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Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- tin [metal] --- pewterers --- Netherlands --- Sn (tin)
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Art --- Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- tin [metal] --- Museum Vleeshuis [Antwerp] --- Sn (tin)
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Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- pewter [tin alloy] --- anno 1500-1799 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Ypres --- tentoonstellingen --- anno 1200-1799 --- anno 1900-1999 --- Wallonia --- Flanders --- Sn (tin)
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Dit boek beschrijft op eenvoudige wijze hoe men beelden kan vormgeven en reproduceren in bijzondere materialen zoals brons, tin, polyester, aluminiumcement, gips en was. De verschil- lende technieken worden helder beschreven met duidelijke stap-voor-stapfoto's. De informa- tie biedt de beeldhouwer niet alleen de mogelijkheid om deze technieken toe te passen in eigen werk maar ook om te experimenteren en zichzelf verder te ontwikkelen. De auteurs hebben het boek geschreven vanuit hun jarenlange ervaring als beeldend kunstenaar en docent. Een boek voor de amateur, professionele kunstenaar, docenten en studenten.
Beeldhouwtechnieken --- Gietvormen --- Non-cutting processes --- Glass --- modeling [forming] --- molding [forming] --- founding [metal or glass working] --- tin [metal] --- calcium --- aluminum alloy --- copper alloy --- bronze [metal] --- aluminum [metal] --- gypsum --- rubber [material] --- elastomer --- casting plaster --- dip molds --- molds [shaping equipment] --- gieten --- Sn (tin) --- legeringen --- boetseren --- koperlegeringen --- brons --- reproducties --- gietvormen (kunst) --- Ca (calcium) --- Al (aluminium)
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The year 2004 marks three hundred years since Britain took possession of Gibraltar, a rocky promontory at the foot of the Iberian Peninsula sometimes referred to as 'The Rock'. Gibraltar: British or Spanish? provides a detailed study of the attempts that have been made by Spain, especially since 1984 when Britain and Spain signed an agreement to discuss the future of Gibraltar, to regain the sovereignty of 'The Rock', despite the wishes of the Gibraltarians.
Gibraltar --- Spain --- Great Britain --- Adrar n Ṭariq --- Cäbäli-Tariq --- Cäbällütariq --- Calpis --- Cebelitarık --- Chibraltar --- Cîbraltar --- Dgibrâltar --- Djibraltar --- Gibartar --- Gibbilterra --- Gibiltæra --- Gibiltera --- Gibilterra --- Gibraaltar --- Gibralta Balḣsn --- Gibraltaras --- Ĝibraltaro --- Gibraltārs --- Giburalitari --- Giobraltair --- Giobráltar --- Givraltar --- Gjibraltari --- Hibraltar --- Jabal Ṭāriq --- Jibraltaar --- Jibraltar --- Jibrulta --- Jiburarutaru --- Kāmaka --- Xibraltar --- Zhibuluotuo --- Γιβραλτάρ --- Гибралта Балhсн --- Гибралтар --- Гібралтар --- חיברלטר --- גיבראלטאר --- גיברלטר --- جبل طارق --- ジブラルタル --- 直布罗陀 --- Politics and government. --- Foreign relations --- Colonisation. Decolonisation --- International relations. Foreign policy
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While much has been written about Gibraltar from historical and political perspectives, sociolinguistic aspects have been largely overlooked. This book describes the influences which have shaped the colony's linguistic development since the British occupation in 1704, and the relationship between the three principal means of communication: English, Spanish and the code-switching variant Yanito. The study then focuses its attentions on the communicative forms and functions of Gibraltarian English. The closing of the border between Gibraltar and Spain (1969-1982), which effectively isolated the colony, had important social and linguistic repercussions. This volume presents the first full account of the language attitudes and identity of a new generation of Gibraltarians, all of whom were born after the border was re-opened. Adopting a variationist approach, this study analyses the extent to which the language use and phonetic realisations of young Gibraltarians differ from those of previous generations and the factors conditioning language variation and change.
