā sabiedrība --- organisierte Zivilgesellschaft --- organización de ciudadanos --- цивилно општество --- sociedade civil organizada --- οργάνωση της κοινωνίας των πολιτών --- organizácia občianskej spoločnsti --- organizovaná občianska spoločnosť --- organisation de la société civile --- sociedad civil organizada --- organizirano civilno društvo --- organiserat civilsamhälle --- organiseret civilsamfund --- civilsamfundets organisationer --- organizirana civilna družba --- organizarea societății civile --- civilsamfundsorganisation --- società civile organizzata --- kodanikuühiskonna organisatsioon --- организация на гражданското общество --- цивилно друштво --- организовано цивилно друштво --- razvoj civilnog društva --- organización cívica --- civilsamhället --- organizzazione della società civile --- organized civil society --- Organisation der Zivilgesellschaft --- организација на граѓанското општество --- zorganizowane społeczeństwo obywatelskie --- civil society organisation --- organizace občanské společnosti --- организирано гражданско общество --- organizacja społeczeństwa obywatelskiego --- građansko društvo --- civil társadalmi szervezet --- организирано граѓанско општество --- CSO --- maatschappelijk middenveld --- organização cívica --- organizatë e shoqërisë civile --- szervezett civil társadalom --- pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācija --- organisationer i civilsamhället --- organizovaná občanská společnost --- οργανωμένη κοινωνία των πολιτών --- organisationer i det civila samhället --- järjestäytynyt kansalaisyhteiskunta --- det civila samhällets organisationer --- shoqëri civile e organizuar --- organiseeritud kodanikuühiskond --- Bürgergesellschaft --- zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation --- OSHC --- organizacija civilnog društva --- pilietinės visuomenės organizacija --- Participatiesamenleving --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- maatschappijkritiek --- politieke structuren --- transitie --- Democracy --- Political participation --- Leiderschap --- Media --- Maatschappij --- Film --- daonlathas breithniúcháin --- gníomhaíochtaí comhpháirteacha --- België --- société civile

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