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What are photographs 'doing' in museums? Why are some photographs valued and others not? Why are some photographic practices visible and not others? What value systems and hierarchies do they reflect? What Photographs Do explores how museums are defined through their photographic practices. It focuses not on formal collections of photographs as accessioned objects, be they 'fine art' or 'archival', but on what might be termed 'non-collections': the huge number of photographs that are integral to the workings of museums yet 'invisible', existing outside the structures of 'the collection'. These photographs, however, raise complex and ambiguous questions about the ways in which such accumulations of photographs create the values, hierarchies, histories and knowledge-systems, through multiple, folded and overlapping layers that might be described as the museum's ecosystem. These photographic dynamics are studied through the prism of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, an institution with over 150 years' engagement with photography's multifaceted uses and existences in the museum. The book differs from more usual approaches to museum studies in that it presents not only formal essays but short 'auto-ethnographic' interventions from museum practitioners, from studio photographers and image managers to conservators and non-photographic curators, who address the significance of both historical and contemporary practices of photography in their work. As such this book offers an extensive and unique range of accounts of what photographs 'do' in museums, expanding the critical discourse of both photography and museums"
Museology --- Photography --- photography [process] --- museology --- Museums and photography. --- Photographs as information resources. --- Victoria and Albert Museum --- Photograph collections. --- Museus d'art --- Fotografies com a fonts d'informació --- Fototeques
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Fondée en 1986 par Michel Leiris et Jean Jamin, Gradhiva est publiée par le musée du quai Branly pour sa nouvelle série. La revue se veut un lieu de débats sur l'histoire et les développements actuels de l'anthropologie fondés sur des études originales et la publication d'archives ou de témoignages. Gradhiva privilégie aussi l'étude et l'analyse d'objets réels ou symboliques ainsi que des problématiques muséologiques et anthropologiques. Surtout, elle est ouverte à de multiples disciplines : l'ethnologie, l'esthétique, l'histoire, la sociologie, la littérature ou encore la musique. Elle s'attache enfin à développer par une iconographie souvent inédite et singulière une interaction entre le texte et l'image.
Anthropology --- Anthropologie --- Anthropology. --- History --- Histoire --- Human beings --- Social Sciences --- Periodicals --- Primitive societies --- Antropologia cultural. --- Museologia. --- Antropologia cultural i social --- Etnologia --- Antropologia --- Ciència --- Home --- Aborígens australians --- Afganesos --- Antropologia feminista --- Antropologia estructural --- Antropologia religiosa --- Antropologia urbana --- Antropometria --- Art primitiu --- Canibalisme --- Etnomusicologia --- Etnopoètica --- Grups ètnics --- Home prehistòric --- Indústries primitives --- Moviments nativistes --- Papús --- Parentiu --- Pigmeus --- Relacions racials --- Religió primitiva --- Sikhs --- Socialització --- Societat primitiva --- Territorialisme humà --- Usos i costums --- Antropologia social --- Arqueologia --- Aborígens --- Etnografia --- Relativisme cultural --- Museografia --- Tècniques museogràfiques --- Tècniques museològiques --- Automatització de museus --- Mètodes de conservació en museus --- Organització d'exposicions --- Comissaris d'exposició --- Museus --- Patrimoni cultural --- Protecció del patrimoni cultural --- Social sciences
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Continuing the author's alternative perspective on museology, this new edition includes seven new essays which argue that museums and anthropologists must analyze and offer critiques of "everyday life" - that is, the very social, political and economic systems within which they work.
Museology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Museums --- Anthropology --- Anthropological museums and collections. --- Anthropological collections --- Human beings --- Social aspects. --- Primitive societies --- Social sciences --- Anthropologie --- Antropologia. --- Exposicao museologica. --- Museus. --- Musées --- Aspect social. --- Musées et collections.
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The Journal of Roman Studies publishes papers in the full range of the field which the Roman Society was established to promote, i.e. 'the study of the history, archaeology, literature and art of Italy and the Roman Empire, from the earliest times down to about A.D. 700'. The emphasis is on historical themes, but there are also articles on literary, archaeological and art historical topics, including issues of cultural and intellectual history that cut across these categories. Papers are intended to make a fresh and significant contribution to the understanding of the Roman world and to stimulate further discussion. Articles primarily on the archaeology of Roman Britain are published in the Society's sister journal, Britannia. The usual month of publication is November. The contents list and abstracts of the most recent volume are available on the Society's web-page, as are the contents of the five preceding volumes.
Roman history
Inscriptions, Latin
Inscriptions latines
Inscriptions, Latin.
Rome (Empire)
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Electronic data processing --- Machine theory --- Informatique --- Automates mathématiques, Théorie des --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Informatica. --- Toepassingen. --- Information Technology --- Mathematical Sciences --- Information Science and Systems --- Algorithms --- Applied Mathematics --- Combinatorics --- Game Theory --- Probability --- Computer. Automation --- Computer science. --- Abstract automata --- Abstract machines --- Automata --- Mathematical machine theory --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Recursive functions --- Robotics --- Informàtica. --- Cibernètica. --- Automàtica --- Cervells electrònics --- Comunicació --- Electrònica --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Biònica --- Control automàtic --- Ordinadors --- Robòtica --- Sistemes autoorganitzatius --- Sistemes de control biològic --- Teoria de la informació --- Xarxes neuronals (Informàtica) --- Enginyeria --- Càlcul intensiu (Informàtica) --- Disseny de sistemes --- Història de la informàtica --- Geometria computacional --- Informàtica tova --- Processament de dades --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Sistemes informàtics --- Teledocumentació --- Tractament del llenguatge natural (Informàtica) --- Automatització d'arxius --- Automatització de biblioteques --- Automatització de museus --- Indústria informàtica
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