Dialectology --- Sociolinguistics --- English language --- Spanish language --- Gibraltar --- Languages in contact --- Linguistic change --- 800:316 --- 802.0-08 --- Language and languages --- Language and society --- Society and language --- Sociology of language --- Language and culture --- Linguistics --- Sociology --- Integrational linguistics (Oxford school) --- Change, Linguistic --- Language change --- Historical linguistics --- Areal linguistics --- 800:316 Sociolinguistiek --- Sociolinguistiek --- 802.0-08 Engels. Engelse taalkunde--?-08 --- Engels. Engelse taalkunde--?-08 --- Social aspects --- Sociological aspects --- Adrar n Ṭariq --- Cäbäli-Tariq --- Cäbällütariq --- Calpis --- Cebelitarık --- Chibraltar --- Cîbraltar --- Dgibrâltar --- Djibraltar --- Gibartar --- Gibbilterra --- Gibiltæra --- Gibiltera --- Gibilterra --- Gibraaltar --- Gibralta Balḣsn --- Gibraltaras --- Ĝibraltaro --- Gibraltārs --- Giburalitari --- Giobraltair --- Giobráltar --- Givraltar --- Gjibraltari --- Hibraltar --- Jabal Ṭāriq --- Jibraltaar --- Jibraltar --- Jibrulta --- Jiburarutaru --- Kāmaka --- Xibraltar --- Zhibuluotuo --- Γιβραλτάρ --- Гибралта Балhсн --- Гибралтар --- Гібралтар --- חיברלטר --- גיבראלטאר --- גיברלטר --- جبل طارق --- ジブラルタル --- 直布罗陀 --- Languages --- Variation. --- Cambio linguístico --- Sociolinguística --- Lenguas en contacto
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The apparent contradiction between trade liberalization and continuing high trade tax revenue raises the important question of how, precisely, the one affects the other. Although policymakers generally recognize the long-term benefits of trade liberalization, some have argued for at least a slower pace, in part because of revenue concerns. This paper seeks to address these issues in three complimentary ways: through an overview of the factors that may have a bearing on the question, through a review of trends in trade tax revenue both globally and in selected countries, and through econometric analysis.
Foreign trade policy --- Free trade --- International trade --- Revenue --- Econometric models --- -Free trade --- -International trade --- -economie --- concurrentie --- internationale handel --- 330.56 --- 339.9 --- 330.115.001.57 --- commerce mondial --- economie de marche libre --- concurrence --- revenus --- politique fiscale --- tarifs fiscaux --- modeles economiques --- AR / Argentina - Argentinië - Argentine --- MA / Morocco - Marokko - Maroc --- MW / Malawi --- PH / Philippines - Filippijnen - Philippines --- PL / Poland - Polen - Pologne --- SN / Senegal --- 382.51 --- 305.92 --- 336.032 --- 382.33 --- 330.05 --- 336.02 --- External trade --- Foreign commerce --- Foreign trade --- Global commerce --- Global trade --- Trade, International --- World trade --- Commerce --- International economic relations --- Non-traded goods --- Free trade and protection --- Trade, Free --- Trade liberalization --- Government revenue --- Public revenue --- Finance, Public --- Taxation --- Nationaal inkomen. Volksinkomen. Gezinsinkomen. Vermogensstratificatie. Particuliere inkomens en bestedingen. Armoede. Honger --- Buitenlandse economische betrekkingen. Internationale economische betrekkingen --- Econometrische modellen. Simulatiemodellen --- wereldhandel --- vrije markteconomie --- inkomens --- fiscaal beleid --- belastingtarieven --- economische modellen --- Aard, belang en evolutie. Handelsbalans. J curve. --- Econometrie van de internationale handel. Handelsbalans, betalingsbalans. Wissel. --- Taksen en belastingen. Fiscale en niet-fiscaleontvangsten. --- Vrijhandel. --- Working papers --- Econometric models. --- 330.115.001.57 Econometrische modellen. Simulatiemodellen --- 339.9 Buitenlandse economische betrekkingen. Internationale economische betrekkingen --- 330.56 Nationaal inkomen. Volksinkomen. Gezinsinkomen. Vermogensstratificatie. Particuliere inkomens en bestedingen. Armoede. Honger --- economie --- Econometrie van de internationale handel. Handelsbalans, betalingsbalans. Wissel --- Taksen en belastingen. Fiscale en niet-fiscaleontvangsten --- Vrijhandel --- Aard, belang en evolutie. Handelsbalans. J curve --- Free trade - Econometric models --- International trade - Econometric models --- Revenue - Econometric models --- Exports and Imports --- Public Finance --- Trade Policy --- International Trade Organizations --- Trade: General --- Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General --- Public finance & taxation --- International economics --- Tariffs --- Taxes on trade --- Imports --- Revenue administration --- Taxes --- Tariff --- Commercial policy --- Morocco
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Over the past two decades, sub-Saharan Africa has lagged behind other regions in economic performance. The important overall indicators of performance, however, mask wide differences among countries. On the whole, countries that effectively implemented comprehensive adjustment and reform programs showed better results. Their experiences demonstrate that an expansion in private saving and investment is key to achieving gains in real per capita GDP. The four papers included in this publication provide a cross country analysis that assesses empirically the role of publlic policies in stimulating private saving and investment in the region in 1986-92 and describe the adjustment experiences of Ghana (1983-91), Senegal (1978-1993), and Uganda (1987-94).
Economics --- Structural adjustment (Economic policy) --- -Structural adjustment (Economic policy) --- -338.24 <6> --- 339.7 <6> --- afrique --- croissance economique --- politique economique --- AFR / Africa - Afrika - Afrique --- GH / Ghana --- SN / Senegal --- UG / Uganda - Oeganda - Ouganda --- 338.340 --- 338.8 --- 331.33 --- 331.32 --- 330.05 --- 338.967 --- Economic policy --- Instrumenten van de economische politiek. Economische orde. Economisch politieke maatregelen. Stabilisering. Stimuleringsmaatregelen. Regulering. Financiele steunmaatregelen--Afrika --- Internationale financien. Buitenlands betalingsverkeer --(z.o {336})--Afrika --- afrika --- economische groei --- economisch beleid --- Algemene ontwikkeling in de Derde Wereld. --- Economische groei. --- Structureel beleid. Reglementering. Dereglementering. Ordnungspolitik. --- Structuur van de economie. --- Africa, Sub-Saharan --- -Ghana --- Senegal --- Uganda --- -Africa, Black --- Africa, Subsaharan --- Africa, Tropical --- Africa South of the Sahara --- Black Africa --- Sub-Sahara Africa --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Subsahara Africa --- Subsaharan Africa --- Tropical Africa --- Economic conditions --- -Economic conditions. --- -Working papers --- -Economic policy --- 339.7 <6> Internationale financien. Buitenlands betalingsverkeer --(z.o {336})--Afrika --- 338.24 <6> Instrumenten van de economische politiek. Economische orde. Economisch politieke maatregelen. Stabilisering. Stimuleringsmaatregelen. Regulering. Financiele steunmaatregelen--Afrika --- -Ouganda --- Oeganda --- Republic of Uganda --- Africa, Black --- Chia-na --- Gana --- Republic of Ghana --- Ganah --- Government of Ghana --- Rèpublica du Gana --- Qana --- Qana Respublikası --- Gana ka Fasojamana --- Republik Ghana --- Гана --- Gana Respublikaḣy --- Hana (Ghana) --- Рэспубліка Гана --- Rėspublika Hana --- Република Гана --- Republika Gana --- Ghanská republika --- Gweriniaeth Ghana --- Gáana --- Ghana Vabariik --- Γκάνα --- Gkana --- Δημοκρατία της Γκάνας --- Dēmokratia tēs Gkanas --- República de Ghana --- Ganao --- Ghanako Errepublika --- Tjóðveldið Gana --- République du Ghana --- Poblacht Ghána --- Yn Ghaney --- Ghaney --- Pobblaght ny Ganey --- Poblachd Ghàna --- Ганмудин Орн --- Ganmudin Orn --- 가나 --- 가나 공화국 --- Gana Konghwaguk --- Ochíchìíwú Ghana --- Ганæ --- Ganæ --- Республикæ Ганæ --- Respublikæ Ganæ --- IGana --- Repubblica del Ghana --- גאנה --- רפובליקת גאנה --- Republiḳat Ganah --- ガーナ --- 338.24 <6> --- Structuur van de economie --- Structureel beleid. Reglementering. Dereglementering. Ordnungspolitik --- Algemene ontwikkeling in de Derde Wereld --- Economische groei --- Ghana --- Economic policy. --- Economic conditions. --- Working papers --- Exports and Imports --- Foreign Exchange --- Investments: General --- Macroeconomics --- Public Finance --- Investment --- Capital --- Intangible Capital --- Capacity --- Macroeconomics: Consumption --- Saving --- Wealth --- Price Level --- Inflation --- Deflation --- Public Enterprises --- Public-Private Enterprises --- Currency --- Foreign exchange --- International economics --- Civil service & public sector --- Public ownership --- nationalization --- Private investment --- Private savings --- Public sector --- Public enterprises --- National accounts --- Economic sectors --- Prices --- Saving and investment --- Finance, Public --- Government business enterprises --- Nationalization
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Pendant la guerre de Sécession, le port de New York a atteint son apogée relatif dans le commerce extérieur américain. Cependant la fin de ces conditions exceptionnelles ne marque pas le retour au statu quo car, désormais, jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle, le roi-coton doit partager sa couronne avec les céréales. Si New York maintient son hégémonie aux importations, il voit sa suprématie contestée aux exportations, principalement de grains, par ses rivaux les plus proches, Boston, Philadelphie et Baltimore. L'objet de cet ouvrage est l'analyse de la rivalité entre ports pour la domination du commerce des États-Unis, à un moment où ce pays devient le grenier de l'Europe industrielle. Une fois établis les faits, est proposée une gamme d'interprétations, qui s'appuient sur des modèles partiels ou sur les arguments avancés par les contemporains, afin de jeter quelques lumières sur la hiérarchie des causes.
History of North America --- anno 1800-1999 --- New York City --- New York Harbor (N.Y. and N.J.) --- New York (N.Y.) --- History --- Commerce --- New York (City) --- Ni︠u︡ Ĭork (N.Y.) --- Novi Jork (N.Y.) --- Nova Iorque (N.Y.) --- Nyu-Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Nu Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Nyuyok (N.Y.) --- Nuyorḳ (N.Y.) --- New York City (N.Y.) --- Niyū Yūrk (N.Y.) --- Niyūyūrk (N.Y.) --- Niu-yüeh (N.Y.) --- Nowy Jork (N.Y.) --- City of New York (N.Y.) --- New York Stad (N.Y.) --- نيويورك (N.Y.) --- Táva Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Nyu-York Şähäri (N.Y.) --- Нью-Йорк (N.Y.) --- Горад Нью-Ёрк (N.Y.) --- Horad Nʹi︠u︡-I︠O︡rk (N.Y.) --- Нью-Ёрк (N.Y.) --- Ню Йорк (N.Y.) --- Nova York (N.Y.) --- Çĕнĕ Йорк (N.Y.) --- Śĕnĕ Ĭork (N.Y.) --- Dakbayan sa New York (N.Y.) --- Dinas Efrog Newydd (N.Y.) --- Efrog Newydd (N.Y.) --- Nei Yarrick Schtadt (N.Y.) --- Nei Yarrick (N.Y.) --- Νέα Υόρκη (N.Y.) --- Nea Yorkē (N.Y.) --- Ciudad de Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Novjorko (N.Y.) --- Nouvelle York (N.Y.) --- Nua-Eabhrac (N.Y.) --- Cathair Nua-Eabhrac (N.Y.) --- Caayr York Noa (N.Y.) --- York Noa (N.Y.) --- Eabhraig Nuadh (N.Y.) --- Baile Eabhraig Nuadh (N.Y.) --- Нью Йорк балhсн (N.Y.) --- Nʹi︠u︡ Ĭork balḣsn (N.Y.) --- Шин Йорк (N.Y.) --- Shin Ĭork (N.Y.) --- 뉴욕 (N.Y.) --- Lungsod ng New York (N.Y.) --- Tchiaq York Iniqpak (N.Y.) --- Tchiaq York (N.Y.) --- New York-borg (N.Y.) --- Nuova York (N.Y.) --- ניו יורק (N.Y.) --- New York Lakanbalen (N.Y.) --- Lakanabalen ning New York (N.Y.) --- Evrek Nowydh (N.Y.) --- Nouyòk (N.Y.) --- Bajarê New Yorkê (N.Y.) --- New Yorkê (N.Y.) --- Mueva York (N.Y.) --- Sivdad de Mueva York (N.Y.) --- סיבֿדאד די מואיבֿה יורק (N.Y.) --- Sivdad de Muevah Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- מואיבֿה יורק (N.Y.) --- Muevah Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Novum Eboracum (N.Y.) --- Neo-Eboracum (N.Y.) --- Civitas Novi Eboraci (N.Y.) --- Ņujorka (N.Y.) --- Niujorkas (N.Y.) --- Niujorko miestas (N.Y.) --- Niuiork (N.Y.) --- Њујорк (N.Y.) --- Njujork (N.Y.) --- Bandar Raya New York (N.Y.) --- Bandaraya New York (N.Y.) --- Nuoba Iorque (N.Y.) --- Нью-Йорк хот (N.Y.) --- Nʹi︠u︡-Ĭork khot (N.Y.) --- Āltepētl Yancuīc York (N.Y.) --- Niej-York (N.Y.) --- ニューヨーク (N.Y.) --- Nyū Yōku (N.Y.) --- ニューヨーク市 (N.Y.) --- Nyū Yōku-shi (N.Y.) --- NYC (N.Y.) --- N.Y.C. (N.Y.) --- guerre de Sécession --- port --- commerce extérieur --- hégémonie --- importation --- Europe industrielle --- Harbors --- Relations économiques extérieures --- New York (N. Y.) --- New York City [New York]
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Premier ouvrage de langue française sur la méthodologie américaine de préservation du patrimoine historique et culturel, l'étude Kaisa Broner retrace un moment décisif de l'histoire contemporaine de l'urbanisme new yorkais. A travers une analyse rigoureuse, qui unit intérêt théorique et réalité sociale concrète, l'auteur forge des outils de connaissance de portée générale concernant l'intervantion publique sur le "contenu culturel" de la ville.
architectuur --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- bouwkundig erfgoed --- New York City --- Amerika --- Amérique --- Bouwkunst --- Conservation and restoration --- Conservation et restauration --- New York (N.Y.) --- Soho (New York, N.Y.) --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- Conservation and restoration. --- Constructions --- topografie --- New York --- Soho --- Patrimoine urbain --- Patrimoine architectural --- Histoire de l'urbanisme --- New york --- New York (NY) --- Soho (New York, NY) --- Buildings, structures, etc --- -Stedenbouw ; architectuur ; New York ; Soho --- Stadsontwikkeling ; woonwijken ; wijken --- 71(747) --- 72.025 --- 712.025 --- 008 --- 7.025 --- 72.03 --- 71.03 --- Verenigde Staten --- monumentenzorg --- erfgoed --- ruimtelijke ordening --- stedenbouw --- 711.5 --- 71.03 AM-vsa --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; Verenigde Staten ; New York --- Monumentenzorg --- Landschapszorg --- Landschapsbescherming --- Erfgoed --- Beschermde monumenten en landschappen --- Architectuurgeschiedenis --- Architectuur (geschiedenis) --- Stedenbouw (geschiedenis) --- Design and construction --- -Soho (New York, N.Y.) --- -Buildings, structures, etc --- -Conservation and restoration --- architectural heritage --- Stedenbouw ; architectuur ; New York ; Soho --- Hell's Hundred Acres (New York, N.Y.) --- South of Houston (New York, N.Y.) --- South of Houston Street (New York, N.Y.) --- New York (City) --- New Amsterdam (N.Y.) --- Ni︠u︡ Ĭork (N.Y.) --- Novi Jork (N.Y.) --- Nova Iorque (N.Y.) --- Nyu-Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Nu Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Nyuyok (N.Y.) --- Nuyorḳ (N.Y.) --- New York City (N.Y.) --- Niyū Yūrk (N.Y.) --- Niyūyūrk (N.Y.) --- Niu-yüeh (N.Y.) --- Nowy Jork (N.Y.) --- City of New York (N.Y.) --- New York Stad (N.Y.) --- نيويورك (N.Y.) --- Táva Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Nyu-York Şähäri (N.Y.) --- Нью-Йорк (N.Y.) --- Горад Нью-Ёрк (N.Y.) --- Horad Nʹi︠u︡-I︠O︡rk (N.Y.) --- Нью-Ёрк (N.Y.) --- Ню Йорк (N.Y.) --- Nova York (N.Y.) --- Çĕнĕ Йорк (N.Y.) --- Śĕnĕ Ĭork (N.Y.) --- Dakbayan sa New York (N.Y.) --- Dinas Efrog Newydd (N.Y.) --- Efrog Newydd (N.Y.) --- Nei Yarrick Schtadt (N.Y.) --- Nei Yarrick (N.Y.) --- Νέα Υόρκη (N.Y.) --- Nea Yorkē (N.Y.) --- Ciudad de Nueva York (N.Y.) --- Novjorko (N.Y.) --- Nouvelle York (N.Y.) --- Nua-Eabhrac (N.Y.) --- Cathair Nua-Eabhrac (N.Y.) --- Caayr York Noa (N.Y.) --- York Noa (N.Y.) --- Eabhraig Nuadh (N.Y.) --- Baile Eabhraig Nuadh (N.Y.) --- Нью Йорк балhсн (N.Y.) --- Nʹi︠u︡ Ĭork balḣsn (N.Y.) --- Шин Йорк (N.Y.) --- Shin Ĭork (N.Y.) --- 뉴욕 (N.Y.) --- Lungsod ng New York (N.Y.) --- Tchiaq York Iniqpak (N.Y.) --- Tchiaq York (N.Y.) --- New York-borg (N.Y.) --- Nuova York (N.Y.) --- ניו יורק (N.Y.) --- New York Lakanbalen (N.Y.) --- Lakanabalen ning New York (N.Y.) --- Evrek Nowydh (N.Y.) --- Nouyòk (N.Y.) --- Bajarê New Yorkê (N.Y.) --- New Yorkê (N.Y.) --- Mueva York (N.Y.) --- Sivdad de Mueva York (N.Y.) --- סיבֿדאד די מואיבֿה יורק (N.Y.) --- Sivdad de Muevah Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- מואיבֿה יורק (N.Y.) --- Muevah Yorḳ (N.Y.) --- Novum Eboracum (N.Y.) --- Neo-Eboracum (N.Y.) --- Civitas Novi Eboraci (N.Y.) --- Ņujorka (N.Y.) --- Niujorkas (N.Y.) --- Niujorko miestas (N.Y.) --- Niuiork (N.Y.) --- Њујорк (N.Y.) --- Njujork (N.Y.) --- Bandar Raya New York (N.Y.) --- Bandaraya New York (N.Y.) --- Nuoba Iorque (N.Y.) --- Нью-Йорк хот (N.Y.) --- Nʹi︠u︡-Ĭork khot (N.Y.) --- Āltepētl Yancuīc York (N.Y.) --- Niej-York (N.Y.) --- ニューヨーク (N.Y.) --- Nyū Yōku (N.Y.) --- ニューヨーク市 (N.Y.) --- Nyū Yōku-shi (N.Y.) --- NYC (N.Y.) --- N.Y.C. (N.Y.) --- Architecture [Modern ] --- 19th century --- 20th century --- Conservation. Restoration --- CDL --- Architecture, Primitive --- Architecture - Conservation and restoration - New York (State) - New York --- New York (NY) - Buildings, structures, etc - Conservation and restoration --- Soho (New York, NY) - Buildings, structures, etc - Conservation and restoration --- topografie. --- Amerika. --- New York City. --- Soho. --- Monuments historiques --- American architecture --- Zones de protection du patrimoine architectural, urbain et paysager --- Droit --- Etats-uni --- New York City [New York]
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